It's Tomb of Horrors

Game Master Kelsey MacAilbert

It's Tomb of Horrors. With Pathfinder rules.

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Here is the level one stat block for Gimlett Kazzore, dwarf ranger. I'll get her up to level 9 over the next few hours.

What're we doing about equipment - did I miss that in the original post?

Brief background
Gimlett is the eldest daughter of the Kazzore's, a large well-to-do dwarven family. Their clan's wealth comes from mining and jewel-crafting, and that is where most of her many brothers, sisters, and cousins ply their trade. But every family has those born with wanderlust, or a calling to adventure, and Gimlett has been travelling beyond the family mines for many years now. Some of her younger cousins look up to her, as she revered her heroic Uncle Baddok, and want to follow in her footsteps. Whether as rangers, or as clerics, paladins, or rogues only time will tell.

And that's where the rest of my characters will come from if/when Gimlett meets a untimely demise!

I forgot equipment. Use the CRB gold for a 9th level character, and buy items from the CRB, APG, UC, and UM.

Grand Lodge

I'm all in for this, I've been wanting to play a Barbarian for a while, got a lvl 8 I rolled up, I'll try change it and upload it in a little while.

Cool will do. Also note I edited up-thread to give a bit of background.

Jobo wrote:
I do not remember the futuristic RPG where everyone had tons of clones waiting in storage and your factions (sound like Pathfinder took something from the 80s) had specific goals that you had to accomplish each adventure. But I will be ready with my "clones" to pop them out of stasis. We may need them in Tomb of Horrors.

You would be referring to Paranoia, he he

Oh my, yes Paranoia. Don't think I ever had a character survive more than two sessions, or get past infra-red clearance. Great game :)

Gimlett is up to level 9. Needs equipment.

Fraust here. In the interest of getting ready sooner rather than later, I changed Ridley back to what she originally was when a first made her, an elvin alchemist, 9th level convienently enough. I'm going through now to make sure her gear still adds up right, and might change some skills/feats/infusions, but this is her.

Back, with a character. The evangelist, with a more accessible god : )

Thane Willowbrook, Speaker of Iomedae:

Male human Evangelist of Iomedae 9
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +20
Aura: Good, Law, Aura of Heroism(Su): 30ft.; Swiftaction, Heroism 9 rounds/day


AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +1 deflection, +1 natural, +2 Shield)
hp (9d8+4*9)
Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +16


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Longsword +7/2 1d8 19-20x2
Ranged Sling +6 1d4
Special Attacks channel Positive energy 4/day (DC 15, 3d6/2, +2),
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 9th; concentration +16)

5th— Righteous MightD 2
4th— Holy SmiteD 3
3rd— HeroismD 5
2nd— Bless WeaponD 6
1st— Shield of FaithD 6
0 (at will)—4
D Domain spell; Domains Glory (Heroism)


Str 10, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 24, Cha 13
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Extra Traits (Dangerously Curious & Eyes and Ears of the City),Spell Focus (conjunction), Augment Summoning, Superior Summoning, Sacred Summons, Improved Initiative
Skills Know(planes, Religion) 3/5 +7/9, Perform (orathory) 9 +13, Perception 9 +20, Use Magic Device 9 +14, Diplomacy 1 +5
Touch of Glory (sp); +9 on next Cha test, 1h or use. 10/day
Sermonic Performance 21 rounds/day, Move action
Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2, Inspire Greatness
Spontaneous Casting (engvalist), Public Speaker, Variant Channel: Justice
Languages Common, Celestrial

Gear 4140.8 gp Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4, Belt of Constitution +2, Cloak of Resistance +3, Amulet of Natural Armour +1, Ring of Protection +1, Handy Haversack, Chainshirt +2, Mithril Quickdraw Lightshield +1, Pair of Spiked Gauntlets, Mwk Longsword, Ioun Torch, Sling /w 20 bullets,

There are a few thing left; a short description, spell selection and some gp to spend on scrolls and wands and some mundane supplies (10 foot poles!). What he brings to the party is out of combat healing, buffs galore and summoning of meatshields. 6 more to go : P

Ok have decide on my character halfling clerc 8 Paly 1

Dresmond Valourous be his name He worships Iomedae and has Glory and Sun for Domains bio is to come.

Excellent. I accept characters tonight.

Dresmonds Bio.

“A sunny day full of carpentry and a stout ale in the evenings is all a Halfling ever needs my boy.” is what Pappy Valourous always said. I never subscribed to my father’s philosophy on life but I never told him that, nor did he know that secretly worshiped Iomeadae and would often sneak out to the the temple in the settlement at night. I was his apprentice until the age of 19 when a gnomish pressure canner explosion took him and my Mammy Valourous away from me. After cleaning pieces of beet and Halfling from all over the kitchen, I took over the family business after his passing and became the carpenter of the little hamlet. It would have been a rewarding life for any typical Halfling, but I was always dreaming of the road. I was almost ready to except my fate of driving nails for a living until one night, I dreapt, of hero's battling demon in the name of theier patron adventurers delving dungeons deep. When I woke I could not take it and the adventurous part inside me took over. I had little at first just my dad's hunting crossbow some meager armour, what little gold I had earned in my business and my faith in the gods. I traveled much of Golarion on my many travels and adventurers and met many people. My fame grew in the "business" of adventuring people would pay for Dresmonds Adventuring Service to find old artifacts travel to the darkest pit's in the land in search of treasure I took up residence in a small little port town Riddleport were I ran my business with all my friends we became the local legend our fame crossed even farther than just the town much farther. Since then I have returned home on an important mission to recover my own artifact something I had thought worthless in my childhood. My wooden holy symbol I had made when I was a wee boy it was what began my adventures and I hold it dear to this day. However upon my return to Riddleport I find my home in flame a hoard of undead march out holding the body's of those I knew I stood no chance I knew but was a coward and only watch, my hate grew and I wanted to rush out in valor and for my friend I knew it was foolish and stayed in hiding developing my hate for the undead. With no where to go I devote my "Flaming Fist" and righteousness To slay that that threatens the world, I’ve come to believe one very important thing about people in general, no matter who you are, what race you are, or what your background is we are all very much alike. That is we all want to feel safe and secure. That is what I fight for as I wander this world and any that dare to threaten the peace of man shall feel my "Fist".

All fist references are referring to his mace "The Flaming Fist" which he gave the ridiculous name.

What point buy we use or are rolling are we using 3.5 spells or not what is starting gold. sorry bout all the questions :)

Stats are 20 PB, starting gold is 46000 GP, and 3.5 spells are handled on a one on one basis.

Elizaveta Vladimira wrote:
Excellent. I accept characters tonight.

Happy choosing :)

So, fixed a flavour text to the Evangelist, and threw in a bonus Sohei :) Both still have ~3000 gp left for some minor magic items, consumables and mundane gear, but sadly I'm to tired to comb thru those lists today. The monk offers good all around defensive capabilities mixed in with reach, flurry and trip (and the possibility of +35 jump rolls, just for lulz). One thing, are you okay with the feat Extra Traits ? The cleric has it, but that is easily fixed (I think).

Thane Willowbrook, Speaker of Iomedae:

Thane was raised in a mercantile family, but at a young age he discovered his call elsewhere and joined the church of Iomedae. He dose the Inheritors work mostly by spreading her word across the world, travelling from city to city and preaching. Occasionally he tries to deal with their problem, spiritually and physical, as a means to gain their good will and trust. That is how he heard of this "Tomb of Horrors".

The Evangelist is a rather short man in his lower middle age. His looks are distinct, but not striking with an sharp jaw and piercing gaze. He considers himself in great physical shape (which is debatable however) and has an excellent stamina. His greatest assets however is his iron will and great wisdom (and a good measure of divine power).

Male human Evangelist of Iomedae 9
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +20
Aura: Good, Law, Aura of Heroism(Su): 30ft.; Swiftaction, Heroism 9 rounds/day


AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +1 deflection, +1 natural, +2 Shield)
hp 80 (9d8+4*9)
Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +16


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Longsword +7/2 1d8 19-20x2
Ranged Sling +6 1d4
Special Attacks channel Positive energy 4/day (DC 15, 3d6/2, +2),
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 9th; concentration +16)

5th— Holy SmiteD, Summon Monster V, Wall of Stone
4th— Holy SmiteD, Summon Monster IV x2, Freedom of Movement
3rd— HeroismD, Windwall, Daylight, Prayer, Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge
2nd— Bless WeaponD, Inheritor's Smite, Resist Energy, Silence, Remove Paralysis, Bear's Endurance, Grace
1st— Shield of FaithD, Ant Haul, Bless, Summon Minor Monster x2, Protection from Chaos, Sanctuary
0 (at will)—4
D Domain spell; Domains Glory (Heroism)


Str 10, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 24, Cha 13
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Extra Traits (Dangerously Curious & Eyes and Ears of the City),Spell Focus (conjunction), Augment Summoning, Superior Summoning, Sacred Summons, Improved Initiative
Skills Know(planes, Religion) 3 +7, Perform (oratory) 9 +13, Perception 9 +20, Use Magic Device 9 +14, Diplomacy 3 +9
Touch of Glory (sp); +9 on next Cha test, 1h or use. 10/day
Sermonic Performance 21 rounds/day, Move action
Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +2, Inspire Greatness
Spontaneous Casting (evangelist), Public Speaker, Variant Channel: Justice
Languages Common, Celestrial

Gear 4140.8 gp Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4, Belt of Constitution +2, Cloak of Resistance +3, Amulet of Natural Armour +1, Ring of Protection +1, Handy Haversack, Chainshirt +2, Mithril Quickdraw Lightshield +1, Pair of Spiked Gauntlets, Mwk Longsword, Ioun Torch, Sling /w 20 bullets

Seto, Master of the Poleaxe:

The story of Seto is one of determination and tragedy. Born the third son of a blacksmith in Cheliax, Seto's blood wasn't worth much to begin with. He was orphaned at the age of seven, when an inferno consuming almost one third of his hometown took all his family. The following years until his coming of age he was raised in one of the monasteries that also served as orphanages, where the monks taught him the importance of discipline and obedience. The first sat well with the boy, but he always had that sickly feeling in his stomach when he bowed to anyone. At his sixteenth birthday, instead of swearing fealty to the crown and his masters he took of in the middle of the night - taking only his will and knowledge of martial arts with him.

Many years has passed since that fateful night, and many roads has Seto travelled. He has embraced the life of adventure as his way to keep his freedom and independence. He learned how to use a great many weapons, his favourite the Bardiche; a poleaxe with a long and wicked blade. The style of fighting he uses is a mix of martial art moves and sweeping axe strikes, blended into a deathly dance of destruction. He also learned how to stay on his feet while denying that to his foes.

Seto is a tall and imposing man in his late twenties. He bears the typical cheliaxial features: black hair and fair skin. Clad in a sleeved robe, his face is the only physical features easily observed. A man of discipline and honour, he likes to spend the first few hours before sunrise exercising and "preparing for the day" altou his few friends calls him insane.

Male human Sohei 9
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +11; Senses Perception +14


AC 22, touch 19, flat-footed 18 (+2 armor, +1 dodge, +1 deflection, +1 natural, +3 dex, +4 monk)
hp 89 (9d8+5*9)
Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10, +2 vs enchantment


Speed 30 ft.
Bardiche +2: +14 (1d10+18 19/20 x2)
Flurry of Bardiche +2: 15/15/10/10 (1d10+13 19/20 x2)
Composite Longbow +10/5 (1d8+7 x3)
Special Attacks
Ki: 6
1/swift - Extra Attack, +20 ft., +4 Dodge, +20 jump, +2 enchantment on weapon
2/standard - heal 9


Str 22, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +6; CMB +15, +4 on trip; CMD 33, +2 on trip
Feats Toughness, Dodge, combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Bardice), Fury's Fall, Big Game hunter
Skills Perception +14, Acrobatics +15, Stealth +15, Escape Artist +15, Sense Motive +14
SQ: Devoted Guardian +4, (Monatistic Mount), Ki Weapon +2, Weapon Training (polearm) +1, Ac bonus +2, flurry, evasion; improved, Ki pool (magic), maneuver training, still mind, high jump, wholeness of body

Languages Common

Gear 3687gp
Bardiche +2, Composite (+6) Longbow +1, Headband of Wisdome +2, Belt of Str/dex/con +2, Cloak of Resistance +2, Bracers of Armor +2, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1

Pew - as the lady said, happy pickings =)

Elizaveta Vladimira wrote:
Excellent. I accept characters tonight.

Only a day to apply and build a 9th level character? That's a little tight.

Monkeygod wrote:
Only a day to apply and build a 9th level character? That's a little tight.

Kinda what I was thinking...If it wasn't for the fact that I had a 9th level character already mostly set up from another game I would have been WAY behind and out...

Take a couple days. My limits were too tight. Sorry.

Plus, I can't find my Tomb of Horrors books, so I need some time.

Azure_Zero wrote:
Elizaveta Vladimira wrote:
No vampires please. I'm thinking of coming up with a system for monstrous PCs (My idea is to take all the monsters people want to play and balance them with each other so that we have a bunch of equal races), but not right now. That will be a separate RP.

I do have a system for that, not perfectly balanced, but works.

GM I would like to know if you would OK any of these templates
Feral, Half-Dragon, Monster of Legend, Draconic, Half-Nymph, Half-Minotaur, or Sacred Watcher.
Link to template data PDF

Still waiting on answer, But I am guessing no.

Was planning a barbarian using one of the above templates.

No. I don't feel like dealing with LA. I loathe LA.


Elizaveta Vladimira wrote:
No. I don't feel like dealing with LA. I loathe LA.

. Do I need to stat my character up to level 9?

Yes. That's the party level.


Elizaveta Vladimira wrote:
Yes. That's the party level.

. Ok will do. Thanks

I will make a level 9 hobbit thief (burglar archetype) tonight. He will handle stealth, scouting, and traps. I hope this isn't too boring (not like vampires and minotaurs). By the way, anyone remember that janky 3.5 sword and sorcery build (way better than magus) and the janky 3.5 warforged?

Throughout the land many wondered about the audacious thefts of jewels and valuables. The only clue left behind, a feather streaked with black and white. The mysterious burglar was name the feather by the magistrates and city guards, and large rewards were posted, but to no avail. When every painting was stolen from the royal museum during the ten minute change of guard at midnight, the manhunt intensified.

Six months ago, the pilfering suddenly stopped. Did the feather meet an untimely end? One month ago, a smoldering corpse was found at a notorious fence's house; a masterwork lock pick, ring of skeleton keys, and a sealed scroll case with a map of the royal museum were found on the remains. The feather was declared dead, and life went back to normal.

I think I'll try War Eagles fluff before crunch approach. Hope to be picked for the "first wave".

Very interested in participating in this, as taking a crack at the Tomb of Horrors represents one of the great rites of passage.

Still in the process of repurposing an old character sheet, but the background's up. Human wizard with the transmutation school.

Silver Crusade

K I've finished Dresmond made up his character sheet real quick so please look over as there is probably a mistake in there Thanks.

Dresmond's Bio.:
“A sunny day full of carpentry and a stout ale in the evenings is all a Halfling ever needs my boy.” is what Pappy Valourous always said. I never subscribed to my father’s philosophy on life but I never told him that, nor did he know that secretly worshiped Iomeadae and would often sneak out to the the temple in the settlement at night. I was his apprentice until the age of 19 when a gnomish pressure canner explosion took him and my Mammy Valourous away from me. After cleaning pieces of beet and Halfling from all over the kitchen, I took over the family business after his passing and became the carpenter of the little hamlet. It would have been a rewarding life for any typical Halfling, but I was always dreaming of the road. I was almost ready to except my fate of driving nails for a living until one night, I dreapt, of hero's battling demon in the name of theier patron adventurers delving dungeons deep. When I woke I could not take it and the adventurous part inside me took over. I had little at first just my dad's hunting crossbow some meager armour, what little gold I had earned in my business and my faith in the gods. I traveled much of Golarion on my many travels and adventurers and met many people. My fame grew in the "business" of adventuring people would pay for Dresmonds Adventuring Service to find old artifacts travel to the darkest pit's in the land in search of treasure I took up residence in a small little port town Riddleport were I ran my business with all my friends we became the local legend our fame crossed even farther than just the town much farther. Since then I have returned home on an important mission to recover my own artifact something I had thought worthless in my childhood. My wooden holy symbol I had made when I was a wee boy it was what began my adventures and I hold it dear to this day. However upon my return to Riddleport I find my home in flame a hoard of undead march out holding the body's of those I knew I stood no chance I knew but was a coward and only watch, my hate grew and I wanted to rush out in valor and for my friend I knew it was foolish and stayed in hiding developing my hate for the undead. With no where to go I devote my "Flaming Fist" and righteousness To slay that that threatens the world, I’ve come to believe one very important thing about people in general, no matter who you are, what race you are, or what your background is we are all very much alike. That is we all want to feel safe and secure. That is what I fight for as I wander this world and any that dare to threaten the peace of man shall feel my "Fist".

Dresmond's Stat Sheet.:
Dresmond Valourous
Halfling Cleric 8/ Paladin 1 of Iomedae
Small humanoid (Halfing)
Init Perception +8
AC 26, touch 12 , flat-footed 26
(armor +10, Shield+6, Dex -1, Misc+1)
hp 83 (8d8+1d10+9)
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +15
Spd 15 ft.
Melee Flaming fist (+1 holy mace) +10/+5 (1d6+2, 20/x2 [+2d6 vs undead/evil])
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Channel Positive 4d6 +8 vs undead
Str 12 (+1), Dex 9 (-1), Con 11 (+0), Int 8 (-1), Wis 18/22 (+4/+6), Cha 18 (+4)
Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative, Extra channel, Tower shield prof, Tougness, Improved channeling.
Skills Heal +21
Languages Common, Halfling.
SQ Glory domain and corresponding powers: +2 dc of Channel, Touch of Glory 9 per day, Divine Presence 8 rounds per day. Sun domain and corresponding powers: +8 damage to Channel, Nimbus of Light 8 rounds per day. Channel Positive energy 11 per day. 4d6 +8 vs undead will save 22 halves undead do not add their channel resistance to the save.
Spells per day:
0 4
1st 6 + Shield of faith
2nd 5 + Bless weapon
3rd 4 + Searing Light
4th 3 + Holy smite
Gear +2 Plate mail, +2 tower shield, Flaming fist, Headband of inspired wisdom +4, And adventuring stuff will write in soon.


Not gonna be able to play in this game with yall. Am currently involved in two other campaigns at the moment and with work on top of it all I wont have time so if you were considering me then let someone else play who wants to. Thanks and good gaming to all \m/

I can't find my copies of ToH anywhere, so I'm useless, too.

Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
I can't find my copies of ToH anywhere, so I'm useless, too.

Blame Murphy's Law's Gremlin minions for the missing ToH books.

Grand Lodge

Stating up an Alchemist/Master Chymest now.

Not to worry, I've run down a link on the Wizards website for the 3.5 version. Never did get around to reading it, but it certainly struck me as a heck of a free download.

There we are.

Chris Banks wrote:

Not to worry, I've run down a link on the Wizards website for the 3.5 version. Never did get around to reading it, but it certainly struck me as a heck of a free download.

There we are.


Now that I've got the adventure in my possession, who's still interested?

Silver Crusade

Elizaveta Vladimira wrote:
Now that I've got the adventure in my possession, who's still interested?

Dresmond Is :)

Definitely still interested. Gradually working my way through spell and magic item selection.

Count me in. Is it acceptable to have multiple bags of tricks?

Wesley Furfoot wrote:

Count me in. Is it acceptable to have multiple bags of tricks?

Yes, but if you pull out a heavy horse or riding dog I'll ask you to re-roll.

Absolutely still interested. I need to finish my skill points and equipment, but my first character is up.

Ridley Blix, Wesley Furfoot, Marius Hawk, and Desmond Valourous are accepted. We will start once I have one more player.

Can I reply some janky 3.5 feral vampire template to my hobbit now :-)

I'm still interested, working my way through creating my alchemist atm.

No vampire templates. I'll let you play a dhampir who sized small instead of medium and of halfling heritage, though.

Victor Hughs is the final player, then. I'll post the discussion thread now, and we can start RPing when everybodies characters are finished.

Sorry the was me joking about the feral vampires.

Nope, now that I have my bags of tricks, I can truthfully answer I don't know what is in my pocketses.

Got the discussion thread up.

Aww - curses, foiled again!

Good luck and happy treasure hunt : )

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