GM Tektite's #02-26 The Mantis's Prey (Inactive)

Game Master Hawkwen Agricola

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Discussion Thread. I'll need a day to read over the scenario before we get started.

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Still deciding dot.

Yarr. Thanks again GM Tektite.

So I was originally thinking I could play high or low but I'm scheduled to play my 11 Druid at PaizoCon and don't want him tied up here.

Which leaves me with my best choice being Wizard 7. (I could also play melee 7, but would prefer to play the wizard)

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Well that mean's we're probably playing low-tier then. Need to update my paladin then.

Dot for interest. Figure out which toon tonight.

Male Mostly Harmless Incorrigible Punster 5/ Militant Grammarist 3/ Contrarian 2

Hi all, invited by Red.

Consider this a deciding-what-to-play dot.

I'll type up the wizard, he's simpler and even if we end up with 2 it just means we can swap spells.

Man, all my toons that can play this are level 9 or 11. Kinda sad that I can't play up.

Well, my choices are a level 10 hosplitar with free raise deads, a level 11 Eldritch Knight with a large spellbook, or a pregen. I know we have a level 7 wizard. What are other people bringing and who should I play?

If I bring the Eldritch Knight the wizard would probably enjoy my spellbook...

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Well I have a level 7 Hospitaler who also has free raise deads, a dual wielding invulnerable rager who's 9.2, and a grappling/tripping monk who's 10.

I say either one.

Male Mostly Harmless Incorrigible Punster 5/ Militant Grammarist 3/ Contrarian 2

Well, I've got a level 9 Inquisitor and a level 10 trapspringer/reachfighter (Rgr/Rog/HzW). I may have a level 7 Magus available too, depending on when that PbP wraps up.

If everybody else is upper levels, I can apply GM credit to my Wizard for the scenario I'm running today and play him at lvl 8 in 10-11 if people would prefer.

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Do that Rob, and we'll play high tier then.

I'm going to be in Las Vegas for 2-3 days helping my brother move. I'll be ready to start gaming on Friday or Saturday.

Dark Archive

Half Orc Monk(Hungry Ghost) 7/Fighter(Weaponmaster) 4 (HP 64/75; AC:24, T:20, FF:22; Fort:+16 Ref:+13 Will:+13(+2 versus enchantments); Init+2; Perc+17 Darkvision 60) (Effects:)

If we do high tier, this is who I'm bringing.

Sovereign Court

Elf HP 64/64 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13 CMD: 21 | F+6 R+10 W+6 | Low-light Percpetion -2

I got most of this guy's sheet typed in at 7. Everything except equipment, now I have to level him to 8 of course, being a fairly bland wizard, shouldn't be too much trouble.

Sovereign Court

Elf HP 64/64 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13 CMD: 21 | F+6 R+10 W+6 | Low-light Percpetion -2

Alright. I think I've got everything all set on this guy. I've got a scroll of breath of life in case we have anybody who can use it.

I'm also happy to memorize keen edge extra times if people want it. (Assuming we can coordinate before the VC briefing and aren't thrown immediately into chaos)

Dark Archive

Half Orc Monk(Hungry Ghost) 7/Fighter(Weaponmaster) 4 (HP 64/75; AC:24, T:20, FF:22; Fort:+16 Ref:+13 Will:+13(+2 versus enchantments); Init+2; Perc+17 Darkvision 60) (Effects:)

If we can coordinate, I could use a mage armor. I'll even lend you my +3 bracers to make up for it. And if a greater magic weapon could find its way into your prepared spells, I wouldn't mind either.

Male Mostly Harmless Incorrigible Punster 5/ Militant Grammarist 3/ Contrarian 2

Given the choice, I'd prefer to play my Horizon Walker, but I don't object to playing my Inquisitor if Wise Fox would rather play the Eldritch Knight over the Hospitaler.

I'll update both and be ready to roll later on today/this evening (CDT).

Sovereign Court

Elf HP 64/64 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13 CMD: 21 | F+6 R+10 W+6 | Low-light Percpetion -2

I've got a wand of Mage Armor that I'm happy to burn charges on. I don't have GMW in my spellbook but I'm happy to pick it up for the 135gp, it's probably quite a bit better for you than keen edge :)

Dark Archive

Half Orc Monk(Hungry Ghost) 7/Fighter(Weaponmaster) 4 (HP 64/75; AC:24, T:20, FF:22; Fort:+16 Ref:+13 Will:+13(+2 versus enchantments); Init+2; Perc+17 Darkvision 60) (Effects:)

That works too. Since I don't carry any weapons much less slashing ones, keen edge - not so useful. Unless you want to sharpen my cooking utensils that is, though that may be a waste of a 3rd level slot.

Can your Horizon Walker use wands, Thunderspirit?

Scarab Sages

Male Half-elf Rgr3/Rog3/HzW6/Brw1 | hp 124/124 | Init +3 | AC 27, T 17, FF 24 | CMB +15, CMD 35 | F +14 (+4 vs. hot/cold envir & suffoc) R +16 (+1 vs. traps) W +12 (+2 vs. enchantments) | Prcptn +21 (+1 vs. traps), SM +2 |


Hawthorne is updated here on the Paizo site. I'll get to KULIK over the weekend if needed.

Just got back like 2 hours ago. I'll be ready to play tomorrow evening.

Gameplay thread is open for doting. I'll try to get the initial post up later today.

Opening post is up in Gameplay.

Sovereign Court

Elf HP 64/64 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13 CMD: 21 | F+6 R+10 W+6 | Low-light Percpetion -2

As a note I will be out of town for PaizoCon from the 4th though Monday the 8th.

Wisefox and thunderspirit, I'm looking for a at least a fourth player for a Haunting of Hinojai PbP. Have you played it? If not interested?

Male Mostly Harmless Incorrigible Punster 5/ Militant Grammarist 3/ Contrarian 2
Mr. K wrote:
As a note I will be out of town for PaizoCon from the 4th though Monday the 8th.

Arrgh...not making it this year. :-(

Not fond of Pirate Rob right now. (Okay, not true.)

Tektite, I have not played Hinojai. Have several PCs in the level range; whatcha need?

Here is the link for the Discussion thread for Hinojai.


I concur on the PaizoCon jealousy. I'm in the Midwest now, nut lived in Seattle for three years and loved it, so double arrgh.

Male Mostly Harmless Incorrigible Punster 5/ Militant Grammarist 3/ Contrarian 2

Spent the vast majority of my life in the Midwest (Chicago area), but been to Seattle several times. My arthritis would never survive the winters there, but the summers are absolutely gorgeous.

Plus, I was hoping for a PaizoCon three-peat, but Real Life [tm] had other ideas for my bank account this year. Ah, well.

I will be back in Iowa come August, maybe get to see you nuts living in the midwest :)

Well off I go to PaizoCon, I'll see you guys next week.

Male Mostly Harmless Incorrigible Punster 5/ Militant Grammarist 3/ Contrarian 2

Have a great time (despite of my green eyes)! ;-)

Great times were had! Got coup-de-grased by Krune, rocked the special and had all sorts of good times.

Apparently I forgot to set the maps to be shared. I'll have switched over in about thirty min.

Maps are good now.

So, is it only Gina who can't take an action until next turn, or everybody DD'd?

Scarab Sages

Male Half-elf Rgr3/Rog3/HzW6/Brw1 | hp 124/124 | Init +3 | AC 27, T 17, FF 24 | CMB +15, CMD 35 | F +14 (+4 vs. hot/cold envir & suffoc) R +16 (+1 vs. traps) W +12 (+2 vs. enchantments) | Prcptn +21 (+1 vs. traps), SM +2 |

It's just the caster (or, in Hawthorne's case, the SLA user).

Hawthorne Candlewood wrote:
It's just the caster (or, in Hawthorne's case, the SLA user).

Ok, that was what I was thinking, though of course I was thinking Gina was doing to DD, hence my confusuion.

On a completely off topic note:

I've been working on painting my Bones and thought I'd share some pictures.

Male Mostly Harmless Incorrigible Punster 5/ Militant Grammarist 3/ Contrarian 2


I have practically zero experience painting minis, but I bought into the Kickstarter anyway; no better time to learn, I suppose. :-)

Sovereign Court

Elf HP 64/64 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13 CMD: 21 | F+6 R+10 W+6 | Low-light Percpetion -2

Wednesday/Thursday I will be out of town. I should have internet at the hotel and be able to post in the morning/evening but not during the day.

No problem K.

I'm going to assume we're ready to go. I'll have a post up late tonight.

Dark Archive

Half Orc Monk(Hungry Ghost) 7/Fighter(Weaponmaster) 4 (HP 64/75; AC:24, T:20, FF:22; Fort:+16 Ref:+13 Will:+13(+2 versus enchantments); Init+2; Perc+17 Darkvision 60) (Effects:)

So I heard through the grapevine that Gina's internet is down for the near future so I vote she be NPCed for a while.

I can do that, though please let me know what you would like her to do. This round, I'll have her full attack.

Sovereign Court

Elf HP 64/64 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13 CMD: 21 | F+6 R+10 W+6 | Low-light Percpetion -2

I think we've got this fight pretty wrapped up. Having her full attack next time it's her turn seems like no problem.

Lantern Lodge

Female Half-Elf Fighter 1 / Wizard 5 / Eldritch Knight 5 - HP 93/ 93
AC 35, Touch 22, Flat-footed 27, Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +13, CMD 30

Sorry about being absent for a while. My internet was out for about 3 days. Apparently some sort of hardware failure from my cable modem, and I had to get it replaced on Saturday.

Male Mostly Harmless Incorrigible Punster 5/ Militant Grammarist 3/ Contrarian 2

Mr. K will use his wand of unseen servant and will direct the servant to get the note and hold it out for him.

Oh, my haughty Taldan Magus just learned a new trick...:-D

Hehe. Glad to hear your appreciation.

I'm traveling today , won't be able to udate significantly until tomorrow.

Sovereign Court

Elf HP 64/64 | AC:18 T:15 FF:13 CMD: 21 | F+6 R+10 W+6 | Low-light Percpetion -2

Cobbling together Gina's memorized spells and linked spellbook, Mr. K plans on copying the following, assuming we survive the adventure:

Liberating Command 10

Rope Trick 40

Dispel Magic 90

Enervation 160
Dimensional Anchor 160
Invisibility, Greater 160

Echolocation 250

Total: 870gp.

My spellbook isn't nearly as big but you're welcome to copy anything out of it that you like.

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