Leon 'the Paper' Moore |

Paper could hold the tower no longer. He could feel the paper slip and snap as the structure collapsed. Reflexively he leapt back from it as the metal frame crashed in to the ground, rupturing the tower's tank and spilling what was left of its contents. He could only watch the water rush out, heading for lower ground, and hope they did enough.
Paper looked over at MINOTAR. "You okay?"
He thumbs back at the JAVELIN. "We should catch back up with SJ."
Turning to the aircraft in time to see their teammate approaching on his own to rejoin them. He wave to Straightjacket. "Stretch, already dumped your new girlfriend?" He joked, trying to ease the tension the a little.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

MINOTAR checks the horizon as SJ approaches and seems to...approximate some humor.
"Query: Was she 'smokin' hot SJ? I did not get a good look at her up close. Did you get 'singed' as they say?"
With the deadpan of MINOTAR's electronic voice, it is very difficult to tell if that was meant as a joke or not. He quickly continues.
"Statement: SJ and I should get back to the Javelin, and attempt to make repairs if possible. Leon, please coordinate with the police and see if our help is needed for anything else directly. If not, then look into this as a 'distraction' for something else that was occurring nearby. I'm afraid we may have missed something important with all of this going on."

Straightjacket |

"Just got burned by another hot babe. It's just my fate. "
upon the suggestion that he go and try to fix their ride "I'll see if Dad can do any good with it. That's more his thing. "
and he will leap away back to the Javelin.
"Hey Dad, think you can fix this thing?" looking at the scorched and banged up craft.
Dad's tech roll technology skill: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
"Oddly enough, I think I can. Get me the took kit. "

Leon 'the Paper' Moore |

"She spurned my affections for the boy in blue. "
”Sorry man, it’s the uniform. Get’s ‘em everyting.”
Leon chuckled.MINOTAR checks the horizon as SJ approaches and seems to...approximate some humor.
"Query: Was she 'smokin' hot SJ? I did not get a good look at her up close. Did you get 'singed' as they say?"
With the deadpan of MINOTAR's electronic voice, it is very difficult to tell if that was meant as a joke or not.
Leon stared at MINOTAR and then laughed. ”I don’t think that is ever gonna get old.”
He coughed and stopped laughing. He gave his teammate a nod and quick two finger salute. ”On it.” He said and quickly made his way back into the Javelin. Settling in front of the communication system he attempts to coordinate with the local responders the see where else study can be of help.
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The remainder of the day is spent in cleanup duties, helping people trapped in collapsed buildings, putting out fires, assisting with recovery, etc. By the time night falls, all of you are thoroughly exhausted (except MINOTAR, who does not require rest).
Thus, it is MINOTAR that is awake when the alert comes in, a 911 dispatcher asking the heroes for help. A man has taken hostages in a downtown club and is threatening to kill them if his demands are not met. Police have been dispatched, but it hoped that the heroes (or hero, if MINOTAR wishes to let the other sleep) can assist.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Feeling communication is key to any relationship, MINOTAR will warn the others he is leaving to go help, but will not turn down any help they offer to assist him if they feel they are up to it at all.
He will then fly there as soon as he can, as long as the javelin is in good enough shape.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

MINOTAR pilots the javelin near but not too close to the location, not wanting to alert the hostage takers inside the club to the approach of the JL.
Once landed and safe, MINOTAR makes sure the Javelin is secure and then moves quickly to approach the scene of the club, staying out of sight but contacting the police remotely using his radio to alert them to his presence and availability.
"Statement and Query: I am withing sight of the hostage location. Can someone bring me up to speed on any details that are available currently? Do you want me to go in directly to attempt to resolve things now, or stand by while you attempt something? I'm currently at your disposal, as long as nothing more important comes up to interrupt...like another alien invasion per se."

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One of the police on the scene, an older officer, briefs the hero. "All we know is that whoever is masterminding this is not present. The suspect has made no calls or demands. Instead, they have been relayed to us by a disposable Trac phone. The speaker has refused to identify themselves and is using an electronic voice scrambler. They said only that unless we called for someone in the Justice League, the suspect would begin killing the hostages. We've had eyes on the suspect and he or she has made no effort at communications. They are dressed in a heavy coat and hat, making identification difficult."

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Not liking this at all, MINOTAR will approach the police present at the scene, in the open and slowly.
"Statement and Query: Let them know I am here as a representative of the Justice League as requested. Please ask them be forthcoming with their true demands. I am quite patient, but I can only surmise you officers are not."

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The police do as they are bidden and the reply comes back. "They want you to go in alone," the sergeant says. As an afterthought, he adds, "You do know that this is a trap, right? Be careful. We've seen only the one suspect, but there may well be others."

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Nodding carefully, MINOTAR leans in and talks in a lower voice.
"Statement and Query: Knowing it is a trap means I still have some advantage. Do you have a Tear Gas canister-grenade handy? I think I can conceal one in my hand long enough. With it I, may be able to slow down the enemy's tricks. How may hostages are there supposed to be?"
Once the police gives him a best-guess head count of the hostages, he nods again.
"Wary Statement: If I end up coming out in some form or fashion alone and without the hostages, and I don't say specifically the words 'Gear up!' somehow, I want you to hit me with everything you have available and call in my compatriots as soon as possible. If I come out with someone else and I point two of my finger-like digits at them...for any reason, I want you to hit THEM with everything you have. Am I clear officers? Good. Let's begin this farcical dance then."
Taking one of the gas-grenades, he carefully wraps his large-ish metal hands around it in order to keep it out of sight and hopes the metal of the can blends with his natural coloring a bit...

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As you enter the building, your visual sensors adjust quickly to the dim light level. You quickly identify eight frightened humans crouched against a wall and a ninth human (female) in the grip of a humanoid figure in a dark overcoat and fedora with glowing red eyes.
The female in the grip of the humanoid is obviously terrified, her big blue eyes pleading with you to help her. Her blond hair is tossled and he clothes are torn.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Nodding at the dark figure MINOTAR speaks carefully, noting the man's careful positioning and obvious threat.
"Statement and Query: As a representative of the Justice League, I am here to meet the terms of your requirements. Please...let the innocent people go. Then you and I can discuss your requirements like civilized people do. Agreed?"

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The figure says nothing but reveals an almost skeletal hand of five fingers that are topped with wicked bone claws.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Noting the bony digits MINOTAR continues.
"Statement: Whatever your motivations are, these people are no longer a factor in them."
He then turns slightly to the people huddled nearby.
"Orders: Leave NOW...slowly and carefully with your hands up so the police do not make any mistakes."

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The hostages do as they are bidden, except the girl that the being holds. She is obviously very frightened.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Noting the hostages leaving correctly, and the bony stranger still not moving...MINOTAR tries to take a closer look at the 'man' and woman.
Just a note here: I have an Eidetic Memory, Time Sense, Seismic/Motion sensors (Danger Sense), Internal Radio communications, and Darkvision (Which I assumed was FLIR/Infrared related) or it is just Low-Light capabilities that allow me to see better in the dark. With all of that going on in my head...am I seeing something out of the ordinary here?
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

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Infrared vision is different from darkvision, but you can have IR if you prefer. Darkvision is the ability to see in total darkness in black-and-white. Infravision is the ability to sense heat patterns. Nothing pings in your Eidetic Memory regarding seeing this villain in police files or the JL database.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Black/White is fine, I just wanted to be sure.
Approaching slowly, MINOTAR reaches out towards the odd man's hand.
"Statement: Reveal what you want or submit to the police. I care not. It is past time to let the innocent woman go."

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The figure suddenly pushes the girl towards you and flees towards the backdoor of the club. The girl clings to you desperately, muttering "Thank you, thank you."

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Taking the woman by the waist and arm, MINOTAR leads the woman safely outside to the police, giving his safe signal as he exits.
"Statement: He ran towards the back! Track his movements if you can, I'm going after him!"
Once sure the woman is safe with the police, MINOTAR turns back and races back into the building!

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The woman clings to you as if glued. Your sensors detect a subtle movement seconds before a knife flashes into view. She stabs at you with the blade, clearly undeterred by your robotic design.
Knife: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31 (DC 18 Toughness) [I also need a DC 25 Fort save, unless you are immune to such]

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Toughness (w/Fort Immunity): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
"Statement: I am disappointed you thought I could be disabled so easily."
With those words, MINOTAR moves the woman further inside the building and then crushes the tear gas canister he still holds in his off-hand fist.

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The woman sneers at you, then begins choking on the gas. She is incapacitated.
Fort save: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Taking the weapon away from the woman he leaves her choking for now and drops the canister near her head. Silently signaling the police by radio to come and 'carefully' arrest the woman accomplice, MINOTAR runs out the back after the skeletal figure!
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

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MINOTAR quickly pursues the skeletal figure, but by the time he emerges from the back of the club, the figure has disappeared into the darkness.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Radioing the police to spread out and conduct a basic search for the skeletal figure, MINOTAR contacts his base (Leon) and updates them on the situation. He let's them know he will help interrogate the new prisoner and also try helping with catching the escaped criminal.

Leon 'the Paper' Moore |

"Acknowledged, MINO. Let us know if you have an update, or need any back-up."
Paper came back over their secured comms. He sat back in the chair in front of the screens. He'd been monitoring all the live feeds and radio chatter they could access, frowning. Something just wasn't sitting right with him.
Paper started going back over all the footage, trying to isolate imagines of the villain MINOTAR encountered inside the building so they might be able to identify him.

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We can play out the interrogation.
"All we've been able to get out of her is her name, so far," the police detective admits. "Valeri Trulov. She's a Russian native who defected to the U.S. about 5 years ago. She's wanted in the U.S. and Europe for several mundane crimes."

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

"Rhetorical Query, Statement, and Query: Mundane? I would say she has graduated to more than mundane. Let's see what we can get out of her. May I speak to her? On the record of course. Feel free to step in if I say or do something inappropriate of course. I do not want to break any laws or make your work harder."
Assuming MINOTAR will be allowed to talk to her...
"Statement and Query: Good evening Ms. Trulov. Or should I just say 'Zdras tvooyte'? You defected to this country, yet you have caused chaos and have broken many laws tonight. Are you here now for a reason? Or do you just like to see the world burn? Forgive me...there is a lot to question you for and I would like to get to the heart of why we are here as efficiently as possible."

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The woman is adamant. "I do not have to answer anything without my lawyer present. I know my rights," she replies, in flawless English.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Nodding, MINOTAR agrees.
"Statement and Query: Correct. You do not have to answer anything we ask without a lawyer, unless you want to offer a statement in advance on your own merit and by choice. I am merely pointing out the press will have questions, and all the police currently have is your name and history to give them. Don't you at least have some sort of propaganda or mission statement you are trying to get out into the world? Otherwise the only news story of the night will be something like...[/i]'Weird Justice League robot stops unknown terrorist easily. Details at 11...' Not a very good look for you and your...Mr. Skeleton? Mr. Boyfriend?"[/b]
MINOTAR now shakes his head, then tilts it curiously.
"Statement and Query: First impressions are always the worst when it comes to the news. Are they not?"

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"It is not a boyfriend. It is a tool, nothing more. My statement is only this; 'I am but a small part of this operation. You will not stop us.'"

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

MINOTAR waves a hand at the woman dismissively.
"Multiple Queries and Statements: 'It'? 'Us'? How do I know if I...or the Justice League if you would rather...would even want to stop you and your allies if you do not explain yourself? Purposefully being obtuse helps neither of our situations here I fear. Whomever 'It' is left you behind easily and with direct consideration, if not premeditation. You have been left behind as a distraction at best...a useful tool no longer needed and discarded at worst. You are 'nothing.' A pawn and a literal 'nobody' in this game, if you can even call this one. You can't even name your organization, or who's in charge of it, can you? Or are you too scared to do so until your 'big plans' are revealed?"

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"I do not fear you or your interference. We are the Errants, led by Adonis. Dr. DNA's plan has already begun. You will not stop it. Neither you nor your much-vaunted Justice League."

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Nodding, MINOTAR takes his leave of the interview and allows the normal police to take over from there.
He then contacts the Justice League watchtower with all the new information at hand, and the names of the people involved. Then requests a full Dossier on the Errants, Adonis, and Dr. DNA as soon as possible.
Contacting Leon, he updates him too.
"Statement: I'm returning to base. We have much to discuss in the morning when everyone is awake and ready. We now have a lead on who is behind this and possibly many other things going on around here lately."

Leon 'the Paper' Moore |

”Acknowledged, MINO.See you when you get here.”
Leon stifled a yawn as he stood up from the console to fetch more coffee.
”Everyone? At least he’s optimistic.”
The corridors felt emptier after so many moved on. He needed to find a place in town to stay. Spending the nights here, while cheaper, just wasn’t very… welcoming.
Leon pondered this as he drained the pot and started a new one, before heading back to the control.

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When MINOTAR has returned to base, the teleporter sounds and four figures enter, three are female, while one is a young man. One of the four is Wonder Woman. It is only as Wonder Woman draws closer that you discern the tiny fifth figure on her shoulder, a six-inch tall girl.
Wonder Woman speaks, "I'd like you all to welcome your new teammates. Liberteen," she says, indicating a young blond woman in a red, white, and blue breastplate and metal-pleated skirt and carrying a sword at her hip and a bow slung across her back, "Is an amazon, like me. She has dedicated herself to protecting Man's world but is still not fully versed in the way things work here. Part of your training is to help integrate her."
"This," she says, indicating a dark-haired beauty wearing a pair of ripped jeans, black shirt, and leather jacket, "Is Knightengale, the daughter of Green Arrow and Black Canary. She inherited her mother's sonic abilities and is a skilled martial artist."
"This handsome young man is Enigma. That's all that we know about him beyond the fact that he has been cybernetically enhanced. His memory is a blank slate, even to mind probes. He seems to be well versed in the ways of the world and speaks Russian and English fluently, but he simply cannot recall any details of his life until about two weeks ago." The young man, dressed in a sport shirt and jeans gives a shy wave.
"And last, but certainly not least, is Microgirl. Though only six inches tall, she has the strength of six full-grown men. She can also leap remarkable distances, given her small stature." The tiny girl gives a wave and leaps over to land gently on Liberteen's shoulder. She is dressed in a black ninja outfit.
"I'll leave you to get acquainted and to brief your new allies on the case you're working. I'm also here to inform you that the woman who calls herself Shee-Ariel has escaped again and may be gunning for you. We have little data on the Errants, but Adonis is suspected, though not wanted, in Europe in connection with several robberies. Young schoolgirls in France and Germany consider him an idol, and he seems to relish in the limelight. His real name is Eric Anton Goloubef."
With that, she turns to walk back into the teleporter, leaving the newcomers standing in the middle of the living area.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

Given something new to do, MINOTAR gets into the new situation with gusto, showing the newcomers around and updating them on the group's basic dynamic, current training schedules, and meeting times.
"Statement and Query: Your individual dormitories are just down this hall. Any questions from here? Feel free to speak as needed in case you feel I may have missed anything..."

Leon 'the Paper' Moore |

”Speak of the Devil.”
Leon thought as he sipped his coffee, watching with apparent dis interest as Wonder Woman introduced the new arrivals. From behind his cup he was sizing them up each in turn. He would have to pull up their files when he had a chance.
When WW mentioned the possible threats he straightened up a little. ”I’ll pull up their files and make sure everyone’s up to speed.”
Leon turned his attention to the ones left behind in the living space and gave a mischievous smirk. ”Welcome to the Justice League, time to sink or swim.”
Leon left MINOTAR to give the guided tour with SJ, making his way back to the command center. He was sure the tour would circle back around to there eventually.
Leon accesses the League’s databanks to pull up files on the two criminal elements Wonder Woman mentioned. While in the system he downloaded files on the newcomers to review later.

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Adonis' file indicates that he has superhuman strength and endurance, both at peak human efficiency, and his natural charisma borders on the supernatural. He is French and apparently the heir to an $8+ million fortune.
What little you know of Shee-Ariel is that she is a flame-wielder. Her origins are shrouded in mystery.
As for the newcomers:
Liberteen is Amazonian, with all that such entails. Her name is Persefoni. She has superhuman strength and endurance, impressive training in combat, particularly sword and bow, and metal bracelets that can deflect even bullets.
Knightengale (real name: Dinah Drake Queen) has her mother's sonic cry and is a skilled martial artist.
Microgirl (real name: Anita Delwarr) is only six inches tall but has the strength of six grown men. She can make prodigious leaps and is skilled in ninjutsu.
Enigma lives up to his name. There is very little data on him, not even a name. He apparently speaks fluent Russian as well as English and is cybernetically enhanced. The American government does not entirely trust him, thinking that he may be a Soviet spy. This is one reason that he has been placed in the custody of the Justice League.

Project M.I.N.O.T.A.R |

MINOTAR leads the others back to where they started the tour and gestures broadly.
"Statement: Feel free to wander around. We have a couple of people here who cook and clean up the common areas, but you are responsible for your personal areas. They are not servants and should be treated with the respect for the job they do here. The Justice League 'clean room' standards can be accessed in your JLoA Handbook '.pdf' chapter 4 page 11, paragraphs 2 through 5. It is available for viewing or download from any common terminal and tablet available here in this facility. I will be joining Leon for a discussion on the situation at hand and will fill you all in once we have established a baseline on what we in tend to do next...if anything. Last but not least, Sincerely: Welcome to the Justice League."
He then looks for Leon and SJ, hoping to brainstorm some ideas on what to do next...

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Almost immediately, Microgril and Liberteen gather around. Knightengale is in attendance but stays near the wall. Enigma seems to be intent on learning what is going on and squeezes in between Liberteen and MINOTAR. "What do we know?" Liberteen asks.