GM Lari's Black Waters (Inactive)

Game Master Dhenn

Tri-Towers Yard
Beneath the Drownyard


dice=Two Tall]1d20+4[/dice]

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Silver Crusade

Open for dotting.

Liberty's Edge

Human Ranger 2|AC 17| T12 |FF15 | HP 19/20 | Init +2 | Per +8 |Fort +4|Ref +5|Will+3|

Kastarr arrives, his battle worn studded leather armor has been replaced with a blue-steel chainshirt. The longbow he grips in his hand seems to be of finer make than his old one, as well. Kastarr seems proud of the new weapon. "It's yew. Imported all the way from Nirmathas."

Silver Crusade

Getting rolling while we round up a sixth.

Shortly after your expedition to the museum, you're called in to a meeting with another Venture-Captain.

Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng, a stout and hardy Taldan with thin, graying hair and a thick, bushy mustache, unfurls a map on his butcher-block table and places a meaty finger on the parchment.

“The abandoned district of Beldrin’s Bluff was once the gem of Absalom’s Precipice District—now it is but a weathered crag of broken rock at the edge of the roiling sea. When the great quake hit ten years ago, entire blocks of the Bluff sheared from the mainland. Cliffside tearooms and exclusive estates fell into the waves and carried hundreds of nobles to a watery grave. An elite academy, called the Tri-Towers Yard, remained on the mainland, but sank wholesale into the earth. Children unfortunate enough to survive the quake lay pinned under debris as sewer water slowly rose from the ground and drowned them. Nearly every student perished.

“Today, crumbled stone walls and weed-filled lots sprawl where gentlemen’s clubs once filled with pipe smoke an hobnobbing lords. The Drownyard—er, that’s what the ill-mannered call the school these days—lies behind a fence of black iron pikes, constructed by the families of the dead to discourage morbid trespassers.

“Even respected archaeological groups have been denied official access. Our own Society has itched to explore the site ever since the quake—that is, ever since we discovered that the school fell through the roof of a lost necropolis. Unfortunately, the emotional trauma attached to the school has remained fresh. But finally, after ten years of mourning, the politically-connected families of dead students have sanctioned our delve request.”

With a toothy smile and a clap, Dreng says, “I’m pleased to announce that I’ve selected your team for the delve. Adril praised you highly after your work in the museum. I want you to find a way into the necropolis, document your findings with professional detail, and recover artifacts of historical significance. The Society is interested in one artifact in particular—a two-finger ring topped with a ruby salamander.”

Silver Crusade

Cleric 1 | AC 16 T 12 F 14 | HP 10/10 | F +3 R +2 W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +3

A tall young woman appears just as Dreng starts talking, leaning in first to make sure she doesn't interrupt too much. Her shoulder length blonde hair was tied back in a bun, with some locks escaping. Her arms and armor bore the sigildry of Cayden Cailean, and she leaned upon a long spear. She wasn't beautiful in the classic sense, though her smile was easy going and lent a softer air to her hard-chiseled appearance.

Quietly, Lilyth took post inside the door and looked on at the Venture Captain as he continued talking. She waited until he finished before saying, "Pardon me, Venture Captain, but though the more politically connected families have acquiesced to this expedition, are there any...vocal objections? It would not do to wring more hurt from the hearts of those who lost children here if we can help it."

"Also, what is the significance of this ring, if I may ask?"

Scarab Sages

Human Bloodrager 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +4; R +1; W +1 | CMB+5; CMD 16 | Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Bardiche: +5 (1d10+6/19-20) | Perc+6


Scarab Sages

Male Human (garundi) Conjurer 3 | 17/17 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +3 Wi +3 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Acid Dart 6/8 | Arcane Bond 1/1

"Fascinating! I'd heard of this, of course, but I'd never heard what was preventing further exploration. A necropolis! What a chance to explore!"

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 Anything useful to know about this location.

"Is there any suspicion that this was an other-than-natural event, illustrious Venture-captain?"

Silver Crusade

F Elf 182235-5 Cleric 1 HP 10/10 | AC 19/13/16 | F +3, R +3, W+4

Dot. Rebuild coming soonish.

Liberty's Edge

AC 15/12/13, HP 31/31, F+5 R+3 W+1, Init +4, Per +0

The towering half-orc stands quietly waiting for the others to ask their questions, then adds one of his own. "Any dangers known to have taken up residence in this ruin since the tragedy? Am I going just in case or are their threats to prepare for?"

Silver Crusade

We'll be hanging out in the briefing room for a little while while everyone gets everything finalized.

He turns to Lilyth. "In ancient times, a wealthy merchant cut a ruby salamander ring from the hand of young cat burglar named Horastian.

Horastian later became a renowned information broker and art collector. The Pathfinder Society hopes to magically locate the long-dead thief and his fabled hoard by using the ring as a divination focus.”

Then to Akhenethys, "The earthquake? There's never been any evidence of foul play, but I suppose it's possible. The wizard knows that virtually every family of note lost someone in the tragedy, and many families haven't recovered from the painful losses. Many bodies were never recovered.

Moving on to Two Tall, "Nobody's had permission to go down there since the earthquake, so the school is likely uninhabited. That said, the necropolis may hold undead or guardians of some sort. Best to be prepared."

Liberty's Edge

Human Ranger 2|AC 17| T12 |FF15 | HP 19/20 | Init +2 | Per +8 |Fort +4|Ref +5|Will+3|

"I bought a flask of holy water. Maybe should have bought more, if we are to face the restless dead." Kastarr shrugs, his expression bland. "I don't know when a fence and lack of permission ever stopped tomb robbers, though. We best be ready for anything."

Scarab Sages

Human Bloodrager 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +4; R +1; W +1 | CMB+5; CMD 16 | Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Bardiche: +5 (1d10+6/19-20) | Perc+6

Fatham is an older human male with long hair and beard...though it is difficult to tell his exact age. A great silver streak runs down the back of his uncovered head. He wears the hides of animals almost as if they were his own skin.

It is almost time to leave this 'civilization.' Who knows how much longer it will even be here?

He nods at the instructions, but seems content to keep his own company for now.

Scarab Sages

F Half-Elf 182235-5 Bard 1 HP 10/10 | AC 18/13/15 | F +1, R +5, W+2

2 pp for a CLW wand. Using rebuild to basically respec and re-equip everything else.

"So we're disturbing the dead in order to disturb some more dead?" asks a lightly-armored half-elf among them. "Sounds legit, but it won't make for a good song. Then again, we walked into the Museum expecting what, janitorial service?"

Liberty's Edge

AC 15/12/13, HP 31/31, F+5 R+3 W+1, Init +4, Per +0

"Sounds about right Milarandei. I think we did find a couple closets."
No more questions for Two Tall.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (garundi) Conjurer 3 | 17/17 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +3 Wi +3 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Acid Dart 6/8 | Arcane Bond 1/1

What a beautiful avatar you found there, Milarandei!

"We should be prepared. There might be many sorts of dangers. We'll need ropes and climbing kits, things like that. Light sources -- we should get Wayfinders now that we've received our field commissions..." The wizard mumbles to himself thinking about what is needed to prepare.

Liberty's Edge

Human Ranger 2|AC 17| T12 |FF15 | HP 19/20 | Init +2 | Per +8 |Fort +4|Ref +5|Will+3|

"A Wayfinder would be nice." Kastarr agrees. After buying his new bow and armor, the ranger has little gold remaining.

375 gp for MW long bow, 100 gp for chainshirt. 5 gp for buckler. Sold old longbow for 37.5 gp, sold studded leather for 12.5 gp. Also bought 2 smoke sticks (40 gp), 1 holy water (25 gp), 5 tindertwigs (5 gp. I already had 5), and 21 arrows (1 gp, 5 cp).

Scarab Sages

F Half-Elf 182235-5 Bard 1 HP 10/10 | AC 18/13/15 | F +1, R +5, W+2

Aren't you allowed to sell for full price at L1? I mean, you can change any and all build decisions until you play at L2.

Scarab Sages

Human Bloodrager 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +4; R +1; W +1 | CMB+5; CMD 16 | Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Bardiche: +5 (1d10+6/19-20) | Perc+6

Silverback looks upset at the prospect of facing undead.

"Vile, unnatural creatures created by magic...a plague upon us all!" he snarls, though it is unclear whether he means the undead or magic itself.

I'm ready to start...

Scarab Sages

Male Human (garundi) Conjurer 3 | 17/17 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +3 Wi +3 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Acid Dart 6/8 | Arcane Bond 1/1

Yes, you can sell at full price at level 1. If I may make a suggestion, an excellent use of 2 prestige points is to get a masterwork Darkwood composite longbow +3 strength. It works out - 730 gold pieces.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Yes, sell for full at level 1

Drandle Dreng pulls an iron key from his waistcoat as he moves to dismiss you. “I leave you with the key to the Drownyard gate. Remember, the Drownyard is a deeply personal site for many powerful Inner Sea families. You will tread upon the graves of their children. Be sure to give the site the respect it deserves.”

As you go about making your preparations, a page dressed in immaculate formal livery approaches Akhenethys in the marketplace. He offers a handwritten envelope on high-quality parchment, and quickly departs.

Note wrote:

Hero of the Society,

It has come to my attention that you and your cohorts were chosen by the noble Pathfinders to enter and explore what became of the Tri-Towers Yard.

As my daughter, Junia, was lost there during the great quake, it seems only proper that you attend the banquet I am holding tomorrow in memory of her. You and your friends should wear your finest and arrive at the Dacilane Estate in the Ivy District at sundown. As you are probably not accustomed to the traditions of nobles, not attending this dinner would be a serious slight upon the memory of my daughter.


Lady Miranda Dacilane

Silver Crusade

Cleric 1 | AC 16 T 12 F 14 | HP 10/10 | F +3 R +2 W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +3

Lilyth looked over Milarandei's shoulder and read the missive. Then, she groaned aloud. "I'm guessing that my best traveling clothes aren't exactly what Lady Dacilane means by 'wear your finest'. I hate shopping, and seriously, what's the point? Two hours of mindless drivel with even more mindless nobles? I want to be on the road, clobbering skeletons and freeing captives. Rescuing handsome princes from beasts of all kinds, not trying to hold polite discourse with a geriatric Count who's more interested in my cleavage than my conversation."

"Well, it's not as if we can refuse to go. She's said that if we don't turn up, we'll slight her family, and that would probably doom our mission right away. So, does anyone have and idea of what I can get for less than ten gold that would be acceptable? Mila, please. Surely you can help me?"

Silver Crusade

As you're out and about, more messengers find each of you, with more notes.

Lilyth, Kastarr, Two Tall:

Most Liberated Soul of Justice,
Greetings, Scion of Freedom,

It is with great shame I confess my needs on this dark eve. The Tri-Towers Yard was home to my younger brother Grishan, a young student who fancied himself a spy.

After feigning friendship with other students, Grishan collected incriminating information about their families and made regular reports to my predecessor. My brother engaged in shameful acts and any evidence of such must be expunged. If his misdeeds come to light, it will result not only in my family’s great shame, but also my expulsion from this post.

In addition, you know our path to victory lies in finding freedom fighters and revolutionaries within the ranks of our foes. Securing communication with these dissident groups is paramount and we’ve reason to believe our recent encryption techniques have been broken. It’s a long shot, but we also have reason to believe a famous Gebbite general was buried in the very same necropolis you’ve been sent to. You should recognize him from the distinct ceremonial bronze armor and shield he was buried in. The shield, in particular, is covered in Kelish scrypt. Recover the shield as we believe it holds the key to an ancient cipher we can use to thwart the spies of our enemies. Go with haste, and preserve the fires of freedom.

Gratefully Yours,
Captain Colson Maldris

Akhenethys, Fatham:

Wise One,

The Tri-Towers Yard was an institute of great learning for Absalom’s elite—it was also a source of important intelligence offered to the Ruby Prince’s cause by the Headmistress, a woman of Osirion birth named Kiwu Quadin. Kiwu was a highranking spy among my inner circle. It is of grave import that you collect her records, if they still exist, and not allow them to fall into Pathfinder Society hands.

Additionally, our great necromancer priests are seeking samples of a variety of undead from across Golarion. They believe you’ll find what they’re looking for in the necropolis beneath the Tri-Towers Yard. Find a living corpse of obvious noble birth—a king, perhaps—and bring a sample of that corpse’s body to me. Doing so will give our priests great insight into the world of the dead.

Beware the restless spirits of the Tri-Towers Yard and may Pharasma’s shroud shield you from their rancor.


Amenopheus, The Sapphire Sage

You were initially Silver Crusade (top note), now shows Grand Lodge (second). Alternatively, the Taldor mission could be interesting. I'll leave the choice up to you.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (garundi) Conjurer 3 | 17/17 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +3 Wi +3 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Acid Dart 6/8 | Arcane Bond 1/1

Akhenethys shares the note with the others. "What a fine and generous invitation. I shall certainly attend, and I urge you all to as well. Though, if you really don't wish to, I suppose it won't be hard to make excuses. 'Called away to an unavoidable prior engagement' perhaps."

Are we waiting until after the banquet to explore, or are we going immediately? Dreng didn't mention a timeframe.

Liberty's Edge

Human Ranger 2|AC 17| T12 |FF15 | HP 19/20 | Init +2 | Per +8 |Fort +4|Ref +5|Will+3|

'I'm just a simple woodsman, but I guess I'll attend. Let the social elite have their fun... At my expense." Kastarr shrugs. He doesn't seem too bothered by the idea.

Scarab Sages

F Half-Elf 182235-5 Bard 1 HP 10/10 | AC 18/13/15 | F +1, R +5, W+2

GM - The faction weirdness is because I didn't realize months ago that creating A PFS alias on the fora automatically assigned it a faction. I thought I'd be able to manually key in the number. Took until the end of a PbP, i.e. a long effin' time, to realize otherwise. So while I can't change the name of the alias anymore, I can change the faction so the character I've been assigning chronicles to at the #4 slot in the meanwhile gets proper faction credit going forward. So now #4 is Silver Crusade.

TL;DR: the database aspects of my account are a little borked. Maybe I'll get around to asking the web team to sort it out someday. For now, this PC (who should really be #5, but I can't even create the #5 alias anymore), is Grand Lodge.

"Just wear the best of what you've already got," says the bard, taking care to dishevel her hair and scuff her boots. "If the Lady takes offense, we need only explain that short-notice invitations such as this are just as poor in taste as arriving underdressed. Beyond that, let's keep our visit to the nobles like they keep their lovemaking - short, mirthless, and burdened by mundane purpose."

Scarab Sages

Male Human (garundi) Conjurer 3 | 17/17 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +3 Wi +3 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Acid Dart 6/8 | Arcane Bond 1/1

"This is Absalom. There's certainly time to find a fine outfit with a day to prepare. "

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

Human Bloodrager 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +4; R +1; W +1 | CMB+5; CMD 16 | Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Bardiche: +5 (1d10+6/19-20) | Perc+6

Silverback's disdain is clear on his face.

"I will not play dress up for these nobles...I will go if you all think we should, but I care not for their plots and games."

Scarab Sages

Male Human (garundi) Conjurer 3 | 17/17 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +3 Wi +3 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Acid Dart 6/8 | Arcane Bond 1/1

"I think being at a party like this would put you entirely out of sorts, my most mighty and wild friend. I would be entirely willing to explain that you are called to an urgent appointment elsewhere, should the hostess ask after you."

Silver Crusade

The Lady wants to meet with you before you go to the school.

If anyone did want to dress up, in addition to the normal outfits, you could go more formal with Courtier's outfits (30 gp plus 50 for jewelry) or Noble's Outfits (75 plus 100 for jewelry).

When the hour of the dinner approaches, you make your way to the tree-lined streets of the Ivy District.

The address provided is sprawling estate surrounded by a tall, wrought-iron fence and overly decorated in statuary, fountains, and a carefully landscaped garden. Inside, the house is filled with gilded furniture, painted ceilings, gold-spun wallpaper, and valuable Chelish rugs that, if sold, could easily feed a family in the Puddles District for a year. Dozens of finely dressed individuals fill the house, talking while cocktails and canapes are passed around.

Lady Miranda's presence is obvious. As the gaunt woman, dressed in black, makes her way through the crowd, lively chatter turns to subdued murmurs. She seems to be intentionally avoiding you.

A silver bell is rung, and guests file in to a large dining room. Once you're seated, servants begin bringing out the courses.


Course 1 - Avernus: Hors D’Oeuvres
Thousand-Year Egg w/ Pickled Ginger Root

Duck egg preserved in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, lime and rice hulls for several months. Through the process, the yolk becomes a dark green, cream-like substance with a strong odor of sulfur and ammonia, while the white becomes a dark brown, transparent jelly with little flavor. The transforming agent in the century egg is its alkaline material, which gradually raises the pH of the egg to around 9, 12, or more. This chemical process breaks down some of the complex, flavorless proteins and fats, which produces a variety of smaller flavorful compounds.

The blackened color and history of the egg represent the black wastes and eternity of suffering endured by the denizens of this layer.

Course 2 - Dis: Soup
Coda Alla Vaccinara

A thick stew traditionally served by the greatest families in Cheliax as a nod to those beneath them. Made of oxtail, entrails, and hide (specifically veal), and various vegetables (celery, carrots, tomatoes, garlic) and herbs (bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, and black pepper). Raisins, candied fruit, and bittersweet chocolate accompanies the dish for the eater to prepare the stew to taste.

This course represents the relationship between the greatest city in hell and the subservience of its devils to Cheliax.

Course 3 - Erebus: Salad
Mixed Greed Salad

This salad contains Almas golden caviar, Beluga caviar, reel-caught langoustines, Kortos crab and lobster, plus Florette baby leaf salad tossed in premium olive oil, along with grated truffle placed in a basket hand-made from courgettes, red peppers and potato and decorated with gold leaf.

The nature of this dish demonstrates that even the most mundane of dishes can be made as rich as the gold-plated level of hell.

Course 4 - Phlegethon: Fish dish
Fugu Kara-age

Also known as the pufferfish, the prepared meat from this dish is known for its dangerous and deadly neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin. Thin slices of the fish are deep fried and on an ornate plate with a chrysanthemum flower decoration in the middle(symbolic of death). A side of hot sake accompanies this dish.

The consumption of fugu is representative of the danger and pain of this layer of hell coupled with the pleasure of the dish.

Course 5 - Stygia: Chicken Entree

Two chicken wings are skewered with leeks, dipped in barbecue sauce and seasoned with a red pepper salt before being grilled lightly, leaving the meat slightly raw. While salmonella typically infests most raw chicken, the high-quality chicken used by the noble houses makes poisoning an exceedingly rare, but still occasional possibility. This dish is served with a small serving of a rare trappist ale from Cheliax, the recipe of which is a closely guarded secret by its monk brewers.

The dangerous nature of this dish and the rare ale represent the secrets and poisoned waters of Stygia.

Course 6 - Malebolge: Game Meat with Vegetables and Potatoes
Leg of Boar w/ Red Current Jelly and Root Vegetables

Heavily seasoned leg of boar is marinated for roughly two days in a wine brine with bay leaves, thyme and black peppercorns before being slowly roasted in a wood-fired oven for several hours. The succulent meat is then cut immediately before serving, covered in a red current jelly and and presented with boiled fingerling potatoes and taro leaves.

The cloven hoof and stubborn and dangerous boar is one of the only game animals capable of defending itself and represents the terrible armies of Malebolge.

Course 7 - Cocytus: Wine and cheese or a fruit dish to cleanse the palate
Ice Wine and Baked Brie in Puffed Pastry

A traditional aged amber-golden Riesling wine made from hand-picked grapes that have been frozen while still on the vine, this wine has a concentrated sweet taste. The accompanying brie has been wrapped in a puffed pastry crust and cooked until the cheese is nearly molten.

This course represents both the frozen wastes of cocytus and the underlying fires that fuel Hell.

Course 8 - Caina: Nuts
A Variety of Hard-Shelled Nuts

A wide variety of nuts, still in their shells. Each diner is provided rusty and bizarre implements which, with some instruction or experimentation can be used as nutcrackers.

This course is less about the nuts, and more about the instruments used to expose the meat of the difficult-to-open fruit. The instruments themselves are representative of the rusty implements of this layer of Hell.

Course 9 - Nessus: Dessert
Devil's Food Cake

A personal-sized rich and decadent devil's food cake made with fine Chelaxian cocoa and a rare highly caffeinated espresso bean. The cake is served with a dark chocolate frosting decorated with a red pentagram.

Only the blackest of desserts can represent Asmodeus' dark and unknowable domain.

Once the final course is complete, Lady Dacilane rises to speak.

Going to give you a chance to do any roleplay for the above part of the dinner first.

Liberty's Edge

Human Ranger 2|AC 17| T12 |FF15 | HP 19/20 | Init +2 | Per +8 |Fort +4|Ref +5|Will+3|

Kastarr decides to follow Milarandei's advice on whether to buy fine clothes or not. He doesn't have a place to store such a luxury item, when not in use anyway. Besides the tailor he visited explained the need for fitting, and that nobles would notice the difference. Instead the ranger shops around for useful items.

Kastarr arrives early to attend the banquet. He waits outside for Akhenethys to arrive. the wizard was the one actually invited, after all.

Inside, the ranger keeps quiet unless spoken to directly. His ranger's eye takes in the surroundings, though this is not really his sort of terrain.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Kastarr decides that the duck egg looks, and smells downright dangerous he plays with it, making it into a scrambled egg. Pickled ginger root is good, Kastarr does have some of that.

Being used to simpler fare, Kastarr picks some of the vegetables that he recognizes from the stew. When the over-built salad is brought out, Kastarr begins to realize that the meal is going to probably be huge. He has only a nibble of the salad.

Having acquired a taste for fish, while in Absalom, Kastarr has some of that, washing it down with the sake, another recently acquired taste.

After a bite of the chicken, Kastarr realizes that the spice hides the fact that it is under-cooked. He eats no more of that, though he finds the ale to be quite nice.

Of course, boar is something that Kastarr is familiar with, but he has only a few bites. He really doesn't want to slow himself down by overeating.

Kastarr swirls the wine in the glass and has a taste. He samples the pastry as well, deciding it is one of the better dishes served so far.

The ranger produces his own hammer, just bought earlier today to upgrade from his club. With this useful instrument, Kastarr cracks the nuts. At last, something wholesome and nutritious.

Kastarr has a few bites of the cake, managing to obliterate the pentagram in the process.

Silver Crusade

Cleric 1 | AC 16 T 12 F 14 | HP 10/10 | F +3 R +2 W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +3

Lilyth was a little aghast at the cost for clothes. They were just clothes, for Cayden's sake! Lady Dacilane and her guests would just have to put up with polished boots and armor.

Lilyth was always one to enjoy food, though the nobles seemed to make an effort to take perfectly food ingredients and see if they can ruin them. Surely no one really enjoyed eating like this. Still, some of the dishes were quite tasty. She particularly enjoyed the chicken wings and the ale. She had always liked the Cheliax brew, though it was hideously expensive under the current diabolical regime there.

She didn't finish every course - that wasn't the point, after all - but she was still quite full once the meal was done. Stuffed from eating so much, she leaned back to let her armor fold more comfortable, and gave a soft belch. She sighed at the relief, then surreptitiously, and belatedly, looked around to see if anyone important had heard her.

Scarab Sages

Human Bloodrager 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +4; R +1; W +1 | CMB+5; CMD 16 | Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Bardiche: +5 (1d10+6/19-20) | Perc+6

Fatham arrives at the dinner party dressed as he was previously in the day, wearing hide armor and with a wooden shield slung across his back. He looks, and smells, every bit one unfit for society.

Nevertheless, the old druid takes his place at the table with the others. He looks with disdain on any of the vegetables or sweets, reserving his appetite only for the meat.

His table manners are non-existent, and he creates quite a scene. Having an animal seated at the table would have had a similar effect.

diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4

Scarab Sages

Male Human (garundi) Conjurer 3 | 17/17 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +3 Wi +3 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Acid Dart 6/8 | Arcane Bond 1/1

If it's alright, GM, I'm going to roleplay that Akhenethys already had a courtier's outfit, although of course I'll deduct the price from my gold now.

Wearing his finest robes, Akhenethys reads the menu, keeping a straight face when he realizes that the Lady Dacilane must be a follower of Asmodeus. He takes a small amount of each dish, enough to be polite, and spends more time listening than talking.

Scarab Sages

F Half-Elf 182235-5 Bard 1 HP 10/10 | AC 18/13/15 | F +1, R +5, W+2

Most food makes oneself fatter. This sort of fare does it for the ego. Milarandei decides now would be a good time to start a diet and is grateful she ate something plainer ahead of time. She eats enough of each dish to prove she touched it, and stays quiet otherwise. While normally quite talkative, she doesn't have much stomach for these matters.

She thinks to herself that she'd very much rather go deal with undead than the nobles.

Oh, hells, what about undead nobles?

Silver Crusade

Most of the guests do their best to ignore your presence, talking with others of their kind. The conversation focuses on the social and political goings-on of the upper classes in Absalom and other major cities. Most of the names and events are meaningless to you, though occasionally a familiar name, like Zarta Dralneen or House Morilla is mentioned.

Fatham attracts more open scorn, perhaps distracting judgemental eyes from the rest of you. "It's a bold choice of Miranda, letting the homeless attend her dinner...I can't believe that Pathfinders are even let into the Ivy District at all. Isn't your husband on the Council? He should put a stop to this nonsense."

After the dessert course, Lady Dacilane gives her speech.

"As you know, we are gathered here to honor the memory of my dear Junia."

She gestures to a large painting on the wall, depicting a young girl with long black hair. She shares her mother's severe features.

"Junia was one of so many lost in the terrible earthquake of 4698. So many of us lost children in the destruction of the Tri-Towers Yard. The Ahnkamens, the Nimzs, the Shamyyids, so many suffered that day. Our children pinned under that rubble...the water rising...the screaming..." she pauses for a moment to regain composure.

"There was nothing we could do. But now, for the first time, we may get some news about our sons and daughters. I have arranged for the Pathfinder Society to explore the necropolis under the school, in exchange for an appropriate donation. Junia once told me that some children, doubtlessly those of lesser breeding and composure, would sneak out of class to play in those tunnels. Perhaps information about their fate lies within.

Please join me in encouraging these Pathfinders, surely men and women of great skill, in this endeavor."

As she sits, there's some applause from the other guests, though many clearly appear skeptical.

With dinner service done, people begin to get up, returning to conversation as a bit of light dancing starts up. Lady Dacilane now approaches you directly. "I wish you the best of luck in recovering any news of my daughter's fate. Now, I trust you'll want to be headed home to get a good night's sleep before your expedition." From her tone it is obvious that your welcome here is up.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (garundi) Conjurer 3 | 17/17 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +3 Wi +3 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Acid Dart 6/8 | Arcane Bond 1/1

"Thank you for the invitation, My Lady," Akhenethys says, adding, "If I may impose for one more question -- I don't suppose your daughter, may the Lady of Graves grant her rest, ever spoke to you of what was said about the tunnels and the necropolis? Rumors, stories the other students told?"

Silver Crusade

Cleric 1 | AC 16 T 12 F 14 | HP 10/10 | F +3 R +2 W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +3

As the Lady Dacilane began her speech, Lilyth began to feel uncomfortable. Here it comes, she thought as the noblewoman brought them into the limelight. Still, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Basically just public acknowledgement of their mission. It could have been worse, but still she wished the woman had been a little more circumspect. Lady Dacilane might be fine and dandy with their mission, but Cayden himself knew that not all of those gathered would be so...cooperative.

Silver Crusade

"Just ghost stories and idle gossip, I believe. I must admit the school was a bit lax in admission standards those last few years. All sorts of riff-raff were getting in, Andorans, Nirmathi, even some of of those upstart River Kingdom folks. I'm sure they found any way they could to misbehave."

With that, she turns to leave, and quickly gets absorbed in conversation with another guest.

The Next Day

After a chance to rest, prepare spells, and such, you head over to Beldrin's Bluff. Beldrin’s Bluff is a rotting ghost town at the edge of a hungry sea. Throughout the derelict landscape, seagulls perched on splintered timbers reflect your passage in their glassy black eyes. Overhead, dark clouds move ashore with the promise of a storm.

A fence of black iron pikes surrounds a block-wide yard.

Dead tree branches reach out from the fence like the arms of emaciated prisoners desperate to escape. A man is on the inside, cutting the trees down. Some of the dismembered branches remain, stuck in place by knotty elbows swollen around the iron.

Map will be up tonight.

Scarab Sages

Human Bloodrager 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +4; R +1; W +1 | CMB+5; CMD 16 | Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Bardiche: +5 (1d10+6/19-20) | Perc+6

Fatham looks through the iron bars at their destination.

"I did not expect a groundskeeper," he growls. "Nature can take care of her own..."

The druid motions for the man to come over.

"We have business the gate!"

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Liberty's Edge

Human Ranger 2|AC 17| T12 |FF15 | HP 19/20 | Init +2 | Per +8 |Fort +4|Ref +5|Will+3|

On the way to Beldrin's Bluff, Kastarr ponders on what Lady Dacilane hoped to accomplish with her dinner the night before. It seemed a pointless gesture, but surely it was not. The Chelish woman did not seem like the type that engaged in frivolity.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kastarr notes the looming clouds. "Looks like she may show us how soon." The ranger responds to Fatham's comment about nature.

Kastarr looks for a gate. Perhaps it's not locked.

Silver Crusade

Cleric 1 | AC 16 T 12 F 14 | HP 10/10 | F +3 R +2 W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +3

"Nature takes care of its own, but this isn't exactly a natural setting, now is it? "

Scarab Sages

Human Bloodrager 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +4; R +1; W +1 | CMB+5; CMD 16 | Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Bardiche: +5 (1d10+6/19-20) | Perc+6

Fatham glowers at Lilyth.

"Unfortunately, it is not..."

Silver Crusade

Sorry, there isn't a map for this part, so I had to improvise. Something that could generously be called a map is above. We'll say the whole area is inside the gates.

Fatham Wisdom: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Fatham remembers something as he demands the gate be opened.

Dreng wrote:
Drandle Dreng pulls an iron key from his waistcoat as he moves to dismiss you. “I leave you with the key to the Drownyard gate. Remember, the Drownyard is a deeply personal site for many powerful Inner Sea families. You will tread upon the graves of their children. Be sure to give the site the respect it deserves.”

The man takes a break from pruning, and stares at you suspiciously.

Scarab Sages

Human Bloodrager 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +4; R +1; W +1 | CMB+5; CMD 16 | Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Bardiche: +5 (1d10+6/19-20) | Perc+6

"Apparently he is not the gatekeeper...try the key," Fatham suggests.

Liberty's Edge

AC 15/12/13, HP 31/31, F+5 R+3 W+1, Init +4, Per +0

Two Tall takes the key to the gate, "We are here with the blessing of those who lost children here. Who are you?" Not waiting for an answer, he unlocks the gate.

Silver Crusade

As you enter, the man approaches. His thinning hair is matted and sweaty, and while his clothes are filthy, they're much nicer than you'd expect for a groundskeeper.

"Welcome! I'm Deris Marlinchen. Do your children go to school with Cassiel?"

Liberty's Edge

Human Ranger 2|AC 17| T12 |FF15 | HP 19/20 | Init +2 | Per +8 |Fort +4|Ref +5|Will+3|

"Kastarr Emris." The question seems odd to Kastarr. It made it sound like Cassiel still attended here. Is the fellow a madman?

Sense motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Silver Crusade

Cleric 1 | AC 16 T 12 F 14 | HP 10/10 | F +3 R +2 W +4 | Init +6 | Perc +3

"Ah, no. We are here to ... check up on the children, and to ensure that the caves and tunnels in which they played are safe. How long has it been since you talked with Cassiel?"

Liberty's Edge

AC 15/12/13, HP 31/31, F+5 R+3 W+1, Init +4, Per +0

"I am Tim. Two Tall Tim. Like my friend, I am here to check up on the children."

Scarab Sages

Male Human (garundi) Conjurer 3 | 17/17 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +3 Wi +3 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Acid Dart 6/8 | Arcane Bond 1/1

Let's see... we don't still have a paladin in the party, do we.

Scarab Sages

F Half-Elf 182235-5 Bard 1 HP 10/10 | AC 18/13/15 | F +1, R +5, W+2

"Perhaps I am by profession a bit oversensitive to matters of tense, but I must ask if you instead meant to say 'Did our children go to school with Cassiel,'" says Milarandei. "More than that, I daresay I'm scarcely old enough to have attended the yard, let alone have a child who did so. Are you aware of just how much time has passed since... since the school shut down?"

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