Tynan Swale |
Round 5, init 16
Tynan swings again as he sees the pale one beginning to lose his composure.
Sword Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 = 16 (bless, studied)
Sword Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 (studied)
Dagger Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 = 16 (bless, studied)
Dagger Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 (studied)
The strikes are stopped by the gleaming mithril shirt, once again.
Saves:Fort 4, Ref 8, Will 2
Mortimer Smith |
Round 5, Init 22
AC 18, 22 on AoO; 33/33 HP
BAB = +4 (level 4)
ToHit = 1d20+8
RHit = 1d20+8-2 (-2 to hit, +4 dam on Power Attack)
LHit = 1d20+8-2 (-2 to hit, +4 dam on Power Attack)
Throw = 1d20 + BAB + Dex
Fort+5 (+4 vs inhaled and contact poisons, +2 vs. disease)
CMD = 22, 20 if flat footed
Bless (+1 attacks & saves vs fear (morale)), Improved Overrun
Why is it still making noise?!
RHit: 1d20 + 8 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 8 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 9 -PowerAttack,+Bless for Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 4 = 14 +PowerAttack
LHit: 1d20 + 8 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 8 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 14 -PowerAttack,+Bless for Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 4 = 14 +PowerAttack
Because I'm dreaming still. Wake up!!!!
GM Rat Sass |
Raella continues her work, hoping to end this, once and for all.
Bastard Sword, Flank, Bless: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 2 + 1 = 10 for 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 damage
In harmony with her comrades, she also fails to hit the creature.
Solrisa is up!
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Round 5, Init 8
Solrisa swings again.
1d20 + 8 - 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 8 - 2 + 1 + 2 = 14 to hit (-PA,+bless,+flank);
1d10 + 3 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 4 + 1 = 18 damage. (PA)
AC=24 (10 armor +2 shield +1 dex +1 NA)
Right hand = long sword
Left hand = heavy shield
LoH 1/4 used
Quik Shirt 1/1 used
The Dragon Invoked 0/2 used
[ dice]1d20+8+2+2-2[/dice] to hit (+dragon,flank,-PA);
[ dice]1d10+3+4+2[/dice] damage.
33/38 charges wand of MMissile
GM Rat Sass |
They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't kill the beast...
The creature howls to his god/dess. "ALL HAIL LAMASHTU, PROTECTRESS OF ALL THINGS DESTRUCTIVE!!!" He swings again on Raella, the last pain receptor in his memory with her name on it.
Greataxe: 1d20 + 13 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 13 - 2 + 1 = 18 for 1d12 + 6 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 6 + 1 = 19 damage
Round 6
M1- 27 (-36hp)
Mortimer- 22
Tynan- 17 (-3hp)
Solrisa- 8 (-1hp)
Pillette- 6 (-13hp)
Ascaria- 2 (-5hp)
Raella-1 (-28hp)
The party is up!
Bless is up as well...
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Round 6, Init 8
Worried for Rae, Solrisa swings again, this time calling on The Dragon for aid.
1d20 + 8 - 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 8 - 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 22 to hit (-PA,+bless,+flank,+Dragon);
1d10 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 4 + 1 + 8 = 22 damage. (PA,+Dragon*2)
AC=24 (10 armor +2 shield +1 dex +1 NA)
Right hand = long sword
Left hand = heavy shield
LoH 1/4 used
Quik Shirt 1/1 used
The Dragon Invoked 0/2 used
[ dice]1d20+8+2+2-2[/dice] to hit (+dragon,flank,-PA);
[ dice]1d10+3+4+2[/dice] damage.
33/38 charges wand of MMissile
Mortimer Smith |
Round 6, Init 22
AC 18, 22 on AoO; 33/33 HP
BAB = +4 (level 4)
ToHit = 1d20+8
RHit = 1d20+8-2 (-2 to hit, +4 dam on Power Attack)
LHit = 1d20+8-2 (-2 to hit, +4 dam on Power Attack)
Throw = 1d20 + BAB + Dex
Fort+5 (+4 vs inhaled and contact poisons, +2 vs. disease)
CMD = 22, 20 if flat footed
Bless (+1 attacks & saves vs fear (morale)), Improved Overrun
Bewildered by the creature's behavior, Mortimer lunges at It in an attempt to silence It.
LHaymaker: 1d20 + 8 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 8 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 25 -PowerAttack,+Bless for Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 4 = 15 +PowerAttack
Confirm? LHaymaker: 1d20 + 8 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 8 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 24 -PowerAttack,+Bless for Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 4 = 16 +PowerAttack
RStraightPunch: 1d20 + 8 - 2 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 8 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 11 -PowerAttack,+Bless for Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 4 = 10 +PowerAttack
GM Rat Sass |
Mortimer swings with such force, the creature's head snaps from its shoulders, hitting the wall, and spattering blood from the neck up. Even in death, the creature still triumphs, as his bladder lets go, and several of you are soaked at your feet with urine.
Solrisa's blade swings into the creature's stump, assuring you all that it is well and truly dead.
As the short-statured brute breathes his last, its head smacking its lips slowly on the floor, the cavern grows quiet. Absent the sound of the snarls, the heavy breathing of the party members keeps the atmosphere from feeling like the grave.
Searching this chamber, and the next, proves quite rewarding.
studded leather armor(10)
masterwork battleaxe(2)
composite longbow (+3 Str adj) with 20 arrows
composite longbow (+2 Str adj) with 40 arrows
pouch with 5 gp
4 agate
1 large ruby
Fine set of Ivory Dice Linguistics check, please for symbols on the sides
50’ rope, grappling hook
6 potions Detect as magic
3 tanglefoot bags
2 alchemist fires
studded leather armor Detects as magic
2 MW daggers
pouch with 54gp
burlap sack with 200gp
preserved head Heal check, please
Wand Detects as magic
Leather necklace, 4 rubies inset
Cold Iron Longsword
Jade figurine of Lamashtu
4 emeralds
Silver necklace
rare fungus Heal check, please
MW Greataxe
Mithral Shirt Detects as magic, size Small
Obsidian Statuette
Leather pouch with 460gp
Haversack Detects as magic
Banded Mail Detects as magic, size Medium
Brooch Detects as magic
MW morningstar
Silver holy symbol Knowledge(Religion) check, please
Pearl necklace
Rope Detects as magic
The second chamber is revelatory. A lone paleskin lies dead, its body draped across a large stone. Its eyes appear to be nailed open by metal staples, and a grand tattoo is etched into its chest, depicting a three-eyed jackal head, similar to the symbol of Lamashtu previously encountered and accounted for by Solrisa. The tongue lolls from the mouth, its jaw at an odd angle.
The eyes within its skull are not its own, and the jaw is easily dislocated.
Searching its body, you find a scroll, written in the common language. It speaks of a great power, a swarm of worms, of pools spewing forth sickness and madness. Of eternal death, and the honor of watching it unfold from the bosom of the great Kyuss. A single line stands out- “At last, the will of the Ebon Triad be done. With the return of great Kyuss, the Age of Worms is finally upon us!”
The ascent proves uneventful. The elevator is dependable, bringing all of you safely to the surface. With a little ingenuity and timing, you manage to exit the Dourstone Mine in the flow of workers, coming and going. Tynan assists with the subtle exiting of the off-limits branch to the elevator shaft. Several miners recognize Ascaria in passing, one of them bold enough to pull him aside in a petition for healing, showing a very mangled left hand. Do you do so?
Passing the offices, the human guards look almost bored, yawning it the early morning light, until they see you all. A couple of their eyes widen. One of them almost looks like he’ll step forward to address you directly, but he seems to reconsider at the last moment. He seems glad that your direction seems to be exiting, rather than entering.
Passing the gates, the wind strikes you as cold, but fresh. Well, by Diamond Lake standards, fresh. Fresher than the belly of the Dourstone Mine, and its foetid, cloying air. A flock of crow pass above, swirling with intent, then passing to the west, across the skies of town.
Welcome home again.
Ascaria |
Ascaria, when the other creatures are fully dead, channels twice to heal everyone back up.
Channel Energy (healing): 4d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 5) + 2 = 20
He’ll then examine all the items, taking-10 on the magics (Spellcraft=18) for now.
Fine set of Ivory Dice Linguistics check, please for symbols on the sides
Linguistics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
preserved head Heal check, please
Heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
rare fungus Heal check, please
Heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Silver holy symbol Knowledge(Religion) check, please
Knowledge Religion (untrained): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 max 10
Heal Check DC 15:
Heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
"Man, those aren't his eyes. Those are someone elses eyes. Mort, smash that would you - there's something wrong with it." Ascaria frowns.
- - -
As the party makes their way out, Ascaria stops and help the miner. "That looks nasty, you should be more careful my friend."
He sets the hand...
Heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
...and then cast CLW
CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
6 potions Detect as magic
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Spellcraft
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Spellcraft
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 Spellcraft
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Spellcraft
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Spellcraft
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 Spellcraft
studded leather armor Detects as magic
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 Spellcraft
Wand Detects as magic
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 Spellcraft
Mithral Shirt Detects as magic, size Small
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Spellcraft
Haversack Detects as magic
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 Spellcraft
Banded Mail Detects as magic, size Medium
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 Spellcraft
Brooch Detects as magic
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 Spellcraft
Silver holy symbol Knowledge(Religion) check, please
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 Know (Religion)
Rope Detects as magic
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 Spellcraft
Solrisa waves and cheers to the miners on her way out, wishing them a good workday. She begins to walk back with the party on the road back to town.
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
The tones of someone half humming, half singing to herself floats on the morning air, along with a sudden fluster of dust as she stirs herself from her place beside the road.
Long blond hair coils and streams about her, easily twice as long as the girl is tall. Dusting her hands on her hips she rushes forward, her tresses reaching out to touch first Sol's face then Rae's.
"Oh there you are! I've been waiting for hours. At least many many minutes. Oh Sol, you're dirty! Rae, why do you always get her into such messes?!" Her words tumble, like water in a brook in the late spring, or boxes, knocked over by rats.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"MUM!!!" Solrisa sprints to her mother. "Rae, look! It's mum!!"
Solrisa comes clanking, her new armor, still ill-fitting and newly dented.
"MUM! I've missed you!" Solrisa smiles as big as she can, the light of pure joy on her face. She hasn't seen her mother in a long time, and the surprise and joy of seeing her is making her tear up with happiness.
"Oh mum! You should hear what we have been up to. We've...*sniff*...missed you so much...*sniff*...oh, mum," Solrisa cries with happiness, hugging Dandi.
Raella Grim |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Tired and crabby and not the least bit ready to face one more thing, Rae snarl, batting at the 'helpful tresses' out of habit.
"It's not my fault, Mom. You know she's nearly grown now, and ...!" her words trail off as her hands still their fight against the hair's embrace.
"MOM!!!" She rushes then, into the young half elf's arms, hugging her tightly. It is only a moment, maybe two, before she remembers the others and steps back.
She is not a little kid anymore.
She shakes her head at her sister's sniffles, surreptitiously drying her own.
"I can see that, Sol." She rolls her eyes, but cannot contain her smile.
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
For a moment, she looks so much older than the young women in her arms (and hair). "I've missed you too, very much."
She smiles at Sol, answering. "I dreamed you were into all sorts of mischief, and I can see you've been... busy." she adds, a wand suddenly appearing in her hand.
She flicks it quickly, cleaning the blood and gore from her youngest daughter. She gives her a second flick, and soon not a hair is out of place on the girl's head. lots of assumptions, but...
"There! That's my pretty girl!" she beams, maternal pride somehow completely compatible with her own appearance.
Raella Grim |
Rae's smile hardens at the edges, waving off a wayward strand of her mother's caressing tresses. She steps back another step, her brows furrowing across her forehead.
"*WE'RE* fine, Mom. A little dirt... a little blood, for that matter, isn't going to kill us."
"But our friends here have had a late night and we should be getting back to town. Why are you here?"
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Solrisa spins as Dandi does the cleansy-twirly game, a Solrisa favorite. She used to love seeing how grimy she could get and knew how much her mother loved to get her clean.
"Mum, where have you been? Are we going home now?" Solrisa asks, her mouth a rush of questions before she remembers her manners.
"Oh, MUM! We have friends!!!" Solrisa cheers, turning to introduce the party.
"This here is Tynan, and I'm teaching him to play Oopsy-Topsy! I love Oopsy-Topsy!" Solrisa points to Tynan.
"And there is Mort! Mort is very big, but also very gentle. Sometimes he lets me protect him from bad things!" Sol smiles at Mort.
"And that's Ascaria! He's very nice. He always makes me feel better!" Solrisa smiles at the gnome and does not see or remember anyone else to introduce.
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
ask all the questions...
She holds her hands up as if to ward off the questioning. "One at a time...I'm afraid not, Solshine. I've been... helping Uncle Charlie, but I'll have to head back." She catches her older daughter's gaze as she continues. "...and I'll need Rae to come with me."
She takes in the introductions one at a time, as weighing the abilities of the individuals.
"A pleasure to meet you all." Her smile goes nostalgic for a moment, as she remembers a similar band, long ago. "Sorry to keep you, but it will only be a bit longer, I'm sure." Turning to Rae she brushes her hands on each other, and continues, her voice a brisk mix of empathy and determination.
"I'm afraid I'll need you to come take my place with your Uncle Charlie. He's... well, he's somehow become Chief of a band of Wikkawaks. He needs your help. I can't stay either, I've promised to help some friends with a trade issue." She looks again at the group, and smiles at each of the men in turn.
"Sol should stay here. With both of us gone, Home will bore her." She says, as if everyone should know what a bad idea a bored Sol would be....and perhaps they do.
"You'll help her stay safe, won't you?" She asks, her glance seeming to charge each in individually with the safety of her daughter.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Solrisa's smile fades.
"BUT MUUUUUUM!!" Solrisa whines. "I want to come too! I've been very good! I can be very good! I promise!!"
Sol's heart nearly cracks in two. She wants to see Uncle Charlie too. And she wants to hang out with mother. And Rae.
Ascaria |
Ascaria smiles at the new woman in their midst and tries to look gallant. As she cleans her daughters though, he remembers the blood and gore on his own clothes, including his snazzy vest and new cloak!
Embarrassed, he quickly casts his own prestidigitation, and just as quickly starts to clean himself, starting with his hat and working his way down. He smiles as he gets clean, and notices Mort. Oh dear god - he'll never get the ladies... he quickly cleans around the big mans head when he hears someone ask him a question...
"You'll help her stay safe, won't you?" She asks, her glance seeming to charge each in individually with the safety of her daughter.
"Oh, er, what?" he starts to stammer, when he's quickly cut off by Sol's wailing.
"BUT MUUUUUUM!!" Solrisa whines. "I want to come too! I've been very good! I can be very good! I promise!!"
"Yeah, Uh, sure. She'll be safe with us, but I don't think that's what she wants. Just guessing here... going out on a limb, uh, mom."
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
Dandi winces, but pulls her daughter into a tight hug. "I'm sorry, baby. You can't. I told you before. I wanted both of you so much, that I made a promise to The Dragon. I have to honor that promise, for both our sakes. You have to do as your father asks. He wants you here. He says it's important. I can't take you with me."
She turns to Rae, one hand held out. "Come, Rae, hug your sister. We need to go. Who knows what Charlie will have convinced them to do by the time we get there. They'd given up meat when I left."
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
"Yeah, Uh, sure. She'll be safe with us, but I don't think that's what she wants. Just guessing here... going out on a limb, uh, mom."
Dandi stiffens, eyeing the little man. "Sometimes, we all have to do things we don't want to. For the greater good. You help her, son. I'm sure she'll be ok in time."
She softens her words with a smile, adding.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"I wanted both of you so much, that I made a promise to The Dragon...You have to do as your father asks. He wants you here. He says it's important. I can't take you with me."
Solrisa's upper lip trembles, torn between what she wants and what she knows to be true. Solrisa's voice turns from a whine to a plead with her mother.
"But mum...I want to be with you. I want to be with Rae. You can't...do this to me. We're supposed to be a family. We're...supposed to be together," Sol says, eyes watering up even as she tries to keep herself together.
"Are you sure The Dragon doesn't need me there? I'm very good at helping...just ask them!" Solrisa waves her hands at Ascaria, Tynan, and Mort, just waiting for them to confirm that fact.
Raella Grim |
"I didn't say I'd go, Mom. And I'm tired of hearing about The Dragon wants this and the Dragon wants that when it comes to Sol." She growls, but there's no fight left in her, not after last night.
Mortimer Smith |
AC 18, 22 on AoO; 33/33 HP
BAB = +4 (level 4)
ToHit = 1d20+8
RHit = 1d20+8-2 (-2 to hit, +4 dam on Power Attack)
LHit = 1d20+8-2 (-2 to hit, +4 dam on Power Attack)
Throw = 1d20 + BAB + Dex
Fort+5 (+4 vs inhaled and contact poisons, +2 vs. disease)
CMD = 22, 20 if flat footed
[...]the creature's head snaps from its shoulders[...]
Mortimer watches as the target of his second hit goes sailing yonder.
Ooops... Focus? No... don't think. Just do."Oh there you are! I've been waiting for hours. At least many many minutes. Oh Sol, you're dirty! Rae, why do you always get her into such messes?!"
Huh... I wonder what that's like...
He takes a step back bashfully when Sol begins to introduce the rest of the party.
"And there is Mort! Mort is very big, but also very gentle. Sometimes he lets me protect him from bad things!" Sol smiles at Mort.
Mortimer grits his teeth together, rolls his eyes and nods differentially in agreement toward Dandilion.
"You'll help her stay safe, won't you?" She asks, her glance seeming to charge each in individually with the safety of her daughter.
Uhhh, wait. Rae's leaving?
[ ... ] he quickly cleans around the big mans head when he hears someone ask him a question...
Oh, heh. Right. Teeth still gritted, Mortimer nods in thanks to Ascaria, then scowls at the gnome and points to his feet donning an insistant aspect.
Out loud, idiot. Mortimer shakes his head, like a dog trying to knock excess water out of its fur.
"Yes, yes. Yes mam'." he nods.
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
Her heart breaks, but she shakes her head. "I know you are very helpful. And The Dragon knows it too. *You* are needed here. He's certain. It's very important that you stay here." She bites her lip, knowing that she can't share what she's read in the weave, for fear of affecting the tapestry."I'm so proud of you, Solrisa."
She turns to Rae, shaking her head. "Of course you're coming. Your uncle needs you."
She sighs, "You may be tired of hearing it, but it is what it is. Without him, I wouldn't have either of you." She squeezes her eyes closed for a moment, pressing out the image of a world without her daughters in it, before opening them again to look into her eyes, so much like her dearly departed Barrie's that her voice catches in her throat. "and that is something that I can never repay."
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
Dandilion wrote:"You'll help her stay safe, won't you?" She asks, her glance seeming to charge each in individually with the safety of her daughter.Uhhh, wait. Rae's leaving?
Out loud, idiot. Mortimer shakes his head, like a dog trying to knock excess water out of its fur.
"Yes, yes. Yes mam'." he nods.
The large man's answer, all of it, earns a brilliant beaming smile.
"Oh you'll do. You'll do nicely. Thank you... Mortimer."
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"I'm so proud of you, Solrisa."
Solrisa smiles proudly at her mother, her eyes again stained with tears.
"Okay, Mum. I'll stay here. I'll make you even prouder," Solrisa says earnestly. She gives her mother a long, long hug.
"Of course you're coming. Your uncle needs you."
Solrisa has a hard time looking Rae in the eyes. Not because she doesn't want to, but the tears in her eyes are making it hard to see clearly.
She goes to hug her older twin sister. An equal amount of tears again escape her eyes.
"You're going to be good, Rae. I'm very happy for you. I know you'll keep Charlie good. And please tell him that I miss him as well," Solrisa hugs Rae closer in what might be the last time she sees her sister in a long time.
Raella Grim |
"Oh FINE!!!" Rae bites off, before turning her back to her mother to hug her sister goodbye.
"I'll tell him, Ris." she says with a tight, teasing smile. "Have fun and whatever is so important.... I know you'll do great. Keep an eye on the others, huh? Especially Mort." She lowers her voice to a near whisper, "I think he needs someone to keep an eye out for him."
She gives her sister one more tight, nearly bone crushing, hug, then waves to the others. The motion is tight and jerky, and she keeps her teeth clutched, holding the tears at bay.
Stepping beside her mother, she grinds out, "Let's go. The sooner we're gone, the sooner we're done."
Dandilion Dreamstruck |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
With a sigh she accepts her eldest daughter's anger. It is what must be. She'll understand in time.
She takes her turn to say good bye to her baby, wrapping the woman in arms and thick prehensile tresses. "I know you will, Solshine, though I can't imagine being any prouder of you than I am today."
She is too old to worry if people see her cry, and she does not stop the iridescent tears that slip from her eyes.
She takes Rae's hand and agrees, "Yes, Rae-rae, the soonest is best." and with an odd twist of her hair, and hissed words of arcane power, the two disappear to save Charlie from the Wikkiwaks... or was it the Wikkiwaks from Charlie?
Mortimer Smith |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
AC 18, 22 on AoO; 33/33 HP
BAB = +4 (level 4)
ToHit = 1d20+8
RHit = 1d20+8-2 (-2 to hit, +4 dam on Power Attack)
LHit = 1d20+8-2 (-2 to hit, +4 dam on Power Attack)
Throw = 1d20 + BAB + Dex
Fort+5 (+4 vs inhaled and contact poisons, +2 vs. disease)
CMD = 22, 20 if flat footed
Mortimer quietly takes in the scene, not completely sure of what it is he just signed up for, slightly unnerved by the touchy feely nature of Dandilion's hair, and sorely upset by what he considers the absconding of Raella by a stranger with a distinctly unfair advantage.
He starts digging through his backpack.
Stepping beside her mother, she grinds out, "Let's go. The sooner we're gone, the sooner we're done."
"Wait!" he suddenly blurts out, jogging up to Raella, careful to stay a respectful distance from Dandilion's tresses. He nods and smiles sheepishly at Dandilion as he addresses her daughter.
"Uh -- I was hoping you could help us find the original owner," he tugs bashfully at his forelock. "I, uh, relieved Thedrick of it. I didn't think he should have it. I didn't want to leave it behind -- it didn't belong back there," he stammers on, "but I guess we'll have to find some way to manage [...]," he can't bring himself to finish.
... without you.
He holds out his fist and unfurls a dragon tooth pendant, then abruptly trudges away to sulk against a nearby tree.
"Yes, Rae-rae, the soonest is best." and with an odd twist of her hair, and hissed words of arcane power, the two disappear to save Charlie from the Wikkiwaks... or was it the Wikkiwaks from Charlie?
Mortimer sighs, and watches the disappearing act. "I wonder when we'll see her again," he says, trying to lift his mood.
Ascaria |
Ascaria watches Rae depart with her mother and moves to console Sol, ”It’s OK Sol, she’ll be back. Until then, we have a cult to deal with, right? You game to help us track them down?”
He turns to the group as a whole, ”Is everyone in on this? It will not be easy, and we’ll be risking our lives, but there’s something greater than us at stake here. With Rae gone, it’s going to be more difficult too - we might consider trying to find some additional allies to help us. Maybe a wizard if we can find one willing to risk his life for the cause.”
”Frankly, I’m not completely sure where to go next in the grand scheme of things. More immediately, I think we should go back to Allustan. We need to collect our things from him and maybe he can help identify a few odds and ends. Then I’ve a jeweler friend who can appraise the non-magical gear for us - might even buy one or two pieces…”
”So, are we all in?” he looks expectantly at the others.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
”It’s OK Sol, she’ll be back. Until then, we have a cult to deal with, right? You game to help us track them down?”
Solrisa smiles back at Ascaria, wiping away tears as her sister leaves her. She doesn't know how she will continue on without Rae, but...but...Da and Mum had spoken. She was a good girl now and would be a good girl in the future.
Solrisa nods to Ascaria.
"I'm no longer a twinsy-funsy, but I'll do my best without Rae. And besides, Mum said I should stay and do good work. I'll do what Mum says. Maybe if I'm good enough she'll come back for me. Maybe."
Solrisa continues back to town and her now-sister less apartment.
Mortimer Smith |
"So, are we all in?” he looks expectantly at the others.
Solrisa smiles back at Ascaria, wiping away tears as her sister leaves her.
Mortimer observes his remaining companions from a safe distance.
Her eyes are still raining. Esobel does that, too. I wish I knew what to ... say or do when They do that. I almost always get beat up whenever I even just listen -- like Esobel whenever she's upset with Manlin. Whatever does she see in him anyway? He shakes his head in incomprehension. I'll still listen I guess, if she comes to me. Even if she ends up... taking it out on me.
"I guess you'll have to teach me more about Oopsie Topsy. Does that sound fun?"
He trails after the others as they all head back town. "Yah, Allustan. I'll go with you all at least to see Allustan."
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"I guess you'll have to teach me more about Oopsie Topsy. Does that sound fun?"
Solrisa smiles, thinking that is a great idea, but it only dampens some of her sadness. As she walks, she explains the game of Oopsy-Topsy to Tynan. Her mood seems to lighten as she walks and talks, and only rarely looks over her shoulder to see if her mother or sister are running after them, proclaming that they had made a mistake and wondering if Sol might come with them after all.
Upon reaching town, Sol will do what she can to help sell and catalog the items.
Ascaria |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Ascaria stops on the road and sits heavily a moment, as something distinctly odd happens, and happens quickly. He stands, and stumbles as he looks all arounds, spinning in place, and laughing.
”Cover of Coots!! I, I can see!” he exclaims as he giggles with excitement. He spins around again, and laughs. He casts Spark over and over again, each time a little farther away until he creates one 35’ away. ”I can see it. I can see the light!”
He shakily takes a candle, and casts Spark again to light it. He follows it up with a Mage Hand and walks the other way as his other ‘hand’ carries it toward the last spark. He sets it down and keeps walking until he can ‘just’ see it in the distance.
”My eyesight has cleared! I can see twice as far, maybe a bit more, than I could before. It’s amazing. I haven’t seen this well since I was a young boy. I wonder what happened to clear my sight? By Cayden Cailean, do you think it could it happen again?” he says to no one in particular, still giggling to himself.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
”My eyesight has cleared! I haven’t seen this well since I was a young boy. I wonder what happened to clear my sight? By Cayden Cailean, do you think it could it happen again?”
Solrisa smiles, happy for Ascaria.
"Maybe Mum did that...as a gift. Mum is always doing things like that," Solrisa says, already missing her Mom and Rae. "Mum was always good at caprice and I think she likes you too, Ascaria."
GM Rat Sass |
You run your finger through the fungal substance, measuring its consistency. You recognize it as a derivative of a potent psychotropic, usually confined to the undersides of dead willow trees. You are unsure about its exact effects, however.
The symbols on the ivory dice are Drow in nature.
The statuette, somewhat familiar in its arachnoid features, is cast in honor of the Spider Queen herself, Lolth.
Among the interested, the items glowing in magic are all successfully identified.
studded leather armor(10)
masterwork battleaxe(2)
composite longbow (+3 Str adj) with 20 arrows
composite longbow (+2 Str adj) with 40 arrows
pouch with 5 gp
4 agate (50gp, each)
1 large ruby (350gp)
Fine set of Ivory Dice, Drow Language
50’ rope, grappling hook
6 potions (Cure Light Wounds)
3 tanglefoot bags
2 alchemist fires
studded leather armor (+1)
2 MW daggers
pouch with 54gp
burlap sack with 200gp
preserved head, unidentified
Wand (Enlarge Person, 32 charges)
Leather necklace, 4 rubies inset (400gp, can be broken down)
Cold Iron Longsword
Jade figurine of Lamashtu (500gp)
4 emeralds (100gp, each)
Silver necklace (200gp)
rare fungus (psychotropic)
MW Greataxe
Mithral Shirt +1, size Small
Obsidian Statuette (200gp)
Leather pouch with 460gp
Haversack, Handy
Banded Mail +1, size Medium
Brooch of Shielding
MW morningstar
Silver holy symbol (Lolth)
Pearl necklace (500gp)
Rope of Climbing
Exiting the mine, Ascaria successfully returns a miner to work.
Returning to town, somewhat laden with the grand haul, the party goes unaccosted, mainly for the time of morning. Crossing Memorial Square, Ascaria gains entrance to Tidwoad's, welcoming all inside, if only momentarily.
Tidwoad bolts upright, a cracker crumbling into his beard, and a cup of tea almost lowering too quickly not to crack when it meets the table. "What have we here? Here, and here, and here... a good number of guests, none of you churchgoers, eh?" He gives a knowing wink, before clearing a counter.
"This doesn't strike me as a social call, so let's have at it. What business do you bring me?" The list of spoils has been updated accordingly, with Tidwoad's own appraisals.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
While Ascaria (and possibly others) sell the gear and meet with Tightwad Tidwoad, Solrisa asks around to see if anyone saw the Priestess coming in to town recently.
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21 Diplomacy - Gather Info
Sol offers smiles, thanks, and even hugs for good information.
Sol would take the comp longbow +3 and 20 arrows, but claims little else of the above.
Ascaria |
"Maybe Mum did that...as a gift. Mum is always doing things like that," Solrisa says, already missing her Mom and Rae. "Mum was always good at caprice and I think she likes you too, Ascaria."
"I hadn't thought of that!" the gnome laughs some more and then thinks, "I didn't see her cast anything though, so I dunno. This feels somehow deeper than a mere spell could do - after all my mum had a cure blindness cast on me without success as a child. Saved up for years she did for that one."
He merrily whistles a little as they head into Tidwoads.
"My friend, I'm going to make you rich with the spoils of war. Look at all this stuff! And I have more..."
Mr. Rat sir, there are a handful of other items on the treasure sheet, starting at line 30, which are still un-appraised. He shows those to Tidwoad as well.
For the others, I'm claiming, for the group, the six potions of cure light wounds. I'll use 'em like wand charges as we're all carrying one or two potions now. Please examine the other items and tell me what you want.
Also, from the group funds, I'd like to buy another wand of cure light wounds (750gp) and a scroll of Remove Paralysis (150gp). I presume it's OK, but let me know if any of you object.
Mortimer Smith |
"I can see it. I can see the light!"
Mortimer watches the gnome giggle and dance and dance and giggle, and play with eyesight light and distances.
He looks down at the ring on his finger, then at his own hands. Is it?! -- Can I will this magic on myself now?!"Maybe Mum did that...as a gift. Mum is always doing things like that,"
Mort's eyes widen as he looks up at Solrisa, then back down at his hands.
"I hadn't thought of that!" the gnome laughs some more and then thinks, "I didn't see her cast anything though, so I dunno. This feels somehow deeper than a mere spell could do - after all my mum had a cure blindness cast on me without success as a child. Saved up for years she did for that one."
Yah, that sounds right... Mort continues to stare at his hands for a few moments before becoming self conscious. He shrugs and tries to act casual.
As they arrive back into town he's relieved. Relieved to finally be able to clean up appropriately. Relieved to find that it is only Sunday -- plenty of time to rest up before Moonday.
He pokes his head into Tidwoad, nods to greet him, then frowns at the tiny spaces already crowding him.
"Here, Ascaria," he says, removing the Druidic ring, "I don't think I'll be needing this anymore. Give it to someone else, or make some other use for it. I think I'll go with Solrisa."
He heads off to catch up with Solrisa.
Lvl 5 post for Mort coming soon to a discussion thread near you.
GM Rat Sass |
Tidwoad rubs his hands together gleefully as he shuffles to get his appraisal game on. Several cleaning cloths are draped to the side of his worktable/front counter. He flips a metal release, and the hard wood panel of the counter slides to the side, revealing a glass surface. He ducks down beneath the counter, and suddenly, the room is quite a bit brighter for the light that now radiates from behind the glass countertop. The gnome pops up, a new cap with various lens attachments and loupes upon his brow. He gestures to Ascaria, and lets him set down the gems first. Working through each of them is tedious, as Tidwoad is very quick to reach for the next stone, but very slow in his consideration of each stone's quality. Each stone receives an initial lookover, then a good polish, then a bathing in the light, then a nose-to-nose with the gnome.
He brings forth all the appraisals, on almost all items you show him, save for one set. The pearlescent set of figurines taken from the Yellow Lantern shaft branch of the cairn has him vexed. "These are... well... I'm... a... not so sure about the material, to be honest. I suppose I could offer you 100gp for each of them, but I'm unable to categorize 'em proper. I could be taking a loss on them, but, for you, I would happily oblige."
The gnome flips up his jeweler's loupe to see you better. "Where did you manage to come across all this, Ascaria?" He looks at the others a little curiously, before returning his gaze to his fellow gnome.
Ascaria |
"Oh here and there but mostly we were breaking up an evil cult right here in town! Can you believe it? There were a bunch of nasty folks - really nasty. But they had all this stuff, and, well, as they're dead now, we figured we'd take it."
He goes on to tell him a little of the evil that used to lay beneath their fair village. He does not tell him which mine shaft though - just that they were underground. "I don't want folks going down there and getting into trouble, you understand. There may still be some deadly traps and the like down there..."
He talks especially about the bird fight as it's the most interesting to him and the easiest to expound upon. He praises every member of the party and their heroic efforts during the fighting. "I just kept them healed up and they did it all! It was great, so much more entertaining than mine work. I think... I think I've found my calling."
"Hrm. I don't know what to do with the figurines though. I guess we'll hang onto them for now - I don't want you to be in a jam. I'll see about getting them identified proper.", he grins warmly at his friend.
GM Rat Sass |
Tidwoad's eyes open wide as he hears the tale told by the gnome. "How on toadstool rooftops did you trip across a cult, of all things?! That's not good, if what you say is true, now is it? Who you gonna tell? The Mayor? The Church? The Sheriff's Office? So many folk who might need to know, now, huh? Which cult was it? So many Asmodean knock-offs, I guess it doesn't matter, since they'd want to hide under the floorboards as long as possible." Tidwoad scratches his head. "Well, if you go reporting things, do your best not to talk about your looting then." The gnome pulls on his beard, happy with his purchases.
He pushes the figurines back across the counter. "Yeah, good luck with those. I don't do a lot of odd finds like that."
GM Rat Sass |
Your time around the town is well-spent. Several fence talkers north of Memorial Square try to describe an odd-looking bird, especially for her condition, entering town in the late morning of Starday. She seemed to be about business, wouldn't stop to share the news with Margatha. Margatha was surprised to see her, as one of three local midwives who share information readily about expectant mothers. This woman was unknown to her.
You eventually figure out that this woman purchased a horse from Faraday's stables, and left town almost as soon as Lanch had him saddled properly. Lanch looks a little suspiciously on you, claiming that the lady paid him well, and spoke of an abusive husband. He cautions you to reconsider your orders, should you be in the employ of the brute.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Solrisa nods and thanks Faraday for the information. Furthermore, she hardly looks annoyed that he would suggest that Solrisa would be up to no good. She smiles cheerily, grabs Mort, and points him back to town.
When she sees Tynan & Ascaria, she relates the above spoiler.
* * *
"Mort! Don't you just love this armor!? It's great, huh? It still needs to be fitted, does it not? Maybe, if you have time, you can come again to talk to the nice armorer about getting it sized for me!? That would be great. Usually..." Sol's face saddens momentarily. "...usually, Rae would come with me. But maybe you can help?"
Mortimer Smith |
"Mort! Don't you just love this armor!? It's great, huh? It still needs to be fitted, does it not? Maybe, if you have time, you can come again to talk to the nice armorer about getting it sized for me!? That would be great. Usually..." Sol's face saddens momentarily. "...usually, Rae would come with me. But maybe you can help?"
I am the nice armorer... but, dang. I was going to use Rae to measure her and vice-versa... he looks at Solrisa as she trails off and her face saddens. He lowers his head and shakes it in an attempt to knock out his own feeling -- that if he had a word for it -- would be "heartache". I'll have to consider asking Esobel to measure her, if she's around. If not, I guess I'll have to use myself as a model to show Sol what to do.
"It sure is great armor," he says, as cheerily as he can muster. "Sure, Sol. I would be happy to help! You'll need to be measured in, uh -- various ways," he lowers his voice at the end slightly in apparent and sudden distraction. Returning his mind to the present, he continues at normal volume, "I could do all the adjustments myself. You could change at your place, and we can take the armor to the Smithy and see who's up and about now for the measuring, if you like."