Iron Gods AP with GM Mustache (Inactive)

Game Master Mustachioed

Adventure Began: Gozran the 5th, 4714.
Current Day: Desnus 8th, 4714.

Roll20 map

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Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

Zeke introspectively sits on a stool at the bar in their private tavern. His demeanor might suggest that he would rather not be there, but that he does not feel that he can go elsewhere. He looks tired and worried.

He silently talks with Garfaulk and attempts to help him collect his thoughts about what they saw in the underground rooms. Including Ton in the conversation, he thinks in reply, "So many skeletons, I am thinkin' either Mr. Khonnir didn't go that way, or he had some way to get past without them seein' him. Of course, the woman with purple hair went another way, through that other door in the gremlin's cave."

M Halfling Rogue (Burglar) 5 Vigilante (Serial Killer) 1 | HP 58 AC 21 ( 18 touch, 15 flat footed) CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will + 5 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +5, Perc: +17 (+20 traps)
Acrobatics 16 | Climb 10| Disable Device 17/28 | Escape Artist 13 | Knowledge Local 9 | Perception 17/28 | Sense Motive 11 | Stealth 18 | Appraise 9 | Sleight of Hand 13

"Already have free booze. Don't need to owe more favors. Stay professional. As for skeletons, supposed to be dead already. Maybe they come back. Hm. Should bring one back. Sale? To a scholar. Find out more."

AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex) | HP 43/43 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantment) | Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 8 | Perc +9 | Base Atk +3; CMB 7; CMD 17

Ton notes that Zeke seems uninterested in engaging Wulf in conversation about his sister.

Fair enough. the elf thinks, not caring much either way but wary of any potential stress in the group. He hated that kind of thing getting in the way of the job - a job that seems to be getting more interesting by the hour.

"If he didn't go that way then I reckon we missed somethin'. We should search the rest of those caves before we go back into the desert."

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

"Mr. Torstein doesn't seem to like it when I talk to him now," Zeke responds to Ton. "I don't like to upset him, he's kind of... unpredictable. No offense? Charles, too, seems mad that the sludge or Groetus or whoever gave me this gift for speaking silently. If I want them to help me find Mr. Khonnir, I reckon I have to leave them alone."

He does look over to the door that leads to the Baine household, somewhat wistfully. "I'm not sure Val likes or wants Mr. Torstein's attention," he adds. "Like me, I'm sure she's worried about her father. Maybe when we bring him back, she'll be able to return his, uh, affections." He mentally shudders a bit at the thought of his sister's romantic entanglements, but it's tinged with amusement and kind wishes for her happiness.

Zeke scowls a bit at Ton's suggestion that they search the caves more carefully, but shrugs and nods as if to say it's a good idea and he won't argue about it with him.

Val sidles up to Wulf in the Foundry Tavern. She is busy cooking their meal of pork chops, beans, and mashed apples, but takes a few minutes to see how Wulf is holding up. "It's been a long day. Can you believe that we were partying at Silverdisk Hall just last night? You ah... didn't do your best at showing me your ability to handle liquor. You were really nice though... like, really really, kind of embarrassingly nice."

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

Zeke notices Val enter, and quietly watches her interaction with Wulf. He looks like he is re-evaluating somewhat his opinion of their relationship.

Varrad sits at a table in the Foundry Tavern, flipping through The Acts of Iomedae . He feels funny inside. Is this... sadness? He looks out at the others of the group, enjoying their time in the tavern. He has traveled and fought with them, but he is not really one of them. Hasn't been since the beginning. He doesn't care for money, doesn't know Khonnir Baine. He only assisted out of gratitude to Val from dragging him off the street and watching over him.

He thoughts go back to the halfling priest in the temple, two days prior.

"Your fellows- your people- are enslaved. Iomedae is calling you to save them. I don't think she meant for you to simply be a cleric or paladin. Those folk come through the church, raised in the church, trained in the church, in an orthodox way. No... She wants you to be a Inquisitor. She calls you through an unusual way, and destines you to take an unusual path. Her blazing hand on Golarian; one who is to take extreme measures against those who would rule through cruelty."

Where is Iomedae calling me? Is my place here, or do I need to seek my destiny elsewhere?

Varrad stays sitting by the fire, lost in thought.

Human Barbarian !Rage! hp 84/84 | F+12(+16) R+3(+7) W+5(+7) | DR 2 | AC 17, T 11, FF 18 (+7 armor, +1 Dex, +1 Nat, -2 RA) | Init +3 | Perc 9 | CMB +12; CMD 23 | Debuff: | Rage 16/16

Wulf stands kicking his stool back as Val moves next to him. "It had been so long since I have any decent alcohol, I can assure you I handle a lot." He winks at Val lost in her beauty again, feeling his luck change he pushes on. "But enough about last night." He flexes as he shows off his chest again, wanting everyone to see it. "Would you like a feel? I'm sure you've never seen anything like this before." He shows off his chest in all it's scared and metallic majesty.

"Down in the caves I couldn't hide it, I had to show them what they were facing I had to make sure they feared me so I didn't wear any armor. I had nothing on at all, it was a damned brilliant battle a horde of undead set upon us. The smart thing would be to hold back but the right thing was to wade into battle, to soak it up and relish the heat of the moment. I took a lot of hits but I just kept going." With that he downs his beer and smiles at Val, attempting to see how she seemed to be leaning now.

"I... uh... don't know whether I should be impressed or terrified, Wulf. Oh believe me, I like strong men, but... " She trails off.

He's so cute and strong! But he's crazy and a little slow in the head. But he's so cute! Ok, ok, change the subject, change the subject!

"Find my dad, will you, Wulf? It's been days. How can anyone live that long in the dark and probably hurt and lost? You'll find him and bring him back, won't you, Wulf?"

Bard 4/Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 | HP 46/46 | AC 17 T 13 (15v Firearms) FF 14 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6 | Grit 3/"4" (Max is normally 3) Speed 20ft

While talking to Father Joram, Garfaulk pouted a little, making himself glow "Oh I don't know, Padre-I think the sludge was... enlightening" before letting out a hearty laugh, even if he was the only one, forgetting if the joke had been made already.


Having some of the brandy he'd begun to favor, he pulled out his instrument, tuning it a bit while listening to the others talk, looking quickly over the notes he and Zeke had deciphered. He chuckled at Ton's joke about light, as well hearing Wulf mention he would know what to do. After a bit, he rejoined everyone. "Sorry to interrupt ya there lass, but with Zeke's help on a few meanings fer words, and a bit of time teh figure out what it all meant, I think I've got an idear as to what those cave paintings meant." Pulling up a stool, he sat down, put his feet up a bit on one of the chairs, and began to play. After a little interlude of strumming, his voice rang out for all to hear.

Set to The Ballad of Serenity


"The poor Kasatha, had it bad. Half their tribe had sure been had.

They found themselves, in this place, trapped between walls with little space.

Same animals, yet things were odd, surroundings clearly a facade.

End to end, it looked like home. Yet they sure felt all alone."


"They had creatures, sun night and rain. Yet things still were not the same.

Generations born in to this pain."


*Strum Solo*


"Lives lived on, wars were fought. Peace times lasted rarely nought

Then one day, things shook about. Darkness fell, the sun went out.

No more were born. Many died. The rains stopped, the ravines dried.

The food was gone, the water too. What were kathasa to do. "


"Dyin of thirst, one by one. Their existence soon was done.

Cursing gods... the last one gone..."


Putting down his instrument, he took a long swig of brandy. "Turns out it's more a tragic tale than sumthin useful almost feel bad blowin em to bits-which reminds me, Zeke, if I could get yer help makin some more of them alchemical shots, I'd be grateful... But yeah. The Kasatha, Kathasa, whatever they're called, they had a rough time. Dunno where they came from, or why they were trapped there, but it don't sit well with me." As he inhales deeply, he perks up a bit, breathing in a few more times through his nose, sniffing the air. "Ooo, is that mashed apples and pork?" Though it was also a bit of a front, he actually was starving after all they'd been through and his mouth was starting to water.

Actual info JIC:
1. This records were recorded by a people known as the kasatha, or maybe the kathasa. The exact pronunciation is hard to know... all of this stuff is just your best guess. The pictures and symbols are a record of their time spent in this cave.

2. The depictions indicate that one morning, half the tribe work up to find themselves in a land that was not theirs but looked like theirs. It had their weather, their animals, and desert foes, but was much much smaller. Walls blocked them from ever leaving.

3. You see pictures of birth, death, over and over again. You guess many generations were born and died here. You see pictures of them hunting, fighting with enemies, having civil wars, and reunifying. Multiple times.

4. Eventually there was a great shaking, like a massive earthquake and the sun disappeared from the sky. It never came back on. The rains stopped. The ravines dried up, the plants died. Of the other species living here, only the tentacle creatures lived, going into hibernation states. The kasatha slowly died, one by one, of thirst.

5. The final Kasatha left raises his hands to the heavens and curses the gods. He cries out for revenge for whatever beings or gods trapped his people in this prison.

Human Barbarian !Rage! hp 84/84 | F+12(+16) R+3(+7) W+5(+7) | DR 2 | AC 17, T 11, FF 18 (+7 armor, +1 Dex, +1 Nat, -2 RA) | Init +3 | Perc 9 | CMB +12; CMD 23 | Debuff: | Rage 16/16

Wulf relaxes then, looking down at Val he realises now just how much she's hurting from her missing father.

"I took on this job, but its more to me than that now. I'll find your father, you have my word on that." He places a hand under her chin and brings her eye's to meet his. "From everything I've heard he's a strong man, he brought you up and you are the strongest woman I've ever met. Zeke pretty good in a fight too." He smirks.


Wulfs sits listening to the song, enjoying the melody is sober sad tale hitting him hard as hes reminded of home and how hard his clan had it. "Could they have been kidnapped and placed down there? Does anyone here know more about these Kasatharas people?" He speaks up looking around as he moves beside Garfaulk. "That was a lovely song, you did them good."

A tear runs down Val's face as she listens to the sad song, the tune mixing with her fears of her father. "It is so haunting, Garfaulk. So sad. They all died? Why did they turn into skeletons?"

Bard 4/Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 | HP 46/46 | AC 17 T 13 (15v Firearms) FF 14 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6 | Grit 3/"4" (Max is normally 3) Speed 20ft

The dwarf looks up at Wulf with a look of remorse on his face. "Thanks pup. And I mean, we could ask around, maybe that loon whose name I can never remember, Talbot? He may know sumthin, but I doubt it. Gotta ask him bout a few other things though, before we head back down there."

Garfaulk had to hide a smile-was always nice to see his tales could bring tears to the eyes of a young maiden. But still, he sighs, shaking his head. "Alas, once they rose as skeletons, they didn't get get around to paintin much. I'd have to guess either the tragic way they went out left energy behind that made em get up ter fight. Or maybe it's something about the place itself, bringin em back. Either way, it'll be a long day when we go back. That place was huge, and there are still parts of that first, smaller cave we haven't explored, plus the door Violet went through."

He takes a bite of his food, which is cooked to perfection. He smiled a bit. "Tha's what I'm callin her anyway. We can either keep checkin that desert, try the other way, or finish off that first cave. What do you guys think?"

M Halfling Rogue (Burglar) 5 Vigilante (Serial Killer) 1 | HP 58 AC 21 ( 18 touch, 15 flat footed) CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will + 5 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +5, Perc: +17 (+20 traps)
Acrobatics 16 | Climb 10| Disable Device 17/28 | Escape Artist 13 | Knowledge Local 9 | Perception 17/28 | Sense Motive 11 | Stealth 18 | Appraise 9 | Sleight of Hand 13

After they left Father Joram’s care, Charles ducked out. Got an errand. Will meet later at the Foundry.

Charles goes home:
Charles makes his way to his family’s home, using his third alternate route, moving quietly and avoiding notice. When he gets there he notices that the address marker on their hovel is wrong. He squinches up his face in confusion, only to see his younger brother Woodrow open the door. ”Nice, huh? I’ve been working on illusions to help keep the house safe!”

Charles nods. Good idea, Wood. Entering, there is the familiar clamor of the Caskgrip clan. Clifford works on repairing shoes for the family in his slow, deliberate manner. He ...wasn’t cut out for the family business.

The twins were playing one of their weird verbal games. This one involved Melvilla only speaking one word and John two. They were brilliant, but they weird Charles out, if he’s honest. Paul was entertaining the youngest three, Lilith, Frasier, and Frederick, with a new song he’d composed on his small banjo. Diana danced to and fro, humming the melody. Carla and Sam Jr. were nowhere to be seen, most likely working a job somewhere. Just because Charles wasn’t around as much, didn’t mean the family business stopped working.

At the table sat Ma and Pa with Norman, the faceman of the family. ”Dear brother Charles, quietest of us all, you’ve returned! Been having fun with the bigguns?”

Charles shrugged. Wouldn’t say fun. Profitable, though. From his pockets, he produced 12 silverdisks and 88 gold pieces. Norman’s mouth dropped open, Ma gasped, and even Pa reacted audibly.

”Godsdamn, son. You fleece them all? They gonna figure it out?”

Charles shook his head. Nope. My fair share. This job ...thought I was doing a favor for Khonnir, but this one is big.

”Charlie, my dear, this is ...a lot! This is huge!” His mother was fighting back tears.

S’yours. The family’s. More coming. Maybe … Charles glanced over at the children and the twins.

”The little ones,” his father said. ”They won’t have to live like we all have! They could go to a real school!”

Norman laughed. ”The twins will be running any school we send ‘em to within a week.” Charles nodded, but didn’t reply. ”Seriously, little brother. You scored huge. Wait’ll Sammy and Carla sees!”

Everyone was getting a bit emotional and it made Charles distinctly uncomfortable. Don’t drink it all, Norman. But I’ll bring more next time. ‘Ve seen crazy stuff the past couple days. Too much to tell now. Have to get back.

Ma wrapped Charles in a powerful embrace that only discomforted him more. Pa patted his shoulder, which was less intrusive, and Norman offered a swig of his whiskey. Knowing he could drink for free later, Charles declined. Bye. See you soon.

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

To Varrad, Zeke thinks: "Mr. Varrad...? Can you hear me? This is Zeke. I just want to say I think you've been mighty helpful on this expedition and I sure appreciate your involvement. All this must be confusin' and troublin' for you. I admit I wasn't too sure about you, what was it, two days ago? But you've certain shown your quality and if there's anythin' I can do for you, you only have to ask."

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

Once Val and Wulf's intimate conversation seems to have trailed off, Zeke approaches and stands nearby like he wants to talk to them. When they look at him, he thinks to both of them, "Val, I'm sorry to startle you, but this is me, Zeke, talking in your head. I had to drink some of that sludge on the hill, it was important for us finding Mr. Khonnir, but it changed me. This is how I talk now. I just wanted you to know so you wouldn't think I was ignoring you."


Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

In response to Garfaulk's song, Zeke stares into space and thinks. Then he muses to the group, "It almost sounds like the Kasathans and their desert and all its inhabitants were taken from somewhere else and put in that place, inside the metal wall. Mighty powerful magic, that would be. Then an explosion and the sun went out? The rain stopped? Why, it's like that metal wall was some kind of cage designed to simulate their environment, and the magic failed." He shivers. "How long have these creatures been trapped there, I wonder? Skeletons, wandering their desert prison, unable to rest. I pray that my god brought them an end."

"I'd rather start by checking the desert more carefully for signs of Mr. Khonnir passing through," he thinks. "The last word we had from Sef and her folk was that he went through that door. Seems a shame to backtrack when we might have just missed him."

When Garfaulk asks Zeke for ammunition, he nods enthusiastically. Once the conversations have died down and folks begin preparing for bed, he will head out to the workshop and concoct some more alchemical paper cartridges.

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

Now it's Zeke's turn to look startled. No one else has ever thought back to him! He shakes his head in wonder; he always forgets how smart Val is. The absurdity of her chiding him mentally makes him laugh, and he continues to chuckle as he thinks back to her, "Yeah, Val, you said it. I'm surely going to get an earful when our party finds him. I'm looking forward to it!"

Varrad looks over to Zeke and nods his head. Unlike the others, he finds nothing unusual in Zeke's manner of speaking. Just another form of communication.

Another strange feeling bubbles inside. Is this... gratitude? It was nice of Ezekiel to say that. He is to be commended for caring for others.

But Varrad does not move to engage Zeke in a conversation. He continues staring at the fire and occasionally reads a sentence or two in his book.

The evening passes on. After the meal, Val approaches Wulf again, who is still drinking at the bar. She simply puts her head on his shoulder and doesn't say a word.

He is cute. And strong. I am lucky to have these friends helping me.

M Halfling Rogue (Burglar) 5 Vigilante (Serial Killer) 1 | HP 58 AC 21 ( 18 touch, 15 flat footed) CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will + 5 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +5, Perc: +17 (+20 traps)
Acrobatics 16 | Climb 10| Disable Device 17/28 | Escape Artist 13 | Knowledge Local 9 | Perception 17/28 | Sense Motive 11 | Stealth 18 | Appraise 9 | Sleight of Hand 13

Charles arrives just in time for the meal, which he scarfs up with intense speed and vigor. Food left unattended at the Caskgrip home never lasted long.

"Khonnir's beyond that with the skels. Still, should check out other parts of cave. Don't want to bring him out only to get ambushed."

Bard 4/Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 | HP 46/46 | AC 17 T 13 (15v Firearms) FF 14 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6 | Grit 3/"4" (Max is normally 3) Speed 20ft

Garfaulk nods "Thash wu I shed afore tha otha ay" He said through a mouthful of mashed apples, making him even more incomprehensible than he usually was.

Also, Garfaulk wouldn't have done the song unless you were there Charles, so you heard it/know their take as well

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

Zeke frowns, and stubbornly thinks to everyone (including Val) "I still think we've got to keep trying to find Mr. Khonnir before we do anything else. He's been in there almost a week now, and he could be unconscious or trapped and starving. Or maybe he was taken prisoner by someone, or something?"

M Halfling Rogue (Burglar) 5 Vigilante (Serial Killer) 1 | HP 58 AC 21 ( 18 touch, 15 flat footed) CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will + 5 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +5, Perc: +17 (+20 traps)
Acrobatics 16 | Climb 10| Disable Device 17/28 | Escape Artist 13 | Knowledge Local 9 | Perception 17/28 | Sense Motive 11 | Stealth 18 | Appraise 9 | Sleight of Hand 13

Charles snarls in annoyance. "We will. But we're not leaving our rear unprotected. Shouldn't take long, but should be done."

AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex) | HP 43/43 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantment) | Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 8 | Perc +9 | Base Atk +3; CMB 7; CMD 17

"I think we should check the rest of that cave. The idea of leaving something behind us that could trap us in that metal place to end up like those four-armed buggers doesn't appeal to me." Ton says grimly

The discussion goes on for a bit, back and forth, with Zeke wanting to forge ahead as fast as possible, and the others wanting to make sure the first cave is fully cleared out before moving on. Zeke is eventually forced to capitulate and agree to go along with their plans.

Things settle down, and people drift off here and there. The last one up is Varrad, who continues to stare into the fire.


Gozran the 7th, 4714.

The night passes quietly, and thankfully, dreamlessly. Everyone wakes, and is happy to smell a cooking breakfast this morning; a sharp contrast to yesterday morning's experience of a hungover Val.

Garfaulk has certainly had better mornings. Today, he seems to have been cursed with the pounding headache which has hit the others before him. (-1 to intel, wis, charisma for the whole day. I think Charles had it yesterday... he is fine now.)

Random PC:

d6 roll: 1d6 ⇒ 6
1. Wulf
2. Ton'iel
3. Charles
4. Zeke
5. Varrad
6. Garfaulk

Val is banging about, perhaps a bit more loudly than usual. She is upset.

Bard 4/Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 | HP 46/46 | AC 17 T 13 (15v Firearms) FF 14 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6 | Grit 3/"4" (Max is normally 3) Speed 20ft

Garfaulk makes his way down the stairs to hear the banging of the pots and pans. Agitated, he snuck into the room as quietly as he could, waited till she stepped away from the food as not to spill any or burn her, then put his fingers between his lips and whistled as loud as he possibly could.

Perform... Winds?: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

"Oy! Keep it down would ya? All that clangin is louder than mah damn boomsticks!" clearly the pounding headache was getting to him badly-he even felt like he had less tricks up his sleeves than he normally did, and didn't feel much like singing. "Figures. The one night I don't go and drink I wake up with a hangover. Assumin this is what that's like. Sorry lass, didn't mean to yell. You know mah problem. Wha's yours?"

"It's Varrad! He's.... left us!" And Val throws a crumpled up piece of paper at Garfaulk.

The note reads: "Friends, I am leaving for Starfall. I am sorry to you and especially Zeke and Val, and I hope you find your father. But this is not my place. I feel the call of Iomedae. My people need me and I am to save them. I hope that someday, somehow, we will cross paths again. Varrad."

Bard 4/Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 | HP 46/46 | AC 17 T 13 (15v Firearms) FF 14 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6 | Grit 3/"4" (Max is normally 3) Speed 20ft

Garfaulk didn't even flinch as it bounced off his nose. "Nice. Real mature. What do ya mean he's left us? Did he say farewell or what?" Noticing the paper Val had thrown at him, he, in frustration, casts spark on it, only to realize as the edge of the corner catches fire that it was probably a note from Varrad. "Sunova-!" He stooped over to grab it and put it out quickly, licking his thumb and pinching the end of the flame quickly, then unfolded it to read what Val had thrown at him.

The dwarf read over the note, brushing a bit of ash from the edges before sighing. "Well tha's a shame that he felt he didn't belong. Some gratitude, but what can ya do." Tossing it aside, he flopped onto a stool, grabbing his head, grumbling, as he looked up, realizing he probably wasn't alone there. "What do ya think bout that, eh?"

Whoops! That's what I get for not refreshing before posting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Barbarian !Rage! hp 84/84 | F+12(+16) R+3(+7) W+5(+7) | DR 2 | AC 17, T 11, FF 18 (+7 armor, +1 Dex, +1 Nat, -2 RA) | Init +3 | Perc 9 | CMB +12; CMD 23 | Debuff: | Rage 16/16

Sorry for the lack of posts today, out all day busy and just got back from seeing the shape of water.

Wulf grits his teeth and flashes a look at Zeke as he hears him in his head again. But doesn't say anything with Val standing next to them. "The sludge did me no harm. Zeke." He emphasizes his name, giving him another look.

He feels the grating in his head again as Zeke speaks, but once more holds back with Val so close. "Powerful magic indeed, that places is all kinds of strange I assume that will only be the start. We will carry on but I think it might be best if we just take a little look around the cave first."


As the night goes on he drinks with whoever wishes to join him, talking about the battle and what other battles await them down there. When Val comes over to him he offers arm draping it over her and holding her tight as she lays her head on his shoulder. He says nothing for once, not wanting to say something stupid and just holds her as he continues to talk and drink.


Waking up to the sound of pots and pans Wulfs looks down to see his chest exposed and is quick to jump out of bed and cover up his chest with a shirt, thankfully a clean now.

Getting dressed he takes time to properly tuck his shirt in smoothing out the creased lines. Then he opens the door out of the bedroom and before stepping out he closes the door again, repeating the action of opening and closing it another six times before stepping out quickly as the door swings behind him.

Moving swiftly into the main room he steps up to the table and pulls out a chair feeling it wobble he places it back under the table and steps to the next one, shaking it and then pulling it all the way out adjusting it to sit perfectly straight and then sits.

Hearing only part of what caused the commotion he speaks up. "What did you say about Varrad? He's left? He takes the knife and fork and begins to clean them on the tablecloth.

Bard 4/Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 | HP 46/46 | AC 17 T 13 (15v Firearms) FF 14 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6 | Grit 3/"4" (Max is normally 3) Speed 20ft

Even through his pounding headache, he could see something else was up with Wulf today, and he seemed to be much better kept than usual. Watching as the larger man cleaned his utensils, he couldn't resist. "Aye, check it out, pup. Left a note and everythin." Making sure to get a bit of egg on it, he tosses the crumpled, scorched, egg-stained note in his direction.

The day starts with an unsettling surprise, but your business must go on.

Please give your reactions and interactions on the maybe-not-so-surprising-twist and then also conduct your business as needed in town. I'll move you back to the caves when it seems like you are wrapping up.

M Halfling Rogue (Burglar) 5 Vigilante (Serial Killer) 1 | HP 58 AC 21 ( 18 touch, 15 flat footed) CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will + 5 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +5, Perc: +17 (+20 traps)
Acrobatics 16 | Climb 10| Disable Device 17/28 | Escape Artist 13 | Knowledge Local 9 | Perception 17/28 | Sense Motive 11 | Stealth 18 | Appraise 9 | Sleight of Hand 13

Charles appears from, well, somewhere, stretching like a cat after a nap."Android's gone? Hm."

He kind of freaked me out. Too quiet. Charles quietly chuckles at his private joke.

"That thing Zeke found. If it isn't magic, maybe show it to that 'lectricz guy?"

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

Zeke rises, still feeling a little sore from arguing with the rest of the party, watching Wulf making moves on his sister while glaring at him, and Charles's snarls in his direction.

When he hears that Varrad has left, Zeke reads over the letter several times. Not surprising, he thinks. The others never really gave him a chance. He was only part of this group because Val insisted, after all. I wonder what he will do now?

He grits his teeth and eats his breakfast. I suppose I could try to go on alone myself... but I reckon this lot would simply wait for me to die and then pick over my corpse. I've got to put up with them for a little while longer, I guess, if I have any chance of rescuing Mr. Khonnir.

He wordlessly places Garfaulk's ammunition order from the night before on the table in front of him.

Remembering the strange metal clasp he found yesterday, Zeke takes it out and casts detect magic on it. Then with a brief prayer to his god for aid, he examines it to try and divine its properties.

Spellcraft check with guidance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

"Are you talking to me, Charles?" he thinks loudly but calmly to everyone when Charles mentions the clasp he found.

M Halfling Rogue (Burglar) 5 Vigilante (Serial Killer) 1 | HP 58 AC 21 ( 18 touch, 15 flat footed) CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will + 5 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +5, Perc: +17 (+20 traps)
Acrobatics 16 | Climb 10| Disable Device 17/28 | Escape Artist 13 | Knowledge Local 9 | Perception 17/28 | Sense Motive 11 | Stealth 18 | Appraise 9 | Sleight of Hand 13

Charles jumps a bit. "Gah! Sorry, Zeke. You--anyone being in my head is ...hard for me. Nothing personal. That thing magic?""

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

Zeke winces, annoyed at himself for his tone, and tries to moderate his mental volume. "Sorry, I understand. Is this... is this better?"

M Halfling Rogue (Burglar) 5 Vigilante (Serial Killer) 1 | HP 58 AC 21 ( 18 touch, 15 flat footed) CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will + 5 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +5, Perc: +17 (+20 traps)
Acrobatics 16 | Climb 10| Disable Device 17/28 | Escape Artist 13 | Knowledge Local 9 | Perception 17/28 | Sense Motive 11 | Stealth 18 | Appraise 9 | Sleight of Hand 13

"Yes, sorry, Zeke. Don't mean to be ...gruff. You know my family. Lot of us, little house. Privacy sacrosanct. Was thinking, actually. This ...thing, could be useful. Silent communication. Just 'reading' things I'm not 'sending,' OK?"

Zeke recognizes this item as a swarmbane clasp. It is magical, not technological in nature. Perhaps it is an ancient relic from the Kasatha/Kathasa?

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

Zeke nods. "I don't think I could read your mind, even if I tried," he muses, pursing his lips. "It feels like I'm just talking without making any sound."

He jumps again, remembering something. "Hey, did you have an unusually strong headache yesterday? I had that too, but I couldn't figure out what was causing it. Maybe I should take another look?"

"Yes, this brooch here does seem to be magical. I think it's for increasing one's effectiveness when fighting swarms, like groups of rats or wasps or the like. You want to see it?"

I'll have Zeke broadcast his voice to everyone in the room unless I say otherwise, so no one is left out of conversations.

M Halfling Rogue (Burglar) 5 Vigilante (Serial Killer) 1 | HP 58 AC 21 ( 18 touch, 15 flat footed) CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will + 5 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +5, Perc: +17 (+20 traps)
Acrobatics 16 | Climb 10| Disable Device 17/28 | Escape Artist 13 | Knowledge Local 9 | Perception 17/28 | Sense Motive 11 | Stealth 18 | Appraise 9 | Sleight of Hand 13

Charles nods.

Half-Elf Cleric 3/Wizard 2 | HP 36/39 | AC 16 Touch 12 FF 14 CMD 11 | F+7 R+4 W+7* | Init +4* | Per +10, Low-Light Vision, Blind-Fight | Buffs: heightened awareness, 50m; protection from evil, 5m | Conditions: none

Zeke hands over the clasp, and smiles. "Why don't you wear it for now? I reckon you'll get more use of it than I would."

Anyone willing to allow Zeke to physically examine them? I don't know what good a Heal check will do for those of us who aren't suffering from the headaches, but I'll try to make the rolls if the GM lets me.

Well, besides the headaches, I don't know if anything is wrong. Unless you are talking about the sludge, and even your characters know what they did there.

AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex) | HP 43/43 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantment) | Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 8 | Perc +9 | Base Atk +3; CMB 7; CMD 17

Ton is quiet when the note is found. He drinks his coffee and eats his breakfast in silence, only breaking it to offer:

"Look, Varrad is at least part machine, right? How can we guess what's going on in his head?"

I've seen machines go heywire and start behaving in crazy, dangerous ways just because a wire is loose or a gear is catching. You add in the fact that he is basically like a newborn and you've got an unpredictable combination."

"Oh yeah and he also found God. Go figure. I'm only surprised he didn't dirve himself insane before he left."

He pushes himself back from the table and goes to fetch his things.

"Besides, we've got a job to do here."

M Halfling Rogue (Burglar) 5 Vigilante (Serial Killer) 1 | HP 58 AC 21 ( 18 touch, 15 flat footed) CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will + 5 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +5, Perc: +17 (+20 traps)
Acrobatics 16 | Climb 10| Disable Device 17/28 | Escape Artist 13 | Knowledge Local 9 | Perception 17/28 | Sense Motive 11 | Stealth 18 | Appraise 9 | Sleight of Hand 13

Oh, Charles was nodding at the headache bit, not the clasp. I mean, he'd accept it but wouldn't it be better for Wulf? Even with the clasp swarms don't get sneak attacked, right?

Swarms can't be flanked. But I don't see them being immune to sneak attack and it seems like they can be flat-footed. Actually, they even have a flat-footed AC. But Wulf does have a personal vendetta against swarms, so... throwing that out there in case he is being polite by not asking for it.

M Halfling Rogue (Burglar) 5 Vigilante (Serial Killer) 1 | HP 58 AC 21 ( 18 touch, 15 flat footed) CMD 15 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will + 5 (+2 vs fear) | Init: +5, Perc: +17 (+20 traps)
Acrobatics 16 | Climb 10| Disable Device 17/28 | Escape Artist 13 | Knowledge Local 9 | Perception 17/28 | Sense Motive 11 | Stealth 18 | Appraise 9 | Sleight of Hand 13

I think Wulf should get it. Hard to sneak up on a swarm, aheh.

Bard 4/Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 | HP 46/46 | AC 17 T 13 (15v Firearms) FF 14 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6 | Grit 3/"4" (Max is normally 3) Speed 20ft

Garfaulk looks to Zeke "Heh, so I'm not the only one with a headache lately, eh? My skull feels like I fired off one of mah shots in it, then put it back together with fire ants. Feel free to give me a look over, if ya think it'll help us stop getting this pain" That said, he made no movement towards Zeke to be examined-moving made his head hurt worse.

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