GM Lorenzo's #2–11: The Penumbral Accords (Tier 4-5) PbP Gameday VI Session II (Inactive)

Game Master Lawrence Smith 2

Maps, Handouts, and More

Grand Lodge

This is a semi-closed session. Play begins October 6, 2017.

GMG/Magabeus, GM Red: Please report in at the discussion thread.

To fill the remaining two spots in the party, we're looking for a couple of additional players, relatively new to PbP but with some experience in PFS. We want a fast-paced, action-packed and a lot of pithy role-playing.

If you're interested, please respond in the Recruitment thread.

Scarab Sages

I am interested, I will have to update her stats online, she is lvl 5 I believe

Player name: SapphireFox
Character name Honey
PFS Number 208282-13
Faction Scarab Sages
Day Job: will have to check don't think I have one for her

Scarab Sages

updated her, she is a lvl 4, with no day job

Dark Archive

Hello, if you still have that sixth slot open I have a Level 4 witch. I just started my first PbP (loving it so far!), and this would be my second! I haven't done PbP with Puck yet, so I need to build the character sheet.

Player Name: EwokBanshee
Character Name: Puck Fields
PFS: 240237-1
Faction: Dark Archive
Day Job: Shoemaker, IIRC.

Grand Lodge

You're in Puck. You'll be adventuring with with some experience PbP gamers/GMs in GM Red and GMG/Magabeus. Good news for you and for me.

Grand Lodge

Sorry for not acknowledging you sooner, Honey. Please let us know Honey's class.

Dark Archive

Excellent, I will dot in! I'll post here when I digitize my character sheet.

Scarab Sages

Honey is a Wolf Shaman Druid and I'm a GM as well, so any questions feel free to ask

Dark Archive

Alright, I'm a terrible person. Apparently Puck is Level 3. Lorenzo, is this a scenario where Playing Up is going to be extra scary? I'd love to play, but I get it if I wouldn't be the right fit.

I played a level one game, playing up, where I was almost one-shot by a Fireball trap. Good times.

Grand Lodge

We plan to run this in subtier 4-5. Can you get in a scenario or two before October 6, when phase II of PbP Gameday VI begins?

Always good to be concerned about your PC's survivability. Regarding his role in the party, will he be an asset or a liability? That's a different but related question.

Dark Archive

Unfortunately, I won't be able to get him leveled up in time. My local group only does PFS every other week.

As for liability, I played up on Beyond Azlant Ridge and it worked fine. Puck is your typical Save or Fail witch, so playing up doesn't seem to affect enemy's Will Saves to much. Either way, I understand.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

I looked over Puck's profile and sessions played. Looks like he's level 3.0. Could you add your spells and hexes to his profile? That would clear things up a bit.

Dark Archive

Absolutely, I'll get that done tonight.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Alright, my profile is filled out. To save you some time, below are my main tactics. Mostly, I am a utility buffer/debuffer who stays 30 ft away from the closest enemy.

Fortune: This helps allies, and is great no matter the level.
Evil Eye: The DC 16 Will save should be acceptable playing up, but not great. At least it still applies for one round if the enemy passes.
Cackle: Keeps Fortune going as my Move action.

Sleep has a 4 HD cap, so it should still work on minions. DC 17.
Blindness: DC 17. Should be fine, especially when combined with Evil Eye.

HP is my biggest weakness, at a 20.

Let me know what you think!

Dark Archive

I'd like to submit Petrok here. Currently involved in Tome of Righteous Repose for Gameday 6 session I (we are more than 1/2 way through I suspect) He can serve as healer and secondary fighter..+ has some other useful skills..Please let me know if this is a good fit for this game thx..

Grand Lodge

Please check with your Tome of Righteous Repose GM, first, and confirm you'll have completed that scenario in time for you to join us when we begin The Penumbral Accords on October 6.
Let me know.

Grand Lodge

Player name: PaperDrake
Character name: Gweld the White Owl
PFS Number: 231699-7
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job: Alchemy+10 + Crafter's Fortune

Lawful Neutral Ulfen Daring Champion Cavalier of Flame(1) and Empiricist Investigator(3) wielding longsword with a Slashing Grace, drinking Mutagens and using Inspiration for Knowledge and Perception.

Sovereign Court

Or am I too late to the party and you've got your two newcomers to PbP already?

Dark Archive

I'm level three. If you have some one who is Level 4, You would probably be a better fit.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

A couple of things.

I'm running this scenario to express my thanks to GMG/Magabeus and GM Red for introducing me to PbP in the very best traditions of the game. They asked to play in subtier 4-5, so as long as we remain there, we've met that criterion.

Second, I'd like to ask each of you to provide some links to one or more of your PbP PC's posts. That way we can figure out if our styles will synch well, and we can all have fun.

After just completing my first PbP session as GM, I realized that I need to do a better job in recruiting. Life's too short for "first come, first served." ;-)

I'd prefer to run a table for people who make a consistent effort to use the PbP format to its full potential. In my first session, we had some great players who role- and roll-played and remained active posters throughout. And we had some who were flat-out oxygen thieves. Going forward, I'd like to focus on the first type of player and avoid the second, referring them to GMs whose style matches their own.

Sovereign Court

I didn't ever play PbP in PFS before.

Here's a game on Storium as an example, I am playing Jurdon Korbal in this one:

This one I started as a storyteller:

I am not a native speaker and my English can get weird sometimes, if that may be a factor in you picking players for the game.

Dark Archive

I think it would be best for everyone if I backed out of this process. I just decided to GM a game, my first, for the second session and I want to put all my focus into that. Thank you for your consideration, hopefully we get to play again another time.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Is there still space in this game? I'm an experienced PFS player and GM, but I'm brand new to PbP. Looking forward to it!

My only character in tier 4-5 is Tull, a Half-orc Warpriest 4 Bloodrager 1. Tull has some problems with anger management, which are frequently expressed through his passionate advancement of the cause of Desna. In his view, people are not sufficiently respectful of the Goddess of Dreams, which is why he often charges into battle crying, "Fear the butterfly!"

Grand Lodge

Okay, Puck. Good luck with your first PbP GM session.
Our paths will cross again on somewhere along the Open Road.

Grand Lodge

Alright, folks. Looks like we have a party!
1. Myrd Sharpclaw, Wizard-4
2. Zavubak, Steelblood Rageshaper Bloodrager-3
3. Honey, Wolf Shaman druid-4
4. Petrok Kaznikh, Spirit Warden Shaman-4
5. Gweld the White Owl, Daring Champion Cavalier-1/Investigator (Empiricist)-3

Grand Lodge

I'm an American. Broken English is my mother tongue, brother, so don't sweat the Linguistics checks.
However, there are a few concerns.
You don't seem to have a way to send/receive a private message/PM on the Paizo boards.
I looked at your PC's profile. Gweld the White Owl would be an excellent addition to the party, but your PC's profile needs to get updated for PbP.
You can see an example of one of my PCs, Gitano Frallino here.
There are a lot of helpful links regarding all things PbP at the top of the discussion thread here.

Bottom line: I would strongly encourage you to get your feet wet in PbP with a first or second level PC in a game more suited to beginners. If you still want to join us, you've got some work to do. ;-)

Online VL Hilary Moon Murphy (aka Hmm) has a sign-up doc just for new PbP players wanting to join games here.

Please let me know soonest, what you want to do.

Sovereign Court

Actually it's already Daring Champion Cavalier-1/Investigator (Empiricist)-4.

I will update the profile shortly.

And I also enabled the PMs (at least I hope I did, the interface is not that intuitive).

Liberty's Edge

Eric here, heeding the call!
I will post with the character I'd prefer to play... Ptehp.

Scarab Sages

Greetings, this is Ptehp.
I need to double check the character sheet, but I am quite sure it is up to date.

Ptehp is a very tall, large, and strong Half Orc, who is a faithful templar (or pyramidar?) of Selket, the Osirian Goddess of Embalming, Healing and Scorpions.
He is a member of the Scarab Sages, being of sandkin Orc heritage.

Level 4 - Warpriest - Heavy armor and shield - Uses his faith's Scorpion Whip
He is not the brightest rose in the desert, but is proud to have 4 skill points... err, total.
So he is more about trying to take the beatings, heal people, and... err... take the beatings.

Tell me if he can join this merry group.
He has some oriental pastries to share.

Grand Lodge

Our amended, final band of merry adventurers:
1. Myrd Sharpclaw, Wizard-4
2. Zavubak, Steelblood Rageshaper Bloodrager-3
3. Honey, Wolf Shaman druid-4
4. Gweld the White Owl, Daring Champion Cavalier-1/Investigator (Empiricist)-4
5. Ptehp, Warpriest-4
Please ninja-dot in the campaign thread.
Make your in-character introductions there as soon as you're ready.
We want those out of the way, so we can leap into action right away on Friday, October 6.

Scarab Sages

Player name: Eric Collins
Character name: Ptehp
PFS Number: 101218-4
Faction: Scarab Sages
Day Job: Huh? Ptehp work for Pathfinders. Ptehp work for Selket. Why Ptehp ask for money? No no no...

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