Aspis Consortium Agent

Paige Bellerose's page

3 posts. Alias of Jörmungandr.

About Paige Bellerose

Paige Bellerose, Human Hedge Witch (Witch)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Nethys
Languages: Common, Goblin, Draconic, Orc, Cyclops, Aquan
Homeland: Cheliax
Abilities: Strength 10/+0, Dexterity 14/+2, Constitution 14/+2, Intelligence 18/+4, Wisdom 10/+0, Charisma 10/+0
Defenses: Fortitude +2, Reflex +2, Will +2
Armour Class: 12, Touch 12, Flat-footed 10
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 9
Speed: 30ft
BAB: +0
CMB: +0
CMD: 12

Skills: Craft, Fly 1 (+6), Heal 1 (+4), Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana) 1 (+8), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature) 1 (+8), Knowledge (Planes), Profession, Spellcraft 1 (+8), Use Magic Device 1 (+4)

Feats: Extra Hex, Accursed Hex

Class Abilities: Spontaneous Healing, Empathic Healing, Cantrips, Hex (Slumber, Healing), Witch’s Familiar (Raven), Patron (Time)

Traits: Reactionary, Ancient Explorer

Gear: Dagger, Explorer’s Outfit, Backpack, Bedroll, Crowbar, Flint and Steel, 7x Trail Ration

Money: 169gp04sp

Known Spells
0: Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Message, Read Magic, Putrefy Food and Drink, Resistance, Spark, Stabilize
1st: Unseen Servant, Unprepared Combatant, Obscuring Mist, Charm Person, Mage Armour, Enlarge Person, Ear Piercing Scream

Spells Per Day
0 - 3
1st - 2

Description: Paige is a young Chelaxian woman in her early twenties with a pretty face and a flair for dramatic costuming. Her reddish blonde hair is worn long and loose framing a youthful, if troubled, face. She has vibrant blue eyes that almost seem to glow from within when she works magic and interacts with the arcane powers that fuel her spell casting. To those who don't know her, the troubled expression that is her default can make her seem sad or depressed but anyone who takes the time to talk to her will find her cheerful to have left her homeland behind.

When traveling she favours a collection of short white dresses and a long hooded white cloak which she typically wears with the hood up. She does this to give the impression of being some form of arcane wielding acolyte since she's found that she is hassled less by those superstitious of magic during her travels. To this end she has also stitched a variety of symbols favoured by Nethys to the hood and hem of her cloak in a blue that matches her eyes (What... she’s childish and vain).

Born and raised in Cheliax Paige had always been a bit of an odd child paying no more than lip service to the church of Asmodeus and finding the use of slaves to be distasteful. This individualistic stubborn streak continued to play a large part in her life through her formative years when she began to find she had a knack for magic. At first she thought that the Raven teaching her the arcane was a manifestation of her subconscious and that she was a sorcerer.

That thought however, died quickly when the raven admitted that it was actually a manifestation of time itself and that she was learning to become what locals would refer to as a witch. It then informed her that should she wish to further her growth as a witch she would have to accompany the bird south to the shackles where she was to recover an Artifact from an isle in the Shackles.

Having few ties with her homeland and having always felt like a stranger among her people she decided to throw her lot in with the bird and began the long trek south.