Kysterick |

Tempestorm wrote:Currently? Undisclosed location in the sand...If that means what I think it does, thank you for your service.
Midwest United States just west of Indianapolis Indiana
Yeah I've read the guide as well however Galstok is straight from his tribe so wouldn't know a lot of it I think. It's been quite fun so far.

![]() |
Yes, it does indeed mean what you all concluded and I thank you for the sentiment. It's just a few months away from home but I could be in much worse places.
I just wish I had thought to look to paizo's site for a play by post game sooner. I have been missing my usual every other Friday Kingmaker game and this is a nice outlet. Not to mention one that I can easily maintain when I get home.
So, with that said... carry on. We have a festival to attend! ;)

Thetis of the Azure |

Sorry just wanted to let you know something that I did not mention in the application and I really should have I have actually DM'd the first portion of this AP. That said I am very capable of separating what I know from what my character knows. I hope this is not a problem but I just felt I should let you know.

Kysterick |

I was tempted to not accept the offered hand just to see how we would role-play that but decided was not what Gallus would do. ;)
I was wondering if you would refuse. However glad you did cause I hadn't a clue yet as to what path to take if not. Being able to cut the tension with a knife in any case, I'm sure.
That would have been interesting... I just wish Ezren knew what you all said. He needs to learn Shaonti! lol
Give Galstok a chance to speak his own tounge?! He need but ask. Though I'm not sure how good a teacher Galstok will be. :)

Kysterick |

Does anyone know where else I can find some stuff about the Shoanti? I don't have the campaign setting yet so so far all I have to go on is the player's guide. I've been kinda doing my own thing here.(Well not really my own, I've pulled some from the Wheel of Time's Aiel rereading it again)So it's more of curiosity and looking for more stuff use.
As it is the player knows next to nothing about whole people the character is centered around.
EDIT: nevermind found some stuff

Kysterick |

"Goblins whine and goblins cry
Goblins bleed and goblins die
Slice a goblin in the neck
Goblin is a messy wreck!Goblins beat and goblins bashed
Goblins shot and goblins slashed
Kick their heads and watch them roll
Goblin kickball don't you know!String them up or hunt them down
Goblins soon be leaving town
Fear not friends, it's just goblins see
Collect their ears for a bounty!"
Very Nice! Now I'm curious as to what this bounty might be. :)

Kendrick Loreseeker |

Very Nice! Now I'm curious as to what this bounty might be. :)
In my experience, most towns have a bounty on goblin ears. But if they don't here in Sandpoint, Kendrick will, today and today only, provide a bounty of 1sp per freshly removed right goblin ear presented.
AJ's dad, when Kendrick collects these ears he's going to have them dried and then pass them out as dog treats to the strays in Sandpoint, like pig ears.
Also AJ's dad, how do I get Kendricks background to you as well as ideas I'm having for character development?

A J s Dad |

Kysterick wrote:Very Nice! Now I'm curious as to what this bounty might be. :)In my experience, most towns have a bounty on goblin ears. But if they don't here in Sandpoint, Kendrick will, today and today only, provide a bounty of 1sp per freshly removed right goblin ear presented.
AJ's dad, when Kendrick collects these ears he's going to have them dried and then pass them out as dog treats to the strays in Sandpoint, like pig ears.
Also AJ's dad, how do I get Kendricks background to you as well as ideas I'm having for character development?
You can e-mail me at neil-mantle@sky.com
also, you may not have noticed that the stables also seem to have a penchent for dried goblin ears!

A J s Dad |

Just out of curiosity are we using maps at all?
I tend to try and not use maps and just be as descriptive as i can, basing things on player description of where they are and what their actions are.
I used to use maps and minis in my games but we progressed to just describing things and just felt that it made things more vivid.

A J s Dad |

Did Ensu manage to learn anything from the padre about the past fire or the new cathedral's protections before going to get something to eat?
Oops...sorry 'bout that.
Ensu found out the following off Father Zantus before he got called away...
A month after the murderer, Chopper, was caught and slain, a terrible fire struck Sandpoint. The fire started in the Sandpoint Chapel and spread quickly. As the town rallied to save the church, the fire spread, consuming the North Coast Stables, the White Deer Inn, and three homes. In the end, the church burnt to the ground, leaving the town’s beloved priest Ezakien Tobyn and his daughter dead.
After the chapel burnt to the ground, Mayor Deverin set into motion a bold initiative. Not only would the chapel be rebuilt, but it would be done on a grand scale. A cathedral would be built in place of the chapel, and it would be made of stone and glass, not wood. Funding for this project came partially from Sandpoints founding families, partially from Sandpoint businesses eager to earn favor in the eyes of the gods, and partially from the respective churches.
It took years to finish the cathedral, but the end result is truly
impressive. To the south, facing Sandpoint’s heart, are the shrines
of civilization: Erastil and Abadar. To the west, offering a view of
the Old Light and the sea beyond, are the shrines of Shelyn and
Gozreh. And to the east, offering a view of the Sandpoint Boneyard
and the rising sun, are the shrines of Sarenrae and Desna.
As far as Father Zantus is aware, no protection against fire has been deemed necessary, due in part to the cathedrals mor solid construction.

Kendrick Loreseeker |

Prodigal Sun, I'm glad you're enjoying the songs, I'll try to keep em coming.
AJ's dad, After intros, Kendrick will gather his rope and then start removing Goblin ears. He'll see if there's a bounty offered on them at the stables, if not he'll try to find someone who can turn them into dog treats.
I also wanted to say that this is turning out to be great fun!

A J s Dad |

If I can, I have oftem in the past tried to source a song or piece of music that can act as the theme to a particular campaign. In this instance I would use a track from the soundtrack of the Sly Stone film, Judge Dredd. It is Track 2, called 'Darkness Falls' by The The. If you can get a chance to listen to it, it really gives a feel for the atmosphere I am going for here.

Kysterick |

That purse that Aldern handed over, I know Mattie sorted it but did it get distributed? And to what amount? By my count there are seven of us(counting Harsk who is MIA) which would make it approximately 7 gold 1 silver 4 copper. Does that sound about right?
Just trying to make sure my sheet is up-to-date.

NitNat Clo-oose |

That purse that Aldern handed over, I know Mattie sorted it but did it get distributed? And to what amount? By my count there are seven of us(counting Harsk who is MIA) which would make it approximately 7 gold 1 silver 4 copper. Does that sound about right?
Just trying to make sure my sheet is up-to-date.
Or maybe everyone gets 7 but the remaining 1 goes "missing". Lol.
I wish I could stream audio down to Tickwood and warn that carefree Halfling that a "storm's coming to town."