GM Lugos |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.
This is the Kingmaker AP, as done by me, Lugos!
In this Path, a select number of adventurers from Brevoy head into that storied area known as the Stolen Lands. Will they found a kingdom that stands through the ages, or will they be crushed by enemies from within and without?

GM Lugos |

Alright, now for the nitty-gritty!
Ability Scores: 20-point builds with stats no lower than 7 and no higher than 20 after racial modifiers.
Races: All core races as well as Aasimar, Tengu and Tiefling allowed, but any alternative racial traits must be approved by me.
Classes: All except Gunslinger, Ninja and Samurai. Archetypes are allowed.
Starting gold: 150 gp
Feats: No magic item creation feats are allowed until level 5. No story feats either.
Starting HP: Max Hp at start, then 1/2 HD+1 (plus relevent Con mod afterwards).
Traits: 2 traits, one of which must be a campaign trait, and you may also choose one drawback for an additional trait.
Extra: Must provide a short backstory of at least 300 words.

Narrater |

Doting for interest. Have one question about the item creation feats does that count for Wizards as well since they start with Create Scroll? If so how would that be handled? I was thinking about making a Scrollmaster as a character but I would be just as happy with a Magus if scroll making would be an issue.
Also wanted to let you know that I have played in and took over DMing duties for a previous Kingmaker game that ended up fizzling out (really wasn't adequately prepared to take over at the time). We didn't get that far nothing past the first book. Having said that I am pretty good at keeping player knowledge separate from character action.

GM Lugos |

Only official Paizo material, no evil character or worshippers of evil deities, no pvp from agression (ie that character/player angered you personally, so you attack them). As a bonus, you get one free reroll per 2 days. As for posting regularity, I'd like a minimum of one post per day, but I'll be lenient on weekends and if you pm with a simple reason why (such as family emergency).

Lazlo Woodbine |

Lugos, how would you feel about a half elf Bonded Witch, whose bonded item was a wand she kept in her (prehensile) hair and used as a hair pin?

GM Lugos |

Lugos, how would you feel about a half elf Bonded Witch, whose bonded item was a wand she kept in her (prehensile) hair and used as a hair pin?
As long as it is only for your bonded wand, I'm fine. Just remember that the hair is capable of manipulating things, just not weapons or the like.

Komana Medvyed |

Introducing Komana Medvyed
At fifteen, when her parents died in horrible accident while they were returning from a trip in New Stetven, the terror gripped her heart. As a result, she went to live under the tutelage of her uncles, a situation which she has never got used. Things have changed since then, no longer had her customary freedom, because now, she was deprived of outdoors nights. The two years she lived with them in Stoneclimb were unbearable, and it served to show them her rebelliousness. Leakage and disaffected were routine. Gradually she became a burden and an embarrassment to the stricter standards of the nobility.
When she turned nineteen years old her uncles found an easy solution to solve their "problem". Observing her too energetic behavior for a girl, they decided to send her to study in Restov, where she cloud learn the techniques of Aldori swordlords.
Komana didn't fit perfectly at school. The learning of dueling techniques was to her a way to put out her anguish and fear, but she has never got used to the many rules to be followed, on classes or fights. Gradually she won over friends, but she has always knew that was not her place, she craved for more freedom, wanted to rediscover the beauty of the starry nights in the depths of the woods".
St 10 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 10 Car 14
Alignment Chaotic Good
Defense: AC 18 [10+4+4] Touch 14 Flat-Footed 14
Chain shirt (100 gp) +4/ +4 / -2 /25 lbs
Speed 30ft
Initiative +4
Hit Points 11
CMB 1 [1+0+0] Disarm 7 [1+4+2]
CMD 15 [10+1+4] Disarm 17 [10+1+4+2]
Attack Sword, Dueling (20gp) +5 [+1+4] 1d8 / 19-20x2 / 3lbs
Saves Fort 3 [2+1] Ref 4 [4+0] Will 0 {+1 vs fey spells and supernatural abilities}.
Skills Climb (Str) 4 [1+3+0] Diplomacy (Cha) 6 [1+3+2] {8 vs fey} Handle Animal (Cha) 7 [1+3+2+1] Intimidate (Cha) 3 [1+2], Ride (Dex) 9 [1+3+4+1].
Feats Combat Expertise (Combat), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dueling sword), Improved Disarm (Combat).
Languages Common and Sylvan
Traits and Drawbacks Princess (You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks, and one of these skills (Diplomacy) is always a class skill for you), Noble Born (Medvyed - Benefit you gain a +2 trait bonus on all Diplomacy checks made to deal with fey creatures and a +1 trait bonus on Will saves made against their spells and supernatural abilities. Your family motto is “Endurance Overcomes All.”) Born Rider (You gain a +1 trait bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks). Pride (When someone threatens, accuses, or challenges you, you take a –2 penalty on Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks involving that creature until the creature apologizes to you).

Nabrine Kethyaer |

Lazlo Woodbine here. This is the character I'd like to use. I haven't bought any equipment yet but other than that it's all filled in.
The only things she left behind were a hair pin and a comb, which seeming of little value the orphanage lady passed on to Nabrine. Nabrine would spend hours as a child combing her long hair and talking to her imagined dead mother's spirit.
She had a difficult life growning up on the streets of Restov. She was never a popular child, being a bit vain and eccentric, but she was quick and clever. She survived by begging and stealing and doing whatever it took to find food. She was never particularly happy with her lot, and tended to daydream that she would one day leave the city and find her fortune. At the mere age of 16, she set out to do just that.
The obvious place to go was south and find her father. Nabrine blamed him for the death of her mother, as well as the situation she'd been left to grow up in. She intended to hunt him down and seek compensation. He was a bandit so must have pockets full of gold, she figured.
Over the next few years Nabrine travelled around the River Kingdoms in search of her father. She survived by joining a number of bands of brigands who found that Nabrine had some odd but useful skills. She never settled for long, as even out here the bandits found her strange and unnerving.
After seven years of wandering, Nabrine finally found a clue to her father's whereabouts. An old bandit had remembered her mother, his memory jogged by Nabrine's familiar look and the colourful hairpin she wore in her hair. He had been part of that band that had attacked her mother. Having been thrown out of the band due to his age, he was happy to gain some revenge by passing on to Nabrine the details of how to find her father.
Nabrine wasted no time following the old man's directions, and sure enough there was the bandit camp. She slipped into the tent she had been directed to, intending to confront her father when he returned, and demand the gold that she felt she was owed. However, when she was finally face to face with him, all that went through her was rage. All the pain her mother had gone through, all the suffering and hardship Nabrine had put up with in her life were down to this man. She could not control her anger. In that moment, her hair seemed to take on a life of its own. Before she knew what had happened, the man she had been told was her father was dead at her feet, her long hair still wrapped around his throat. She did not feel one ounce of regret.
Nabrine quickly raided the tent for valuables and fled the camp. Having achieved what she had set out to do, the appeal of a life on banditry left her. She decided to return to the city to spend the gold she had acquired and think about where life might take her next.

GM Lugos |

Nice, nice! Keep the applications coming!
Also, I will be closing the application process on 10/12, and will begin preliminary game (the "you meet in a tavern" or some such thing) on 10/14.
Komana Medvyed (Human Aldori Swordlord)
Nabrine Kathyaer (Half-Elf Bonded Witch)

Thamori |

I'd definitely be interested in playing if possible. I have attempted to run this almost two years ago - it went poorly and didn't get out of the first book (and barely explored that one).
I'm looking at a Halfling Oracle of Nature, although I'm wondering if I could get Nature's Whispers and/or Speak with Animals (the Revelations) to be exceptions to the Deaf Curse. If not (or if you think that the Deaf Curse would be too troublesome), I'm looking at the Lame Curse right now.
In either case, would Fleet of Foot be an acceptable alternate race trait?

Roondar Anunciata |

I would like to apply as well. I know the campaign so I won't be angry if not chosen. My character would be a bard worshipping Cayden Cailean and the River Freedoms, ready to explore the Stolen Lands and going for the "Everyone knows me" kind of attitude (or a summoner if this would fit the party better).
I'll refrain from making my alias (since I do this too quickly) and use Roondar for now.

Alexio Thraxas |

I know you said you don't want any evil characters or worshippers of evil deities, but would you make an exception for this character? I've built him specifically for Kingmaker.
He is Chelish, so worshipping Asmodeus is part of the country's history. Intentionally, he walks the line between LN and LE, where his only goal is getting his family back into nobility/landholding.
I understand why people tend to avoid evil-ness, but I don't see this character as being disruptive to a party in general.
Finally, I'd like to see this character end up as a Hellknight prestige class. Do you see any issues with that?
If you are OK with the character, I'll finish the background and stats this weekend. If it doesn't fit your vision, I understand.

Ashe |

Full Name : Cole Adams
Race: Human
Classes/Levels Fighter (Brawler) 1
Gender M
Size M
Age 18
Special Abilities :
Traits: Defender of the Society, Heavy Hitter, Bastard
Drawback: Power Hungry
Alignment: CG
Deity :Gorum
Location :Brevoy
Languages Common
Occupation : Boxer
Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 14
Charisma 7
Height: 6'6" Weight: 310 Hair:Blond Eyes: Green
Favored Class: Fighter
Hit Points: 12
Spd: 30
Init: +2
AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 (+6armor,+2Dex,+1trait)
BAB: +1
CMB: +5
CMD: 17
Saves: Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +3
Weapons: (Always Power Attack w/ Furious Focus)
Great Sword +5 2d6+9 19/20x2
Long Spear +5 1d8+9 x3
Javelin +3 1d6+4 x2 30'
Skills: 3 Ranks
Acrobatics -2
Survival +6
Profession Boxer +6
Power Attack
Furious Focus
Weapon Focus Unarmed
Great Sword (50)
Long Spear (5)
Scale Mail (50)
Armored Kilt (20)
Shield Heavy Wood (7)
Pathfinder Kit (12)
Javelin x3 (3)
3gp remaining
Cole was born in Brevoy. His mother Maggie a barmaid caught the eye of a noble man of House Orlovsky. She doesn't remember his name as he paid her not too. She did her best at raising Cole but the absence of a father left him brash and always trying to prove himself. He was a bit of a trouble maker always getting into fights with other children. The more he fought the more he loved it. Soon he took up boxing and started to receive training at the temple of Gorum. The monks there have been teaching him the basics, but Cole still has much to learn.
As he got older he asked his mother more and more about his father. She told the boy all she knew, but for Cole it wasn't enough. He has been paying any profits he has made from fighting to uncover some information about House Orlovsky, and whom his father may be. It has paid off little to this point. He recently learned that magic may be able to aid in the search but has little experience with anyone proficient in its use. He decided to take up adventuring so that he may make friends capable of such magic’s to aid him in the future.
He recently saw the posting looking for men to take up the charter to explore and tame the stolen lands. Cole thought this to be the perfect opportunity to make something of himself. Maybe one day he could find his father and on that day he would be proud of what Cole made of himself. So Cole now finds himself sitting in the very inn where his mother and father met. He has gathered his gear and supplies. He has said goodbye to his mother and now awaits the rest of the men that will join him in this grand adventure.
I really have been eager to try out a brawler unarmed type. I post often and hope to be part of your game. Thanks for the consideration. Will turn into an Alias if selected.

Narrater |

Alexander Medvyed (Magus)
As a nephew of Lord Gurev’s, Alexander was taught the importance of service to the crown service to house and service to the people. That meant lessons in many different fields which Alexander attacked with a focused and intense intellect. It quickly became apparent that Alexander had a talent for intellectual pursuits including a talent for magic with a particular knack with temporarily enchanting weapons which seemed to nearly sing in his hands with only a moment’s concentration. Being naturally active and fit martial training also came easily for Alexander and it seemed as though his fighting style melding sword with magic came naturally with trainers smoothing out the rough edges. However Alexander’s hot blood made the genteel arts of etiquette and diplomacy difficult despite many valiant attempts to fit in at court affairs. Dealing with other noble houses in formal setting was akin to torture for him. Mostly because it became apparent early on that baiting Alexander with the odd snide comment besmirching house Medvyed or Alexander’s own personal honor, was an easy weakness to exploit at court giving Alexander a poor reputation within the Brevoy court as an uncontrollable hot head. It was obvious that Alexander’s talents where better suited to battle and he was given the chance to prove it.
As a male of house Medvyed Militia duty was nearly compulsory. It was a good fit for Alexander and he took his posting seriously and learned what he could from the men who served under him and became competent in surviving the wilds of the Gronzi forest and the trails of the Icerime Peaks. Skills that served him well during winter skirmish’s his unit fought during the cold nights at the end of Neth through to the lean snow covered days of Calistril against bandits that had taken residence in the Gronzi. The hard winter campaign was successful and taught Alexander to fight with others as a unit and about the cost of leading men into battle. Despite the harsh reality Alexander felt that such work was important and necessary.
Having a successful end to Alexander’s service in the militia and with the Gronzi forest all but pacified it was time to look for honorable work worthy of a Noble of Medvyed. Hearing of the expedition into the Stolen Lands to explore and route bandits that had taken root in the wilds seemed the perfect fit and a worthy challenge. With his decision made Alexander petitioned his Uncle Lord Gurev for a small investment to purchase equipment and the like for the expedition to ensure house Medvyed’s interests where looked after. His uncle agreed but would only match whatever gold Alexander was willing and able to put into the venture. Alexander was left with less than he had hoped for but still enough money to purchase some quality equipment. However hiring a large number of trained men for any length of time would likely be impractical. Still being forced to rely on his own abilities without a squad of men at his command would be a test of his mettle and he was determined to be up for the challenge. Endurance Overcomes All.
Alexander has a pretty easy going personality and tries to keep a calm exterior even in the face of difficult circumstance however his pride does not suffer attacks against his honor lightly. He has stood against a rain of arrows directing men under his command to push forward against the attack with calm confidence while verbal barbs have left him feeling defeated red faced and unable to adequately defend himself except to reach for his sword in answer. It is a failing that he is well aware of and he will gladly leave the battle of words to others better armed.
Alexander is a handsome man who tends to be clean shaven with sea blue eyes and appears to be in his early twenties. He sports the healthy golden complexion of some one that regularly spends time in the sun with black hair that is normally tied back in a pony tail. Alexander usually wears his soldiers uniform and proudly displays House Medvyed coat of arms on the Tabard that covers his chain mail shirt.
BAB: +0 CMB: +2
Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +2
AC: 16 Chain Shirt (Tch:12 FF:14) CMD: 14
Init: +2
HP: 10 Wounds:
Speed: 30
Temporary Spells and Affects:
Scimitar (+2/ 1d6+2/ 18-20x2/ S)
Kukri (+2/ 1d4+2/ 18-20x2/ S)
Dagger (+2/+2/ 1d4+2/ 19-20x2/ P/ 10ft)
Comp Long Bow (+2/ 1d8/ x3/ P/ 110ft)
Spellcasting, Cantrip, Spell Combat, Arcane Pool
Available Spells: Pool 4/4
0th DC 13: Dancing Lights, Acid Splash, Daze
1st DC 14: Color Spray, Shield
Additional Traits
Surge of Success
Noble Born (Medvyed)
Militia Veteran (Survival)
Battlefield Disciple
Bladed Magic
I am still working on the crunch of the character this is what I have so far but the fluff is pretty much ironed out. I am thinking of playing Alexander as a support character I would like to eventually take Swift Aid to take advantage of Battlefield Disciple and Surge of Success. I like the idea of Alexander working best when he is supporting his companions and taking advantage of any opening that appear during the fight.
DM Lugos I did have a question on how you would rule on the combination specifically would the aid action be capable of activating "Surge of Success" Since it does require a attack role. I can see where it could be up for interpretation.
Surge of Success - Advanced Race Guide under Human feats
Battlefield Disciple - Combat Trait from Ultimate Campaign
Swift Aid - Advanced Player's Guide
A Benevolent magical weapon would just be icing on the cake :)

GM Lugos |

@Roondar: I am letting you choose, so you can wait on stats or whatever for later if you decide on Bard, but until then, I'm going to operate under the idea that you are applying under Roondar as a summoner.
@Kalima: Good! Almost everything needed, except you are still missing 1 trait...
@Temin: Sounds fine, except you have no stats, lol! It's fine, you have a while to get things in order.
@Alexio: While your character sounds fun and interesting, I'm afraid my ruling on Evil characters and evil deities still stands...
@MeanDM: Sounds fine. Write up some stats and I'll get ya put on the list. Also, the Tengu have a fun (and allowed) archetype called Swordmaster for rogues, check it out!
@Ashe: You look fine so far, but I have a few thinhs to comment on... First, the trair Defender of the Society means you are a member the Pathfinder Society, yet I don't see that on your background. Also, your character's stats show an Int of 12,but you only have 1 language... Please explain...
@Narrater: Your character has 5 traits??? Wow! But you did use the feat, so allowed, but please keep those in mind if chosen!
@Nabrine: Seems fine. It's a simple enough little thing, so I'll permit it.

GM Lugos |

None of the Campaign Traits work for my character considering that my character is from Taldor. All the Kingmaker Traits look like they're for citizens of Brevroy.
Being a noble, you may be a distant relation to a noble house in Brevoy. Being an adventurer, you might have ran with other "adventurers" who were actually brigands. Etc.
You can do minor adjustments to the campaign traits to fit oneself into the campaign. Remember, traits are there not just to give you a static bonus, but further define your character and mesh them well with the party.

Thamori |

Although I don't think it will change the character at all, I had some questions on the Nature mystery's revelations.
Friend to the Animals says that "Animals within 30 feet of you receive a bonus on all saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier." Would that affect opposing animals as the RAW indicates? Or can we limit that to allied (or at least non-hostile) animals?
Also, for Speak with Animals, would horses and ponies be considered similar enough to count as a single kind of animal?

Hakim. |

Hope it's not too late to be considered.
A young boy named Hakim, though, saw the bird for what it was, an animal, albeit one of monstrous proportions. That same day, he set off into the mountains. He had some knowledge of birds, and it was his belief that the creature had left a nest somewhere. For seven days he climbed higher and higher, surviving on wild plants and trickles of snowmelt from the peaks high above, and then he found the nest, on a ledge so high above that the town of Duwwor seemed no bigger than a tiny speck in the desert below. He even believed he could see as far as the distant ocean, though it was hundreds of miles away.
Upon reaching the nest, though, his perseverance was rewarded, for he found four eggs, each one half as tall as he was, and a great pile of rotting carcasses that had been brought to feed the roclings when they hatched. He waited, and the morning after he arrived, one of the eggs began to shake, and then to crack. With the carcass of a goat in hand, he approached as the bird broke free from the shell, stretched its wings and screamed. He screamed back, and the bird turned. He threw the goat, and the bird ate, ripping it apart furiously. As it ate, Hakim walked towards it, hiding his fear at the creature's strength. When he pet it, it rubbed against him affectionately, almost knocking him over. Hakim named the bird Shazam, and managed to carry it on his back down out of the mountains.
He thought to bring it to the local chief for his mews, but the villagers were outraged at him for bringing what they saw as a demon into their midst, and he fled downriver on a raft with the bird. Perhaps there was some truth to their beliefs in the creature's supernatural origin, or maybe it was simply that the spirits that honor the birds and beasts wished to reward the boy for saving such a wondrous creature, but on his journey down the Uta river, he felt the first stirrings of magic.
Weeks later, on the coast, he met sailors who told him of the strange hermits that lived in wild places and manipulated the powers of the natural world, and called themselves druids. He took passage on a ship for Taldor, hoping to find one of these men, and learn their secrets, but they remained elusive. As the years passed, he wandered further and further north, seeking a teacher, while at the same time both he and Shazam grew in strength, until one day they were set upon by bandits. Three of the men died, and he realized that he was no longer a boy seeking a teacher, but a man seeking a purpose.
That was when he heard the call to Restov, and set out to find his destiny.
Human (Garundi) Druid 1
N Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +8
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 12 (1d8+4)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Heavy Shield Bash -2 (1d4+2/x2) and
. . Scimitar +2 (1d6+2/18-20/x2)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Magic Fang, Entangle (DC 15)
0 (at will) Know Direction, Stabilize, Detect Magic
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration), Toughness
Traits Deft Dodger, Pioneer (Handle Animal)
Skills Acrobatics -4 (-8 jump), Climb -3, Escape Artist -4, Fly -4, Handle Animal +5, Heal +8, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +8, Ride -4, Spellcraft +5, Stealth -4, Survival +10, Swim -3
Languages Common, Druidic, Osiriani, Sylvan
SQ animal companion link, nature bond abilities (animal companion, roc), share spells with companion, spontaneous casting, wild empathy
Other Gear Hide armor, Heavy wooden shield, Scimitar, 150 GP
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spontaneous Casting The Druid can convert stored spells into Summon Nature's Ally spells.
Wild Empathy +1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
N Medium Animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 8 (-2)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1
Speed 20 ft., flight (80 feet, average)
Melee Bite (Roc) +5 (1d6+1/x2) and
. . Talon x2 (Roc) +5 x2 (1d4+1/x2)
Str 12, Dex 19, Con 9, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +4 (+0 jump), Fly +8, Perception +5
Other Gear You have no money!
Special Abilities
Flight (80 feet, Average) You can fly!
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.

Ashe |

@GM Lugos, sorry adding the extra language I just forgot. As for the society I didn't want to get too wordy in the background. You said 300 words so sometimes some GM's want around that so they don't have to poor over so much stuff. I can certainly change and elaborate more on his adventuring and joining the society. The Society is an excellent source of gaining power for the power hungry :)
That should fill in the hole. Second language will be Giant. He admires their commanding size and power so learned the tongue. :)

MeanDM |

Here is Blackroost:
Character Sheet:
Race: Tengu
Class/Level: Rogue (Swordmaster)/1
Alignment: CG
Str: 15
Dex: 17 (includes +2 Racial Bonus)
Con: 10 (includes -2 Racial penalty)
Int: 12
Wis: 12 (includes +2 Racial Bonus)
Cha: 12
Fort: +1
Ref: +5
Will: +1
20 Arrows
Leather Armor
Thieves tools
2 days Iron Rations
(0 Gold leftover)
Initiative +7 (Dex+3; Improved Initiative +4)
AC: 15 (10+3(Dex)+2(armor)
Touch: 13
Flat footed: 12
CMB +2
CMD 12
Falchion: +2 to hit 2d4+2 damage (18-20/x2)
Shortbow +3 to hit 1d6 damage
Improved Initiative
Knowledge (nature) +5 (4+!)
Survival +5 (4+1)
Knowledge (local) +5 (4+1)
Disable Device +7 (4+3)
Perception +5 (4+1)
Stealth +7 (4+3
Use Magic Device +5 (4+1)
Acrobatics +7 (4+3)
Bluff +5 (4+1)
Blackroost grew up among the streets of Port Peril. He had never been to sea, but would spend hours upon the docks watching the ships come and go each day with the coming and going of the tides. He had been abandoned by his clutchmates at an early age, and spent each day stealing for his sustenance. He longed for a greater life of adventure as a pirate. He avoided the local thieves guild only by the barest of luck and a modicum of talent and skill. One day he was “lucky.” A drunken pirate was being pick pocketed by a member of the thieves guild upon leaving a tavern drunk. Blackroost yelled a warning to the pirate, and saved his purse. In exchange, the pirate vouched for him as a potential crewmember on the Bloodstorm.
He left Port Peril for the last time the next day. The first few days at sea went well. His natural grace lent itself well as he tried his best to find his place. However it soon all went wrong. The ship encountered a well heeled merchantman and closed and boarded with little difficulty. The problem? It was carrying slaves. Blackroost had never seen the nuts and bolts of slavery up close, and when he was assigned to the crew meant to sail the slaver merchantman back to port, he was horrified.
The merchantman was braced by a storm, and when it set in at a village in one of the numeral unnamed island villiages, Blackroost secretly freed the slaves, and helped them escape into the jungle. He caught the next ship out of the villiage and fled north in an attempt to avoid the wrath of the captain he served, who himself served one of the Pirate Lords. Many months later find him in the far north, in Brevoy, hoping to hone his natural skills with the sword.

GM Lugos |

Sorry! You are right. I'll take Wanderlust and Dangerously Curious. Seemed appropriate. I didn't take any of the ones from the players guide because I wasn't from Brevoy originally. If you want me to rewrite my background to fit better by being from there let me know!
One trait must be from the campaign guide, as stated previously. You can tweak the trait a bit to help define and fit your character into the campaign.

Narrater |

I really feel the traits break down into 3 groups the first is Rich and Noble Born (Medvyed) traits. These traits are representative of where Alexander comes from. Honestly I don't feel that the rich trait will effect my character in the long run that much at least no more then the Noble trait. Since they are similar from a role play stand point ie money and nobility means that the character came from and associated with power. I did add a small hook by indicating that at least part of the money came from Lord Gurev so you could do something with that.
I feel the next two traits Militia Veteran (survival) and Battlefield Disciple are also tied to each other. The experience of leading and fighting with a unit is key to who Alexander is. It brought him in contact with other people who had important things to teach him outside of the money and power he grew up in. The lessons he learned during that part of his life where more visceral and real then what he had learned previously. Like how important a warm dry place to sleep is and the value of a good meal. Also the difference between life and death can be the person standing next to you on the battlefield. You already know my plans pertaining to feats and such. From a role playing perspective Alexander will be a team player and will treat others with respect no matter their social status.
Finally the Bladed Magic trait is a natural knack that Alexander hasn't had the chance to fully explore yet. At least that is the way I will play it, since I didn't have enough skill points to cover everything I wanted to select. Will be purchasing points in craft weapon if I get the chance and will most likely take the craft magic arms and armor feat as well.
On a related topic I wanted to ask about the Noble Born (Medvyed) bonuses they could be a mixture of information passed on about how to treat and ward against fey, Alternately it could have roots as a bargain struck with the fey court in days of yore that still protects the house from fey magic. Wanted to see how you felt about the basis of the trait bonuses since the explanation seems pretty anemic.