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![]() Val looks at her father with a confused expression. "I don't know what that was about, Zeke... Wulf, a word?" Val grabs Wulf's hand and pulls him to a side room where no one can see them.
"There. The hero is properly awarded. Now save the town and maybe you'll earn something else." She turns and walks back out, but not before swatting him on the butt first. ![]()
![]() "When we were in the casino, I noticed the back door. Seems like they have offices back there... probably up on the second floor. If you want to know what property he owns, maybe you need to look through his own personal office? Seem dangerous. Really dangerous. Maybe a disguise in case you are seen?" ![]()
![]() "He's alive, Zeke, but we have a long road ahead of us. Father Joram has said that his intelligence appears to have been badly damaged, and he doesn't have the magic power to heal it. It is going to be a at least a day before he can talk again, and even then, he is going to talk more like a child than himself for at least a week. Yes...yes, you still need to relight the Torch!" ![]()
![]() Val comes back in the room and plops down in a chair. She lets out a big sigh, but she is smiling. "You got him. You really did! All of you, well done! Zeke, isn't this wonderful? But Ton, why can't we tell anyone. What is going on?" She then sees LaRA with the group. "Oh! I didn't realize we had a guest. My name is Val. Who are you, and why would you ever want to hang around with this ugly bunch?" She says that last part seriously, but you know her well enough to understand that she is teasing. ![]()
![]() "I... uh... don't know whether I should be impressed or terrified, Wulf. Oh believe me, I like strong men, but... " She trails off. He's so cute and strong! But he's crazy and a little slow in the head. But he's so cute! Ok, ok, change the subject, change the subject! "Find my dad, will you, Wulf? It's been days. How can anyone live that long in the dark and probably hurt and lost? You'll find him and bring him back, won't you, Wulf?" ![]()
![]() Val sidles up to Wulf in the Foundry Tavern. She is busy cooking their meal of pork chops, beans, and mashed apples, but takes a few minutes to see how Wulf is holding up. "It's been a long day. Can you believe that we were partying at Silverdisk Hall just last night? You ah... didn't do your best at showing me your ability to handle liquor. You were really nice though... like, really really, kind of embarrassingly nice." ![]()
![]() Val spends most of the night near Wulf, cheering him on. With each drink, she gets more flirtatious. And she slurs hers words more with each gulp. "You seem really nishe today, Wulf. Nisher than yeshterday. I just loooooove nishe guys. Ecpessially when they have big, shtrooonnnngg mushcles." When Wulf goes on his winning streak, Val is there to cheer him on. When he pauses on the last bet, Val does not hesitate. "Go Wulf! Go! Are you gonna get lucky tonight? Ha ha ha! Let it ride! We'll let the fateshh deshide if you know what I mean." ![]()
![]() As the group emerges from the pool, Val is waiting for them. "I knew it! I knew that my group would survive! I mean, well... you know what I mean. I'm so happy to see you all!" She moves forward to hug Wulf first, half-caressing his biceps in the process, and then gives Zeke a hug second. She nods at the others, beaming. "No Dad? Any sign? " She sees the body, too. "Oh yeah, I remember that half-orc. She was a bit of brute. Lured down there by the reward money, I suppose. Why don't your drop off the body with Father Joram at the Temple of Brigh? And of course he would heal any wounds that you have too. " ************************** Later that night, as Zeke starts to settle down for bed, Val grabs him and pulls him out to the common room. "Oh no, not yet, Zeke. You survived one day, and that means you can survive more. Let's have some fun with the others. It is early yet!" Don't go to bed too quick! I am hoping we can slow the pace down a bit for a few days (in our time) so your characters have proper time to interact. It has been so fast and furious for a while now. Get to know each other! ![]()
![]() Gozran the 5th, 4714. The smell of bacon and eggs stirs everyone up. “Rise and shine, friends! Get your sorry, booze swiping, window breaking arses out of my tavern and go save my Dad! First stop: The City Council. They have information that you need. On the way, you should stop at the Copper Coin and see what deals they have going on. You might need to buy a wand or three, after all.” ![]()
![]() Val smiles at the dwarf's toast, feeling like with a few well placed words, he really calmed the whole situation down and helped everyone relax. "Ok, I'm cooking everyone a side of lamb and some spicy potatoes. Tomorrow, we are heading to the city council for their blessing and then you head down to get my Dad back! Feel free to continue talking, asking questions, interacting, etc. Tomorrow morning (in the real world), I will move the action along to the next day in Golarian. ![]()
![]() "Indeed, Verrad. This building is the Foundry Tavern, and I guess you can say I am here more often than I am not, since I mostly run it. Though we are shut down til Dad is back. " "That reminds me, all of you-- and you too, Charles-- are welcome to stay here while you are in Torch, if you do agree to band together to reignite the torch and save my Dad. I'll pull out some bedrolls, I'll make you free food and give you free booze, at least til we run out. Your home away from home. " "You do plan on joining, don't you Charles? The group could use a scout, I think. Or someone good with a lock... There is a lot of money in it, helping out the town." ![]()
![]() "Not exactly made of metal, good sir dwarf. Had I not mentioned he was an android, would you have even known? Androids bodies are made of flesh. Dad would tell me that android flesh though is not like ours though; he called it... "synthetic" ? Yeah, we had plenty of time to study and look at Varrad these last weeks, up until when Dad disappeared. Dad was actually taking measurements to document the changes that happened during the renewal process. Uh... don't worry, Varrad. He kept a towel over, well... you know." It is true; as the party looks more closely at Varrad, no part of him appears metallic. Careful study, though, does reveal a light blue tatoo pattern that runs under his skin. ![]()
![]() "Fine, Zeke. Don't expand more of your limited healing on him, though. I have a feeling we will all see Father Joram in the morning, if things go according to my plans." The group gathers in the tavern. Val jumps behind the bar and starts to pour some ale and wine. She digs around for a few minutes, and those closest can hear her muttering, "Where in the name of Brigh did that blasted gin go to... " With everyone settled in, and with Varrad clothed, Val turns to the group. "Now listen, all of you. Thanks to Dad, I know a few things about androids, that you probably do not. So let's just clear the air here. First, they are not automatically bad. Or good. And a newly awoken one like our friend Varrad here probably doesn't even know yet, so let's not scare him into doing something rash. If you two..." , pointing at Ton and Wulf, "... have problems with an android, they don't carry over to this one. That would be like me calling Wulf a stupid barbarian just because I've met other stupid barbarians. See? Doesn't feel so good, does it?" "Newly awoken androids don't have memories of their former lives. They live their life, usually about 100 years or so, they die and their soul leaves, and after a period of renewal and healing the body accepts a new soul. Sure, that sounds really strange to us, but that doesn't make these people bad. And Varrad, I'm saying all of this for your benefit as well as everyone else. If you have more questions- and I'm sure you must- you let me know, ok?" She pauses a second before she drops the next piece of information, wondering how they will all react. "Given his sword and his armor he had when we found him, I was assuming Varrad used to be a warrior of some sort. I am actually hoping he can join this group in finding my father. He could very well be the missing piece that helps this band of misfits come together. Maybe all of you think I'm just too trusting. But I've been watching Varrad's body heal itself and grow younger for 3 weeks now. I feel like he is supposed to be here with us...I feel it is the will of Brigh." ![]()
![]() Functionaly speaking, Wulf has 2 HP now. Zeke and Val lug Wulf into the tavern. Along the way, Val looks down into the alleyway and sees the broken shards of glass. "Hey, what happened to my window? " She pauses for a few seconds, and then says in a voice of realization. "Oh. Well, you are getting what you deserve, Wulf. I suppose I won't charge you for it, as long as you and your elf friend help find my Dad." "Zeke, he has lost a lot of blood. Would you mind running to get Father Joram? I'm sure the temple is still open at this hour." ![]()
![]() "For the love of Brigh!", shouts Val. "Zeke, could you stick a bandage on him or cast a spell?!! And the rest of us, we are going back to the tavern so I can find some clothes for this man and answer all your blasted questions in some comfort. Charles, get out of there. We can all see you. Everyone! Get into the tavern before I get mad!" ![]()
![]() Val leads the group into the Foundry, the larger building next to the tavern. While it hasn't been used for several days, the Foundry is still warm and some of the forges are still burning hot. The whole building has a sense of organized chaos. Tables are filled with various tools, gizmos, cauldrons, chemicals, and vials. "Dad's cast some spell or another on these forges. They never go out." But what draws everyone's attention is the man. A man lies on his hands and knees on the ground next to a table. His eyes are open, and he is looking about, a blank look on his face. He is surrounded by a set of traveling equipment, a sheathed longsword, and scalemail, and based on his and their position, up until a few seconds ago they were all lying on table with him. Val approaches the man, but motions for the others to stay back for the time being. "It is okay. We are safe. You are safe. My father found you lying in the streets of Torch a few weeks ago, and brought you back here to protect you. You, my new friend, are an android, and you have just awoken. My name is Val. Do.... you know what your name is? " ![]()
![]() "Sigh... Oh, I tried then. If we manage to save Dad, at least I can tell him I tried to keep Zeke safe." She turn to Garfaulk next. "It's not too complicated, good sir dwarf. Dad adopted me about 10 years ago, when he found me in Starfall. We moved to Torch, and I got to know Charles, and he's always been my friend ever since. Soon after we arrived here in town, Dad started taking care of Zeke too. He calls Dad "Mr. Baine" but that is because he is just too polite. Khonnir has been our dad for a long time now." Just then, a loud clash and clamor comes from the foundry. Rather than act surprised, Val nods and smiles. "You wanted to see the foundry, sir dwarf? Sure, let's go. I have a surprise for all of you." ![]()
![]() "Yes, hello. My name is Val Baine. I live here with my father, and Zeke. Zeke is like me, an adopted orphan. Dad is like that. A big heart. Often more heart than sense. I run the tavern for him, while he is always tinkering away in his foundry. Speaking of..." At this moment, Val finally notices Zeke is there too and she stops what she was about to say. She scowls. "Charles! You were supposed to leave him out of this!" ![]()
![]() Shortly after the creature goes down, a blonde head peaks around the broken door frame. "Oh! Oh my! Charles! You are early. I said two hours after dusk... but... but... oh I am not going to complain. As usual, you arrive exactly when you should, and you brought friends! Friends to help find Dad?" Val steps around the corner and you all get a better look at her. She is an attractive 19 year old human, clearly of Kellid origin based on her hairstyle and red facial tatoos- permanent warpaint etched under her eyes. "Dad's blasted contraption here..." She kicks it "... came to life while I was cleaning up in our den. I have no idea why. One minute it was just sitting there, the next, lights came on in its eyes and it started to spin about, flailing at the walls, the furniture. I ducked under the table and just started screaming. Looks like that was the right decision, because here are my heroes! Big, strong heroes..." she says as she begins to eye Wulf like a tiger picking its next meal. ![]()
![]() Gozreh the 4th, 4714 Two days! Two days, and no word from Dad. And not that it really matters, but any of those other adventurers too. This is bad, very bad. I need help. There are still some adventurers floating around the city; maybe some of them will go down there. Probably they would just die like all the others. And Zeke is ready to simply go down there by himself, which of course would drive Dad crazy if he knew! I gotta find Charles, he and his brood of brothers and sisters can help. I’ll have him find some of the newcomers, those who seem competent, and we’ll send them off. This time, maybe the gods will favor us. Val Baine does indeed track down one Charles Caskgrip, 19 years old, just like Val. Charles has been a friend for many years, a boy lost in a sea of siblings who does what he can to keep his family fed. Charles always seemed to get along well with Khonnir, for whatever reason. From two different generations, but kindred spirits. They are two people filled with a curiosity and zest for life. “Charles, you know Dad disappeared in those caves. If no one goes down to help him, I’m sure he will lost to us forever. There are adventurers around, I’m guessing drawn here by the gold rewards, but no one knows each other, and they need some organization! Could you do this, Charles? Maybe get your brothers and sisters to help? Can you find a few likely individuals this afternoon and tell them to meet me in the Foundry Tavern tonight at two hours after dusk? If you can, avoid Zeke. He’s chomping at the bit to do something, but I know that Dad wouldn’t want him along.” |