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![]() What if we went with a set number of lives, but you can have either true resurrection or reincarnate? If you go with true resurrection, you come back as the same character, but if you go with reincarnate you go come back as a different character of the same level (which you may design at the beginning of the game). Does that work? How many lives should be handed out? ![]()
![]() Monkeygod wrote:
Aasimar are fine. ![]()
![]() Eidolons make my head hurt, so I don't like to work with the summoner class. Summoning spells are fine. I'm open to suggestions on death. I'm considering either a 9 lives sort of thing (a limited number, not necessarily 9, of instant true resurrections upon death) or giving people back up characters. I think the limited number of lives would be best, but if you guys don't like it, we can try something else. ![]()
![]() Azure_Zero wrote:
It's more flavor than anything else with the paragon classes. I won't disallow them, but I don't plan on converting them myself, either. The bloodlines are all right, but I just don't feel like tweaking them. If you can do it and your works looks balanced, I'll allow them. As long as you don't pull out the monster classes, we are fine. Making monsters available as player characters. Excellent idea. I like it. Using classes to do the balancing? Horrible idea. ![]()
![]() Saerdna wrote: High chance of death/dismemberment? Action packed? Sign me up! I don't really have any clue on what the difference between the three versions is, so whatever floats your boat. As long as the challenges are actually possible to overcome and not "oh your character managed to say the forbidden secret magic word, he is now polymorped into a tomato" if you know what I mean ... :) I feel compelled to give you fair warning: Tomb of Horrors is the ultimate killer dungeon, and I've heard of it taking waves upon waves of characters to defeat. ![]()
![]() Azure_Zero wrote:
35 3.X books? That's all? (Meant in jest, not a condescending manner.) I have far more than 35. I'm actually afraid to count them all. Hell, I have more than 35 AD&D books, and I never even played AD&D. Gods damn, am I obsessed with D&D. ![]()
![]() I'm whipping out Tomb of Horrors, and the players have been fairly warned that I am whipping out Tomb of Horrors. As you all know, Tomb of Horrors is brutal, and PCs are going to die. How should I handle this in such a manner that the players who lose their characters don't have to sit and twiddle their thumbs while everyone else plays? ![]()
![]() I am itching for a chance to whip it out, and for that I need some people willing to play. For those of you who do not know what Tomb of Horrors is, it is a dungeon originally created in 1978 by Gary Gygax that has seen multiple reiterations over the years. What links all iterations of Tomb of Horrors is incredibly steep difficulty and lots of PC deaths. It is not a dungeon to be entered lightly or using characters one is highly attached to. Now, if you guys want to play, I have three Tomb of Horrors adventures we can choose from. Regardless of which one we use, we will play with Pathfinder rules and I will adjust things as necessary. I have: The 1978 original
The character creation rules will depend on which adventure you guys want, as they are designed for adventurers of different levels. Regardless of which we go with, stats are 20 point buy and traits are not being used. I plan to allow all classes and alternate classes from GRB, APG, UC, and UM except the Gunslinger, Anti-Paladin, Cavalier, and Summoner. Archetypes are allowed, but nothing involving guns or mounts, please. I do not wish to have guns or mounted characters. No evil characters, please. The following house rules will be in effect: Barbarians, monks, and druids do not have alignment restrictions. Paladins may be of any Good alignment. If a paladin chooses not the be Lawful Good, they will be given an alternate code of conduct and switch out a few spells. The GM will write this code of conduct and decide which spells to add and remove. The same applies to anti-paladins and Evil alignments. If a player wishes to use third party content, the GM will review it to see if it is balanced and fits the campaign. The GM is the final arbiter as to whether or not such materiel is acceptable. ![]()
![]() Kierato wrote: I've read a lot about psychic vampires and nothing hints at creating spawn. I have read about them being able to use remote viewing and can stun people with bursts of psychic energy. I think it would make a better class than template, personally. Maybe a Wizard archetype or Sorcerer bloodline? They have to be created somehow if I decide to make them a template. Plus, Pathfinder isn't exactly a bastion of truth to myth. Just look at the original vampire. I don't know about remote viewing, but stunning could definitely be added. EDIT: Hell, I could make a Wizard archetype, Sorcerer bloodline, and template, and put them all in the PDF for GMs and players to choose which they like best. Variety certainly cannot hurt anything. ![]()
![]() I'm writing a PDF called Bite Me. It's all about vampires in Pathfinder, and it includes not only fluff, but some new vampire types. I have one ready for your opinions: the Psychic Vampire. I'm also making Leanan Sidhe, those creepy floating vampire heads, Wood Wives, Dearg-Dul, Strigoii (only some Strigoii are vampiric, though), a Chinese vampire who's name escapes me, a couple movie inspired vampires, feral vampires, Stokerian vampires, and a race of living vampires for this PDF, but at the moment the psy vamp is the one that's ready. Take a look: Psychic Vampire:
Psychic vampire is a template that can be applied to any creature. It makes the following changes:
Associated Ability: A psychic vampire feeds upon the mental energy of it's victims. However, not all psychic vampires feed upon the same types of energy. When a psychic vampire is created, choose whether it feeds upon Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. This choice cannot be changed once made. It's energy drain targets this ability score, and this ability score determines the DC of the psychic vampire's spell like abilities and energy drain. +4 to associated ability score. +2 racial bonus to Will saves. +2 racial bonus versus enchantment spells. +1 to saving throw DC of enchantment spells it casts (Already calculated into Alternate Sleep and spell like ability DCs. Does not apply to energy drain.) Energy Drain (SU): With a successful touch attack, a psychic vampire does 1d6 points of ability score damage of it's ability type from the target. This ability may be used once per round. A psychic vampire gains 5 temporary hit points that last for up to one hour for each point of ability damage done. The target gets a Will save (DC 10 + half psychic vampire's character level + associated ability score modifier) to avoid this effect. Alternate Sleep (SU): A psychic vampire may use an alternate version of the sleep spell as a spell like effect once per day. This is in addition to a psychic vampire's three daily uses of the normal sleep spell. Unlike the spell description, this is a touch attack that effects a single creature of HD equal to or lesser than the psychic vampire's HD. Save DC is 14 plus associated ability modifier. Caster level is character level. All other effects are as spell description. Spell like abilities (Save DCs are 12 plus associated ability modifier, caster level is half character level, all are usable 3 times per day) Sleep
Create Spawn (SU): A psychic vampire that reduces an individual to 0 in a mental ability stat can choose to create a new psychic vampire. After 4d6 hours, the individual heals all ability score damage and gains the psychic vampire template. It's associated ability score may or may not be the same as the psychic vampire who created it. It is enslaved to the psychic vampire who created it. A psychic vampire can only have enslaved psychic vampires up to twice it's HD at one time. An enslaved psychic vampire can create more psychic vampires and enslave them, allowing one psychic vampire to enslave a whole line of psychic vampires. Enslaved psychic vampires can be released at any time. Once released, a psychic vampire cannot be enslaved again. CR as base creature +1 Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions? ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
They don't have the vampires. I'll either buy the PDFs of the issues you mentioned or write up my own stats. What I do plan to do is make a psychic vampire template. This PDF I'm making really should have one. Psychic vampires are cool. I'm also making Leanan Sidhe, those creepy floating vampire heads, Wood Wives, Dearg-Dul, Strigoii (only some Strigoii are vampiric, though), a Chinese vampire who's name escapes me, a couple movie inspired vampires, feral vampires, Stokerian vampires, and a race of living vampires. This PDF isn't just repackaged stats. I've got plenty of my own stuff to offer. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Thanks for clearing that up. I can get the PDFs off this site, right? Depending on cost, I'll either buy them from here or just write up my own stats. Thanks for telling me which issues have vampires. ![]()
![]() jreyst wrote:
I don't use prepared adventures. I just need the monster stats so I can recompile them in the PDF (which James Jacobs confirms is permissible). ![]()
![]() My understanding is that the monsters in the Pathfinder Adventure Paths are open game content. I would like to know where I can find the stats for these creatures. Specifically, I would like off of the vampires. It's for something I've been talking to James Jacobs about: a PDF that both contains all the official Pathfinder vampires and a whole bunch of new ones straight from my brain, plus pre-gens. I've found a couple on the D20 PFSRD, but that's it. Is there somewhere I can find the rest? ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
There are some new vampires I have ideas for. Specifically, I want to make Pathfinder versions of the Leanan Sidhe, Wood Wife, and Dearg-Dul, a Psychic Vampire, and a living race of Vampires. I just want to redistribute all the existing vampires with it, because a Vampire PDF should have all the vampires in Pathfinder. The OGL is seriously awesome. That's why I bought into Pathfinder instead of going 4E. Is the Paizo PFSRD different from the D20 version? I use the D20 version. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Ah. I don't buy the adventure paths, so I wouldn't know. Can't I get all the stuff from them from the SRD website? Are these creatures OGC? Let's say I wanted to collect them all in a PDF and distribute it (free of charge, of course) to other vampire fans so they have all the vampires in one handy document for easy reference? Is this allowed by the OGL? ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Hmm. Why does there even have to be a single vampire in Pathfinder? There are lots of myths, so why not have lots of different types? You could put a whole bunch in Bestiary 3 or 4. Or publish a separate supplement filled with new vampires. You could call it Bite Me. Such an awesome name.
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Hi! About to start running SoG as my first PF AP after many many years of running 5e games. There’s a brief line about introducing a new PC to Willowshore if an existing one dies, and it doesn’t make much sense to me, which has me thinking I’m misunderstanding some fundamental mechanic of how the mindscape works. On page 7 of “The Summer That Never Was” in the “Death in Willowshore” sidebar, it says: “This new PC…could be an adventurer who stumbled into the region back in 7108 and who arrived in Willowshore with a strange gap in their memory between the first day of summer and the current date in your campaign…” What would be the reason for this gap? If the text is saying they arrived prior to the ritual on the 1st day of summer, 7108, their memories would get reset each loop; there’s no difference to how anyone else in Willowshore would experience time. If they arrived after the ritual, wouldn’t Willowshore already be gone, and there’s no established way for them to have entered the mindscape? The only thing I can think the text is trying to say is that they entered the mindscape at some point after the ritual, and each loop they get reset… to where their memories were on the 1st day of summer 7108, even though they weren’t in Willowshore yet, causing a gap? But I don’t know if that’s the intention, since the AP also says people who enter the mindscape after are “visitors” who retain their memories. Or am I overthinking this? Any help is appreciated! |