GM Warhawk |

I think it makes sense to minimize complications, so I will vote for Energy always bypasses Dr. That's what resistances are for... it will put a premium on even small energy resistances.
When it interacts with the Strain/Wound system, as I understand it there is a difference because attacks that force a saving throw cause wounds and attacks against defense as a rule don't. So you can "dodge" a laser and take the "hit" as strain damage. But a monster breath weapon that forces a reflex save is Wound damage whether you make the save or fail it.
The way we have set this up, Guns and Lasers are deadly. As players we need to look for cover rather than stand an slam. When I played SW Saga edition, making sure the combat maps had lots of opportunities for cover did wonders to make encounters survivable.
One other variant to consider (I am not advocating, I am brainstorming here):
DR/armor only protects from wound damage. Not strain damage. That way the first couple hits will get through and eat up your strain HP cushion, but when the going gets really tough you have extra protection. Complicates the gameplay, and I don't like to do that; but I like it as a thought experiment.
That variant actually sounds pretty nifty. I can see where it would complicate things though.
I'll keep cover in mind when I make the map, for sure. Might go and 'borrow' some ideas from the Mass Effect games.
Oh, and ignore the Obsidian Portal post. It seems you can only do one page on a free account. Google Sites though has a LOT of customization it would appear, so I'll be transferring Campaign Guide stuff to it today and tomorrow.
I will try to get the first gameplay post by tonight. I can easily transfer stuff over between posts.

Fraejia |

I thought what we were dealing with was energy resist, not the dr/armor. If we're using the dr rules I am fine with it reducing energy weapon damage. What I was getting at is that energy weapons are still dealing a specific type of damage and should interact with resistances as well, or at least weakness/immunity to given energy types.
For example, I am immune to ice and vulnerable to fire. If I am hit by a zero weapon I take nothing. If I get hit by a laser I take 1.5 damage after the dr/armor since it is fire based. Any other type I take damage as normal.
Maybe an easier way to handle energy resistance is to convert it to dr/armor vs that energy type. So a tiefling has extra dr/armor vs cold, elec, and fire. The energy resist "spells" would give dr vs their type equal to one half the total resistance they would give minimum of 5 It would make battlefield intelligence very important, to know what weapons to bring and what you have to overcome.
If you are not reducing the damage from energy weapons with dr/armor then what is the point of it

Lazarus Xim |

DR/armor protects from Knives and bullets?
Those are supposed to be more common than energy weapons as I understand the setting. They are what I use. We are a party of heroes, so we have better than average weapons.
The way I am understanding the rules:
If you get hit by a laser that does 2d8(fire) damage... your basic armor offers no protection, and your vulnerability still applies. That's why E weapons are so good.
If you have armor with a resist 5 fire, that would reduce the incoming damage by 5 and then apply your vulnerability.
Conversely, when you ice-blast Boba Fett, his armor offers no protection from your blast. Even though my bullets are bouncing off him.

Fraejia |

See, I never picked up the energy weapons rare bit, if that is the case then it makes a lot more sense to me to do it the way you suggested.

Lazarus Xim |

I must admit I assumed the will be rare because only a few classes get it as default weapon proficiency. Other classes need a feat for E-weapons. Fighters, Gunslingers, Cyborgs IIRC get eweapon prof automatically.
If people without the E-weapon proficiency feat are using them, they are at -2 to hit at least.
So it would follow that professional soldiers may have them.
It also explains why stormtroopers die with one blaster shot... why do they even wear armor?

Fraejia |

Ah see, that's the thing, they were disposable and being thrown away to let the rebels lead the empire to the hideout. They were ordered to die and did for the glory of the empire.
...At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Terz "Lux" |

I went back through the recruitment thread. I just noted that Use Computer is not on the Slayer List.
Is Mechanics the replacement for Disable Device or Use Computer. I have not issues taking the hit to the skill just trying to figure if I have things right in the profile.
Is mechanics on the slayer list?

Kunga the Seeker |

I am pretty sure that the GM has something in mind, Elf King/Chaali. He will reveal that to us once the game thread opens. You might want to make Chaali your default alias if this is your only game...

GM Warhawk |

I started the gameplay. Check it out and post accordingly. I'd like for everyone to post at least once before continuing on with this start.
Also, I'd like for a minimum of 1 post a day. If you may be absent for a few days, please let me know beforehand if possible.
Also, I'm sure I can concoct a restricted drug that effects Nekoji particularly and most species call 'Catnip'.

GM Warhawk |

Okay, so the SWRPG Saga Edition is not in any ways Open Content, so I'm not moving Disable Device into Mechanics. Mechanics will not exist.
The only new skill will be Pilot. The Pilot skill is on a d20 Modern SRD, so it's good to use.
The other skills changed (using Santiago) are:
Craft (alchemy) - Craft (Chemistry)
Knowledge (arcana) - Knowledge (technology)
Knowledge (planes) - Knowledge (astronomy)
Spellcraft - Craft (tech device)
Use Magic Device - Use Tech Device
Use Computer was essentially be the same as Use Tech Device, so lets just switch it to Use Tech Device.

Fraejia |

K, Corrected my skills to account for those changes, I should be good now.

Lazarus Xim |

Enable device?
@warhawk, I think we are OK to use non OGL words, particularly an actual word with an actual meaning. We are only on shaky ground of we try to sell it as a game.
Even though use tech device is a skill for me. We could have several skills with the same effect that represent different approaches to the problem.

Kunga the Seeker |

I just put that rank in climb. Now I don't have to worry about it. Kunga will be slightly less self-sufficient, but a little dependency on other members of the party is a good thing.

Lazarus Xim |

Kunga nodded to Fraejia in understanding. He replied, "Fascinating." He wanted to ask her some questions and learn more about her species, but Terz's words reminded him that time was of the essence, so for now he just let it go.
I see what you did there. ;)

GM Warhawk |

Okay, now for your Campaign Traits.
Lazarus - Deruteian Military Graduate: You were a member of the Imperium military. Therefore, add Derutei to your languages known. Plus, you get a +1 trait bonus to any Knowledge checks related to Imperium military equipment and tactics and Pilot checks with Imperium military craft.
Chaali - Templar Medic: You were trained by the MediCorps branch of the Ordaris Templaris. You get a +1 trait bonus to Heal and Autohypnosis checks. Having worked at the Marjun Reservation, you can add Marjun to your languages known.
Terz - Conscripted Soldier: You were conscripted into the Derutei Military (like many of your species). You gain a +1 trait bonus to attack rolls with two-handed firearms. Also, you get a +1 trait bonus to Intimidate checks.
Fraejia - Esper Cynicism: Your outlook on life due to your longevity has given you a strong will. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Will saves and a +1 trait bonus vs. Intimidate and Diplomacy checks made against you.
Kunga - Deputized: Your travels with the Space Marshal have given you insight to the motives of others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive and Intimidate checks.
Hope these seem sufficient for a campaign trait. Kunga, yours was particularly difficult to come up with. I feel that your trait is lacking. Once I figure something out, I'll be sure to let you know.

Kunga the Seeker |

Okay, now for your Campaign Traits.
Kunga - Deputized: Your travels with the Space Marshal have given you insight to the motives of others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive and Intimidate checks.
Hope these seem sufficient for a campaign trait. Kunga, yours was particularly difficult to come up with. I feel that your trait is lacking. Once I figure something out, I'll be sure to let you know.
This seems quite similar to the Seeker's Stern Gaze ability. Was this intentional? Perhaps we can work together on this one. I have some ideas. I will refine them when I get a chance and present them to you.
Stern Gaze: The Seeker receives a morale bonus equal to half his class level on Intimidate and Sense Motive checks. This ability replaces wild empathy.

GM Warhawk |

So, vote. Want mechanics as a unique skill? It would be an Int based skill. I'd also give everyone a free skill point to use wherever they choose to make up for all the confusion. Or, we could just use Knowledge (Technology) to cover everything that might conceivably be involved with mechanics.
I see Terz got the Docking Bay reference.

Fraejia |

I think mechanics should be a separate skill, after all, knowing how to fix it and fixing it are two very different things.

Lazarus Xim |

Knowledge (Technology) for the know-how, and Mechanics for the application then?
l am willing to go with that.
I don't have a strong opinion.

GM Warhawk |

I'm sure you noticed I incurred an AoO against Kunga that time. My reasoning is this...
While firing at something next to you in melee, you are focused on that target. Plus, guns have been around for so long people have learned simple CQC techniques that prevent most AoO when using them in melee. However, he fired at a target outside of the current melee, which would draw too much attention to effectively defend against simple AoO type attacks.

GM Warhawk |

Hey guys, to make things a little easier for combat purposes (so I don't have to keep looking at our alias profile to get the info, especially on my phone), could everyone please set up their information that shows up under your name to be like Xim and Fraejia's?
Here is the format:
Gender Race Class Lvl | HP #, Strain #, Wounds # | DR #/armor | Defense #, FF #, Touch # | F #, R #, W # | Init +# | Per +#
If you have any special class abilities you'd like to add, such as Panache (in Xim's Case) or anything else that has a limited number of uses per day, you can.
Remember, Defense is calculated as:
Defense = 10 + shield bonus + Dexterity modifier + other modifiers (including armor’s enhancement bonus, but not armor bonus or natural armor bonus)
As for the game, I'll post again later when I get a chance.