Smuggler's Shiv- the name sends shivers down the spine of even the most hardened Shackles pirate, Mwangi slaver or Sargavan corsair. A grave to a hundred unlucky ships, the island is populated with fierce monsters, dread horrors and savage cannibals. Not the place you would want to be shipwrecked.
Corliss Blackboots
Male Human Cleric 6+5 of Besmara | hp -41- 54/55 | AC 23, t 13, ff 20 | Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +8 | Init +6 | Perc +3 | Channel 1/3 | Storm Burst (Sp) 6/6 | Copycat (Sp) 3/6 | Insanity 3 (DC 10 Will) | Conditions:
played by
Profession Smith 6 ranks