Serithial |

Arcane Mark

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Hajoth Hakados
Those of you coming from Torch have spent about a week traveling here, through a mix of overland travel and boats down the Seven Tears River. Khonnir Baine gave you instructions to meet his guests, a collection of scholars and wanderers, at a tavern in the shadow of the magnificent palace of Lady Altouna, the city's enigmatic half-elven ruler. The rest of you have likely been in town for some time.
The tavern's decor wouldn't be out of place in any city of Taldor, the River Kingdoms, or almost any major Avistani city, though the clientele are decidedly more exotic. A group of unkempt Kellid men and women dressed in bright red leather outfits laugh loudly in one corner, next to a table of clean-cut young people, all with the holy symbol of Iomedae embroidered on their outfits. A group of robed and veiled figures huddle together in a booth, speaking in hushed tones.
The half-orc bartender's one mechanical eye swings around independently of her real one, focusing intently on each new face to come through the door.

"Doctor N" |
Nordim has been in town for awhile, though she's generally been trying to keep a low profile
A hooded reptilian creature with cracked skin the color of stained red wine waddles into the bar. She wears the body-length coat of a researcher, clearly refitted to her stature. The coat somehow still holding a pure white hue gives away that the owner is either a fastidious, obsessively clean person, or some manner of arcanist with ready access to cleaning magic. She lugs a human-sized tome, reading it as she walks: "The Collected Plays of Colbert and Donovan." She suddenly stops and quickly glances about, as if only now realizing she was in a bar.
She speaks rapidly and under her breath, not quite fast enough that her words run together, but still fast enough that she appears to barely manage a breath between words.
"Crusaders bound for Mendev. Obvious, requires no second opinion. Kellids, possibly of the same tribe--or perhaps another group?--and robes and veils, speaking in hushed tones in a booth--"
*deep breath*
"--Not suspicious at all."
She returns to her reading and takes a seat at the bar, adjusting the stool.
"Just the usual." 80% water, 20% beer. She's told the the barkeep that she's been trying to build up a taste/tolerance for it (she started at 5% back when she first moved here).

Serithial |

Now I want to reply ME2 again! Will post later in character.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Serithial |

...The elf is a striking sight. The six foot four figure is lithe and sinuous, but so are most elves. His hair is unremarkable, fair blond and straight, well past his shoulders. His eyes are deep pools of ink. It is something else, neither august nor imperious. It is as if the brashness exudes from the eyes. The posture is cocky. The rapier hangs like a statement. It’s not the elf, it’s the style. This is Sarithiel. He walks about town with a contagious smile. He never fails to say hello (especially to women of all races.) His force of personality gregarious nature is contagious.
A grippli? I *am* in the right place. Serithiel walks with a bit of swagger, enough to draw attention, but no so much as to warrant a challenge. When he approaches the grippli it is with a genuine smile. "Evening friend. You sound like an educated sort. There's no shortage of erudite people here, but you've got something about you." He turns to the barkeep, "100% beer, higher if you can manage it somehow."
With an approving nod he turns back to the fast-talking reptile, "Name is Serithiel. Originally from Kyonin, now I'm headed to fortune, glory, and brightness in Numeria. I'm with a friend named Selkania, but I don't know where she went. Anyway, I'm looking to increase the number of people I call friends. What brings you here?"

"Doctor N" |
Nordim abruptly turns to look at the elf. She scans him quickly, talking rapidly as she does as though conferring with a friend about the elf.
"Elf from Kyonin, traveling with friend--perhaps partner?--rapier on belt--human weapon, curious--mentions brightness, friendly--perhaps too friendly?--likely not a problem, probably just swindler. Carrying gun, not problem if comes to that."
*deep breath*
"Gun beats sword."
She turns her gaze back to her book, but she holds out a hand shake.
"Pleasure to meet you. Do you like plays? Perhaps Colbert and Donovan?"

Serithial |

"skill beats no skill my friend." he laughs. "not a partner like that. Can't say I'm much for theatre. So what brings you here? The Technic League isn't known for their comedies."
-Posted with Wayfinder

"Doctor N" |
"League better known for tragedies."
She lets that hang on the air for a few moments.
"Like to help people. Sometimes heal with medicine, sometimes shoot dangerous people. Either way helps. Many people need help in Torch. Baine's also good man to work for. Nice daughter, too."

Vivilaas |

The young woman enters the tavern sheepily, opening the door just enough to slide through before letting it close behind her. The dark-haired girl reaches up with gloved hands to lower her scarf, revealing a blue-skinned face as she scans the room. She frowns then heads over towards the bar, her pace increasingly ever so slightly when passing the booth filled with robed figures.
"A Feyspliiter please, if you have it." she tells the bartender, then takes of her pack and coat and gets comfortable on her stool. The trek back up north had taken longer than she'd liked, but her River Kingdoms excursion had been profitable enough to be worth it.
As her cocktail arrives, she gives the bartender a friendly smile and begins sipping it. Her drink's barely been dented however, when the woman's ears perk up at an overheard phrase by another patron.
"Pardon me, but did you mention Baine?" she asks as she turns towards the elf and...grippli? Yes, that's what they're called. "Are you some of Khonnir's other guests? Wonderful! I'm Vivilaas. It's always a welcome treat to come across some more chroniclers out here. Has Khonnir arrived yet?"

Serithial |

Seri eyes the samsaran with the watchful eye of a trained warrior, and the curios eye of a Brightness seeker. "Name's Serithiel. Sounds like I missed a missive. Khonnir? Baine?"
Back to Nordim, "You sound like you've got some talents that mesh with ours."

Vivilaas |

"Oh," Vivilaas says, here eyes betraying a sudden nervousness. "My, my mistake. It appears I must just be early yet." She gives a half-hearted smile and turns away from them while taking a heavy sip of her Feysplitter.

"Doctor N" |
"True, mesh well with many groups."
Nordim sighs and closes her book.
"Can't read now. Too many people."
She scans the new entry much as she did with the elf.
"Black hair--normal--pale blue skin--not normal--too tall for dwarf, features unelven--"unelven" a word? Doesnt matter!--no android tattooes, human-esque features."
*deep breath*
"Unknown quantity, must continue observations."
Nordim smiles and holds out a hand to shake.
"Pleasure, Vivilaas. Call me 'Doctor N.'"

Vivilaas |

"Ah, Doctor N then. A pleasure." Vivilaas says, holding out her hand to accept his handshake. If she seems perturbed by his muttering, she tries to hide it. "And a doctor? Are you a medic around these parts?"

Ray the Unbounded |

Ray stepped forward from the shadows, allowing his cowl to collapse to his shoulders. His hair, as always, was neatly trimmed and framed his nearly flawless, chiseled features with a precise geometry.
His long grey robes displayed the usual signs of travel, the lowest hem unraveling. He carried a tightly wrapped bundle under his arm, almost resembling a bedroll but longer in length.
One could say there was nothing extraordinary about Ray. In all ways, he appeared to be a prototypical male human.
Ray's eyes, grey like a slab of dirty slate, met those of the grippli.
"You are..."
He tilted his head as if listening to a distant whisper.
"... the grippli. You... were a friend or acquaintance of the wizard Khonnir Baine, prominent local of Torch."
Ray raised his hand up, palm flat and facing Nordim. He then half-lowered it, tucked it into his robe and then pulled it back out again before holding it out to the grippli.
"Or, still are a friend or acquaintance, with the assumption the wizard, Khonnir Baine, is still alive and recently deceased."
Ray smiled, reflexively.
"I am Ray. I was also a friend or acquaintance of the wizard Khonnir Baine, prominent local of Torch."
Ray paused again.
"Or still am a friend or acquaintance, with the assumption the wizard, Khonnir Baine, is still alive and not recently deceased."

"Doctor N" |
The good Doctor takes a sip of her drink, her face scrunching up in a way that is difficult to read.
"Grey eyes, neat hair, precise features--could be android, maybe neat freak--difficulty with diction, flustered due to attraction?--unlikely--possible brain issues?--not place to ask, bad assumption--compiled data suggests artificial human."
*deep breath*
"Further observation required."
She holds her hand out for a handshake. She makes eye contact with Ray and nods towards her hand.
"Proper non-verbal greeting protocol in Avistan, except Realm of Mammoth Lords--terrible insult--and Worldwound--inhabitants are 97.34% demon, also not--doesn't matter! Nevermind."
She shakes her head.
"Proper non-verbal greeting protocol begins as follows: extend right hand straight forward, palm facing your left."
Assuming Ray follows this direction
She presses her hand against his and squeezes.
"Contract hand around other hand, only light grip. Shake hands up and down. Retract your hand and resume standard operations."
She waves her tiny reptillian fingers and smiles.
"Works much better when hands same size. Practice with Serithial and Vivilaas." Her huge frog eyes roll over to each person to point to them. She focuses her eyes in on Ray again.
"Talk about Baine after."

Serithial |

Serithiel watches the exchange with wonderment, "Pleased to meet you Ray. My name is Serithiel. And either this drink is more potent than I expected, or I'm missing something here. What's going on?"

Ray the Unbounded |

Ray allows his hand to be shaken by the grippli, effecting a similar gesture and looks towards Serithial and Vivilaas before returning a look of quiet contemplation at Nordim.
"Interesting. You appear to be quite enamored with the logistics of shaking hands. I also seek to stu..."
Ray tilts his head to the side, cutting off his sentence and looking towards Serithial.
"Potent drink... I will acquire a potent drink for my own consumption. It will assist in the blending..."
Ray tilts his head again and almost seems to be arguing with himself.
"In... Blending in with adventuring types -- those who wish to seek the truth behind the flame's disappearance."
Ray quickly grabs a chair next to Nordim and works to mimic the grippli's posture, then looks towards Serithial before shifting his weight into a pose that seems to be a compromise between the two. He then smiles at both.
"I am blending in."
Oddly enough, with Nordim within arm's reach, Ray does indeed appear to be blending in. :)

Vivilaas |

"Oh, and another then. Vivilaas. It's good to meet you Ray." The samsaran refrains from offering her hand, as the new arrival doesn't seem to be too fond of the act.
She glances at Ray's bundle, but decides to leave the odd human and the grippli to their own strange discussion for now. Still, she furrows her brow at Serithial's question. "So you and your friend didn't receive any message from Khonnir Baine to come here? For a meeting of scholars?"
She sips carefully from her drink and glances again at the robed group in the corner. Could this be some kind of feint? The League's always given me a wide enough berth: what did I do wrong now?

Serithial |

"Oh, I got the summons from Khonnir Baine alright, but I don't know anything about him, his motives, why me, or anything of the sort. I assure you, I save my half-truths and games for ...post adventure fun."

Selkania |

The woman at Serithial's side seems to stop her meditating stage and says.
Serithial and I we share a common passion... for knowledge and what we call Technology.
Then she "smiles" at the other at the table and adds I'm Selkania the Red, Priest of Brigh, goddess of Invention, Clockwork and Time. Happy to meet you all.
Selkania is of mixed heritage but she's clearly part Hallit and her savage's red hairs marked her as some sort of "bless person". Despite her savage appearence, she seems quite intelligent. She has no armor, only furs and a light hammer, as a symbol of her god.
Looking at all the different people gathering around the table she adds It seems we are quite a collection of individual. Khonnir Baine is well known for those trying to solve the mystery of Technology.

Serithial |

"I guess my reputation precedes myself, or I'm riding on Selkania's coattails. My buddy Vaughn is around too. A little weird as he's neither scholar nor local. I'm looking forward to this. It's the chance of a lifetime really."

"Doctor N" |
Doctor N rolls her eyes, a very dramatic movement conisdering their size.
"Don't care about handshakes, Ray, just trying to describe in efficient, clear way."
She nods her head, tapping her finger against her chin.
"Hmm...have to try new tactics. Processing more developed than previously encountered computer systems."
She suddenly notices Selkania introduce herself.
"Ah, yes. Kellid ancestry, named 'the Red'--description of hair? Most likely. Reference to typical humanoid color of blood, metaphor for violent nature? Also possible--worship goddess of invention--good goddess, well, not good, but point notes and understood. No armor? Strange for priest. Friends with elf--not lovers, though perhaps lingering feelings?"
*depo breath*
"Further observation required."
She jumps up and waddles over to Selkania.
"Pleasure, Selkania. Go by Doctor N, in case you weren't listening."

Vivilaas |

Ah, a Clockwork Preistess Vivilaas says smiling as Serithial's friend arrives and speaks up. Your faith's fascinating, though there are still a lot of its teachings I don't quite understand. But I don't think I've ever met a Priestess of Brigh before! Even given the circumstances you're quite the regional religion. Oh, and it's Vivilaas she says, a bit flustered.
The Samsaran looks down the bar at each new arrival. He certainly has gathered quite the consortium, hasn't he? I wonder what discovery of his prompted this little get together?

Ray the Unbounded |

Ray blinks a few times, wondering why he would have thought Khonnir was missing or presumed dead. Did he just glimpse the future?
He glanced to the bundle in his arms, tightening the twine that kept it closed.
He tilted his head again.
"Yes... how about the weather?"

Vaughn Elliot |

A young human enters the tavern--not quite "bursting" in, but close. He looks about with appraising eyes, nodding appreciatively at the clientele as he strolls through, hands resting on the dagger pommels on his belt. He is clad in scale armor, with another dagger coming out of each boot, and a light hammer hanging from each hip.
He spies Serithial, and nods with a broad grin as he heads over to the now crowded table. As he gets closer, he sees the menagerie gathered there, and his expression slowly turns from happy recognition to wonderment.
As he gets to the table, he stops, and blinks a couple times. Uh, wow...Ser, you sure do attract all kinds, doncha?
He makes a couple extra glances at the blue-skinned girl...

Serithial |

"that I do. That I do. Everyone this is Vaughn. Met him while he was fending off a trio of thugs, liked his style. When I say style I mean both the blade work and the odds. He's good in a fight. Hey, Vaughn, you still looking to make your mark on the world? I've got a crazy idea. "
-Posted with Wayfinder

Vivilaas |

"Vaughn then? Vivilaas." She smiles towards him, but her expression falters slightly as she notices how this last arrival appears to be staring at her more intently then the rest.
So, I stand out even next to a grippli...well I suppose you couldn't have expected anything else Viv.
Vivilaas sheepishly turns back to her drink and finishes it off, subtly pulling part of her scarf back up as she puts the empty glass down. "So, how many more do you think we can expect?" she asks to no one in particular while her eyes dart occasionally towards Vaughn to see if his focus stills leans towards her.

Serithial |

"I'm guessing this is it, or rather, I hope so. Too many more and it'll look like an Andoren committee if you know what I mean."

Vaughn Elliot |

" Hey, Vaughn, you still looking to make your mark on the world? I've got a crazy idea. "
The teen laps up the praise. Well, RE-make my mark is more like it! But I'm listening. HEY BARKEEP!! How about another round for my new friends here?
Vaughn then? Vivilaas
The boy raises his eyebrows a bit. thats a pretty name!
Vaughn looks about for a place to sit (it seems he's trying to find something close to Vivilaas...but failing to be suave about it) He makes eye contact with each one, his eyes going wide at the grippli No offense, but I've never seen ANYthing like YOU before! You speak the Common tongue, right?

Serithial |

"They aren't it's just a saying... it means that it's hard to get things done in large groups."

Vaughn Elliot |

Welcome Vaughn. Name Selkania
Thanks, and well met Selkania!. He gives her a firm and friendly nod

Vivilaas |

The boy raises his eyebrows a bit. thats a pretty name!
Thank you Vivilaas replies, her smile somewhat returning, though she still seems on her guard.
That democracy of theirs in Andoran certainly sounds interesting, but I wonder if it's sustainable in the long term. Even Galt shows its a risky endeavor, doesn't it?

Serithial |

"I think the character of the people and the lay of the land matter. Someday I may go there, but for now, my path to Brightness leads me here."

Ray the Unbounded |

Rays head moves back and forth as he processes the banter between Serithial, Vaughn and Vivilaas.
"Andoran sounds fascinating. I would like to visit this place."
Seeing a window, he introduces his question.
"How is their racial tolerance?"

Serithial |

"In practice I here it varies with the place, but on paper it's your mind that matters."

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Once you've all gotten acquainted with one another, you leave the bar, passing a group of Sarenite crusaders on the street before getting on a riverboat for the journey, potentially dominated by discussions of political philosophy, to Torch.
Book 1: The Fires of Creation
A Dying Torch
The town of Torch has long enjoyed a singular claim to prosperity—a violet flame that burns atop Black Hill in the heart of the town. This flame burns incredibly hot, and while it’s usually the size of a bonfire, several times a year the fires spew up into the heavens in a brilliant beam of purple violence. These eruptions are presaged by about an hour of soft rumbling, giving nearby smiths a chance to retreat before the fires can consume them.
At all other times, the violet energies allow for the smelting of all manner of skymetal. Torch is one of the only locations where skymetal can be worked with relative ease outside of Starfall, and its entire economy has risen around these purple flames, with traveling smiths coming from across Avistan to pay for the opportunity to work with them. Of course, Torch needs all the visiting trade and coin it can gather, for while the town’s distance from Starfall makes it inconvenient for the Technic League to maintain a permanent presence here, the taxes and tariffs it charges the Numerian town on a monthly basis are significant. The town prospers, but the bulk of its income does not belong to it.
When Gregory, Nordim, and Ray left town two weeks ago, nothing had seemed out of the ordinary. The journey to Hajoth Hakados was uneventful. After receiving the scholars scheduled to meet with Khonnir Baine, your mentor, you were able to begin the return trip. Despite a couple close calls with the bandits and barbarian tribes that plague the desolate countryside. As you make your final approach to Torch, you realize the town is in trouble. The flame has gone out!
And we're officially rolling! I've linked a document up top explaining more about the map in the Player's Guide (a copy of which will be uploaded soon). Some of you have already heard some rumors about the town. Where you want to go and what you want to do from here is all up to you. The Foundry (Khonnir's home, location #12), and the Town Hall (#15) are probably the best places to get started.

Serithial |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A+ on the gazetteer. That's an awesome start.
"Bloody hell! All this way and NOW, it chooses NOW to go out? No."
Seri is mad as hell, "No. I will not be denied. Cayden's codpiece I will not be denied. You guys up for a little adventure?"
Seri heads towards the Black Hill, as he goes his voice carries, "Brightness Seeker is supposed to be figurative."

Vivilaas |

As the group approaches Torch near the end of their journey from Hajoth Hakados, Vivilaas is mostly quiet. It's a strange group Baine seems to want to bring together here. But maybe this will actually be a crowd I can blend into.
Cresting a nearby hill to finally get a glimpse of Torch once more, the samsaran smiles in relief - only to have her eyes go wide at the absence of the purple flame shooting up across the horizon. "It's...out?" she whispers. She turns to Serithial and Selkania. "Has this ever happened before? I thought the flame of Torch was it's 'thing'!"
Vivilaas stands still in shock before the elf's determined march snaps her focus back. Hurrying to catch up to him. "You're just going to the hill? Charging in blind? We don't even know when this happened or if they've discovered to cause. What about Khonnir? He might be able to fill in the blanks about what you've missed."

Serithial |

The brash swashbuckler stops at those words, "You make a good point. Let's check in with him. Speaking of points, stay ready with weapons.... or spells.... or tongues. Chaos like this tends to bring out base instincts."
-Posted with Wayfinder

Ray the Unbounded |

Ray blinks a few times at the hill.
"Curious. The flame has supposedly never extinguished in the town's memory."
He takes long strides in order to keep pace with Serithial.
"And there are enough elves and other long-lived species such that the town's memory is comprehensive to cover the flame's entire existence."
Ray then shakes his head and gestures to turn at the next intersection.
"Khonnir Bane, wizard and scholar, would be this way."