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Hmmm... as Doubtful is currently firmly entrenched in his own head trying to resist the urge to dance... (liked that song the GM linked, by the by)
I find myself a little unsure of the intent of the boon I used.
Typically, one gets hit by a compulsion when its not their turn, so they they would be stunned til their turn comes around... at the end of which they get a new save to shake it off.
Net loss, one turn plus some varied amount of intervening time
This effect here seemed to trigger on my turn, however... so the 'end of your next turn' means something completely different... as I now seem to lose this turn, plus the next one.
Net loss, two turns, plus all the intervening time.
Is the intent to just miss one turn or two? Inquiring dwarves want to know!
Just looking for GM-clarification before turn two comes around =)

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Played this last night locally.
Normal campaign mode, high tier.
Due to some cancellations and such, we ended up with 7 players at our table... it was still gloriously brutal! =) (Hell we were down 6 levels from the wight room alone!)
I'm glad we decided to avoid the higher tier.

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Hey everyone!
I'm gonna be going out of town the afternoon of the 20th (Friday) and I probably won't be back with an opportunity to post until Sunday evening (the 22nd). I have never been to an event like this before, so I don't know how much opportunity I will have to post.
Sorry for the inconvenience!

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I wish! Maybe next year. I lack time at the moment, thanks to the quarter being almost over, and funds.
I want to meet the Glorious Crystal Frasier in person, so I want to go up there <3

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Hey guys.
Really sorry about this. What's normally a busy time (end of school year) for me got part time childcare (and all that end of school year business) added on top, has been more chaotic than I anticipated. I'm going to see about having someone step in for a couple weeks, by which point things should have calmed down.
Edit: Would one of you who's not currently in my Iron Gods game be willing to take that party through the rest of their combat?

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I'm actually OK with a game stalling until the 4th of July or what-have-you. At this point, Dunkel's earmarked to play with this group, so I'm not waiting on him for any other games... if that coincides with when Lari gets time back in hand?

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Aren't you busy running a PbP special? =)
...AND my own games.
...AND organising a local Multi-Table special, being broadcast across multiple sites (the furthest tables being approx 1000 miles apart)
...AND gearing up for the launch of We Be Goblins 4, and Serpents Ire...
Whilst prepping for the next Game Day.
So yeah, kinda busy :p
Edit:Oh, and working on the next PbP Multi-special for when YotSL ends :P

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Although I'm not against waiting, its been my experience that long delays do more to kill these sorts of games than anything else, as people just kind of gravitate away, lose interest, or get out of the habit of checking in.
Especially given we're not sure what sort of timeline we're talking about and summer is upon us.
I think I'd prefer to try to push through with our new volunteer GM if others are amenable.

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I've been busy with finals, graduating, and trying to get in some time with my girlfriend before they go away for most of the summer, so I wouldn't mind a break.
I ain't going anywhere, and I have Imrana earmarked for this group as well, so no plans to play her elsewhere.

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Seems like a mixed bag of answers :)
Imrana, Dunkel, and Jair happy to hit pause.
Doubtful happy to press on.
Ragnar flex.
OK then at this stage I'll take it you guys are happy to just chill in place, should you guys want to move on then thats no problem, just PM me and I'll hop back over and pick up the table.

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I don't abide by the thinking that every player needs to have their character melee every single round of every combat, and rather prefer the verisimilitude offered by characters that act as rational characters would in a life threatening situation, which is have the impassible Doubtful stand in the way.
I'll get my gaming kicks out of coming up with the proper nickname he'll get for this encounter.
Doubtful the Impassible?
Doubtful the Impassive?
Doubtful the Wall?

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Imrana's best recourse against these things is to stand back and magic missile, so she'a actually in a great position :)

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I'm not sure Doubtful Walls would sell quite as well as Diggerson Tunnels. But that itself might be fitting for the character...
Jaohd's actions there weren't intended to force your hand, but if a Paladin sees the undead that killed his friends and possessed him, I think the only appropriate course of action is to rush in headfirst.

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That's the end of Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts, except for the wrap-up kind of stuff. I'll give you guys a few days for any IC stuff you want to do, as well as more admin stuff (swapping spells, day jobs, etc.) and aim to get chronicles out early next week (probably Monday if everyone's ready).
Sorry things slowed down there for a bit. I'm finally feeling like I'm 100% back up to speed.
As always, if people want to continue, I'm happy to. The next new 3-7 (Beyond Azlant Ridge) isn't out for a couple of weeks. We could wait for that, or there are options in the 1-5 tier: Sun Orchid Scheme, Bid For Alabastrine, and Dead Man's Debt.

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If I were pressed to express an opinion on scenarios, I'm particularly fond of more recent ones, mostly because they sometimes feature the occasional spell from APG, UM, UC, etc to collect for use within Core. :)
Dunkel's at the home stretch of level 5 play, so also favors 4-5s that may fit this niche before they are gone for him to play forever!
(I also have a level 4 Desnan available for play too, although I'd miss out on the dwarviness with Doubtful!)

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I'm open to anything that isn't spoiling a scenario for myself. I was just thinking back to previous discussions. With so many experienced players, the only things that are new for everyone are likely to be the brand new stuff.
I'm slightly partial to a 3-7 over a 1-5 so my primary core character can get the credit, rather than my second, who's currently a credit blob. The only 3-7s I haven't seen from at least one side of the table are:
Season 4: My Enemy's Enemy, Way of the Kirin, Rivalry's End
Season 5: You Have What You Hold, The Wardstone Patrol.
Pretty much everything else is fair game.
The other option would be a Core run of Serpent's Rise, as some of you may still not have played that at all, and others likely haven't had a Core run.

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I like scenarios that connect to previous ones we've done.
It was great to go back to Gloomspire, for instance, and have some background from the prior visit to bring up.
I also like the fact that Lari has managed to have V-C Benarry make an appearance in 4 of them so far ... feels like the floating Lodge is our main staging area. So somewhere we can go by boat from Gloomspire would segue nicely too.
Of course, we've only done 5 so far, together... so only so much connection to be found =)
I'm only level 5 for one more scenario. So if someone does want to do one of those, its my last chance =)
Hmm... I guess all of that does support Wyatt's idea of heading to the Mwangi Expanse.

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I hope you had fun, Ragnar! Right now I'm liking my fairly light GM schedule, but if you see me recruiting in the future, sign up! And remind me you've played with me before, in case I forget.
Dead Man's Debt is Mwangi, as is (presumably) Return to Azlant Ridge, but there are other options:
By Way of Bloodcove is a Mwangi 3-7. In Wrath's Shadow is a 3-7 that's fairly close and makes sense as a stop for the Pixie.
If people want to go in for a bit of a longer arc, we could do the Before the Dawn two parter. They're 1-7, so that should work for everyone. Return to Azlant Ridge is the follow up to those, and By Way of Bloodcove has connections but probably isn't the most essential of the bunch. There's also a bit of similarity to Trouble in Tamran, though not direct plot overlap.

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If people want to go in for a bit of a longer arc, we could do the Before the Dawn two parter. They're 1-7, so that should work for everyone. Return to Azlant Ridge is the follow up to those, and By Way of Bloodcove has connections but probably isn't the most essential of the bunch.
That's an interesting thought. If we get a 6th who's level 4 or higher, that could put us in the 6-7 tier of those older ones. Which would probably make them challenging enough despite being from the earlier seasons.
Though I suspect Doubtful is poorly equipped (skill-wise) for the first one =)
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No reason to box anyone out!
I've not played much core at all, so suppose it should be on those that have done more to narrow down the choices! =)
Was looking at the descriptions of the various season 7 ones... and The Twisted Circle caught my eye... only because it mentions some historical stuff with Nex and Geb... and I started wondering what Imrana might do with that sort of RP fuel (assuming it comes up in the scenario).
Wyatt's suggestion (7.24 (1-5) then 7.27 (3-7)) works too, though Thorn would not be able to rejoin us if we do that, as he was level 6.
My only concern with 3-7's is that it would be very easy for us to end up playing up, with no one in tier... which might be rough.
4 flavors of wizard, a negative energy cleric, and a monk is not the typical party makeup... especially for core.

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I'm up for whatever! I haven't played much core either.
Having played Twisted Circle in normal campaign, it doesnt really seem to have fuel for her, sadly.