GM Rennai's Reign of Winter (Inactive)

Game Master Rennaivx

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Hi guys I'm preparing myself to run another AP, now Reign of Winter. My other games are Wrath of the Righteous and Hell's Vengeance and I'm proud to say that I was able to get awesome players/PCs in both of them.

First, it is mostly important to say that if you seek a game to rock everything with a ridiculous gestalt 30-point builds, this is not a game for you. I'm looking for roleplayers and not rollplayers. This AP was designed for 4 PCs with 15-point buy and this is how I'm gonna run it.

Right, so lets get things moving... As you'll see, there is a lot of stuff down there and a quite a lot to do but bear in mind the I, as the GM, will devote many hours to get this game running so it is just fair that you also take a little time now to make great PCs!

Character Creation:
Starting Level: 1st like all APs.
Abilities: We'll be using a 15 point buy. I know many DMs use higher points, but I prefer lower points to make it more challenging. No ability may be lower than 8 before racial modifiers and even so, only ONE ability might be lower than 10 before racial modifiers.
Classes: Anything from Paizo is allowed, with a couple restrictions:
-Barbarians, Rogues and Summoners use the unchained version. Monks may use unchained or not.
Races: Anything from Paizo with 11 race points or less is allowed, although core races are much preferred. The only exception of the 11 point races rule are Tieflings and Aasimars. To balance things, both Tieflings and Aasimars do not get their spell-like abilities.
Alignment: No evil.
Traits: Two traits, one being a Campaign trait. You can take a drawback for an additional trait but I'll have the final word if it is a fair trade or not.
3PP material: Will not be allowed. Please do not insist.
Hit Points: Max at first level. Subsequent levels will be rolled, each PC receiving a free re-roll for each Constitution modifier. (Ex.: A fighter with Con 15, you'd roll 3d10 and take the higher)
Starting Gold: Average for your class or ask me to roll for you.
GOLDEN RULE: I think I took precautions to not allow any insanely overpowered build but if I think you are min/maxing, your chances for being selected are smaller.
Here is a quick link for the Reign of Winter Player's Guide. Please, PLEASE, read all of it for you to be more familiar with the setting. This is specially important because by its title it misleads players in making PCs tied to Irisen, which is not the case!

Additional Rules:
Background Skills: 2 additional skill points to be spent in Background Skills. Craft (alchemy) and Perform (any) are not considered background skills for Alchemists and Bards/Skalds respectively.
Wound Threshold: Wound Threshold will be used to once more trying to make it more challenging. If during gameplay I sense it is causing more trouble than help, this could be removed. Both PCs and enemies will be subjected to this system.
Critical Hit and Fumble Decks: The Crit deck rules will only be applied to the PCs, since it is no fun to be beheaded by accident. Fumble deck will be applied to everyone.
Variant Multiclassing: Allowed for anyone interested but can't be used in conjunction with common multiclass.
Stamina and Combat Tricks: Fighters receive Combat Stamina as a bonus feat at 1st level. Other classes might select this feat as normal.

How to Submit a PC:
Crunch: Complete crunch, including equipment, spells and stats for any companions.
Background: I'm far more interested in your PC's fluff than crunch so a nice Background is a must since it will also serve as a sample of you writing skills and creativity.
10 minute Background: This is in Addition to the written background and isn't just another 'formatting'. The information in this small sentences are here to give life and color to your PC so please add different content from the previous Background. This section has the following steps:
-Step 1: Write at least 5 concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind.
-Step 2: List at least 2 goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
-Step 3: List at least 2 secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!
-Step 4: Describe at least 3 people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. <- Unlike other games, this AP makes it difficult to use character-tied NPCs (won't say why not to spoiler anything) so this is optional.
-Step 5: Describe at least 3 mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

About Me:
Firstly, English is not my first language (I think you already noticed) since I'm from Brazil (yes, we have internet here!) and I'll probably misunderstand a post or two and will definitely misspell and forget a preposition or use a phrasal verb incorrectly so please forgive me... I'll do my best to do not screw everything.

For my experience, I'm relatively new in comparison with many other GMs around here... I'm 25 yo and have been playing since 15, being the GM most of the time. As happened to many around these boards, my RL group disbanded because of life reasons and since then I joined these boards, even if this is my first attempt at GMing in these boards.

If you are worried about my number of posts (~2800), please take in account that I joined these boards in September and have an average post rate of 300 posts per month.

About the game pace, I intend to post at least 1 time per day and would expect for my players to, at least, post 1/day during weekdays. During the weekends we could slow a bit, for life happens to everyone. Once I make a post I'll wait for 24 hours before moving along and if a player fails to post frequently, I'll have to remove him.

I'm looking for four players and will keep this recruitment open until, at least, June 26th. If by its end I decide there is not enough players that I really like (honestly I doubt it), I may extend it another week or two.

Besides the four players, I'll also choose another four for replacement reasons. If one of my PCs is removed/vanishes, I'll choose from these four players instead of opening a new recruitment. In case of the death of a PC (it sucks but happens sometimes), I'll give its player the opportunity to make another PC but if he decides to not do so or we can't agree about the replacement, I'll also look into those four spare PCs.

I am very interested. Currently thinking a arcane caster of some sort. Maybe even the winter witch archetype.

I'm interested as well! Going to see if I can play my half-orc ice sorceress/failed winter witch.

I will ask are you okay with me taking the alternate racial trait shaman's apprentice as it sort of represents my character having to endure training under the winter witches. Also I did a lot of research in terms of the setting (such as the name of one of the winter witches we might face in the campaign [i haven't read the AP books but I do hope that's okay that I did my research])?

Interested, going for assassin-y/ mercenary for hire type character i'll submit more once i work everything out probably some time this week. She's mostly written up and done i just need to rewrite and rework for this game.

Not sure of what class, Probably Slayer

The general concept beyond assassin/ Merc is looks are decieving. despite what she looks like she is cold and unfeeling, maybe to the point of being a bit creepy.

Would you consider having played the AP reason to disqualify a player?

@SCKnightHero1: I'm ok with all paizo alternate racial traits. About the research, no problem at all... in general Paizo's books are really spoiler-free regarding APs.

@Almonihah: If you can keep player information separated from character information, I see no problem at all. How far have you gone in this AP?

Dot so hard for this. I've got a paladin from a failed RoW game (only made it to the first encounter) that I'd like to submit for this; will just need to adjust the crunchy bits to match the requirements and expand on the background with the 10 Minute stuff. Might take me a few days since I start my work week tonight but I should have it by Saturday or Sunday.

GM Frosty wrote:

@Almonihah: If you can keep player information separated from character information, I see no problem at all. How far have you gone in this AP?

Almost to the end, and we'll probably finish before too long. It's been my favorite AP out of the five I've played or GM'd, though, so the urge is strong to play it again with a different character who'd respond differently to the... unusual circumstances you go through. :D

I'm kind of thinking of a Catfolk Cleric of Desna right now... except that Catfolk make terrible clerics. Tengu would be good, but they're too many RP... oh! Catfolk Oracle! That would be fun. :) Okay, I'll see about putting one together here...

Liberty's Edge

Ah! Always wanted to do Reign of Winter! I've been itching to play a Sensate Fighter for a while, and I think I could build one into a neat facsimile of a Rondolero duelist, since she'll be hailing from Taldor.

It's gonna be super feat-intensive, so no VMC for me. Making it work on a 15-point budget should also be a fun challenge!

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm quite interested! Part of me wants to play an Elsa-style Failed Winter Witch (since Reign of Winter is basically a Frozen/Doctor Who mashup :P ), but part of me also wants to try out the new Frozen Shadow Ninja from Inner Sea Intrigue as one of the last Frozen Shadows desperately seeking a purpose after his clan and his clan's masters were destroyed by the heroes of Jade Regent!

I'll see what I can put together

Hrm.. Maybe I'll try my primal companion hunter/bloodrager multiclass dwarf here. Pet will be a wolf. Most likely lightning-themed.

Grand Lodge


I know you said you'd be okay with paizo alternate traits, but I wanted to ask about specific ones.

As a dwarf, could I switch out greed and stonecunning for Fey Magic and darkvision for Surface Survivalist?

I'm thinking Northern Ancestry as her campaign trait.

Grand Lodge

Is it too late for a gnome alchemist or Half Elven Occultist? I've never tried playing in this format, and with all the characters I have in the back log, and my love of fluff, I'd really enjoy trying this out. If you still have room, may I please join?

Grand Lodge

Also, one more thing. Should we post our Characters stats and story's here, or is there a different way to do that process. As I said earlier, I'm compleatly knew to the Play- by- Post style of games, and not sure how to go about this.

@Warhawk7: I'm completely ok with both racial traits.

@Roxboyxiii: It is by far not too late since this recruitment ends only by the end of next week and it is not a 'first come first serve' thing. You have until the deadline to submit a PC that fills the requirements in the opening post and then I'll pick whichever PCs I'm more pleased with, like a job interview.

Regarding posting your characters and story, you need to post them somewhere... some players post them under spoilers here (if you do this please, PLEASE!, use spoilers), others go a step further and create an alias with all the information and post with them here, and others create make a sheet and post the link. I'm good with whichever method you choose.

Since you are new, please read THIS, a guide to pbp that helped me A LOT when I started.

Would you be concerned about a deaf character? I'm considering the Deaf Oracle Curse for my character, but I know that having a character who can't hear the other characters talking could be a headache. Myself, I think it'd be an interesting challenge to play, and he'd carry around writing utensils for the express purpose of handing to people so they can write to him, but if you'd rather not deal with that kind of thing, I can pick one of the other Oracle Curses.

Oh, and would Astronomy be a Knowledge or a Lore with Background Skills?

Grand Lodge

What's my best weapon?:
My mind. No really. I'm a mindblade.

You need an opening spoiler tag, too, like [ spoiler=Text before the button]This is the text that would be hidden[ /spoiler].

Just remove the spaces after the [ ->

Text before the button:
This is the text that would be hidden

Grand Lodge

@Almonihah: Thank you very much for the help. Glad to have learned this before simply typing all of the information and then letting it all be seen.

Liberty's Edge

Hi, I would like to submit my Dwarf Wizard (building him now). In case you prefer having a tankier character, I am also making a Human Barbarian.
Also, this would be my first PbP and first Pathfinder campaign, although I am a veteran D&D player and GM, so please bear a little with me, I'll learn fast, promise.

I'm interested. I can't seem to find rp costs, but look more tonight. If kitsune are cheap enough I think I'll go for one with silver fox coloration, and a drive because of it.

Grand Lodge

Oh, that reminds me. I really am thinking of playing my Elvan Mindblade, but if you'd rather not deal with the Occult Adventures book, I have plenty other characters to pick from. They are all made and ready to go after some tweaking for the stats and traits. If anyone has any suggestions on what might make a good addition to the team, I'd be more than happy to hear them as well.

I'm so down it almost hurts. I like playing faces ...hmmm. I have fluff ideas. I'll post more later.

Is it okay if we pm you our secrets instead of writing them into our backstory? I mean as a player, I curiously read other people's backstories, but knowing someone eles's secret is a big spoiler.

TheAlicornSage wrote:
I can't seem to find rp costs, but look more tonight.

Here is the best spot I've found for pre-calculated RP costs.


Ooh. I've played enough faces. Haven't done a wizard in a long time. Thinking an elven Void elementalist. Distant and cold, with a penchant for monologing, ha.

Dot! Thinking an Ulfen hunter!

Liberty's Edge

Hi again, I finished building my wizard, in case you want to get a look at him here he is.
Pretty standard stuff.

Question for the boss before I finalize crunch. Spellslingers have to pick 4 prohibited schools but elementalists originally take 1. Seems to me that would double to 2 but I wanted to run it by you.

Character Sheet:

Horst Ironbrow
Neutral Good Dwarf Cleric of Torag-1

HP: 10
AC: 17 (+4 vs. Giant subclass)
CMB: +0
CMD: 12 (+4 vs trip and bullrush)


Fort: +5
Ref: +1
Will: +6
(+2 vs Poison, spells,and SLA's, +2 vs Charm and Compulsion)

Warhammer: +2 - 1d8+2(x2)
(+1 vs Orcs and goblinoids)

Birthmark: A portwine warhammer in the middle of his forehead.
Restless Wayfarer

Feat: Extra Channel

Craft: Weapons - 6*
Craft: Armor - 6*
Heal - 7
Knowledge: Religion - 4
Knowledge: Local - 5
(*+2 when working with metal or stone due to Craftsman Alt. Racial Trait already added)

Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Skald

Artifice: Artificer's Touch: Mending at will, 1d6 damage to constructs 6/day
Protection: +1 to Saving Throws

0: Detect Magic, Create Water, Light, Purify Food and Drink
1: Bless, Bane, (D) Sanctuary
(cast all cure spells at +1CL)

Channel Positive Energy 1d6 6/day, DC 11

Equipment: Scale Mail, Heavy Wooden Shield, Warhammer, Dagger

smith's tools, backpack, bedroll, charcoal pencils, 5 parchment scrolls, scroll case, three small sacks, 50' silk rope, one small waterproof sack, water skin, mess kit, pewter mug, pot, skillet, serving spoon, pouch of salt, pouch of black pepper, one week dwarven hard tack, 5 candles, tinder box,

10gp, 15sp, 8cp on person


Horst was born the second child of a smithing family in the Five Kings mountains. His earliest memories are playing with a toy hammer and anvil in his father's workshop, getting used to the heat of the forge since before he could walk. As he grew older, he became a runner for his family, taking messages, fetching tools, delivering goods, while his elder sister trained at their father's side. As he became older, he was trained at the forge as well, but it was clear from the very beginning that he was to be his sister's assistant: that she would inherit the family business.

Horst was content with this. The Masters of the Temple told them all how it was good and fitting to serve family, clan, and kingdom, and that indulging individual needs was a road that lead to lax discipline and, ultimately, destruction. In his twenties (adolescence for dwarves) his faith and aptitude as a smith lead the Masters to offer him a place at the temple. His family was overjoyed: they never expected a family as lowly as theirs to be offered such a blessing. As a going away present, his sister crafted him a holy symbol of simple iron which he wears around his neck and over his heart even now.

His time at the temple was instructive, but not without it's problems. The Clericy of Torag is very much about processes. The right thing must be done the right way. Horst's attention is directed more at the results. The way Horst got things done (in the forge, ministering to the sick, feeding the guards on the walls) were creative,and certainly innovative, but they were not the tried and tested methods that had be used for generations. True, his gadgets and inventions were clever, but they weren't "the right way" to do things. For reasons beyond their ken, Horst retained Torag's favor, so they would not put him out of the temple as a failed acolyte. What they did do is send him out into the world. There, he would see problems outside Dwarfdom first hand, and see how things would benefit from a sure and steady hand guided by tradition and discipline.

Horst is on a bit of a walkabout (as far as Dwarves do such things). He is a smith by training, but smiths are a dime a dozen in the Five Kings Mountains. Irrisen (where a dwarven smith would be exotic, and the cold reminds Horst of the cold mountain air), might be a good place to make a start, if he likes it there. Small towns need defending, and that suits him just fine, as a good skull smashing is bracing and clears the sinuses.

Ten Minute Talking Points:

Step One: 1: Though still gruff and taciturn to human reckoning, Horst is quite cheery and talkative by Dwarven standards. 2: Horst's burthmark began as a pale pink blotch in his youth, but has changed in form and shape over the years to resemble a black three inch hammer from his hairline to his brow. It is usually covered by his helmet. 3: Horst is a blooded warrior against various goblinoids, but has yet to do battle with a giant. He's pretty eager about it. 4: Horst -loves- spicy food. It is his favorite thing about the outside world, and shudders to imagine going back to the bland fare of his people. 5: Horst enjoys alcohol, but doesn't see the point to drinking to excess. You can't taste the beer nearly as well when you're drunk.

Step Two: Horst's goal is to set up a smithy in a small town, and use his skills as a smith, cleric, and erstwhile warrior to become a local leader and aid with the prosperity and defense of the town, watching it grow to something more though his efforts. My goal for him is to make him a craftsman of magical weapons.

Step Three: Horst's secret is that he is much happier living among humans than he was living among Dwarves, and would be satisfied if he never went back to the Five Mountains. What he doesn't know is that his arrival in Irrisen was no accident: he was summoned by an unknown force.

Step Four: [u]Karl[/u] is Horst's middle aged drinking buddy and stalwart friend. He claims to have once been an adventurer. He was not. He eats and drinks at the inn for free because he is the owner's nephew. He is, by any litmus, a moron. [u]Isolde[/u] is a barmaid that Horst is in love with. He has no idea why. She is too tall (at five feet) and too slim, but her ready smile and bawdy but non nonsense attitude attracts him. [u]Dark Ulrik[/u] (so named for his half Varisian heritage) and Horst had a fight soon after the Dwarf's arrival regarding Ulrik's tendency to belittle those around him who can't defend themselves (in the case in question: Karl). Horst came out the better for it, and Ulrik has has to move to another inn to continue having his fun at the expense of others. He nurses a fair sized grudge.

Step Five: Horst smooths his beard compulsively when presented with a problem. He only wears his armor in town when he expects a fight, but he always carries his hammer. He also grinds his teeth audibly when he is angry.

I hope you like what you see!

Alright, I've started building an Arctic Elf Magus (Spell Dancer). I think I'll let you roll gold for me instead of taking the average, if that's alright.

@Almonihah: I see no problem with a Deaf pc since I agree it could lead to great RP (I even have a blind PC in one of my games). About the communication issues, there is a 'almost official rule' that a PC could learn to read lips by spending a skill point in linguistics... it could be easier than the writing stuff. Only in cases where someone is specifically trying to stop you from reading them you'd need to make a Perpeption against their Bluff. About the Astrology, the correct skill is Knowledge (geography) and it is indeed a background skill. You could take Lore also but you'd have to restrict it a bit, like only the stars or only the planets, etc. Also, see below my information about 'unusual races/classes'. Really looking forward to what you'll come up with.

@Ammon Knight of Ragathiel: About your mercenary/assassin, she would be driven just by gold or would she be somehow altruistic? Unlike a couple other APs, RoW requires a bit of 'heroic behavior' IMO.

@Archpaladin Zousha: Please, take a look below at my information about 'ice themes/trap' and 'unusual races/classes'.

@Digger Chandler: I'm sorry to say but Spellslingers can't be elementalists because they never get the Arcane School (no additional spells and no school powers)... instead they get the School of Gun class feature. When I read void elementalist I automatic remember some oriental themed wizards. If that is the case, please see below my information about 'unusual races/classes'.

@GoatToucher: Hum... looks like I've already seen Horst somewhere (I was Baltor in Wyrm's game!). Not against recycling PCs though. Have you considered the Separatist archetype? Not sure if it is worth it but it fits your fluff. There is just one thing that doesn't fit: RoW DOES NOT start in Irrisen! You need to take Horst to the village of Heldren in Taldor (as the player's guide points out...).

@Lady Ladile: What deity is your paladin dedicated to? You need not to rush, just trying to picture him.

@Orannis: Looking forward at this, seems interesting.

@Roxboyxiii: Unlike the Carrion Crown and the next AP that will be yet published, RoW doesn't have a strong occult theme, being more akin to old faery tales/Russian flavor. That being said, I'm not against occult PCs.

@Sapiens: I generally prefer more elaborated backgrounds if possible. Also I must be honest that I have a slightly ODC that 'makes' me search for verissimilitude. Even if the dwarven tradition is more military focused, arcane careers are not unheard of and some are specially prestigious because of the dwarves craft skills. As an example, Tar-Kazmukh is a dwarven city famous for the Blue Wardens, a society of librarians with tattooed magical sigils devoted to arcane knowledge. Reading Degtorad's background it fitted more for an orc/half-orc than a dwarf IMO.

@SCKnightHero1: Please, take a look below at my information about 'ice themes/trap'.

@Something Wicked: Please, take a look below at my information about 'ice themes/trap'.

@TheAlicornSage: Kitsune is a 10 RP race so it is allowed. Please, take a look below at my information about 'ice themes/trap' and 'unusual races/classes'.

@Warhawk7: Would your hunter be taking normal levels as a bloodrager or VMC? Take a look below at my information about 'multiclassing'.

@YanJieming: Here it is... 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 5) = 13

@zomblishan: Please, take a look below at my information about 'ice themes/trap'.

Players so far...:

Almonihah: catfolk deaf oracle of Desna
Ammon Knight of Ragathiel: probably slayer
Archpaladin Zousha: winter witch or frozen shadow ninja
Dickie: interest only
Digger Chandler: elf void elementalist
DoubleGold: interest only
GoatToucher: dwarf cleric of Torag
Lady Ladile: paladin
Orannis: sensate fighter
Raltus: interest only
Roxboyxiii: elf mindblade
Sapiens: dwarf wizard
SCKnightHero1: half-orc ice sorceress
Something Wicked: ulfen hunter
TheAlicornSage: kitsune
Warhawk7: dwarf primal companion hunter/bloodrager
YanJieming: interest only
zomblishan: arcane caster, perhaps winter witch

Ice Themes/Traps
I was expecting this interest regarding ice themed classes and Nordic PCs. In Golarion, since the foundation of Irrisen, there were always struggle/war between the Lands of the Linnorm Kings and Irrisen and it is fitting that you seek for a Ulfen PC... there is just the problem that Tandor is really far away from there. If there is a big amount of players with Nordic concepts, I could easily 'shift' the town from Taldor to another place but I'd like to avoid this.

As a solution, please take a look at the Ulfen Guard, who are warriors from the north dedicated to the Taldoran Crown... without much effort you could be a descendant/member/ex-member! Really less troublesome than bring a Viking from the north to Taldor just to send him back!

Another matter is the ice/cold themed classes. Since this AP happens in Irrisen, the land of eternal winter, it is easy to imagine that many of the creatures there will have by now adapted to their harsh climate... have this in mind before selecting a ton of ice magic!

This is a minor issue but if you plan on multiclass (normal, not the VMC), I'd like to know from the beginning to avoid any problems like taking a wizard just to find out that the player intended to take rogue levels thereafter! In a 4 player party, it is far more important to take class interactions in consideration when I make my decisions and a wild multiclass could screw me!

Unusual Races/Classes
One thing that I really hate about PF this days is the sheer amount of 'animal-like' races around. When selecting my players I'll try to avoid the 'starwars cantina effect' and will probably take only one unusual PC. Are Catfolk ok? sure. Kitsune? Sweet. A full blooded orc? Why not. A Catfolk, a Kitsune, and an Orc? Hell NO! I'm not saying that you can't submit them, not at all, just know that you'll be competing for the same spot.

The same could be applied to unusual cultures, like oriental, egyptian, arabic, etc... the majority of Golarion is medieval themed and I'm not really keen on taking too many different cultures.

Liberty's Edge

All right, I'll think of a more elaborate background (most of my previous games had a minimal background, since my group likes to make its own stories in the first levels).

@GM Frosty - Character is a half-elf paladin of Shelyn with the Chosen One archetype.

More Detailed Info.:

More specifically, a Snowcaster half-elf. Her father was a twilight speaker who was seduced by one of the Jadwiga. He stole his daughter back and fled south since Snowcasters exile their own that get into such predicaments as well as their offspring. The character herself is almost completely unaware of all this though. Would something like this be okay?

Hmmm... I was struggling to come up with a concept that really spoke to me until you mentioned the Ulfen Guard. I'm thinking of putting forth a son of one of the guard, trained as a fighter, but with a strong amount of boreal blood bringing him down the path of the Arcane Archer. I'll start putting it together in a more coherent manner. :D

@Sapiens: I partially agree with you that indeed a bigger part of the PC's story will still be written during the AP but all the experiences he had in his life so far shaped him to be the way he is. His past matters a lot. If you wish to take a glimpse about what I mean, take a look at Anarxos one of the players I took for my Hell's Vengeance game and he made an awesome PC.

@Lady Ladile: I'm completely fine. It is a hell of a coincidence that a runaway from Irrisen is sent back there but coincidences happens sometime! In your background, please detail your Jadwiga mother so I can introduce her into the adventure.

@Leedwashere: If you are pursuing the Arcane Archer path and intend to multiclass, I'd advise you to start with the class that will have the most influence in your build... for an example if you'll only dip in an arcane class, start as a fighter/ranger/stalker/whatever and not as a caster.

@DoubleGold: Sorry, missed your question in my previous post. It will make my life more difficult to have to link each secret to each PC/player, especially since many players intercalate between posting with a couple aliases. These secrets are more for fluff and will probably be exposed by the players themselves to seed good RP opportunities. That being said, anyone who wishes to send me their secrets via PM, no problem at all, or you could just control yourself and skip the secrets part! lol

@gm Frosty
i get that question a lot with this character and the answer may surprise you. Nope she isn't driven by gold or material wealth, part of her backstory kind of involves her becoming a cold distant person who tends toward logical though rather than emotional, she wants to stop that. So she tends to throw herself recklessly into combat in hopes of feeling something. Basically she is driven by a desire to feel more than anything.

She isn't exactly good, but she does prefer working on the side of good as it tends to make her life easier, basically she does heroic acts not to be a good person but just because they tend to be more difficult and wind up making her life easier by working with the law and society rather than against it. Her life as an assassin/Merc is more one of convenience.

hope this helps, apologies i tend to ramble sometimes. i'll go into more detail with the actual backstory and stuff but she has plenty of goals and motivations.

I come from the gming/Spoony school of Gold is not a character goal

Grand Lodge

@GM Frosty:Well, as I'm still working on my Mindblade's fluff, I was thinking about making it so that he traveled around a lot, and as a bit of flavor, he "Projects" his weapons by converging the elements around him and forging the weapon from pure energy. I have plans to multi-class as a Kinetisist, and that way he can better get a grasp on his ability to manipulate the elements. If this is alright with you, I will happily keep working twords this. If you'd rather I did something else, I can easily make a different character. As always, I am open to suggestion and criticism.

Another idea question do you feel about unchained barbarians with archetypes? (As you can see, two diametrically opposed character ideas are warring.)

Just as a thought, don't pretty much all of the Campaign traits have flavor that either implies you're from the north (Failed Winter Witch) or at the very least have a strong interest in traveling there? I understand that you're going for the whole fish-out-of-water thing but it does make it a little harder to come up with a strong background that fits with the campaign.

However, as much as I like my paladin I do have a bloodrager idea who would hail from sunnier climes! I'd rather not lessen my chances of being selected so I'm happy to submit her instead if that would fit the narrative better :)

Alrighty, here's what I've come up with so far for Lars Gustafson, fighter/sorcerer/arcane archer. He's starting with fighter, will add sorcerer at level 2, and then progress between the two depending on what makes the most sense to me as the story unfolds. I'm guessing that will probably be 4/4, as that meets that BAB pre-req without being too light on the sorcerer while still getting a few extra helpful bonus combat feats and not delaying things too long. Regardless, Sorcerer is going to be favored class to help bolster the d6 HD a bit. Do you prefer to have aliases made at this stage of recruitment, or are you fine waiting until they're needed?

Stat Block:

Lars Gustafson
Male Human Fighter 1
NG Med Humanoid (Human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +0

AC 17, touch 13, flat 14 (+3 armor, +3 dex, +1 shield)
HP 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -1 (+4 vs cold conditions; +1 vs cold effects)

Speed 30'
Melee shortsword +1 (1d6/19-20)
Ranged longbow +3 (1d8+2/x3) Deadly Aim factored in

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
BAB +1; CMB +1 (+2 sunder); CMD 14 (15 vs bull rush and overrun)
Feats Combat Stamina, Deadly Aim, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Languages Common, Skald
Skills Diplomacy +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (nobility)(B) +2, Perception +0, Profession (soldier)(B) +3, Survival +3
SQ Stamina Pool (3)
Combat Gear arrows (80), cold iron arrows (40), silver arrows (10)
Other Gear shortsword, longbow, studded leather, buckler, backpack (50' hemp rope, day's trail rations (5), grappling hook, winter blanket, waterskin), belt pouch, 17gp

Blood of Giants You’re a big person, and people have always said you’ve got some giant blood in you. Even as a child, you towered over your friends, and as you grew older, you grew even taller and stronger. Maybe your hair has a tint of blue as well, or your skin is as pale as snow. Perhaps someday you’ll get the opportunity to travel to the North and meet some real giants, and see whether the rumors about you are true. You gain a +1 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks to sunder, and a +1 trait bonus to your CMD against bull rush and overrun combat maneuvers.
Tundra Child You were born and raised in the cold wastes of the far north or far south, and are accustomed to low temperatures. You gain a +4 trait bonus on saving throws made to resist the effects of being in cold conditions and a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against cold effects.

Full Background:

Lars never knew his mother. His father, Gustaf, never spoke of her, nor would he allow young Lars to ask questions. But Lars had many questions about his mother. Even growing up in Kalsgard, he was always one of the tallest children, and he was even taller than his own father by the time he reached ten years of age. He also always appeared to be on the verge of suffering from frostbite, with abnormally pale skin and lips with a slightly blue tinge. The answers Lars was refused from his father, he found inklings of in the rumors about him. Every child supposedly had a reliable source as to what strange creatures Gustaf Vilhelmson had consorted with, but the most common rumors agreed it had been a frost giant. Young, and with no information from his father, contradictory or otherwise, Lars believed every one of them that seemed even remotely reasonable. How else would he have grown to an impressive seven-foot-four when his father was not even six foot?

As Lars grew older and more skilled in martial combat, he became determined to one day seek out his mysterious mother, with or without his father's aid. He soon suspected that Gustaf must have seen the desire in his son's eyes, because it was not long thereafter that his father announced he was joining the Ulfen Guard, and that the two of them were moving to Taldor. Lars was furious and resentful, but though he was larger than his father, he did not dare to run away or rebel. Rather he chose to bide his time, knowing that the Ulfen Guard, while prestegious, was never a permanent assignment. Surely the pair would return home in a few years at most, and by then Lars would have enough skill to prove to his father that he was finally able to learn the truth and seek out his mother.

But Lars was further stymied when Gustaf, rather than choosing to return to their homeland, chose to retire to a small town named Heldren in the south of Taldor instead. Lars hates it there. It's too warm. It's too far away from the life he knew and hoped for in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Worst of all, Gustaf still refuses to discuss his mother. Lars is growing more and more restless, and has lately been considering abandoning his father and striking out on his own, perhaps all the way back north...

Step 1:

- Lars is extremely gangly for his impressive height, and while he doesn't posess the stereotypical strength of a giant, the ancestry shows in his well above average hardiness instead.
- Thanks in large part to his resentment of his father's refusal to answer his questions and his belief that Gustaf chose to become an Ulfen Guard just to thwart him, Lars has a fairly significant distrust of authority for authority's sake.
- One of Lars's strangest physical quirks is that when he's angry or embarassed, his skin flushes deep blue instead of red.
- While he resents his father's silence, he still loves and respects him a great deal as an (otherwise) good father and a great warrior. It's from him that he gets his generally good nature and normally gentle disposition, and also his fierce anger when roused.
- Lars never likes to be unprepared. For example, he knows he's a big target, and thus usually prefers to keep his foes at distance, but since no plan survives contact with the enemy, he carries a small sword just in case. Similarly, he knows his home is close to the realms of the fey and makes sure to keep cold iron and silver arrows on hand.

Step 2:

- Lars hopes to someday meet and connect with his mother and discover who and what she truly is.
- I would like to see how his increasingly manifesting bloodline changes him on a personal level, as they compound with his beginning physical quirks to make it more and more obvious that his lineage takes him beyond 'just not normal.'

Step 3:

- From Lars: While he strongly suspects his mother is a frost giant, he doesn't actually know, and it could really be any sort of large, cold-based creature. Whatever would make the most sense with the story line, really.
- From Others: Lars keeps to himself that his father was one of the Ulfen Guard. He's aware that Qadira is always looking for some sort of weak link around the Taldane throne, and doesn't want to see his father kidnapped or tortured for information now that he's retired peacefully.

Step 5:

- Having grown up in Kalsgard, Lars speaks with a decently strong Swedish-type accent (though I don't plan on indulging that in text to the point where it becomes an unreadable mess).
- No matter the actual size of a door, he's developed a habit of -always- grabbing the top of a door frame when he walks through it, if he can reach it (he usually can), to make sure he doesn't bump his head.
- His skin, especially on his hands, is always cold to the touch, regardless of the ambient temperature.

Scarab Sages

Im dotting for interest, will have something by the weekend probably.

Liberty's Edge

GM Frosty wrote:
I partially agree with you that indeed a bigger part of the PC's story will still be written during the AP but all the experiences he had in his life so far shaped him to be the way he is. His past matters a lot.

Of course, mine was not a criticism, I was only trying to say why I did what looked like a half-assed job.

I completely reworked it (including the name), btw, if you'd like to check it out.

Steep competition here, but I think I'd like to draw something up to submit and try my chances. But I need to know few things:

1) Will there be much down-time for crafting of alchemical or magic goodies?

2) Will there be many opportunities to buy such things from cities big enough to have a good selection?

3) You mentioned tieflings and aasimar, how do you feel about their variants? Such as pitborn, hellspawn, etc tieflings and angelkin, musetouched, etc aasimar.

Finally manage to get back in the saddle and here I find a recruitment for an AP I've been dying to play! My lucky day!

Count me interested. I... had this idea a while back for a kobold skirnir magus (because I evidently hate my characters to make them horribly inoptimal), but he's actually shaping up to be a pretty decent (if slightly silly) concept.

So... yeah, kobold skirnir. Should be right at home, I'm sure.

The concept is essentially a kobold magus named Droomag who goes by the alias "Kaptain Kobold". And yes, while he is something of a joke on Captain America, he actually has a reason for why he is so loopy. "Kaptain Kobold" is his way of coping with the PTSD he's suffered after seeing his tribe slaughtered by cave trolls and doing nothing to help. He just ran. And now, he's fabricated an alter ego called to help him cope with his failure and loss. "Kaptain Kobold" is the hero that his tribe needed, but couldn't be there, and others need now. So he's leaping headlong into danger out of guilt for his cowardice and running away from before.

Mechanically, he'll probably be a mobile defender who moves around trying to catch attacks for allies and put himself in harm's way, while providing arcane artillery to folks who need some support. Still working on it...

@Ammon Knight of Ragathiel: Ok, sounds nice!

@Roxboyxiii: I'm ok with whatever class you come upon with so feel free to make a PC that you fully enjoy this helps in the process in creating an awesome PC. About re-fluffing, go ahead an do it as much as you want.

@Digger Chandler: As far as I know, there is not a single barbarian archetype that could not be applied to the unchained barbarian... I think the only unchained class that doesn't support archetypes is the monk (the reason why I left it as an option and not a requirement like the other three).

@Lady Ladile: You are indeed right about the Campaign Traits. IMO in their attempt to make sure that everyone would have a connection/interest to the north they made this whole situation quite a cliché. Regarding your paladin, absolutely go for it! My previous comment was not meant to dissuade you from him... sorry if it was confusing for I like really like your idea.

@Leedwashere: I really like Lars! Just two things: I'd like to know how/why he developed his preference for the bow since it is not a traditional Nordic weapon (if I correctly recall, they used only the shortbow and only for hunting)... perhaps he got a tutor while his father was busy with the Guard? Also, as a suggestion, have you considered the Viking archetype? It could be really fitting and all its abilities could be useful for you... the intimidate as a move action is far better than a sole bravery +1, the shield bonus could be added to your buckler and once you get an adaptable longbow, even the rage could be useful!

@Sapiens: I like Margrish much more! Just a thing I noticed, you put a skill in 'Concentration'... in PF this skill doesn't exist anymore since you use your CL for concentration checks! So, good news, you have a spare skill point.

@bluedove: 1) I'm not completely sure but if I correctly remember there will be little to none downtime. 2) Not in the first book (which doesn't really matter since you'd have little gold) but beyond that there will be many big cities to supply you! 3) I'm completely ok with them, but remember that they do not receive their spell-like abilities. Also, you are not allowed to roll on that freaking table for different abilities.

@CaptainFord: Hum... I'm torn between the interesting concept and the possibility of this PC be too 'ridiculous' (in the funny way) for this game... I usually prefer a more 'dark' game and even if a small joke is more than welcome now and then, a PC that could be funny all the time could disrupt the atmosphere I'll be trying to create. Go ahead and keep developing him so I can have a more precise idea if he fits or not. Also, please remember that he would be aiming for the 'weird spot' in the party.

Grand Lodge

Final question before I post Malian's Stats and story. If I'm using an Archtype that uses Psy-Spell casting, do I HAVE to use the thought and emotion components to cast the spells, or can I use the normal Somatic and Verbal components? I understand the earlier has its pros, such as silent and still spell already a part of the lack of movements and sounds, but the old way gives way to more interesting ways of casting a spell. My verbal and someone else's verbal components for Magic Missle may differ greatly, and can also reflect how we each see "Magic" as a natural force.

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