GM Rapscallion |
![Gaston Cromarchy](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Paizo_P13_Boss-Pirate_HRF_R.jpg)
Show a leg, ye bilge rats!
I'm looking for two fine scoundrels to fill out an eventual party of five PC's for the Skull and Shackles AP. I'm in need of one arcane player and one divine. Please provide the standard information for application, and include:
Motivation for becoming a pirate
Characters are 20 point buy
2 traits (1 campaign)
All core Paizo material allowed; others on a case-by-case basis
Note in gear one item that you plan to keep concealed from the Pressgang; it must be small enough to hide
Recruitment will go until Thursday afternoon
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I'd love ot fill the Arcane slot. I have an Concept for a Human Magus. His Mother was a Local bard who got Knocked up by who he was told was a Corsair (could be pirate, mom was Vague).
Mom told him Grand stories of the open Sea as a child, and when he became of age, he wanted to take to the sea. Having his Mother's Talent for magic, he begain to study how to use magic to manipulate the Winds to assist in Sailing. He was all ready to Sign up for a tour on a merchant Ship sailing out of Port peril when he felt a Thump, and blacked out...
I'll flesh out stats in a few, and Post em up Shortly.
SuperUberGeek |
![Ratfolk Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Ratfolk3_500.jpeg)
Ralthalk Rinson half orc alchemist grenadier with the eye for plunder trait. He went to went to sea for the money and the oportunity to conduct research with no over site. The one piece of gear he would hide from the press gang is his spell component pouch, so he can still use his alchemist abilities.
Male Half-Orc Alchemist 1
NN Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +5
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +0 (1d3/20/x2)
Ranged Bomb +3 (1d6+4 Fire)
Special Attacks Bomb 1d6+4 (5/day) (DC 14)
Alchemist Spells Known (CL 1, 0 melee touch, 2 ranged touch):
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 19, Wis 13, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Brew Potion, Point Blank Shot, Throw Anything
Traits Hedge Magician, Reactionary
Skills Craft (Alchemy) +8, Heal +5, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (Local) +5, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Perception +5, Spellcraft +8, Survival +5 Modifiers Alchemy +1
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orc
SQ Mutagen (DC 14) (Su), Orc Ferocity (1/day)
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Bomb 1d6+4 (5/day) (DC 14) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+4 fire damage.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Hedge Magician Magic item gp costs -5%.
Mutagen (DC 14) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a Physical attribute, -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 natural armor for 10 minutes/level.
Orc Ferocity (1/day) 1/day, when brought below 0 HP but not killed, you can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. The next round, unless brought to at least 0 HP, you immediately fall unconscious and begin dying.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Paige Bellerose |
![Aspis Consortium Agent](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9226-Aspis.jpg)
Hmm, just posted this in another thread as an application and feel shabby for using it twice but both Skull and Shackle recruitment thread came up on the same day :P
Anyway, Paige is a witch with the Hedge Witch archetype born in Cheliax and travelling south to look for an artifact in the Shackles at the behest of her Raven and Patron.
Mihajlo Velickovic |
My apologies for going back on my word, but I'm going to have to close this recruitment at noon today. Too many good applicants:)
Decisions will be coming soon thereafter
No problems, at least not for me. Your campaign looks very promising, but I did not apply because:
a) One of my characters was already chosen for a similar AP
b) Could not find proper inspiration for diviner or arcane class to play. Too limited for my taste at that moment of time.
Wish you good luck with the game, I will be lurking around ;-)
Charles Beecroft |
![Jeggare Noble](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/32_House-Jeggare-Noble.jpg)
I have finalised my application: Charles Beecroft, a Half-Elf Oracle of Waves :-)
Charles Beecroft is a tall, muscled half-elf who dresses impeccably in well-tailored clothing wherever he goes. He has a deep, booming laugh, and loves to tell stories of his past exploits.
Charles was born the second son of a minor noble family in Corentyn. Whilst his brother was groomed to take over the family's estate and mercantile holdings, Charles was essentially left to his own devices, provided that he did not draw too heavily on the family coffers or create too much in the way of social difficulty for House Beecroft.
Nonetheless, he received an excellent education, and when he developed a taste for adventure, the family Patriarch gave him his tacit approval, even funding his second son to mount a few 'exploratory' missions to expand the family's web of mercantile contacts in the Mwangi Expanse 9and to harry those of their competitors), as a result of which, Charles styled himself as something of a Privateer.
However, his cosy life fell apart when his brother became involved in one of the city's many power-plays, and lost - whilst the family was not tried for treason, they lost a certain amount of prestige, and Charles decided that he needed to leave town for a while, at least until tempers had cooled. Consequently, he signed-on to the next ship out of port...
...eventually ending-up in Port Peril, where he lay low, listening to the stories of the old salts, which was almost enough to make him forget the 'unpleasantness' back in Corentyn.
Eventually, he fell-in with a Bonuwat shaman who told him that he had a destiny; that he had been born under a favorable sign, and the Lady of the Seas smiled upon him... Charles scoffed at this, of course, even when the shaman pointed out that the birthmark he had on his shoulder could, when viewed from a certain angle, be interpreted as being the skull and crossbones holy symbol of Besmara.
Shortly thereafter, Charles began to notice a few... changes... whenever he became particularly stressed, his mind would be clouded by the sound crashing waves, and he would speak in an unusual language; moreover, night after night, his dreams were haunted by a ship flying the Jolly Roger...
Finally, his resolve gave out and he was forced to admit that *maybe* someone out there had a plan for him, and so he ended-up at the Formidably Maid, searching for a crew that would take him...
Tambo LeFranc |
![Lord Raheem Pandisar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9529-Raheem.jpg)
Allow me to introduce Tambo LeFranc, the Human Dual-Cursed Juju Oracle. Character Sheet is up now in the profile. Backstory, Personality, Motivation for Becoming a Pirate, and Appearance are all in this post.
As the repairs began and the pirates settled into the village, the captain began courting the shaman’s daughter. The shaman's daughter, taking in his stories of a life of piracy, began to long for the freedom of the ocean. Over time, Kerdak and the shaman's daughter fell in love. He promised that when he left he would take her with him and she would be his queen. She was so smitten with this image that she let her guard down completely, and soon their courtship took a less than chaste turn. They tried to keep their relationship a secret, but one day a villager spotted them on the beach, entwined in each other's arms. The Shaman, furious, told Kerdek to take his pirates and leave the village at once. Kerdek, claiming that he had been promised that he could stay until the ship was repaired and that the Shaman was going back on his word, refused to leave. The Shaman said that if Kerdek would not leave of his own volition, then he would make him leave. Heated words were exchanged between them until those words turned to blows. The pirates and the villagers fought until eventually the villagers managed to push the pirates back into their half repaired ship and back into the sea, but not before the pirates managed to steal back the treasure they had given to the village. The shaman’s daughter ran out to the shore while the battle raged and found Kerdek. She asked him to take her with him, to honor his promise to make her his queen. He said nothing, boarded the ship with his crew, and then sailed away.
Heartbroken, the girl sank into the sand in despair. She wept for what she thought she had had, and the innocence that she had lost. When the Shaman discovered her staring after the ship and weeping, he became blinded by anger. Here, he had set upon these pirates for stealing his daughter's virtue, and she wished that she was with them. Not only that, but she was the one who had caused so many deaths in the village, she was the one who had caused the houses to be destroyed, their resources gobbled up by greedy scroundrels. In the heat of the moment the Shaman called out to the demon lords of the abyss, asking them to punish his daughter for her crimes and to punish her unborn child for all the evils they had caused. The demon lords of the abyss, hearing his prayer, obliged him, sending evil spirits from below to haunt her and her child. She was wracked by visions of evil spirits that haunted her dreams, causing her to slowly lose control of her own soul and her own body. She began wasting away, growing skeletally thin despite her pregnancy. Her blood turned black and she began spewing horrid prophecies in Abyssal, sharing her visions of madness with the whole tribe. Eventually the Shaman relized the folly of what he had done. He tried to rebuke the spirits, he tried to take them out of his daughter, but to no avail. Using magic, he kept her body healthy enough so that at least the child would survive. He remembered his own wife and her pregnancy, how she had died for her daughter. He lamented how he was responsible for killing the last remaining fragment of his wife left in the world. He called out to the spirits, asking them what he could do in return for the soul of his daughter and the life of her child. They answered that he would have to pay, body for body, soul for soul. In an eldritch ritual of terrifying magic, he allowed himself to be swallowed up by the Abyss forever in return for the safety of this loved ones. He was able to watch his daughter give birth to his grandson and then die right before he was swallowed up forever and never seen again.
Tambo was named after the funeral dance conducted at the funeral of his mother and his grandfather. With no family left to take care of him, it fell to the tribe's newest shaman and leader to take care of the wayward boy. When Tambo was a child, he would talk to people who seemingly weren't there, and he would claim to see things that no one else could see. The new shaman, marking these circumstances well, began talking with the boy, seeing what he could learn from him. Tambo told the shaman he could see the spirits of the dead, that they were to him the same as the living. The new shaman tried to cleanse him of these spirits, but no matter what he did Tambo would still claim that he could see the dead. Sometimes, he would babble in Abyssal, not aware that he was speaking in a tongue other than that of his own. The tribe began to become disturbed by the boy, by his connections with the spirits and his mysterious birth. The town shunned him, and the children mocked him. He was often beaten by his peers, as he was a thin and fragile child. But the children that picked on Tambo would occassionally go missing in the forest, never to return again. One by one, children began disappearing. The new shaman asked Tambo if he knew where the children went. Tambo said that he didn't know what the shaman meant, that the children were still there, that he could still see them, only they didn't have the power to hurt him anymore. One day, one of the bodies of the children washed up on the surf. He was dead, a look of horror fixed upon his face. The village, already afraid of Tambo, blamed him for the murder, when in fact he had done nothing. It was the demonic spirits surrounding Tambo who were responsible for the children dying. Eventually, the tribe forced the new shaman to exile Tambo. He told Tambo to leave the village forever, and that he could never return again on pain of death. They led him into the middle of the jungle and abandoned him there. They gave him nothing but a small knife and the clothes on his back. At the age of twelve, now without a family, without a home, without a tribe, and without anything to call his own, Tambo wept. He wept in despair at all that he had lost, at everything that he had never had.
But off in the distance, he heard a noise. A group of people emerged from the wilderness. They appeared to be an adventuring party. Tambo, excited to see anyone, ran towards them, tears streaming from his eyes. He told them that he had been abandoned by his tribe, left here to die alone in the wilderness. He asked them to take him with them, wherever they might go. They agreed to take him with them, and escorted him out of the jungle and to the port of Bloodcove. Finally, things seemed to Tambo to be turning his way. Then the adventurers he discovered sold him into slavery. Turns out, they were slavers working for the notorious Apis Consortium. Upon discovering his new fate, Tambo wept. But now he wept not in despair, but in rage. He railed against those who had left him to die in the forest, those who had sold him into slavery. He railed against the world and its cruelty, against the harshness of his fate. He cursed those that he railed against, he cursed them a thousand times over with the foulest curses he could imagine. The demon spirits heard his anger, watched the shift in his soul take place. They came before him, congealing in the form of his long dead mother, taking on her guise. They came to Tambo and told them that they were watching over him, that they were listening even if no one else was. They told him that they were his mother, who died before she could meet him in the flesh. They offered to help Tambo revenge himself upon his enemies, to help Tambo share his pain with the rest of the world. Tambo, blinded now by his own rage, accepted their offer.
The Apis Consortium agents attempted to sell Tambo as a slave, but whenever they did, his new master would end up dead in a matter of weeks, with no solution as to who killed them. Five times they attempted to sell Tambo, and five times he returned back to them. Puzzled, they took Tambo to see a cleric, who confirmed that he was infested with demonic spirits. Instead of trying to sell Tambo again, which had proved to be very profitable in the past, they decided to use him for their own means. They took him out slave hunting with them. Tambo, delighted at the chance to bring misery to people weaker than himself, would use his powers to drive the slaves into a deep state of fear, making them placid and easier to take. They used Tambo in this way for ages, and Tambo proved time and time again to be a useful ally. Eventually, Tambo earned his own freedom, and decided to continue taking slaves with them. The Apis Consortium hired him on as a full time employee when he was sixteen. But Tambo was just biding his time, waiting for the right moment to strike. Tambo built up a reservoir of wealth selling slaves and terrorizing locals. He confirmed more and more often with his "mother", asking her about his past and about why he was the way he was. The demons told him that his father was a pirate lord, that he and his mother and fallen in love, but were prevented from staying together by her evil father, who drove the pirate captain away and laid a curse upon his daughter and her son. His hatred of the tribe grew even greater, and yet he gained a fascination with his father as his only remaining family member. He began to idolize his father, thinking of him as a figure that would set all of his problems straight. Aware that the man he believed to be his father was the pirate king of the Shackles, he decided not to don his true name, as he wouldn't be believed, but to take on a false one, at least until he could prove to his father without a doubt that he was his son.
In the meantime, he plotted his revenge, waiting patiently for the day when his vengeance would be exacted. Finally, when he had garnered enough wealth, he gathered together a band of Apis Consortium members, those same men who had kidnapped him long ago in the jungle, and led them to his old tribe. They took the tribe by force and enslaved each and every man, woman, and child. Then, with the money he had saved, he bought each and every one of them. He sacrificed them to his mother, in order to appease her grieving spirit, and then, in one fell swoop, used a number of tribal fetishes and scrolls he had purchased to raise each and every one of them from the dead. He sent out the demon spirits to bind the dead to his will, and then sent them against the Apis Consortium members. And he watched as each and every one of them perished at the hands of his undead minions. His revenge complete, he boarded a ship to the shackles before the Apis Consortium figured out what he had done. Satisfied, he sailed off to Port Peril, his mother's voice in his ear and visions of his father dancing in his head, intent upon becoming a pirate that his father would admire himself. Upon reaching Port Peril, Tambo enters the bar The Formidibly Maid to get information on ships departing for other places in the shackles with the intent of joining a crew and searching for his father and his own fortune. [/spoilers]
[spoilers=Character Personality] Tambo is a character desperate for family, desperate for a place in the world, and desperate for connection and approval. He is willing to do anything, no matter how horrifying, in order to obtain his desires. He believes he is righting the wrongs of his past, even though he is in reality being manipulated by demonic spirits dwelling within his soul pretending to be his mother. Tambo is misguided, and his intentions are not evil, but what he is willing to do to achieve what he intends certainly is evil. This, combined with his naiveté, makes him incredibly dangerous. Tambo will not, however, act in an evil way for evil's own sake. He always acts with a purpose in mind. And the demons do not intend to destroy all people that come in his path, but merely to create a powerful evil leader so great that they will be able to use him to change the face of the world to suit their own ends. Tambo does not trust many people, but once you have earned his trust without crossing him he is eternally loyal. Because he desires a family of his own, he will likely latch on to anyone who shows him true kindness. Despite Tambo's dark past, because he's being misled by the demons and his grandiose image of his father, there is a chance for him for redemption. Tambo is the way he is because life has been so cruel to him, and he has been cruel to others in kind because that's what Tambo understands life to be. The dead are a constant fixture in Tambo's life, so he doesn't take the transition from life to death as seriously as other people would. He views it as a way of pacifying others so they can no longer hurt him in a physical way. Tambo is capable of being charming and deceptive, but is also capable of being led. He's standoffish and in his own head because he deals so often with the objects of his own imagination, yet this manifests in a remarkable ambition to become a dread pirate. Anyone who assists him in this goal he will likewise band together with. Anyone who impedes him in this goal he will mercilessly destroy. Also, he is sensitive to those who would rob him of his freedom, and will attempt to take a slow kind of revenge on them that is complete and certain.
Well, that about covers it.
Tambo LeFranc |
![Lord Raheem Pandisar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9529-Raheem.jpg)
And here's the character sheet. Enjoy!
Tambo LeFranc
Mixed Chelish/Bekyar Mwangi Heritage Human Male
Dual Cursed Juju Oracle 1
Medium Humanoid (Human)
HP 10, Initiative +1, 20 ft. Move Speed
Str. 8 (+2 pt buy), Dex. 12 (-2 pt buy), Con. 13 (-2 pt buy), Int. 12 (-2 pt buy), Wis. 8 (+2 pt buy), Cha. 20 (-17 pt buy)
AC 18 (+1 Dex, +5 Scale Mail, +2 Heavy Wooden Shield), Touch 11, Flat Footed 17
Fort. +2, Ref. +1, Will +1
BAB +0, CMB -1, CMD 10
Attacks: Crossbow +1 (1d8), Dagger -1 (1d4-1)
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Polyglot
Skills: Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +10, Perform:(Oratory) +9, Knowledge:(Religion) +5, Spellcraft +5
Traits: Sacred Conduit (+1 to channeling divine energy save DC, Buccanear's Blood (+1 to Intimidate, Profession (Sailor), and infamy score
Feats: Extra Revelation (1 additional oracle revelation), Spell Focus:(Necromancy) (+1 to save DCs for necromancy spells)
Class Features:
A dual-cursed oracle must choose two curses at 1st level. One of these curses (oracle’s choice) never changes its abilities as the oracle gains levels; for example, an oracle with clouded vision never gains darkvision 60 feet, blindsense, or blindsight. The other curse comes with its normal benefits
Haunted Curse (Primary), Tounges Curse (Secondary)
False Death (Su): Add charm person and dominate person to your spell list. You must select these spells using your allotment of spells known. Any creature under the effect of one of these spells or charm monster appears dead to any examiners. Although affected creatures do not detect as undead, they look pale and death-like while under the effects of your magic. Additionally, an affected creature ordered to lie still gains a +20 circumstance bonus on Disguise skill checks to look like a corpse.
Undead Servitude (Su): You gain Command Undead as a bonus feat. You can channel negative energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier, but only to use Command Undead. You can take other feats to add to this ability, such as Improved Channeling, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Alignment Channel.
Spells Known:
0th lvl spells (6): Mage Hand, Ghost Sound, Create Water, Light, Spark, Detect Magic
1st lvl spells (3): Cause Fear, Charm Person, Cure Light Wounds
Spells Per Day:
1st lvl spells: 5
Items on person: Scale Mail (50 GP), Heavy Wooden Shield (7 GP), Explorer's Outfit (10 GP), 2 Daggers (4 GP), 2 Sets of Manacles (30 GP), Backpack (2 GP), Mother's Bones, Flask (filled with rum), Crossbow (35 GP), 20 Crossbow Bolts (2 GP), Signal Whistle (1 GP), 49 GP.
All items are on person, 1 dagger concealed within his boot.
Tambo LeFranc |
![Lord Raheem Pandisar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9529-Raheem.jpg)
Some of my stats might be a bit wonky at the moment and I calculated too high for my base wealth at first level. I also might want to shift around my spell selections, if you advise it, to better reflect the necromancer haunted by spirits vibe I'm going for with the character. I'll probably change all or some of that if I get into the campaign, but at the moment I have to go to class. Hope this suffices for now.
Galrian Sho´ray |
Dotting for interest and have in my mind Goblin Druid (Shark Druid archetype) if allowed [a same application as in another thread but will be removed if accepted]
Nark was a ugly, ugly even in the standards of goblins. Nark was lonely and was often hitten by others. Stuupid, stuupid Nark! ´ink like a ´ish. Eat Nark? Tast Guud like ´ish?
Nark was living outside the village, near the sea. He dreamed of living in sea. Sea big, deep and blue... blue, there something behind blue, he wondered. He would sometimes see a fish killing another fish. A fish big enough to be a 2 or maybe even 3 Nark. It sometimes swim quite close to beach and Nark was not stupid enough to go near the water A big ´ish. Tast gud? Maybe ´ish eat gobos. Other gobos tast...e..i..er, ah, better than Nark an´way and he chuckled to the idea of the big fish eating the other goblins.
One fateful day, a human and a dog appeared on the beach, fishing on Nark´s spot! Nark was angry and started to yell Stuupid hoo ´man! Away! Nark´s place! and before realising it, the dog started to run toward him and barking in a loud voice, the big teeth clearly visible.
Nark panicked and started to roll around and before knewing it, running toward the sea. The dog was swimming after him, barking loud and poor Nark was doing some weird swimming/drowning/yelling ritual as he desperately tried to escape. The human in the beach was laughing and soon walked to the sea and started to swim towards Nark, faster than dog and Nark with big knife in his hand.
A huge shadowy figure appeared under them and then the dog vanished. A burst of water was raining as a monstrous body was flying in air with dog between its massive jaws. The Nark screamed now, water rushing to his mouth and bubbles just popping to surface as the poor goblin going down. The human turned in panic and begun to swim back to shore but the monster swim after him, soon catching and dragging beneath the waves, only leaving behind trails of blood.
A moment later, a poor Nark popped back to surface with a force, blasting all the water out of his lung. Rolling around and screaming AAAAIIIIEEA EAAAAEEA for a while until opening his eyes again just to see himself on top of something in the sea... Looking down, Nark saw the most beautiful thing in his life.. a deep sky blue eyes and massive jaws. The fear disappeared instantly and Nark was fascinated by this huge fish. A big ´ish. You name a Ship ´ish! A ´ish and a ship for migh.. muigh... migh.. ty Nark... yes, for Nark!
Still some clothes or at least part of them hanging from Ship ´ish jaws, Nark left with him to the sea to find out more big Ship ´ishes... and maybe more snacks!
Miraji Haelmar |
Miraji is mostly finished. Human Druid(acquatic archetype).
I have not quite finished. Still thinking about an animal companion vs. a domain. If a companion, it will be a shark, a sea bird (perhaps a parrot for the pirate colors), or a dolphin most likely. A domain would probably be Water(ocean). I just need to decide on one, but have not had enough time to really figure which one feels right.
Also, I have to think about the Feats - right now I have the basic Spell Focus - Augment Summoning combo. I might change these once I look over the other good druid feats. The rest of the character is pretty much finished I believe.
GM Rapscallion |
![Gaston Cromarchy](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Paizo_P13_Boss-Pirate_HRF_R.jpg)
After much deliberation; I've decided to select the following 2 characters. I must say that all applicants were top notch, and I appreciate every one. I feel that these two characters would be the most useful given the current party.
Karn Lathern
Please join us in the discussion thread for an impromptu RP session in the Formidably Maid; a prelude of sorts to the game thread
Thanks to everyone who applied!