GM R Box - Jade Regent AP

Game Master Twistlok

* Tactical Maps *
* Player Notes *
* Loot Sheet *
* Caravan Sheet *

1,301 to 1,350 of 2,594 << first < prev | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | next > last >>

Male M Half-Elf Cleric | 33/33 HP | AC 22 | T 10 | F 22 | CMB +4 | CMD 16 | Init +2 | Per +9 | | Fort +7 | Ref +4 | Will +8 | MW Morningstar +5 1d8+2 | Light Crossbow +5 1d8 19-20 | Spell DC 15 | Spell load out

"I won't say no to ale after what we've been through getting here," Kagyu grinned. "Lead the way, Durian."

Male N Human (Shoanti) Hunter (Totem-Bonded) 7 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 18 (Tch 12, Fl 16) | CMB: +9, CMD: 21 | F: +8 (+5 vs cold weather), R: +8, W: +6 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Shared Strength 7/7 | Spells: 1st 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | Maitoh - HP: 51/51, AC 22 (Tch 11, Fl 20), F: +7, R: +8, W: +5 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

Tahata smiles at Kagyu's statement, nodding in agreement. He walks along with the group, Maitoh trotting along at his side. The cold is biting, but the buildings provide welcome shelter from the icy wind. "How much colder will it get further north?" he asks the group.

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

Finding accommodation in the city is easy while the rest of the caravan stays back in the bone quarter. A few quick questions allow Ayame and Durian to quickly come up withe a few options but the one where is the best chance of finding a guide is Dogs Cant Look Up. It seems an unusual name for an inn but when you arrive you can see the owner has four large mastiffs and is a real dog person.

Ayame knows that this is off season for finding a guide and it will take some looking. This is because storms sweep over the crown of the world this time of yer. You do hear the name Ulf Gormundr here and there but he has not been seen for a bit. His partner Uksahkka may be able to be found over the next few days.

What are you doing now?

GM Red Box wrote:

[u] Stat Tracker [/u]
Global Condition: None |

Ayame HP: 31/31 - AC: 20/14/17 Status:
Kagyu HP: 33/33 - AC: 21/10/21 Status:
Durian HP: 43/43 - AC: 18 (+4 vs Giants)/13/16 Status:
Tahata HP: 35/35 - AC: 20/11/18 Status:
Loren HP: 28/28 - AC: 16/11/16 Status:
Onas HP: 30/30 - AC: 16/12/14

Maitoh HP: 26/26 - AC: 16/12/14 Status:

Female Human, Minikan Bard 7| 49/49 HP | AC 20 | T 14 | F 17 | CMB +6 | CMD 19 | Init +2 | Per +8 | | Fort +3 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | +1 Wakizashi +7

"We're going to have a hard time getting a guide." Ayame said. "This is the off season." She explained as they made their way into the tavern. "Why don't you all go get a table? I'll get us some ales and ask the owner if there is anyone they can think of who might help."

With that Ayame made her way to the barkeep. "Good day, I need sixs ales please. Also do you happen to know where I could find Ulf Gormunder or maybe Uksahkka?"

1/2 Elf DD1,Sor5 (Silver Draconic) | HP 42/42 | AC 18/11/18 (mage armor) | +5/+2/+5 | Init +0 | Perc +9 | 5/7 3/5 | Claws 8/8

"Good plan Ayame. We'll be sitting over there."

Loren looks to find an unoccupied table and sits down, choosing the chair furthest from the fire so he doesn't get too warm.

He nods and acknowledges any other patrons, but doesn't act too open or friendly.

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

The barkeep is a very round halfling, really quite out of place around all the Ulfen, he seems warm and smiles as he gets the beers. When Ayame askes her questions he nods and smiles and says "Beers! Six!" He picks up a small blackboard, writes the number six and points.

A man beside her clears his throat. "Ahhh. Thats Chalkie. Got kicked in the head a bit back, not so brite but a good chap. He will keep pointing at the six until you agree by the way.' he pauses and extends his hand as Chalkie looks on. "Names Jameson, this is my place."

Jamison is a much more typical older ulfen man. Long hair and thinned a bit due to his 60+ years but still looking harty. You notice his left hand is missing as he shakes with his right.

"Have not seen Ulf in a bit. I am sure he will turn up, always does."

Female Human, Minikan Bard 7| 49/49 HP | AC 20 | T 14 | F 17 | CMB +6 | CMD 19 | Init +2 | Per +8 | | Fort +3 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | +1 Wakizashi +7

Ayame look to Chalkie and nodded at the 6 written upon to board before shaking hands with Jamison. "I am Ayame. I'm looking to find a guide who will take our group over the crown of the world. When I was asking around many people told me to see Ulf. Do you have anyway I can get in contact with him?" She asked.

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

"Well not as such no. Still he will turn up here eventually I am sure. Its not uncommon for him to be gone for a day or two."

You also notice that he wears a simple iron band on his arm, as do many of the ulfen. It is not adorned with the sytalized lion but looking around you see most everyone wears them.

"Crown of the world for you. You don't look the type, little thing like you, but I guess people got their reasons. You going to be staying until you get a guide?"

Female Human, Minikan Bard 7| 49/49 HP | AC 20 | T 14 | F 17 | CMB +6 | CMD 19 | Init +2 | Per +8 | | Fort +3 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | +1 Wakizashi +7

Ayame blushed a bit when he called her a 'little thing'. She was rather short, only standing 5'0" even. "Yes well, I'm full of surprises." She joked. "Oh yes, without a guide I don't believe we'd make it far. Though I am unsure if each of then will want their own rooms or if they'll share. I shall ask after this." She said.

"Um if I may ask, and please understand I know little of Ulfen culture. But, what are those armbands for?" She asked curiously.

Male Dwarf Brawler 7| HP 52/68 | AC 21/14/19| CMB +11| CMD 24| F +8| R +8| W +4| Init +2 Per +10| Unarmed Strike +13/+8 (1d8+9)

Durian is happy to let Ayame talk to the people at the counter for now, and doesn't want to overwhelm them with too many questions from too many people. Instead he sits with the others for a while, starting a conversation while looking around the room for anyone who stands out or might be worth talking to.

So, Loren, what brought you along with this little ragtag band? I get Ayame's reason for coming, but why are you following her?

1/2 Elf DD1,Sor5 (Silver Draconic) | HP 42/42 | AC 18/11/18 (mage armor) | +5/+2/+5 | Init +0 | Perc +9 | 5/7 3/5 | Claws 8/8

"I like the cold weather and wanted to see if I could make a place for myself up here in the north."

"I was finding it too hot and sticky in the summers down south."

"This talk of crossing the roof of the world has me interested as well. How many people can say that they've made that journey."

Male N Human (Shoanti) Hunter (Totem-Bonded) 7 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 18 (Tch 12, Fl 16) | CMB: +9, CMD: 21 | F: +8 (+5 vs cold weather), R: +8, W: +6 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Shared Strength 7/7 | Spells: 1st 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | Maitoh - HP: 51/51, AC 22 (Tch 11, Fl 20), F: +7, R: +8, W: +5 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

Tahata takes a seat with the others and Maitoh curls up at his feet, relieved to be out of the cold. "Not many I'd wager," Tahata says in response to Loren. "It's already so cold up here, I can't imagine how much worse it will get as we travel further north."

Awesome reference for the pub name GM!

Male Dwarf Brawler 7| HP 52/68 | AC 21/14/19| CMB +11| CMD 24| F +8| R +8| W +4| Init +2 Per +10| Unarmed Strike +13/+8 (1d8+9)

"We definitely need an experienced guide. I have heard plenty of stories of people trying a trek like this without proper equipment or experience. they never come back.

I hope all of this is worth it. Sure will be a story to tell if we make it though!

1/2 Elf DD1,Sor5 (Silver Draconic) | HP 42/42 | AC 18/11/18 (mage armor) | +5/+2/+5 | Init +0 | Perc +9 | 5/7 3/5 | Claws 8/8

After the group receives their drinks and settles in a bit, Loren stands up and heads back over towards the bar.

He chats up some locals and asks about Ulf Gormundr.

"My group and I are set on traveling over the roof of the world. We've heard there aren't many guides willing to go this time of year, but one name keeps coming up. Do you know this fellow named Ulf Gormundr? Any idea where to find him?"

Diplomacy(gather information): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

Jamison tells Ayame that most ulfen wear armbands once they come of age. Originally used to represent the clan you belonged too the younger generations tend to use them more as decorations.

"It is not the respected tradition it once was but still important to many. Some groups use them to show membership. If you see a green metal armband with stags antlers that is for a group of trapers and hunters that operates near the crown of the world. They bring back exotic pelts. Different groups have different things, some are rather unknown. Why do you ask?"

As the group continues to get to know each other Loren does a bit of asking around. A few people just shrug. One older says. "Yep, I know him. Don't think he is off working as a guide so he should turn up at some point. probably hunting or something."

Loren also picks up some other information.


It would seem someone is curious about the party. The rumor is some criminal element has already been working to find ouy who the party is and where you came from.

GM Red Box wrote:

[u] Stat Tracker [/u]
Global Condition: None |

Ayame HP: 31/31 - AC: 20/14/17 Status:
Kagyu HP: 33/33 - AC: 21/10/21 Status:
Durian HP: 43/43 - AC: 18 (+4 vs Giants)/13/16 Status:
Tahata HP: 35/35 - AC: 20/11/18 Status:
Loren HP: 28/28 - AC: 16/11/16 Status:
Onas HP: 30/30 - AC: 16/12/14

Maitoh HP: 26/26 - AC: 16/12/14 Status:



Ameiko: Bardic Performance | Charm Person (DC15) Feather Step | +1 Rapier +4 (1d4+1)

Kpya: HP: 25/25 AC: 14/11/14 | 7/7 Channel 7/7 Bit of Luck | Bless, Longstride, Aid

Sandru: HP: 29/29 AC: 19/12/17 | +1 Scimitar +8 (1d6+4) | Shortbow +6 (1d6)

Shalelu: HP: 53/53 AC: 19/14/15 | Shortsword +8/+3 (1d8+1) | Lonbgbow +11/+6 (1d8+1)

1/2 Elf DD1,Sor5 (Silver Draconic) | HP 42/42 | AC 18/11/18 (mage armor) | +5/+2/+5 | Init +0 | Perc +9 | 5/7 3/5 | Claws 8/8

Back at the table, in a quiet voice, Loren tells the others.

"Someone has taken notice of our arrival and is asking questions about us. Did you guys make any enemies that would be looking for you? I can't think that anyone would be looking for me in particular."

Female Human, Minikan Bard 7| 49/49 HP | AC 20 | T 14 | F 17 | CMB +6 | CMD 19 | Init +2 | Per +8 | | Fort +3 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | +1 Wakizashi +7

"My friends and I where attack by men wearing golden armbands with lions on them. As far as any of us know we've never done a thing to them, and none looked familiar... so are they maybe a group for hire?" Ayame inquired as she even showed the band she had held onto since she failed to identify it before. "I'd like not to cause trouble while we stay of course, but if this is a group here and for whatever reason they are aggressive towards us we need to know how to handle ourselves within the laws here." She explained.

Male Dwarf Brawler 7| HP 52/68 | AC 21/14/19| CMB +11| CMD 24| F +8| R +8| W +4| Init +2 Per +10| Unarmed Strike +13/+8 (1d8+9)

to Loren, Durian says quietly:

"If you believe there isn't much reason for them to be after you they are likely looking for us and/or Ameiko. if they're not looking for you maybe you'll have a better chance of figuring out who is looking for us. maybe by telling them you have info about us...

Dark Archive

M Varisian Rogue 2/ Spell Sage 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14, CMD 15 | F +2, R +5, W +5 | Init. +2, Perc. +9 (+10 vs. traps)

Onas leans in as Loren and Durian talk, keeping an ear on the conversation. Then as if he hears something troubling he adds to the conversation.

"Loren, did you happen to hear what this group that is asking about us looks like? Perhaps that may give us an idea of who it may be they are after."

I also must applaud the name of the pub.

1/2 Elf DD1,Sor5 (Silver Draconic) | HP 42/42 | AC 18/11/18 (mage armor) | +5/+2/+5 | Init +0 | Perc +9 | 5/7 3/5 | Claws 8/8

"No real descriptions. Just that somebody shady had been asking about a group like ours."

"I might have to venture out somewhere else to learn more. There's only so many rumours in a single bar."

Dark Archive

M Varisian Rogue 2/ Spell Sage 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14, CMD 15 | F +2, R +5, W +5 | Init. +2, Perc. +9 (+10 vs. traps)

"Perhaps as another newcomer I should provide you with some backup?"

Male M Half-Elf Cleric | 33/33 HP | AC 22 | T 10 | F 22 | CMB +4 | CMD 16 | Init +2 | Per +9 | | Fort +7 | Ref +4 | Will +8 | MW Morningstar +5 1d8+2 | Light Crossbow +5 1d8 19-20 | Spell DC 15 | Spell load out

Kagyu lifted his mug and spoke quietly into his ale, "between the raiders, and the Kenku we ran into previously, I'm not the least bit surprised. I had a feeling then, but I'm sure of it now: There's some organized powers behind the troubles we've encountered.

Kagyu looked over at the bar and saw Ayame with one of the raider's armbands in hand. "And it looks like Ayame may have gotten some information about the raiders already."

Male N Human (Shoanti) Hunter (Totem-Bonded) 7 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 18 (Tch 12, Fl 16) | CMB: +9, CMD: 21 | F: +8 (+5 vs cold weather), R: +8, W: +6 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Shared Strength 7/7 | Spells: 1st 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | Maitoh - HP: 51/51, AC 22 (Tch 11, Fl 20), F: +7, R: +8, W: +5 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

"We'll have to conduct any business here carefully then," Tahata says. "It might be wise that no-one goes anywhere alone for now."

He looks cautiously towards the bar at Kagyu's suggestion. "Maybe she'll be able to find out who's looking for us."

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

Jamison considers Ayame's question but after a moment shakes his head. "Can't say I know that one. We cover a big area, could be someone form out of town. I would guess it is a clan or some sort of other group. Some of the more wealthy people living outside of town have their own security forces... I bet that is it."

You can tell that he kinds of likes Ayame and is doing his best to work it out.

Female Human, Minikan Bard 7| 49/49 HP | AC 20 | T 14 | F 17 | CMB +6 | CMD 19 | Init +2 | Per +8 | | Fort +3 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | +1 Wakizashi +7

"Ah, I see. Thank you so much Jamison!" Ayame said with a smile before she gave a wave and took the drinks over to her friends, slipping the armband back into her pocket.

Taking a seat she let out a sigh. "Well, I found out little." She began. "Ulf hasn't been seen around lately hut everyone is sure he'll show up... at some point... those armbands that we found off of those who attack us are apart of Ulfen culture. Often they are used to show which clan or group you belong to, he believes ours might have come from someone wealthy outside of the city though he couldn't give a name. Also he has rooms we can rent, so are we going to double us or each get our own room?" Ayame asked before she looked around the table and did a quick tally. "There are six of us so we could split into groups of two or maybe two groups of three... I guess it really depends upon how big the rooms are..." She said thoughtfully.

1/2 Elf DD1,Sor5 (Silver Draconic) | HP 42/42 | AC 18/11/18 (mage armor) | +5/+2/+5 | Init +0 | Perc +9 | 5/7 3/5 | Claws 8/8

"I don't mind sharing a room with someone."

"I think Onas and I are going to wander the town a bit and see if we can gather any information on Ulf."

"I can ask about those gold armbands as well."

Loren motions for Onas to come along and heads out into the cold.

He wanders the town streets, stopping to buy a cup of hot broth from a street vendor and making small talk with passersby.

He inquires about city services like knife sharpening, tack repair, and the location of a good barber.

He works in the occasional travel question about guides capable of leading a group in the wilderness or about local strongmen who's followers where fancy armbands.

diplomacy(gather information - gold armbands): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

diplomacy(gather information - ulf's whereabouts): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Dark Archive

M Varisian Rogue 2/ Spell Sage 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14, CMD 15 | F +2, R +5, W +5 | Init. +2, Perc. +9 (+10 vs. traps)

Onas leaves with Loren, calling back over his shoulder as he does so.

"I also don't mind sharing a room."

Onas follows Loren's lead, while keeping an eye out for anyone following them. If anyone seems to have more information, or if someone seems a little shady, Onas will try to see if he can find out where someone would go for some secret information.

Not sure of the check needed to locate the local criminal element. Let me know and I can make the check.

Male Dwarf Brawler 7| HP 52/68 | AC 21/14/19| CMB +11| CMD 24| F +8| R +8| W +4| Init +2 Per +10| Unarmed Strike +13/+8 (1d8+9)

Durian hangs around the tavern a bit more, trying to listen to conversations and chat with anyone who seems a little more loosened by their drinks. he wants to see if he can hear anyone talking about Ameiko or the caravan to try to determine who is following them.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Male N Human (Shoanti) Hunter (Totem-Bonded) 7 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 18 (Tch 12, Fl 16) | CMB: +9, CMD: 21 | F: +8 (+5 vs cold weather), R: +8, W: +6 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Shared Strength 7/7 | Spells: 1st 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | Maitoh - HP: 51/51, AC 22 (Tch 11, Fl 20), F: +7, R: +8, W: +5 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

Tahata waits with Durian, scanning the room for anyone that seems overly interested in their group. "If we're being followed, there's a chance someone might have trailed us in here," he says.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

Perception Loren: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Perception Onas: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

Loren and Onas head out to gather more information. The williness of people to talk is hit or miss but they do find one bit of information on the guide. He has an assistant of sorts, Uksahkka, who is about town and wondering where he has gotten off to. They know she goes out daily to check some traps and is not back in town at the moment.

The arm-bands seem to be a mystery, a few people remember seeing large men wearing them but really they did not stand out much in the land of the ulfen.

The on thing you both notice is that ther seem to be an unusual number of ravens in the area wherever you go. This has happened before to the caravan as I am sure you would have been told.

You briefly thing you catch a glimpse of someone watching from around a corner on two occasions but they are gone so fast you cannot be sure.

Tahata does not see anyone overly watching them at the moment in the tavern.

The night draws near and you make arrangements for rooms in the inn. The night passes without incident and you start the day with a nice breakfast.

What are you doing now?

GM Red Box wrote:

[u] Stat Tracker [/u]
Global Condition: None |

Ayame HP: 31/31 - AC: 20/14/17 Status:
Kagyu HP: 33/33 - AC: 21/10/21 Status:
Durian HP: 43/43 - AC: 18 (+4 vs Giants)/13/16 Status:
Tahata HP: 35/35 - AC: 20/11/18 Status:
Loren HP: 28/28 - AC: 16/11/16 Status:
Onas HP: 30/30 - AC: 16/12/14

Maitoh HP: 26/26 - AC: 16/12/14 Status:



Ameiko: Bardic Performance | Charm Person (DC15) Feather Step | +1 Rapier +4 (1d4+1)

Kpya: HP: 25/25 AC: 14/11/14 | 7/7 Channel 7/7 Bit of Luck | Bless, Longstride, Aid

Sandru: HP: 29/29 AC: 19/12/17 | +1 Scimitar +8 (1d6+4) | Shortbow +6 (1d6)

Shalelu: HP: 53/53 AC: 19/14/15 | Shortsword +8/+3 (1d8+1) | Lonbgbow +11/+6 (1d8+1)

Male N Human (Shoanti) Hunter (Totem-Bonded) 7 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 18 (Tch 12, Fl 16) | CMB: +9, CMD: 21 | F: +8 (+5 vs cold weather), R: +8, W: +6 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Shared Strength 7/7 | Spells: 1st 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | Maitoh - HP: 51/51, AC 22 (Tch 11, Fl 20), F: +7, R: +8, W: +5 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

"Sounds like we need to find this Uksahkka," Tahata suggests over breakfast. A night in a warm and comfortable inn has brightened his spirits. He passes a hunk of sausage down to Maitoh who wolfs it down hungrily. "She sounds like the easiest way to find Ulf."

1/2 Elf DD1,Sor5 (Silver Draconic) | HP 42/42 | AC 18/11/18 (mage armor) | +5/+2/+5 | Init +0 | Perc +9 | 5/7 3/5 | Claws 8/8

Loren will head out to find Uksahkka, asking about town as to her whereabouts.

diplomacy(gather info): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Dark Archive

M Varisian Rogue 2/ Spell Sage 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14, CMD 15 | F +2, R +5, W +5 | Init. +2, Perc. +9 (+10 vs. traps)

Onas catches Loren's attention for a second.

"I think two people covering different ground may give us a better chance. I'll meet you back at the tavern."

Onas heads off alone down a side street and moves into the crowd.

I want to move off alone and with cover cast vanish, then use traditional stealth to hide better and observe if I can see who may be following us.

1d20 + 24 ⇒ (18) + 24 = 42; includes +10 for vanish moving half speed

Male Dwarf Brawler 7| HP 52/68 | AC 21/14/19| CMB +11| CMD 24| F +8| R +8| W +4| Init +2 Per +10| Unarmed Strike +13/+8 (1d8+9)

Durian will spend some more time helping to look for Uksahkka, going in a slightly different direction than Loren

gather info: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

Female Human, Minikan Bard 7| 49/49 HP | AC 20 | T 14 | F 17 | CMB +6 | CMD 19 | Init +2 | Per +8 | | Fort +3 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | +1 Wakizashi +7

"I agree! It was the second name we kept getting so it sounds like the best option we have." Ayame said as she joyfully ate breakfast. It was easy to get the sense that this was not her normal breakfast but she was enjoying to variety.

"Oh! I'll help, I'm good with people." She said with a nod as she finished breakfast.

Diplomacy to gather information: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Male N Human (Shoanti) Hunter (Totem-Bonded) 7 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 18 (Tch 12, Fl 16) | CMB: +9, CMD: 21 | F: +8 (+5 vs cold weather), R: +8, W: +6 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Shared Strength 7/7 | Spells: 1st 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | Maitoh - HP: 51/51, AC 22 (Tch 11, Fl 20), F: +7, R: +8, W: +5 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

"I will accompany you, if I may?" Tahata asks Ayame, nervous about her going out into the town alone. "Along with Maitoh, of course," he adds, as the wolf uncurls himself from beneath the table and stretches with a wide yawn.

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

In the morning the group fans out to some degree looking for information. The information you gather on Uksahkka is somewhat helpful as it speaks to the skill of her and her partner as guides but no one has seen her yet today.

Onas catches sight of being followed again and quickly vanishes and heads off to attempt to follow the the figure that had been watching them. He quickly does so and is not observed by the figure that turns out to be a Tian boy, about 15 years old.

You can catch him by suprise if you like. He does not appear to be armed.

I need to play out this bit with Onas for at least on post. I will be more attentive.

Dark Archive

M Varisian Rogue 2/ Spell Sage 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14, CMD 15 | F +2, R +5, W +5 | Init. +2, Perc. +9 (+10 vs. traps)

Try to make this quick.

Onas seeing the age of the boy begins to rethink his plan.

Well, seems I may have a lot in common with our tail. Perhaps the dawn sometimes smiles with laughter. Here goes I guess.

Onas moves to catch up with the young Tian boy. When Onas is close enough he will step in line with the boy and put his arm around the boy's shoulders in a friendly gesture. With a slight squeeze to drive the point home Onas speaks.

"Tanar," Onas says, "it is so good to finally catch up to you." Then Onas' voice drops to almost a whisper, "I don't wish to harm you boy. Lets join my friend ahead and we can all talk."

Onas Grapple:
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

If the boy tries to run, Onas will try to keep a grip on him. Making a grapple check, just in case. Not that I feel that will succeed.

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

The boy, realizing he is caught quickly gives in. In fact he doesn't struggle at all as he is brought back to the other. Playing with time a little here.

"Look, I was just asked to watch you and leave reports on a barrel. I... Come on man... come on i'm just a kid. I... he wore a hood. I think he was older, had white hair but he didn't want me to look.. so i didn't."
He looks at the group pleeding.

Seriously. I don't have a family or anything... I needed the money. I wasn't steeling or anything.. we all got to eat and he gave me three gold up front..." He sighs "Guessing that is all I will get but it can last."

The boy does not know anything else and a sense motive would tell you he is telling the truth.

You are still no further on the guide then when you began the day.

What are you all doing now?

Female Human, Minikan Bard 7| 49/49 HP | AC 20 | T 14 | F 17 | CMB +6 | CMD 19 | Init +2 | Per +8 | | Fort +3 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | +1 Wakizashi +7

"Of course!" Ayame said with a smile to Tahata and Maitoh. "We're all here together right?" She asked before they headed out.

However when their investigations lead them to nothing Ayame looked rather defeated. "So she isn't back yet either." She said with a sigh that was a mixed of bored and annoyed. "Why does it feel like ever step we take is like pushing through a barrier?"

Dark Archive

M Varisian Rogue 2/ Spell Sage 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14, CMD 15 | F +2, R +5, W +5 | Init. +2, Perc. +9 (+10 vs. traps)

Onas slips a gold coin out of his pouch and holds it in front of the boy.

"Where is this barrel?" he asks. "Then take this, take care of your 'family', and make yourself scarce for a few days."

After getting when he can from the boy, Onas returns to Loren.

"Loren, I don't think we are going to have much luck in our search for a guide today. Perhaps we should head back to the tavern?"

Assuming the boy gave me the location of the barrel, I would like to head back towards the tavern in a route that would pass by.

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

"The barrel. Sure sure. Lets go I will show no problem."

You head back but the boy stops short when he comes around a corner of an older building.

"What the.." he spins around "Look. I'm not lieing to you. It was right here, I swear."

You can see a ring on the ground where a barrel could have been sitting but it it not there now. A few potato bugs are still visible so it must not have been gone for long.

"Gods, I don't know."

There is little to be gained with further investigation down this thread of things and you head back to the tavern.

Anything else anyone wants to do before the evening?

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

Reminder from the visions:

Also, you just know, that you recognize the young Tian man with the sword as Ameiko’s grandfather, Rokuro Kaijitsu, formerly Amatatsu Tsutoku, selling the family’s legendary sword Suishen to the Ulfen merchant Fynn Snaevald in the city of Kalsgard to finance his family’s flight and exile.

You also know that Suishen is intelligent, and can impart much more knowledge of the Amatatsu family’s legacy if recovered. Further, they know that Ameiko herself is the heir of her line.

I have added a little bit of a quest tracker in the info below. If you want something added let me know. The speed of PbP can make it difficult to remember things sometimes.

GM Red Box wrote:

[u] Stat Tracker [/u]
Global Condition: None |

Ayame HP: 31/31 - AC: 20/14/17 Status:
Kagyu HP: 33/33 - AC: 21/10/21 Status:
Durian HP: 43/43 - AC: 18 (+4 vs Giants)/13/16 Status:
Tahata HP: 35/35 - AC: 20/11/18 Status:
Loren HP: 28/28 - AC: 16/11/16 Status:
Onas HP: 30/30 - AC: 16/12/14

Maitoh HP: 26/26 - AC: 16/12/14 Status:


Story Reminders:

* Looking for a guide over the crown of the world.
* No one has seen the guide you have a lead on.
* Looking for ledendary sword Suishen which was sold to an Ulfen merchan Flynn Snaevald

1/2 Elf DD1,Sor5 (Silver Draconic) | HP 42/42 | AC 18/11/18 (mage armor) | +5/+2/+5 | Init +0 | Perc +9 | 5/7 3/5 | Claws 8/8

Loren keeps an eye out for spies on the way back to the inn.

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Male Dwarf Brawler 7| HP 52/68 | AC 21/14/19| CMB +11| CMD 24| F +8| R +8| W +4| Init +2 Per +10| Unarmed Strike +13/+8 (1d8+9)

Well, I guess we're here for another day Durian remarks when he hears the guide is still gone.

Anone have ideas for what we do if she doesn't come back for a while? whatif something happened to her?

Male N Human (Shoanti) Hunter (Totem-Bonded) 7 | HP: 62/62 | AC: 18 (Tch 12, Fl 16) | CMB: +9, CMD: 21 | F: +8 (+5 vs cold weather), R: +8, W: +6 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Shared Strength 7/7 | Spells: 1st 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 1/1 | Maitoh - HP: 51/51, AC 22 (Tch 11, Fl 20), F: +7, R: +8, W: +5 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

"Then I think we ask around for another guide, though if Ulf and Uksahkka are away they may return at some point soon. We should wait a few more days," Tahata suggests.

1/2 Elf DD1,Sor5 (Silver Draconic) | HP 42/42 | AC 18/11/18 (mage armor) | +5/+2/+5 | Init +0 | Perc +9 | 5/7 3/5 | Claws 8/8

"I think if we keep asking around, we should either find them or they will find us." Loren says.

"Meanwhile we keep our eyes open for whoever might be spying on us."

(Maybe them DM's hint about the guy who bought the magic sword....)

Female Human, Minikan Bard 7| 49/49 HP | AC 20 | T 14 | F 17 | CMB +6 | CMD 19 | Init +2 | Per +8 | | Fort +3 | Ref +6 | Will +4 | +1 Wakizashi +7

"Well we could fill the time looking for Flynn Snaevald." Ayame suggested to the group. "Also maybe find someone who will know to whom these golden armbands belong to." She also suggested.

Dark Archive

M Varisian Rogue 2/ Spell Sage 2 | HP 30/30 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14, CMD 15 | F +2, R +5, W +5 | Init. +2, Perc. +9 (+10 vs. traps)

"We need to keep an eye out though." Onas cautions. "There is someone keeping an eye on us, and I don't think they are a guardian angel."

Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps

Dinner is served long with some ale for the table and the tavern is filling up. You see a lot of the same faces you had seen the night before and it is clear this is a popular establishment for the locals.

For the most part you are left alone until a large older ulfen warrior approaches the table, carrying a drinking horn of ale in one hand and a battleaxe in the othter. He is clearly angry.

"You! You.. poisoners! My dog is dead I will have payment from your hide or your purse! I know you did it!" he turns to the rest of the inn which is very silent at the moment, watching "THEY KILLED MY DOG!"

He spins back, spittle flying.

"He told me it was you! Whats it to be the purse or your hide?"

The inn has a few quiet murmers trying to work out what is going on. You here a name mentioned a few times Gorvald Thrimbyrson.

What are you doing now?

Map updated.

GM Red Box wrote:

[u] Stat Tracker [/u]
Global Condition: None |

Ayame HP: 31/31 - AC: 20/14/17 Status:
Kagyu HP: 33/33 - AC: 21/10/21 Status:
Durian HP: 43/43 - AC: 18 (+4 vs Giants)/13/16 Status:
Tahata HP: 35/35 - AC: 20/11/18 Status:
Loren HP: 28/28 - AC: 16/11/16 Status:
Onas HP: 30/30 - AC: 16/12/14

Maitoh HP: 26/26 - AC: 16/12/14 Status:


Story Reminders:

* Looking for a guide over the crown of the world.
* No one has seen the guide you have a lead on.
* Looking for ledendary sword Suishen which was sold to an Ulfen merchan Flynn Snaevald

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