Gladiators of Zirnakaynin PbP (Inactive)

Game Master Feral

The PCs are slave gladiators in the famed Drow city, fighting to survive and win glory (and perhaps, eventually, freedom) in the arena, whilst becoming embroiled in the intrigues of their drow masters between bouts. Skewed a lot towards the 'Spartacus: Blood and Sand' TV show style and pseudo-Roman gladiator styles.

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The Exchange

Scarred Witch Doctor's mask would work well as one of those ornate gladiator full-helmets, I think - one that gets more battered and battle-scarred and frightening as it goes on.

Kyzrak: looking good. The sica is an exotic weapon, of course, so without the EWF he's looking at some hefty penalties. Maybe you could take a drawback to take the 'ludus learning' trait to cover that? His background does make him seem a guy ripe for a drawback... :)

Liberty's Edge

In case you missed it, I posted my submission on the last page. =)

Here's the fluff for my submission. I decided I'd go with an Oracle of Flame who originally had ties to House Caldrana--hey, now we have a healer!

Nathrae Khalazza

The Darklands are a harsh place for anyone foolish enough to venture into or are unlucky enough to be born in. Here, fiendish monsters from time immemorial slumber, viciously slaughtering anyone who awakens them from their eons-long sleep. Within the drow metropolis of Zirnakaynin, life is even cheaper than it would be in the wilds beyond the city's walls. The twelve Great Houses of the drow host lavish gladiator games for the commoners to keep them content and distracted from the horrors of their everyday life. Though most gladiators are slaves here, several others choose to fight for personal glory and wealth in exchange for selling their lives away. All too often, these prospective gladiators meet their ends on the arena floor, their blood staining the rocks so thoroughly that the earth shall remember them, even when their bodies have fallen to dust and ash.

And Nathrae Khalazza would not have it any other way.

Before she came to the arena of Zirnakaynin, Nathrae Khalazza was no one of importance--a common merchant drow in the service of House Caldrana, selling the finest of drow weaponry to gladiators, mercenaries & soldiers alike. Though possessing no talent for arcane magic and not especially quick-witted, Nathrae was an ambitious and dedicated soul, always seeking a way to increase her standing amongst her peers in the hope of one day truly becoming part of the nobility instead of remaining a commoner.

The turning point in her life came as she was finishing a deal with a particularly difficult customer. As she was about to give an up-and-coming noble scion a new rapier for an upcoming duel, the rapier flew out of her hand and clattered to the floor, causing the uppity aristocrat to fly into a rage and try to kill Nathrae with a knife. A brief struggle ensued, forcing her to fight for her life using the rapier she meant to sell. A lucky hit in her favour ended the bout decisively, spearing the noble through his eye. That would have been bad enough on its own, but then, without her prompting, flames traveled up from her hand along the length of her rapier and lit his head on fire.

The guards of House Caldrana came along not long after and dragged her before the patron of the House, Zov Caldrana, where Nathrae learned the full gravity of her crime--the noble was of House Misraria, the city's patron of spies, and the alliance they were planning to make with them was now in jeopardy thanks to her actions. Because of her dedication to the House, Zov did not execute her on the spot--instead, he offered her a choice: she could either die by his hand, or allow Flauros to decide her fate in the arena. Desperate for a way out, Nathrae chose to fight for her life.

Her training as a gladiator awakened two things within her: her bloodlust and her divine magic. The incident with the dead noble of House Misraria was but the first sign of her newly awakened powers, and she clung to that divine power like a drowning man to a rope. She discovered the thrill of combat, of running another warrior through and feeling his life-blood covering her hands to the cheers of an entertained crowd.

And she needed more.

Description & Personality
Before you stands a tall, black-skinned elf with shoulder-length white hair and white eyes, her head tilted toward you with a devious smirk. A stark white manica is on her right arm, with a pair of white, hardened leather greaves, a large, white leather balteus, white sandals, a white loincloth & a white leather breast band covering the rest of her. She's slim, but at the same time quite muscular, if the oil highlighting her muscles is any indication. A slender, shining gladius is at her side, as well as a knife and heavy shield.

Years in the gladiatorial pits have beat a sense of discipline into Nathrae, but they haven't dampened her innate ambitiousness. She is, surprisingly, quite pleasant to anyone she speaks with, even those who curse her. She saves her bloodlust for the arena floor, where she relishes every blow she lands. Unlike most other drow, she understands the value of teamwork, and will work to ensure she's a valued member of whatever team she finds herself on, especially if it means her chances of survival will improve.

Crunchy Bits
Alignment: Neutral Evil: Flauros, Demon Lord of Fire & Salamanders

STR 14
DEX 16
CON 11
CHA 16

Size: Medium, 6'0'', 135 lbs

Skills: 4 ranks (+1 Favoured Class Bonus)
-1 Perform (Dance) +6
-1 Acrobatics +7
-1 Sense Motive +3
-1 Diplomacy +6

Curse: Haunted

Feat: Weapon Finesse, Nimble Moves

-1st: Sun Metal, Bless, Cure Light Wounds
-0th: Create Water, Stabilize, Guidance, Purify Food & Drink

Alt. Racial Trait: Darklands Stalker (Move thru difficult terrain underground with no penalty; gain Nimble Moves as a bonus feat; replaces spell-like abilities)

Traits & Drawback

-Cruelty (-2 on attack rolls vs. non-dying or non-helpless creatures within 30 ft)
-Murmillo: With more emphasis on defence than most gladiator types, you enter combat wielding a gladius in one hand and either a heavy shield or a tower shield in the other. As long as you’re not denied your Dexterity bonus to AC and have a heavy or tower shield in hand you gain a +1 deflection bonus to your AC.
-Auctoratus: Unlike most gladiators, who are slaves captured from the surface world (or bred from such captives), you’re an ex-citizen (or city ‘guest’ from a respected race) who’s voluntarily submitted themselves to indentured servitude (for a period of at least two years) as a gladiator. For some this a last resort to pay off debts or stave off poverty, for others it’s an escape from social commitments (such as an arranged marriage, or an expectation to follow in the family business); for a few the lure of a life of combat and glory is motivation enough. Choose drow, duergar or fetchling as your race.
-Ludus Learning: You quickly took to your gladiator training. Choose one weapon with the performance feature: you’re considered proficient in that weapon as long as you’re wearing no armour or light armour and carrying no more than a light load. This trait counts as being proficient for the purposes of qualifying for feats or class features and the like, but whenever you lose use of the this trait, you lose the use of those feats, class features, etc. which require that proficiency until you again regain use of this trait. (Weapon: Gladius)

I'll get it all in a profile soon.

EDIT: And if you're not allowing evil characters, please let me know so I can change her alignment to something more suitable.

Liberty's Edge

Background stuff here!

Half-Orc Barbarian (Hateful Rager) 1
CN Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +0; Senses Perception +0
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor)
hp 21 (1d12+9)
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 40 ft.
Melee gladius +5 (1d6+4/19-20) and
. . scorpion whip +5 (1d4+4)
Special Attacks rage (6 rounds/day)
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +6; CMD 15
Feats Endurance, Tribal Scars
Traits bred for war, fate's favored, sex symbol
Drawbacks unlearned [local]
Skills Climb +8, Intimidate +8, Perform (Sex Symbol) +2, Swim +8
Languages Common, Orc
SQ fast movement, orc blood
Other Gear leather armor, gladius, scorpion whip, barbarian's kit, 111 gp
Special Abilities
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Fate's Favored Increase luck bonuses by 1.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Rage (6 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.

@PP/Dragoncat - yes that was what I was aiming for - the mask being the visor part of a leering helm...

I'll get to the crunch tonight...

still waiting on whether or not my background is A-OK and a go....

The Exchange

Nathrae: Nice background! Just a few notes... Drow are proficient in short swords anyway, you'd not need 'ludus learning' to use a gladius. Your Perform (dance) and Acrobatics both look like they should be +7 (+1 Rank +3 Class +3 Charisma bonus). You should probably add the bonus orisons from Haunted to the 4 orisons know too, just to make it clear. You also seem to be missing your level 1 revelation.

Segovax: Again, nice background! A few notes here too... You're missing a campaign trait (one trait has to be a campaign trait - i.e. gladiator style... the others I posted are optional traits under categories other than 'campaign'). I'm not sure where you're getting a second Feat from, and you can skip equipment (as noted in an earlier post) - just list the gladiator gear allowed by your chosen campaign trait (when you have one!).

Darien: Another great background! You could go Foehammer by taking the Peregrinus gladiator type, but you'd not be allowed medium or heavy armour with it, no (the types are meant to be balanced, and leaning towards light armour and smaller base die weapons - to maximise the amount of hits the audience gets to see... otherwise the first full-plate armoured knight with a two-handed sword who came along would win everything in one round... and nobody wants to see that!).

Also, a general note based off of the background Darien presented: PCs won't start with specific noble patrons (matrons?), as acquiring one is a significant step in a character's ever-increasing Fame (I've put it at the 20 Fame mark, to be exact... I'll post the full Fame/Prestige list when I create the OOC thread).

The Exchange

Okay, I've created an OOC thread the game here.

Liberty's Edge

My mistake. I thought the optional traits were also campaign traits. The extra feat is from being a half-orc. They have the ability to give up the bonus to intimidate for endurance as a bonus feat.

Half-Orc Barbarian (Hateful Rager) 1
CN Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +0; Senses Perception +0
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor)
hp 21 (1d12+9)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +1
Speed 40 ft.
Melee falchion +5 (2d4+6/18-20)
Special Attacks rage (6 rounds/day)
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +6; CMD 15
Feats Endurance, Tribal Scars
Traits bred for war, peregrinus, sex symbol
Drawbacks unlearned [local]
Skills Climb +8, Intimidate +8, Perform (Sex Symbol) +2, Swim +8
Languages Common, Orc
SQ fast movement, orc blood
Other Gear leather armor, falchion
Special Abilities
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Rage (6 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.

Segovax has racial proficiency with a scorpion whip, does that count for purposes of peregrinus? Also, who should be checking into that discussion thread?

Whoops, I overlooked that sicas are exotic weapons. I chose Mark of Slavery as a drawback, but now I'm wavering between Ludus Learning for the sicas, or just giving Kyzrak shortswords/ and going with Sex Symbol, which sounds much more amusing coupled with his lack of wisdom. PP, if I did the latter, would you consider allowing the use of Dex instead of Strength for that trait?

OSW here. Okay, here is my Scarred Witch Doctor submission - crunch is 95% completed. Leaving her backstory here.

Forest Jade's Tale:
"Forest Jade". That is what the hated drow call her in their sibilant tongue. A cruel joke, down here in the darkness. The only forests here are of fungus or the bristling palisades of spears.

Quiet Crocus was her name. Apprenticed to the old rogue Strong Water. She was to have grown among the trees of her tribe, roaming between the swamp and tundra that bordered her ancestral lands. Strong Water instructed her in the dark arts of summoning the wyrd of the land to rest in her spiritmask, and the necessary rites and rituals to mark her body. To learn the arts of witchcraft passed down the ages of her tribes and outer-tribes.

Then they came. The quick, dark folk. Crocus has stepped too far from the safety of her tribe, and in a few moments what was a quiet glade turned ominous. She was struck down and trussed without even raising a breath. The birds soon resumed their song as the black elves discussed their latest catch. Down into the depths of the earth they took her, to where her orc blood might feel comfortable, but truly did Crocus fear this claustrophobic internment.

She hated the drow with a passion. Callous slavers, traders in life and death. Ilvaria and Pharnox. Loscivia, for whom Crocus reserves the greatest enmity. It was that b*%~@ that named her Forest Jade. As a joke. As if Crocus will survive even one minute in the arena. In time, Loscivia deigned to note that Crocus had magic, and as a twist to this cruel joke had Crocus' spiritmask arranged within a basket of wire, plate and mesh. She was trained by brutish half-orcs and orcs in the use of the falchion, instructed in the arena's version of arcane arts, and told that if she lasted even one bout she would more than repay Loscivia's investment. If not, well then her mistress would laugh at her untimely death.

So, Crocus became the Forest Jade, soaking up all the atmosphere and hatred of this new realm. She knew the Forest had not abandoned her, but she was pragmatic and realistic - she had abandoned the forest for the demonic Socothbenoth - learned in all the vile and depraved arts of the most heinous beings. She would likely never return to the beloved surface. But if she could get her hands around the neck of Loscivia, perhaps she might be allowed to squeeze the life from that drow wench before she herself was cut down. For now, a dream would have to do. For the morrow, likely death. She would salute the crowd, and rise - or fall.

ProfPotts wrote:
Nathrae: Nice background! Just a few notes... Drow are proficient in short swords anyway, you'd not need 'ludus learning' to use a gladius. Your Perform (dance) and Acrobatics both look like they should be +7 (+1 Rank +3 Class +3 Charisma bonus). You should probably add the bonus orisons from Haunted to the 4 orisons know too, just to make it clear. You also seem to be missing your level 1 revelation.

Derp. That's what I get for staying up late to finish it.

Here's the updated stuff.

Crunchy Bits
Alignment: Neutral Evil: Flauros, Demon Lord of Fire & Salamanders

STR 14
DEX 16
CON 11
CHA 16

Size: Medium, 6'0'', 135 lbs

Skills: 4 ranks (+1 Favoured Class Bonus)
-1 Perform (Dance) +7
-1 Acrobatics +7
-1 Sense Motive +3
-1 Diplomacy +7

Curse: Haunted (Standard Action to retrieve stuff stored on my person)

Revelation: Touch of Flame (Melee touch attack: 1d6+1/2 oracle levels, 6/day)

Feat: Weapon Finesse, Nimble Moves

-1st: Sun Metal, Bless, Cure Light Wounds
-0th: Create Water, Stabilize, Guidance, Purify Food & Drink, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound

Alt. Racial Trait: Darklands Stalker (Move thru difficult terrain underground with no penalty; gain Nimble Moves as a bonus feat; replaces spell-like abilities)

Traits & Drawback

-Cruelty (-2 on attack rolls vs. non-dying or non-helpless creatures within 30 ft)
-Murmillo: With more emphasis on defence than most gladiator types, you enter combat wielding a gladius in one hand and either a heavy shield or a tower shield in the other. As long as you’re not denied your Dexterity bonus to AC and have a heavy or tower shield in hand you gain a +1 deflection bonus to your AC.
-Auctoratus: Unlike most gladiators, who are slaves captured from the surface world (or bred from such captives), you’re an ex-citizen (or city ‘guest’ from a respected race) who’s voluntarily submitted themselves to indentured servitude (for a period of at least two years) as a gladiator. For some this a last resort to pay off debts or stave off poverty, for others it’s an escape from social commitments (such as an arranged marriage, or an expectation to follow in the family business); for a few the lure of a life of combat and glory is motivation enough. Choose drow, duergar or fetchling as your race.
-Spirit of a Champion: Being a gladiator is more than a job to you – it’s your true calling. The cheers of the crowd fill you with an almost religious fervour. When in performance combat, you gain a +1 trait bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits with performance weapons if the crowd’s attitude towards you is friendly, this increases to a +2 trait bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits with performance weapons if the crowd’s attitude towards you is helpful.

Also, how should we handle equipment?

The Exchange

Segovax: ah, okay... Shaman's Apprentice, right? I think your Intimidate skill should be +6 then (+1 Rank +3 Class +1 Charisma +1 Bred for War), yes? When you say he has racial proficiency with whips (including scorpion whips) does that mean you're taking the Beastmaster alternate racial trait for him too? That'd be fine for Peregrinus. Any options you take you really should list... otherwise I'm down to best guessing here! :)

Dex instead of Str for Sex Symbol..? Yeah, okay, I don't see why not.

Quiet Crocus: Looking good! You've built her on a 20pt buy though. You also need to list the spells 'known' in her mask too (all Witch cantrips and 3+Con mod 1st levels spells in her case, I believe).

Dragoncat: looks good to me.

And here's, officially, Nathrae Khalazza!

Just a couple of questions:

1) How is equipment being handled? Do we get starting gold for our class to buy gear or do we just start with whatever equipment our gladiator style calls for?

2) What alignments are you allowing for this? I'm asking because I'll change Nathrae's alignment to something more player & GM-friendly depending on what's allowed.

The Exchange

I've created a game thread and posted the introduction here.

Equipment: you just get your gladiator stuff... when it's issued for official matches, of course. That should change as play progresses and the characters prove their value.

Alignments: any, really, as long as nobody is thinking of playing the 'stupid' variant of any alignment... but hopefully those days are long since passed! It'll be tough to be a good guy though, considering the job and all...

The Exchange

Okay, so it looks like we have a line-up...

These four are basically good to start posting:

Lorelai, female drow peregrinus (Sorceress, Joy)
Nathrae Khalazza, female drow murmillo (Oracle of Flame, Dragoncat)
Radric Hessel, male halfling rudiarius (Dervish Dancer Bard, Sodium Telluride)
Segovax, male half-orc peregrinus (Hateful Rager Barbarian, Feral)

These three still need a little work:

Ivan, male dwarf peregrinus (Foehammer Fighter, Darien Cedric Espoir
Kyzrak Zverloranth, male drow diamachaerus (Fighter, Rotolutundro)
Quiet Crocus/The Forest Jade, female half-orc peregrinus (Scarred Witch Doctor Witch, Oceanshieldwolf)

... seven is a little more than I was aiming for, but I'm sure we can make it work [GM scurries off to make the bad guys bigger... ;) ]

Here is my submission, Hull Korel, a halfling wizard. Right now, he has Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat, as per usual for a wizard, but I was wondering if you would let me switch it out for another bonus feat, since I'm guessing crafting isn't going to be allowed. Maybe Spell Focus, PFS-style?

Hull Korel:

Male halfling transmuter (enhancement) 1
N Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +2; Perception +1
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+1 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 11 (d6+5);
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +3; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee rudem +1 (1d4)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d3/19-20)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
Transmuter Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st—burning hands (DC 14), enlarge person, shield
0—acid splash, prestidigitation, touch of fatigue (DC 13)
Opposed Schools: Divination and Enchantment
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats AlertnessB (if Rich is within arm’s reach), Scribe ScrollB, Toughness
Traits Entertaining Evocations, Rudarius
Skills Acrobatics +2, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Perception +1 (+3 if Rich is within arm’s reach), Perform (act) +4, Sense Motive +0 (+2 if Rich is within arm’s reach), Spellcraft +7, Stealth +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Craft or Profession
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Orc
SQ arcane bond (armadillo), ingratiating, physical enhancement, weapon familiarity
Gear balteus, dagger, rudem, spellbook [all non-divination/enchantment cantrips, plus burning hands, chill touch, color spray, enlarge person, grease, shield]
Arcane Bond [Armadillo] (Ex or Sp)
Hull has formed a close bond with an armadillo named Rich (+1 to natural armor).
Augment (Sp)
As a standard action, you can touch a creature and grant it either a +2 enhancement bonus to a single ability score of your choice or a +1 bonus to natural armor that stacks with any natural armor the creature might possess. At 10th level, the enhancement bonus to one ability score increases to +4. The natural armor bonus increases by +1 for every five wizard levels you possess, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. This augmentation lasts a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1 round). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
Halflings often survive at the whims of larger, more aggressive races. Because of this, they go out of their way to make themselves more useful, or at least entertaining, to larger folk. Halflings with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on skill checks for a single Perform skill of their choice, and Perform is always a class skill for them. They also gain a +2 bonus on Craft and Profession checks. This racial trait replaces keen senses and sure-footed.
Physical Enhancement (Su)
You gain a +1 enhancement bonus to one physical ability score (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution). This bonus increases by +1 for every five wizard levels you possess to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. You can change this bonus to a new ability score when you prepare spells. At 20th level, this bonus applies to two physical ability scores of your choice. (Con--Included above)
Weapon Familiarity
Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.

Favored Class Bonus: +1/2 to level for Intelligence, nat. armor, and abilities of familiar.

Background and Personality:
Hull is the son of two halfling slaves. Like his father before him, Hull is a rudarius gladiator. Before recently meeting an untimely death in the ring, Hull's father taught him how to use effectively both his arcane talents and his gift for acting in the ring. Hull tries to stay away from the enemies as much as much as possible, enhancing his team and playing the crowd. He pretends to be scared, but actually he is trying to entertain the crowd (and maybe make his opponents overconfident). His secret weapon is his pet armadillo Rich. He is biding his time until he can make Rich powerful enough to send in to cast powerful energy spells while he concentrates on winning over the crowd--a tactic for which his father was famous. Hull wants to maintain the legacy of the Korel gladiators, make the best of the situation into which he was born, and hopefully avenge his father while he is at it.


Whoops, sorry for overstepping on my character backstory haha. Retweaked and expanded it a bit, hopefully it's better now.

Question: does the ban on non-performance-heavy spells mean that virtually anything that targets Will is off-limits? What about spells that have the potential for some pretty entertaining effects, like Confusion? I chose Lesser Confusion as a 1st-level spell, but if that's a no-go I can change it.

Here's Kyzrak with his own alias.

Liberty's Edge

Ah, I'll create a spoiler block with all of his alternate racial options. He's taken a bunch.

Intimidate: +1 Rank +3 Class +1 Charisma +1 Bred for War +2 Tribal Scars

I'll put the alias together now.

here is Ivan

Liberty's Edge

I think your stats are wrong. It's 15 point buy.

The Exchange

Lesser confusion is fine, as it both has pretty obvious effects, and doesn't just stop the match dead.

Kyzrak's good to go now.

Segovax... so, Bearpelt tribe then? (To be honest, I should remember all these... Tribal Scars has been one of my favourite Feats since I got hold of People of the North!)

Hull Korel: okay... 8 PCs then! All looks good and ready to go... and sure, you can switch out Scribe Scroll for Spell Focus if you want.

The Exchange

Ivan: yep, looks like you're a couple of points over. Also I think your Hit Points should be 13, and your AC 15. Where's the Armour Master trait from? Do you perhaps mean Armour Expert?

... loving the helmet though... :)

AC: (I assume we I am allowed chain mail equivalent armor) so 10+4+1 dex +1 light shield?

and I took at extra skill rather than HP.
and yes, I think I do mean Armor Expert. probably replace that though.

EDIT: Noticed It didn't save stat changes... lol.

The Exchange

Ivan: that makes more sense! Although you still seem to be on 16pts by my count... (10 for Str, -2 for Cha, 2 for each of the other four)

oops. my bad! lol. hmm.... ah, I see the type haha.

the idea behind Ivan is, while he plays along, he doesn't do it well...And he was never a charming dwarf, even among dwarves, but he has a very kind side to those that can... bear his company. Hope the low performance doesn't bite him in the butt XD

The Exchange

LOL: technically Ivan's a point down now (a 7 base Ability Score costs -4 points)... but feel free to start posting as you sort it out.

The biggest way a low 'performance combat check' will inflict butt biting would be if you happen to end up at an opponent's mercy when the crowd's against you... then it's thumbs-down all the way... Just never lose and you'll be fine! :)

ProfPotts wrote:

Quiet Crocus: Looking good! You've built her on a 20pt buy though. You also need to list the spells 'known' in her mask too (all Witch cantrips and 3+Con mod 1st levels spells in her case, I believe...

Oh. Yes I did didn't I. Even says 15 pt buy in my stat area.

I've changed her stats, I'l get to updating the skill mod bonuses when I have access to computer. Painful by phone. Will choose spels too. Thanks!!!


Wow, 8 PCs is a lot. You sure you want that many?

The Exchange

Quiet Crocus: feel free to start posting - you've got your prepared spells listed, even if you've not finished up your spells known yet, so we should be good to go to start the action!

Radric Hessel wrote:
Wow, 8 PCs is a lot. You sure you want that many?

LOL! Well, it is tempting to wipe half of your guys out in the first round, just to thin the ranks... ;)

... but 8 should be fine in a PbP, I think...

Liberty's Edge

The toughest thing about a game that big is going to be keeping the pacing up.

ProfPotts wrote:
Quiet Crocus: feel free to start posting - you've got your prepared spells listed, even if you've not finished up your spells known yet, so we should be good to go to start the action!

Ok. I'll choose my other spells known ASAP.

You could always break us into two teams of four, then merge the survivors into a team of six... ;)

The Exchange

Or break you into two teams of four and force you to fight to the death for my amusement! Bwahahahahah!!!

... oops, sorry... I should really stop method acting the drow...


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