Sebastian Merrin |
Anger flashes across Sebastian's face as Devargo slices his blade across Nadya's flesh. "Your stooge can't save you now," he growls, advancing around to Devargo's exposed side. He stabs again, savagely, his new-found compunctions against murder momentarily tossed by the wayside.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 1 = 25
Critical confirmation: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 1 = 11 Not confirmed.
1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
GM Peachbottom |
Round 9
Sebastian and Ayako both find openings and stab and slash past Nadya into Devargo's sides. Devargo howls in pain and staggers under the pain. From the severity of his wounds, it looks like he won't survive another attack.
Sebastian can't enter the other room with Devargo standing there, so I moved the token back.
Col still duels with the spider. Neither one able to land a blow.
Nadya's Fortitude Save vs. Poison DC 14: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
The poison takes hold and Nadya's strength begins to fade. She desperately tries to bring her dagger to bear against her captor but struggles and fails in her weakened state.
Dagger: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (11) - 4 = 7
Nadya will need to make another Fortitude save in Round 10
Chittersnap finally emerges from the back room and skitters up next to Sebastian. It attempts to bite him with its spider-like face but Sebastian was warned by Devargo's call for help and bats the creature away.
Bite vs. AC 17: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
The giant spider continues its assault on Col, still unsuccessful in its attacks.
Bite vs. AC 21: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
The two dream spiders, under chittersnap's mental command, also scurry out of the safety of their webs to defend their master. They both attack Col as well. One comes close to biting Col's leg but he pulls away at the last moment.
Bite vs. AC 21: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Bite vs. AC 21: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Col gets an attack of opportunity on dream spider #2 as it moves past his threatened area to reach the space it stops in.
Devargo maintains his hold and drags Nadya into the back corner of the room. A trail of blood spills onto the floor as he moves. His face is turning pale from the blood-loss.
Devargo's CMB to maintain Grapple vs. CMD 8: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
"Now let's be reasonable fellows." Devargo desperately pleads. "I'll surrender and call off the spiders and you can take me to the Guard. There's no need for any further violence here."
Round 10
Active Effects: All - Bless 1 minutes; Ayako - Light 20 minutes; Col - Shield 2 minutes; Nadya - Magic Armor 2 hours, Medium Spider Venom 3 rounds; Chittersnap - Evil Eye -2 attacks 3 rounds, Evil Eye -2 Saves 5 rounds; Devargo - Evil Eye -2 AC 1 round, Evil Eye -2 attacks 2 rounds
Sebastian (+1 attacks)
Ayako (entangled DC 12; +1 attacks)
Col (+1 attacks, +4 AC)
Nadya (injured; entangled DC 15; poisoned; grappled; +1 attacks, +4 AC)
Chittersnap (-2 saves, -2 attacks)
Giant Spider (severely injured)
Dream Spider 1
Dream Spider 2
Devargo (severely injured; grappling; -2 AC, -2 attacks)
Sebastian Merrin |
Round 9
I didn't even realize there was a wall or door there. My apologies.
As Devargo flees into the other room, Sebastian repositions to block the door. Holding the line, he makes half-hearted attacks at Chittersnap, merely trying to keep the thing at bay. "Then surrender. Now!" Fighting defensively
1d20 + 6 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 1 - 4 = 9
Col Avertin |
Round 9
AOO: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Col slashes at a spider as it scurries past him missing badly. Quickly he recovers using his momentum to strike at the spider in front of him. He yells to his companions, "More spiders coming your way."
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6
GM Peachbottom |
Round 10
Ayako slashes and badly wounds one of the dream spiders. These tiny spiders are much frailer than the giant spider counterpart.
Col finally lands the killing blow on the giant spider and its body reflexively curls into a ball as it dies.
Nadya holds action.
Nadya's Fortitude Save vs. Poison DC 14: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Poison Str Damage: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Nadya has two more rounds of poison damage, or 1 successful save.
The ettercap speaks for the first time in a strange chittering voice that somehow comes out in semi-understandable common. "Devargo. Weak. Coward. Chittersnap pulls your strings. Chittersnap finds new King of Spiders."
With that, the previously harmless spiders crawling on Devargo's body turn against him, erupting into a spider swarm. Devargo collapses as the diminutive creatures consume him. Devargo can hardly utter a scream before hundreds of biting spiders swarm into his open mouth muffling his death throes.
Spider Swarm Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Nadya takes her held action to get the hell out of there.
Chittersnap and the dream spiders use the withdraw action to retreat back into the shadows of the webbed room without provoking.
Combat is effectively over unless you choose to pursue the remaining spiders. I'll leave the initiative up in case that's what you want to do. Otherwise, the spiders will leave you alone.
Round 11
Active Effects: All - Bless 1 minutes; Ayako - Light 20 minutes; Col - Shield 2 minutes; Nadya - Magic Armor 2 hours, Medium Spider Venom 2 rounds; Chittersnap - Evil Eye -2 attacks 2 rounds, Evil Eye -2 Saves 4 rounds
Sebastian (+1 attacks)
Ayako (entangled DC 12; +1 attacks)
Col (+1 attacks, +4 AC)
Nadya (injured; entangled DC 15; poisoned -3 Str; +1 attacks, +4 AC)
Chittersnap (-2 saves, -2 attacks)
Dream Spider 1
Dream Spider 2 (severely injured)
GM Peachbottom |
You are able to retrieve Halvara's body without any problem. It doesn't take long for the spider swarm to finish its work and disperse throughout the room, so you are able to check Devargo's body as well. Devargo is hardly recognizable any longer. His body is covered in bulbous venom-filled sores that distort his features.
Devargo has on him:
Medium spider venom (5 doses)
Leather armor
Masterwork bladed gauntlets (2)
Masterwork hand crossbow with 20 bolts
Door key
Footlocker key
I updated the treasure spreadsheet.
GM Peachbottom |
Eel's End
12:16 am – 8 Neth 4708 AR
Active Effects: Light (Ayako) 19 min., Magic Armor (Nadya) 1 hr. 59 min., Shield (Col) 1 min.
Lighting: Darkness
Col goes around to the next room to the north and probably wishes he didn't. Three narrow privies line the wall here. Narrow chutes open into the river below. This room has not been cleaned in quite some time and an overpowering stench wafts out when Col opens the door. It is unlikely there is anything of worth in here.
I'll roll Nadya's final two Fortitude saves, to wrap up that effect.
Nadya's Fortitude Save vs. Poison DC 14: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
After the fight, Nadya's body fights off the remaining effects of the poison. She is currently at -3 Str from the first two rounds of poison. It will recover naturally over time or a lesser restoration spell can expedite it.
GM Peachbottom |
Surprisingly, Chittersnap responds, "The dragon is in the brig. It it across the hall from where we met. Devargo had me torture it with dream spiders. The dragon still lives. You four are strong. One of you could take Devargo's place. With my support, you could be the next king. Think about it."
Oh I also forgot, and you probably did too, because that was a long fight. From the original description of Devargo's room: This wooden chamber is clean and dry. An ornate bed rests against the far wall, while a single dresser and a round table and chair fill out the rest of the room. A wooden sea chest sits at the foot of the bed. There is a locked chest in his room, which the footlocker key goes to. Since you said you are salvaging for treasure, I'll assume you open it and list the treasure below.
A jasper studded amulet
A gold necklace fitted with emeralds
A mother-of-pearl horn
A ring that bears a tiny jade dragonfly
A scroll
An elixir
Two pouches of dust
Six sacks of 100 gp each.
Worth 500 gp
Worth 600 gp
Worth 50 gp
Ring of Feather Fall
Scroll of Blur
Elixir of love
Dust of appearance
Ayako |
Spellcraft leather armor: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Sebastion, Cole, this leather armor has a mild protective enchantment on it. Woudl either of you like it? Ayako tells them about the other magical items.
I can't use the scroll, maybe Nadya would want it. Perhaps someone would like the ring of feather fall.
Col Avertin |
Col quickly leaves the room to the north and thinks, What an incredible smell you've discovered.
After he listens to Ayako's explanation about the magical items he urges, "We can decide on that later. Right now lets get that tiny dragon."
GM Peachbottom |
You head over to the room that Chittersnap called the brig. The door is stout and locked but the other key you found on Devargo unlocks it. Inside, this foul-smelling room is empty, save for a mound of filthy straw seething with vermin. The birdcage holding Majenko sits atop the straw. Two more dream spiders hide in their webs in the ceiling corners. The don't appear to be threatening you.
Majenko frantically calls out to you. "You came back for Majenko! You will free me, yes? Majenko will forever be in your debt. Those spiders; Devargo tortures me with them. They bite me and give me nightmares. You cannot leave Majenko here. No, no, no!"
GM Peachbottom |
Col successfully picks the lock and Majenko bursts out of the cage in a flurry. "Freedom! Thank you!" He swirls around in the air a few times and promptly gets stuck in a spider web. "Oy! Help! Mesa caught again!" He flails about but it is easy enough to simply pluck him down. "Yousa have Majenko's thanks again. Mesa your humble servant now." He strides around on the ground rubbing against each of your legs affectionately like a kitten.
GM Peachbottom |
Eel's End
12:20 am – 8 Neth 4708 AR
Active Effects: Light (Ayako) 15 min., Magic Armor (Nadya) 1 hr. 55 min.
Lighting: Dim Light
You head back out onto the docks. A few of Devargo's enforcers eye you warily as you exit the ship but know better than to stop you. Majenko soars through the air, enjoying his long desired freedom. "Weeeeee!" Two prostitutes from the House of Clouds, a young male and female, spot you carrying Halvara's body.
"Mistress Halvara!" they cry with tears streaming down their cheeks. "What happened? Come inside. You shouldn't just be standing out here."
Ayako |
Ayako helps bring Halvara's body into the boat and set her down. Ayako is paler than usual and begins cleaning Helvara and trying to make her presentable.
Devargo killed her. Slit her throat. We killed him in return but it doesn't make things better. Ayako mourns next to Helvara, not paying attention to the others.
Sebastian Merrin |
Sebastian nudges Col. "Best leave her alone."
Standing outside, he stares down the street at Eel's End. "That thing is still in there, Col. Overthrowing Devargo accomplished nothing. Next week there will be a new King of Spiders and shiver will be back on the streets."
Sebastian Merrin |
Sebastian grits his teeth and growls. "That we should have killed it when we had the chance." He shakes his head, staring at the evil boat. "I'd like to burn the whole damn place to the waterline. It's too bad that little snapdragon can't breathe fire."
GM Peachbottom |
The young girl embraces Ayako, "Don't worry, Ayako. Halvara trained us to be strong. We'll survive and we'll make her proud. You can leave her with us and we'll make sure she gets a proper burial in the Gray. Take as much time as you need. We know how much she meant to you. We'll leave you in peace for now." The two workers depart for another room, leaving Ayako alone.
Going back to kill the ettercap or simply burning the ship down are both options.
Ayako |
Ayako wipes her eyes and pats the back of the girl, nodding. After she leaves, Ayako kisses Halvara's forehead and then heads out with the others.
How is everyone? If we are going to kill that thing, we must all be healthy. She taps Nadya with her healing wand.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
You have been poisoned as well, Nadya. I can try to help with that or we can look into getting an antidote for you.
Heal+Guidance to help with poison: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Col Avertin |
Col listens to his companions and adds, "burning the ship down is the safest way to go about killing that creature but we put others at risk. He considers for a moment, 'On the other hand if go the more direct route we might want to pick up some anit-toxin or something to help with the spiders."
GM Peachbottom |
Nadya is healed to full now. The poison has run its course. All that remains is the 3 points of Strength damage. That will require a lesser restoration or better spell. Or it will heal at a rate of 1 point of damage per day. A heal check can increase the recovery rate to 2 points per day by providing long-term care which requires 8 hours.
GM Peachbottom |
Eel's End
12:30 am – 8 Neth 4708 AR
Active Effects: Light (Ayako) 5 min., Magic Armor (Nadya) 1 hr. 45 min.
Lighting: Dim Light
One of the locals points you in the direction of the southeastern ship called the Dragon's Breath Corridor. The owner, a skinny, short man with blood-shot eyes opens the entrance curtain to greet you. Think, pungent smoke wafts out from belowdecks and assails you nose. You can see the interior is partitioned with silken curtains and filled with large beds and couches. Glossy-eyed patrons loll about and mewl, their minds burning with shiver, pesh, qat, flayleaf, and other exotic drugs.
"Get smoked, man! I'm Bezzeraty. Welcome to my abode. Are you ready to pass into the dreams of the dragon or what, dude? I don't get a lot of requests for antitoxin, but yeah man, I got some in the back. Wait here and I'll bring it up front. If you want to sample my other wares, it's a 5 gold entrance fee. I recommend the flayleaf. It's far out, man."
You can buy the antitoxin for the normal going rate of 50 gp each. It will give you a +5 bonus to Fortitude saves against poison for 1 hour.
Nadya Dimineata |
Still shaking a little from the effects of the poison, Nadya inclines her head, "I'll also take one. It's going to be some time before I'm myself again. I'll try to avoid getting bitten. That has to be even worse than Devargo's poison."
Blur isn't on the witch spell list, but Nadya can use read magic as I understand the spell to at least tell what it is. She has a +6 on her UMD so activating Blur requires her to roll a 17 or better. I was going to suggest using it on Sebastian or Col, but we may want to hold onto that scroll until Nadya can get her UMD up a little higher.
Appraise (amulet) DC 20: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Appraise (necklace) DC 20: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Appraise (horn) DC 20: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Really wondering if I should also invest a little into Appraise though its not a class skill.
GM Peachbottom |
Eel's End
12:35 am – 8 Neth 4708 AR
Active Effects: Magic Armor (Nadya) 1 hr. 40 min.
Lighting: Darkness
You purchase your antitoxins and return to the upper cabin of the Eel's End.
"Majenko will not go back in there. He will wait outside." the psuedodragon states.
Inside, two dream spiders are busy at work, binding the two guards you took out earlier in webs. They otherwise ignore your presence. Everything else appears to be as you left it.
Ayako's light spell wore off but she can easily recast it. Sebastian can also still state he is purchasing an antitoxin if he wishes.
Nadya Dimineata |
"I'm sure you've had enough of the spiders Majenko. Watch for any trouble and call out if you think we should come back. I'm sure that creature will know we're coming. Should we just go right to it?"
GM Peachbottom |
Eel's End
12:35 am – 8 Neth 4708 AR
You drink your antitoxins and head back down into the hold. It is eerily dark and silent down here with only Ayako's light spell illuminating the way. It seems the resident spiders are active with a renewed vigor and practically coat the walls, ceilings, and floors. Dozens are crushed under your feet with each step. The door to Chittersnap's lair lies slightly ajar.
From inside, he calls out to you, "You've returned. You accept my offer? Very wise. You rule from the light. I rule from the shadows. Beneficial to us both. Enter he who shall be king."
As you prepare to enter the room, Nadya's harrow card, the Dance, begins to glow and Ayako feels more dexterous as her role card activates.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
You can give me two Perception checks.
You spot the ettercap, Chittersnap, hiding (poorly) in the back corner of the room.
You spot the light occasionally reflects off the iridescent dream spider webbing that fills the room. Every square in the southern room is filled.
A dream spider can spin webs just like a monstrous spider of the same size but its webs carry an iridescent hue, making them easy to notice. Any animal, humanoid, giant, or monstrous humanoid that comes in contact with these webs experiences strange hallucinations, taking Wisdom damage each round of contact. A Fortitude save negates this damage. If the webs of a dream spider are burned, they create a spread of poisonous gas in a 10-foot radius. This gas deals Wisdom damage to all creatures in the area (not just to those susceptible to contact with webs as listed above). A Fortitude save halves this damage. The cloud of colorful vapor remains for only a single round before dissipating harmlessly. Like a typical web, you will be entangled if you enter the square. Each 5-foot square has DR 5/- and 1 hit point.
You all can spot the two dream spiders in the room without perception checks.
You are probably just going to attack him. So I'll set up initiative.
Ayako: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Col Avertin: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Nadya Dimineata: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Sebastian Merrin: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Chittersnap: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Dream Spider: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Round 1
Active Effects: Ayako - Antitoxin 60 min., Light 10 min., Role Card; Col - Antitoxin 60 min.; Nadya - Antitoxin 60 min., Magic Armor 1 hr. 50 min.
Lighting: Darkness
Dream Spider 1
Dream Spider 2