Corliss Blackboots |
I was pretty good this year: just had a couple of hot dogs and no cheeseburgers. Spent the night watching a concert and fireworks on TV, drinking mojitos and chomping more chips. In a horrible development, I awoke this morning to the sight of the bag of potato chips left open, rendering the rest stale!
(Upon further review, the mojitos may have played a part in that.)
So now I'm out of potato chips! What will I do?
Hmm...maybe I'll roll Initiative.
Corin Aldesi |
BTW, I disconnected from the internet for the 4th of July weekend. I'm back and am checking on my various PbPs.
Corin Aldesi |
I'm a fan of the block system. If I'm in the same block as Karia, I might say something like, 'I delay until after Karia, so if she inspires courage these numbers will be +1 more to hit and damage'.
What I've seen is the GM post the initiative order with currently active combatants bolded, with a statement that 'bold may post'.
Then if the GM gets more time to post between active combatants he/she can re-post the initiative order and unbold any characters in that block that have already acted, then maybe post a mini-update on the combat.
Corin Aldesi |
Also for initiative, I'd personally be fine if you just roll all of our initiatives for us and put us in blocks. It would save a bit of time waiting for people to roll their own initiatives.
Corliss Blackboots |
Also for initiative, I'd personally be fine if you just roll all of our initiatives for us and put us in blocks. It would save a bit of time waiting for people to roll their own initiatives.
I meant to say this earlier but it totally slipped my mind. I guess that's why Corin's Captain. ;)
Corin Aldesi |
On the subject of recruiting. I'm fine if people want to get a new person, and I'm fine if we don't. I have no strong opinions either way.
Sizara |
Either one is fine with me. Most of my GMs in the campaigns I'm in tell us when to level up.
Also from my understanding of the rules, a barbarian becomes fatigued when they end their rages before combat ends. However from what I can understand when combat ends normally like it did just now, the barbarian does not become fatigued when his/her rage ends. Is that correct?
I could have confused the rules since this was the rage rules back in my 3.5 days.
Corin Aldesi |
I'm fine with either xp method, but I lean toward just being told when we level.
Sizara, barbarians are always fatigued for twice as long as they were raging. Its just that after combat it generally doesn't matter that you are fatigued for a few seconds.
Corliss Blackboots |
Heh--never answered the GM's question. I'm good with the 'tell us when we level' approach.
I think Corliss's player is offline most weekends, but he was obviously intending to channel energy to harm the zombies.
I'm still around for another 2-1/2 hours: My usual offline period is 5 PM Eastern Saturday through 12 noon on Monday. But you got my action right. Corliss will continue to channel positive energy to harm multiple zombies, meleeing with his dagger only if/when someone gets flanked by multiple zombies.
Karia Sandleton |
I've changed Karia's avatar again. A shame you can't upload the image you want.
It's nearly impossible to find a white haired female who isn't Seoni, Merisiel or Freiya.
Karia Sandleton |
Hm...that's true. Not to mention some of the pics of white haired women are also winter witches.
I like to have an image of the character, it helps me come up with their personality.
I found a good one for Karia, but can't upload it sadly.
I didn't really like the art style of the old one, and this one is a little too 'Blonde' for karia, but it's better.
Karia Sandleton |
Well, I got sick of that one fast.
I'll leave it at this, just imagine the hair is white when not in the shade of her hat.
Sizara |
Ah man! I'm fatigued now, so I can't use rage! And we are under attack!? How the hell did that happen!?
Btw didn't we set up traps, pitfalls, etc around the camp? I could have been certain that we did.
Please note I'm not mad or upset about the ambush or anything. I'm just surprised that we got ambushed this quickly.
Sizara |
Almost forgot about that certain someone. Also, where is Aerys? I hope she didn't get eaten.
And btw, but how much progress did we get on setting up the pit traps around the camp? I saw that we were working on them in several past posts, but I can't tell how far along we were in setting it up.
Corliss Blackboots |
Crap! Things are getting good (bad?) and I'm about to get kicked out of the library! And tomorrow's one of my late days (12 noon Eastern, usually, but likely 2-3 hours later than that tomorrow. If the GM or even a player wants to bot Corliss to keep things going (and/or PCs alive!), you have my blessing.
Karia Sandleton |
Can I ask what you are using to make your maps?
Yours are nice and clear and I could use something like it myself.
GM_Ragged |
Can I ask what you are using to make your maps?
Yours are nice and clear and I could use something like it myself.
Dungeon Painter
it's a bit fiddly, and limited unless you want to pay for/upload your own graphics sets, but it is free, runs in a browser, and does the job.
I use it to create the basic terrain templates, and then add text in Paint.
Karia Sandleton |
Thanks, I found Dungeon painter while looking for map makers. I'm fiddling with it now trying to become competent.
GM_Ragged |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The group has a lot of heavy equipment, including a rowboat and a raft, not to mention things like the chest of coins, barrel of rum, shovels, block and tackle etc.
It takes four people to carry the boat, and two teas of two to carry the raft. It would be almost impossible to move all your equipment through the jungle in a single trip. You could bury some of it, and come back for it later. You'd have to decide what you were taking with you.
Corliss Blackboots |
The group has a lot of heavy equipment, including a rowboat and a raft, not to mention things like the chest of coins, barrel of rum, shovels, block and tackle etc.
It takes four people to carry the boat, and two teas of two to carry the raft. It would be almost impossible to move all your equipment through the jungle in a single trip. You could bury some of it, and come back for it later. You'd have to decide what you were taking with you.
Nothing like having to make a big decision to bring a game to a grinding halt. ;)
I hate to leave the boat behind, not to mention the block and tackle, but moving them overland is prohibitive. It's hard to tell from the map if there's a stretch of beach along all parts of the shoreline. If there is, it might be possible to put a lot of the equipment in/on the boat and raft, enter the water (knee-deep or so), and then drag them along the shoreline as we go.
If that's not possible, I'll suggest we hide the boat, raft, and block and tackle as best we can and carry the rest overland. Aerys still needs the rum to stay functional.
EDIT: The chest of coins we can either divide up or bury in good old-fashioned pirate style!
Corin Aldesi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
BTW the block and tackle doesn't weigh a lot.
I personally think that moving camp when we don't have a firm destination in mind is a mistake. You guys didn't want to attack the cannibals that night because we were low on resources, how do you feel about tracking them down the next day when we have our resources renewed?
Sizara |
I'm good for that. It'll give us time to have Sizara rest and regain her ability to use rage again. Not to mention, it'll also give us time to set up a defensive perimeter in case the cannibals come back while we're resting at night.
So we should all pitch in and build up a lot of traps, pitfalls, and anything else we can come up with to take down any invaders.
GM_Ragged |
Just a note - regardless of how good your tracking is, the usual afternoon torrential rain will wipe out any tracks, so you will have to start early, and continue through the hottest part of the day.
Remember also that you can choose to take Sasha with you.
Decide what you want to do, and then decide what you want Aerys, Gelik, Ishirou and Jask to do while you are gone.
Sizara |
Closer=Employee who has a closing shift.
That's what we say here in South Carolina.
And nothing against you gm but I'm really starting to hate these heat rolls. Oh well, at least we are not making any rolls to see if we've contracted any jungle diseases. That nearly took out the entire party in a previous serpent's run game I was in. And it happened more times than I would have liked too!
GM_Ragged |
The adventure actually suggests that I go out and buy Heart of the Jungle to have access to new and exciting tropical diseases to inflict on you all. I decided that turning the game into a series of daily saving throws wouldn't be fun.
Just to point out what may be obvious - Corliss (and Jask, if you ask nicely, and maybe start looking for his missing pirate ship) can prepare endure elements, which will let you tramp around in as much armour as you like without a problem.
Normally I handwave the heat as 'you rest up during the heat' but you're trying something ambitious, so I think it's fair to enforce it.
If closers work the late shift, no wonder they need coffee!
Sizara |
Lol! Yeah, usually the closers do, but unfortunately, for me I got a 48 minute trip back home. And I live in Barnwell, SC and work in Aiken, SC.
Now that I think about it, I'm usually to work way early before some of the people who live 10-15 minutes away! Heck I remember one guy who only lived 5 minutes away and he was late half the time!
But oh good grief! That was a major fun killer there when we had to do daily saving throw. My character had the red itch majority of the time. Ugh!
Ah I forgot clerics can prepare endure elements.
I'm guessing the temperature there is 104 degrees F on this island (about the same here where I live.)
Corin Aldesi |
Just so you are aware, I'm leaving for GenCon tomorrow night. I'm not sure what my availability or connectivity will be while I'm there, but I'll try to post when I can. I'll be back in about a week.
Corliss Blackboots |
Just so you are aware, I'm leaving for GenCon tomorrow night. I'm not sure what my availability or connectivity will be while I'm there, but I'll try to post when I can. I'll be back in about a week.