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Not rule debating here, just wondering aloud for everyone since I don't actually know these off the top of my head.
You mentioned she was wearing studded leather.
Q1: Does studded leather count as metal armor?
Q2: If yes, then that'd mean a druid couldn't wear it right? (and also the +3 to hit from shocking grasp, although I'm not really worried about hitting her with a touch attack in a future round)
Q3: If yes #2, bad author and editors! (if she's really a druid!) .. and maybe something for the scenario thread (the one where GMs discuss the scenario, not ours).
Druids are proficient with light and medium armor but are prohibited from wearing metal armor; thus, they may wear only padded, leather, or hide armor.
Strange they don't list studded...
Studded Leather: Similar to leather armor, this suit is reinforced with small metal studs.

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You sir, are correct. She's a sneaky "pretend druid". Ignore Q3.
Q1 and Q2 I'm still curious and just poking around so we can rule this correctly at our game days. I know how I've ruled it in home games for decades, but unsure what the "PFS Ruling" on it is.
Another thread with no answers
This is actually a topic that garners much discourse!
Interestingly, despite all these people asking if you can make mithral/adamantine studded leather, the GMG (pg118-119) tables for when you find magic studded leather, has you roll on table 5-6 if it's adamantine or mithral. Adamantine studded mithral even looks like it could be core legal and grant DR1/-?

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Once the combat's over, I'm happy to reveal info about her to the curious. She's not a druid, I was just using druid restrictions as a basis to determine which armor is vulnerable to shocking grasp. I'd always assumed it counted as leather, not metal, but it seems like there's enough ambiguity that I'd allow shocking grasp to benefit.

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It's always fun to explore the soft-defined edge cases of rules.
Fascinating historical perspective on some of the threads about how 'studded leather' doesn't really exist in a historical context, and it's likely a D&Dism/adaptation of brigadin armor.

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For the curious, she was a
Which actually inspired me to add some levels of that to one of my characters.
Poor Gyrlak isn't long for this world. I expect we'll be out of combat this weekend, and done the wrap up roleplay sometime next week. If there's anything you need to do for the end of game wrap up (day jobs, faction cards, scribing, etc.) now would be a good time. I should have all your PFS information already (except possibly which character Amiri's credit is going to).
EDIT: Gyrlak had even less time left than I expected. Go team!

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Well, even if Imrana couldn't get anyone to fail a save versus a spell, at least she got to killsteal with Magic Missile!
Scribing Info
2nd (40 gp x number of spells)= 280 gp
Haunting Mists (UM), Minor Image, Mirror Image, Cat's Grace, Flaming Sphere, Pyrotechnics, Silent Image
1st (10 gp x number of spells) = 80 gp
Animate Rope, Blurred Movement (ACG), Polypurpose Panacea (UM), Vanish (APG), Vocal Alteration (UM), Monkey Fish (ACG), Corrosive Touch (UM), Defensive Shock (UM)
0th (5 gp x number of spells) = 15 gp
Scrivener's Chant, Spark, Haunted Fey Aspect
Total: 375 gp

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Hrmm... so far I've had horrible luck with relevant things for the faction card.... lesseee...
Actually, to date I don't think I've ever managed to check a box.. so I think I need to throw my sheet out and find the season 7 version. (Wow, can't believe I never got a single check mark yet)
Ooo... looks like I might be able to get the 'enhancing the reputation of the Pathfinders' one if this all works out. Yay, level 5 now, and that'd be my first checkmark =)

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DayJob: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
DayJob (Shirt Reroll): 1d20 + 10 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 4 = 30
@GM Is "Behold the Living God" could count as "Recover a named text found during the course of an adventure." for my faction card ?

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Dunkel brings in a team of diggers to clear the debris under the fort, working with local Nirmathi to reinforce it in their never-ending battle against Molthune.
Day Job (Diggin'): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Day Job (Diggin') Re-Roll+Stars: 1d20 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 4 = 26
Dunkel will be doing some scribing too. I imagine the same spells Imrana just did, but he'll need to double check.

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Awesome! Will post in gameplay soon (currently hurrying out the door.) Thorn recruited an NPC as a smuggler already, so he'll check that box.
Day Job: 1d20 + 5 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 5 = 16

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Dunkel and Thorn have expressed an interest in giving the documents you found over to Guaril. I want to give others a chance to weigh in on that, as it's the last substantive decision to be made before I can get chronicles out.
As always, it's been a lot of fun to play with you guys. I'm always up for continuing, though most of you have been tied up with this since late September, and might want to free your characters up for other things.
If we were to continue, the main season 7 options would be The Twisted Circle (1-5) and the To Judge a Soul series (3-7, two parts). Both seem like they'd be interesting options for many of the characters in this group.
Next week, Faithless and Forgotten Part 1 (1-5, three part series), and the Deepmarket Deception (3-7) come out, and could be options as well. If people are interested in other seasons, there are a lot of additional options.
Additionally, I've been interested in running something outside the traditional PFS structure. Iron Gods was just sanctioned, and I think that's the push I needed. I'm looking to run it in Campaign mode.
I know not everyone likes sci-fi in their fantasy (a million unpleasant threads on this forum prove that), but I picked up a couple chapters on sale and ended up surprised with how much I enjoyed reading them. If it does sound like something you'd be interested in, let me know. I'd like to get a group of players together before doing character creation.

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Well, here are my thoughts.
Thorn is level 6 now. I was planning on applying a GM credit to him in an upcoming convention. I'm happy to play to Judge a Soul (I'd have voted for Faithless and Forgotten, but that means I'd need to make 1824-31, and I'm not looking to do that at the moment.)
That being said, this is likely the ONLY time I'll ever get a chance to play Iron Gods. I'm happy to play in campaign mode, and anyone who has played with me for a long time can tell you, I finish what I start. (My Curse of the Crimson Throne PbP is half way through book 5 at posts, and shows no signs of slowing down.) I'd be in for that.

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As a follower of Norgorber, Jair is Ok to handle things the shadowy way.
So no problem for her to handle the papers to Guaril :)
I hope to play the "To Judge a Soul" series in FtF in the upcoming month so not for me.
I don't mind playing older season scenario like those going on in Absalom.
As for Iron God, why not (but without the chronicle sheets for me as I prefer to play my PFS character, I'm GMing enough to give my characters multiple chronicle sheets without playing them).

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RE: What adventure is next?
One of my favorite things in PFS is when the stars align and certain characters actually build a continuity together versus being subjected to a new random assortment of companions every scenario. This being the experience you basically get when you are playing an AP. :) I'd happily play Dunkel in any scenario again. He'll still be 4th after Tamran.
I'm in 3 PbP APs, and a number of F2Fs, but Iron Gods is not one of them. GM Lari - you've quickly ascended to one of my favorite PbP GMs, so I'd happily follow you into a PbP AP. I'm also fairly committed to PbP APs, as the fact I've played from level 1 to 17 (and going) in Shackled City over 5 years is testament to.
RE: The docs
I'm good with offering a copy to either the Guaril or Tolal. As Dunkel's actually interacted with Guaril a few times before (and likely will again), he'd certainly lean towards Guaril. I suppose the biggest factor in deciding would be to ask Guaril what he plans to do with all the docs, since there are many. If he plans to take the ones regarding the Gaels for himself, and give the remaining ones that clear the Society's name in Tamran to Tolal anyyway, Dunkel is fine with that route. If Guaril plans to keep them all and actually not clear the Society (which I doubt), then that would make Dunkel question Guaril's motives.[/ooc]

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I would like to echo Dunkel's sentiments. I have been greatly enjoying the group and the GM, and I am happy to continue!
I have been wanting to play Iron Gods for ages, and the sanctioning of it has only strengthened that (not to mention recently seeing The Force Awakens!). I'm only in one PbP AP right now (an absolutely brilliant Wrath of the Righteous game), and I'm going to have a lot more free time in a few months, so I would happily join an Iron Gods run by such a good GM and with such a good party :)

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That sounds like 3 for Iron Gods. :-) I'm happy to be part of the party. Bring it!
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Re: The documents.
Out of the NPCs, Guaril is the one who has been most helpful (at least on this occasion), and Amiri is not lawful, so I would be in favour of giving the documents to him.
What's next.
I have no strong preference - I would be happy with any (or all!) of the listed options ;-)

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Wrapping up Trouble in Tamran
As I noted in the IC thread, as there's not an immediate consensus on whether to give the evidence directly to the VC, or let Guaril take some parts and do what he does best, a straight vote seems like the most effective way to resolve that.
Next scenario
In the 3-7 department, there are a few that seem like a good fit for this group, though it is a rather eclectic collection, so one that's just right for everyone is tricky. The following stuck out to me:
Iron Gods
For those interested, I'll open up a separate thread later today or possibly tomorrow.

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Have played 3 of those in regular campaign (though not in core)
Tar Kuata might have been interesting, if only in that I could then get an archetype in core... sadly it is not the most enticing of archetypes... and seems a little contrary to Doubtful's gloomy outlook.
Though really, any are fine... though some of the combats on these more recent season ones seem a bit hard for D's meager damage output... Would be nice to let Luke play an actual character instead of the pregen 'cause we needed the melee damage.

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I can play any of those in core. I have read, played, or read them all, but I can handle it.
And yes, Iron Gods. I vote with both hands.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Amusingly to me, when I played this scenario non-core, I argued the position of letting Guaril have the documents (though not for any of the reasons suggested thus far) :)

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Let's see what Dunkel and Jair have to say.
Season 7 has had some flaws so far, but I've got to give them credit for really getting people invested in the decisions being made. Both as a player and GM in non-core, I saw a lot of players really struggling with this decision (and others from recent scenarios), especially when their personal choice and their character's choice don't match up.
Between the 7 of us, there's a total of 25 GM stars. There's probably nothing that would be new to everyone. As such, would anybody be opposed to Deepmarket Deception?
We couldn't get started until the scenario comes out on the 27th (realistically a day or two after), but that gives everyone a chance to leisurely level and shop, plus hop on a boat to Tian Xia.
Gold for this scenario will be 1117 for the level 3's, 1853 for the 4's and 5's, if you want to get a head start. Chronicle sheets will come out once the vote is resolved.

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What's the vote stand at? (I'm one of those people, Thorn is definitely Guaril, but I'm not.)
Good point on the stars. And if I can keep my current pace, I'll earn my 5th in March after TotalCon. That's actually one of my other reasons behind pushing for APs (and Iron Gods in particular. I almost never get to play in campaign mode and I only read the APs I'm going to run, which means I'm a total noob for Iron Gods beyond the theme.
Meanwhile, I'm down for Deepmarket.

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I'm good with Deepmarket!
I agree with Lari that I've really liked the way they've presented faction choices and such this season. School of Spirits and Ancients Anguish do a good job of not punishing you for playing your character with a set-in-stone moral code.

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So far it's 2-2 (Amiri & Thorn vs. Doubtful & Imrana). Jair and Dunkel both seemed somewhat pro-Guaril, but that was before it was explicitly one or the other, so I wanted them to get an opportunity to confirm. Should things end up 3-3, I might select randomly rather than spend the next week in a rendition of Six Angry Pathfinders.

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As a Pathfinder, Jair is more incline to give the papers to the VC
As a follower of Norgorber, Jair is more incline to Guaril's way
As both solution agrees with her belives, she will stay neutral in this matter (as a true neutral character it seems the best action for her :P)

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Well, since the document decision went the way of Guaril ... does that mean I could check the 'recover blackmail or incriminating evidence' box on the faction card instead? Seems a trickier one to come by.
As to the rest:
Doubtful is now level 5
Initiative and Saves have not changed.
Init: +4
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +8
+2 racial bonus vs spells, spell-like abilities, and poisons
+2 on saves vs enchantments spells and effects
DR 10 vs negative energy
Immune to disease
Perception went up one to +11 (+13 if Stonecunning kicks in)
And a free passive check for such stonesensey things if I pass within 10 feet.

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Player Name: Chris Marsh
PC Name: Thorn the Savvy
Level: Rogue 6 (CORE)
PFS#: 1824-16
Faction: The Exchange
Perception and vision/senses: +10 (+13 versus Traps)
Initiative: +5
Fort: +6 Ref: +11 (+14 versus traps) Will: +5
Notes: Trapspotter

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Looks like Dunkel finally hit 20 fame, so he's also spending 4pp to become a Master of Trade.
(Guess working Guaril for that smuggler tunnel contract paid off?).
EDIT: Doh! Drat you Core Campaign!
Dunkel's then picking up a cloak of resistance +1 at the conclusion of Tamran.
This updates his stats to:
Dunkel Diggerson
Level 4 (F1/W3) .. 1xp until 5th
Init +0
Perception +7
Fort +8*
Reflex +2*
Will +4*