The Rise of the Runelords



the date: 4707 AR

Active quests:
Who is Maliphviston? What is the connection with evriani? Did the wall leading to the lower tunnels below the glassworks and the sinspawn pit get walled up? is it still guarded? Will Anx aid the ladies with repairing Mar'du? will corrin get his mask? Will the heroes be able to sit down and enjoy their meal? what was hidden behind the large stone doors below Thistletop? Is there treasure to be found under Thistletop?



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Half Elf Witch(Cartomancer) 5 | HP 29/29 | AC13(17 MA) T13 FF13 CMD 10 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init +4 | Perc+9 (Low-Light)

"To be distressed could be extreme anxiety." Zeldana explained. "With everything going on how could you not be." She stated. "And yes, my cards are... well something is wrong with them so my magic is..." Zeldana paused, 'Should I mention I cannot use my cards at all right now?' she wondered. "limited."

"But... I wish I could help... and... I will if you need me to in any way I am still able to." Zeldana said as she looked down disappointedly.

Cathedral Outside:
Sazzat's tone and delivery are almost as if he were just casually talking about normal day events, "Look sweetheart it is what it is. Don't let it get you down. I'm sure you'll figure it out in time, meanwhile do the best you can with what you have. That's what we do. For instance, anxiety what good is it? Really. It puts you into a hightened emotional state where you cannot think clearly and thus greatly increases the potential for mistakes to happen that then cause more anxiety. Yeah, vicious circle, not my cup of tea. Now I cannot say I am not concerned about things, because I am but I do my best to funnel that concern into coming up with solutions. My... girlfriend...," he says girlfriend almost questioningly, "has a sister that I have been looking for, and the last weird, almost vision like, dream I had interplayed, swapped, her with Evriani and that demon lady Maliphviston as if all three had the same body or took up the same physical or metaphysical space. That of course elevates my concern, as maybe I might be able to prevent that if I can find her in time. However, I have no clues as to her whereabouts and was hoping that magic might give that insight. I mean I am sure that magic can do that but that is not my speciality when it comes to magic and I am pretty sure the amount of time it would take me to learn that type of magic I do not have when it comes to finding that girl. So yeah, just another puzzle to solve. Just like Evriani and this demon Maliphviston are puzzle. To get rid of the demon I have to kill the witch, however that means I not only need to know who this witch is, but where I can find this witch, and then figure out a way to kill them. By the way, do not ever trust an evil deity no matter how desperate your situation might seem, the take unfairly without actually giving anything in return. By they way, you wouldn't necessarily know how to regrow a finger would you?"

Half Elf Witch(Cartomancer) 5 | HP 29/29 | AC13(17 MA) T13 FF13 CMD 10 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init +4 | Perc+9 (Low-Light)

'He has not figured it out yet? Or... No maybe he does not fully understand?' Zeldana thought to herself as she listened to what Sazzat had to say. "Regrowing limbs is outside of my power currently..." Zeldana answered as she kept looking at the ground.

She let silence hang in the air before she slightly turned her head to look at Sazzat, her amethyst eyes shimmering through the white side of her hair. Bandit could likely smell it first, but the way her words sounded made it easy for Sazzat to pick up on it as well. "Sazzat, I am the only witch in Sandpoint. The demon wants me..." Fear. That was what Bandit could smell, and what Sazzat could hear. The rest of Zeldana's head rose up to look at him with both her amethyst and golden eye. "And I'm defenseless right now..."

Sazzat looks at Zeldana, perhaps seemingly impassionately before saying, "Okay, so you are the only witch in the Sandpoint area that you know of, however that does not mean that there is not anohter one. Further it does not mean you were the witch that was being referenced, and lastly I did say an evil deity stated that and that you cannot trust anything an evil deity says, which I have learned the hard way", he holds up his hand that is now missing a finger. "So that all being said, you my love have nothing to fear from us, we are more likely to stand by your side and protect you with our lives than we are to try and take yours. Still..." he looks at her questioningly, "what do you mean by you are defenseless? I have seen what you can do, and I would never call you defenseless. Do you simply not have faith in your own abilties in light of what it seems we face. If that be the case, keep in mind that you do not face it alone. If nothing else you have us, granted not the greatest of assests to count on your side but", he gives a shrug, "we are not the worst assests either and be assured we will do all that we can whenever it is needed." Sazzat's words carried more confidence in his statement than he actually felt, would he be able to make good on that statement when it counted or would he... miserably fail like he has done so many times before.

Half Elf Witch(Cartomancer) 5 | HP 29/29 | AC13(17 MA) T13 FF13 CMD 10 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init +4 | Perc+9 (Low-Light)

Zeldana gently and slowly shook her head at him. "Sazzat, I draw my magic from proteins itself... I... I cannot use my cards..." she explained as she hung her head in shame. She felt her eyes began to fill with water. Her harrow cards... No, her grandmother's harrow cards... They had never failed her before but yesterday, they were nothing but... Cards. "I mean..." the moment she spoke the tears spilled over her and down her cheeks. "Sazzat I do not have any magic anymore.." She had finally said it. The fear she been holding in since everything with her cards began. "I am defenseless, and useless to you all!"

Female Human Arcanist (White Mage) AC: 12/touch 12/ flat 10 F +1 / R +3 / W +4 Speed: 30' Init: +4 HP: 19/24

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:

Loxley scoffed.
”So, you’re saying she teleported herself under some contingency? So be it.”
She dismissed, There would be time to find the bounty hunter later. She pressed on.
”That still doesn’t explain why you chose to assault her. Unless you did so knowing full well what would happen.”
She scowled.
”Then I believe we are still owed some answers. You knew she was here. Did you know why? Did you know and just choose not to forewarn us?”
She accused.

Male Human (Keleshite) Relic Hunter Inquisitor 4


Golzar was there, tending to the candles before he leaves for other climes to train in swords and shields. He looked at his friends and waved.

Cathedral Outside:
"Here," Sazzat takes Bandit and places him in Zeldana's arms, "you might could use some comfort and I found that Bandit can be quite comforting to hold as he helps you take your mind off some of the stresses you might be overly focussed upon, thus letting you see things more clearly. Besides, sometimes I think he is actually smarter than I am."

After having done and said that, he gets comfortable once more and then continues with, "Now let me start with, yeah I have sort of been there too, did not think I could learn magic or use it effectively but then my overbearing mentor drilled it into my head that if you have the spark of magic in you then you can most assuredly do magic. The question was did I want to, and if I wanted to then I had to figure out how I could go about using it. Now the wonderful thing, or the not so wonderful thing depending on one wants to look at it, was I did not have much of a choice and there was not really much for me to all day being locked up in a tower and required to learn how to use magic. Now it was not like I was locked in some dismal cell but even in the cushy surroundings it gets mind boggling boring when you got nothing else to occupy your time. So, yeah, I eventually learned how to use magic. Now it was not the kind or the methods that my mentor was trying to teach but it was something I had stumbled across in my breif freedom upon the streets. So I dabbled and I experimented, because mentor was not going to teach me what he viewed as a lesser form of magic, and I eventually learned and once I learned how to do that, well some of that other magic started to make more sense and became easier to use. Now of course there are still some magicks I still do not comprehend all that well and suck at using so I just don't use them. That being said, Zeldana you have the spark of magic within you otherwise you would never have been able to use magic to begin with. Now I do not know how you use magic nor its details but perhaps how you used to use it was not how you should have been using it and for some reason that has stopped working for you. So that just simply means, like me, you have to find out a different way of going about using it. Now did you mean Proteans? I have never heard of Proteins but that sounds similar maybe its just your accent. Oh and I am not sure how one goes about drawing magic from where you draw magic, I was taught the aether was where all magic came from, well that was not from the gods that but they ultimately get their magic from the aether as well. So not sure I can be much help there maybe Neari can give you some insights. Next you say you cannot use your cards, okay did you think of perhaps getting a different deck of cards, did you make those cards yourself? I mean I have heard for some magicks you have to use something you crafted personally in order for the magick to work for you and sometimes those have to be upgraded from time to time. Now if you did not make those cards then I am not sure why they would have worked for you to begin unless perhaps you inherited them or they are somehow attached to your lineage in some way. Lastly Zeldana maybe your magick, like some magicks, is trying to teach you something I mean I know for one that you are far from defenseless and definitely not useless, you just have to learn how to operate without your self imposed crutches. I mean magic was not the first thing I really learned to do so I always have other skills that I can fall back on and as such I look at magic as just an added tool, no different then my blade, or my mind. I am always equipped with a weapon it is just a matter of which weapon I choose to use in the situation at hand. Now if it is just a matter of you not knowing how to wield a physical weapon I can help you with that, if it is just a matter of you not knowing how to wield a mental weapon I can help you with that as well, however, if you do not know how to wield your feminine weapon that one I am not going to be much help with for obvious reasons." He gives Zeldana a oy smile and what can you do gesture, "So just understand you have far more weapons at your disposal than you are allowing yourself to actualize and maybe your magic took a rest so that you would quit using it as a crutch." Sazzat gives a uncommittal shrug.

Half Elf Witch(Cartomancer) 5 | HP 29/29 | AC13(17 MA) T13 FF13 CMD 10 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init +4 | Perc+9 (Low-Light)

Cathedral outside:
Zeldana hesitantly reaches out to take Bandit and gently pets the racoon. She listens to what her friend has to say before she explains. "These cards have been in my family for generations. They where given to me along with my Kanpia, both had been my grandmother's. She too was a harrower... and I, I have heard her voice from these cards before." She sniffles and pets Bandit more. "Portents, it means Fate. You are not wrong that magic is formed from the aether, but asks of that hold sway. My magic pulls upon the strings of Fate themselves. I read them, and if so needed, let it be changed. I use to be able to throw the cards but I am not the best at anything when it comes to physically fighting... And I am not good at... what people call feminine weapons... nor do I really want to use them" She sighed.

However when Neari came out to get them and Golzar came out waving, Zeldana waved back to Golzar, it was obvious she had been crying. She then looked to Sazzat "Would it be okay with you, and with Bandit, if I hold him while we go in there?"

Cathedral Outside:
"Well no but I was told the last time I came here that Bandit was not allowed inside, which is why I chose to stay out here to begin with. So I do not think they will let you take Bandit in with you, or they will be rather upset if you take him in without them knowing it. However, we'll wait out here until you get back and you can hold him after that, I am sure he will enjoy your company."

OCC: I did not see anywhere that it was mentioned that Neari had come outside, she just had prompted us to come inside with her but that is cool. However per the previous time it was established that Bandit was not allowed within this part of the Cathedral.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

here ya go, Sazzat

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

the rusty dragon inn:
The old man nods, a slight smile upon his face wonder. she can be taught he steps up to the table and takes a seat near loxley, ignoring the rest of the patrons found within the inn. Now, breakfast. let's see here... he picks up a bit of fruit and bites into it. Very good. Now, warrior woman he directs at Yeda attend me! Yes, The Duchess held a contingency spell upon her, a very powerful one. I should know, because i taught her how to do it. As for the where, I do not know. Last i remember, this was near 100 years ago, she had it set for the court of Cheliax. But, a lot can happen in that span of time. His eyes grow distant, his face relaxing for a moment before his lips twist angrily. A hand slips over his face and when it is lowered, he is back in the present, the look of annoyance and arrogance etched upon his face. But, as for why i attacked her. that is not your concern. It is mine. Needless to say, i think you he nods at Loxley are far better without her. And how did i know she was here, that ruckus last night brought me out of my studies. I spent the night studying the traces of magic, the threads of the Art laid bare. Damnable business the lot of you blundered into. resurrected Demon, A horrifically botched resurrection, two thirds mortal disjunction. Sacral demonic impregnation he pauses and sniffs the air. He looks from Loxley to Crusk And bestial matings. his face screws up in a grimace.

the cathedral, living quarters:

Neari coughs politely, gently drawing attention to her.
if you are both done? she asks, waving her hand into the interior...

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 42/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

the stable:
"Right.. well someone has to do it i guess."

He started simple feeding the animals within and watering them before he went to the first empty stall mucking it out and cleaning it into the slop wagon. It was simple if a little bit of physical labor. that was fine though.

mucking stalls str?: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

It was adequate considering his friend and mount was uh.. a wild beast turned civil not the other way around. with the empty stall clean he moved first dewdrop to the clean enclosure.. and he repeated the process until he was down. It was midmorning byt the time he finished. and he went to leave and then frowned... what..... what if someone came to the stables and needed to put up or take out one of the animals here? Mr. Hosk wasnt around, he didnt see any other worker? it wouldnt do. his shoulders slumped. so much for finding tsutso. instead he let dewdrop out of the stall and pulled out his leather working gear to get starting on a few projects....

"Well I guess that clears that up, so yes Zeldana you may continue to hold Bandit." He steps up and holds the door, "After you ladies. He will then accompany them within.

female shoanti elemental water bloodrager 5 | ♥️65 | ⛨17 t12 ff16; resist cold 10 | CMB +10, CMD 22 | F+6 R+2 W+1; +2 vs spells cast by self or an ally | Init+1 | Perc+8 SM+0 | Speed 40ft | Bloodrage 20/20 | Elemental Strikes☐☐☐ | Spells 1st ☐☐ | Active conditions: none

the rusty dragon inn:
Yeda is not amused by the demand, suggestion, whatever it is.

I think not she replies flatly and grimly. Her sword stays out for now, but she does look to Loxley for a hint as to their collective disposition towards this bellowing man.

Crusk hated being dismissed by this man. He sat down, though, he had to pick his fights carefully and this was not a fight he wanted to get into. He pulled his hood over his head and waited until the wizard was finished. Still, he felt that the wizard was in the presence of Royalty. So he kept his mouth shut and wondered. How was he going to find his father?

Female Human Arcanist (White Mage) AC: 12/touch 12/ flat 10 F +1 / R +3 / W +4 Speed: 30' Init: +4 HP: 19/24

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:

The look the arcanist gave the wizard could have peeled the paint from the walls as he dropped himself into a seat at their table.

She glanced at Yeda, wondering if the warrior was going to let the old man know just how she felt. The two women exchange a look for a moment and Loxley sighs. She couldn’t actually hold any crime against him. He may be an ass, but while rude, it wasn’t against any law.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled it. Retaking her seat she glared at Anx again with barely restrained impatience.
”One could assume to have further sage advice to share.”
Loxley crossed her legs and arms. She still felt some responsibility for the events that transpired the previous night.
”Seeing as how the person who barged into my life and completely turned it upside down. Who forced me to accept a heritage I’d have been happy to remain ignorant of. The same person with actual first hand knowledge of said heritage and the possible threats it entails, might be someone whose company I could do without.”
Sarcasm dripped from her words like venom.

Half Elf Witch(Cartomancer) 5 | HP 29/29 | AC13(17 MA) T13 FF13 CMD 10 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init +4 | Perc+9 (Low-Light)

Zeldana smiled slightly at Sazzat as she pulled Bandit close to properly carry him and followed after Neari.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

rusty dragon inn:

Anx helps himself to a sweet fruit, munching on it slowly. Well then, there you go. he replies, swallowing. Did you a favor. he grasps a bit of bread and dips it into some honey As for more sage advice, I dont do anything for free. Freeing you from the clutches of the Duchess is a value add on your part. Her fleeing me was the main goal. Now. He dips and eats some more Now, let's see here. Heritage. What heritage is this nonsense you speak of? he glances at Yeda, shaking a finger at the woman Attend! Attend!

Goblin Squash Stables:

You heave and pull, scrape and muck. you move from stall to stall, letting animals out and cleaning stalls. You give them all a critical eye, looking them from head to hoof. Each animal in the care of Mr Horsk eats properly, drinks deeply. The mannerisms they exude indicate happiness, contentment.
an hour into caring for the animals, at the last stall, a knock is heard on the door. A half elf woman steps into the stables. Hello? Hello! is anyone here? im here to collect my cow...

the cathedral:

Golzar leads the two of you through the narrow confines of the cathedrals barracks, down a hall, and into the back suite that is the Head priest quarters.
A room, nearly 20 feet in width and length, welcomes you into the suite. Bookshelves run floor to ceiling, wall to wall. Simple candles rest upon candle holders nailed into the polished wood. Opposite the door, a large stained glass window. Reds, blues, yellows, purples, seven pillars set upon a field of green. make a knowledge religion DC 15 to identify the importance
before the glass, a kneeling pad with table support i dont remember the name for this thing, with a rolled up scroll set upon the table. In the corner to its right, a padded chair with overhanging lantern, complete with mirrored faceplate. to the left, a small table surrounded by four stools. Upon the table, a tea set with small, half hand cups.
Golzar leads you through this room and into another, smaller room. Inside, a narrow bed, a step above a cot, and an old, old man rests. you look at him, then back to Golzar. Golzar simply nods once, directing you back to the old man....
This, this old man is father zantus?!
you cannot belive it. last you gazed upon him, last you interacted with him, he was older, more vigourous. He was hale and healthy, an inner spark was to be found.
He looks as if he has aged decades overnight.
where there was salted hair is now stark white.
his skin pale, drawn tight.
His eyes sunken; lips dry, slightly blue.
Sarenrae! neari clips out an oath in surprise what happened?
A voice drier than the hottest of deserts quips back I faced a demon, child, and found myself.... he licks his lips thickly ...lacking he coughs slightly (you swear you can hear bones rattling together beneath the blanket)

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 42/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

Goblin Squash stables:
"Your.... cow?"

He paused and tuned about facing the voice... He titled his head and wished he had his shirt on.

"The lumpy horse? .... I kid i kid the cow... Uh...

He paused and looked about for a ledger, something that would indicate the time the cow had been there. He looked up and studied the half elf.
perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Corrin has been here in town for a bit before the troubles.. he recognize miss half elf?
knowledge local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

If he found a ledger with the length of stay of hte cow he would take the correct payment.

knowledge nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

"your cow is in good spirits. A little lean though. some nice fresh field grass will certainly help.. ooohhh or some alfalfa if you can get your hands on some... that will be yummy wouldnt it girl?"
He said patting the cow and giving its lead to the half elf maid.

The whole time in his mind he was focusing on not somehow being ... well as weird as he had been the last few days....

female shoanti elemental water bloodrager 5 | ♥️65 | ⛨17 t12 ff16; resist cold 10 | CMB +10, CMD 22 | F+6 R+2 W+1; +2 vs spells cast by self or an ally | Init+1 | Perc+8 SM+0 | Speed 40ft | Bloodrage 20/20 | Elemental Strikes☐☐☐ | Spells 1st ☐☐ | Active conditions: none

rusty dragon inn:
To put the issue to rest she slams her blade into the bowl of honey so that it shatters.

Attended. More?

Sazzat follows along letting the others lead the way paying particular attention to each detail that he sees along the way. He as learned that the demons can be in the details and if you do not pay them heed they will come to get you eventually.
Religion check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 (or simply Take-10 if possible)
Upon finally arriving where father Zantus was recovering he notices that changes in the old man, and considers himself partially lucky as he rubs his missing finger. Still this did not change much even Bandit, whatever he had become, had stepped aside to let that demon pass and Sazzat had fell victim to the immense fear that it eminated. So to say it was just a mere demon would actually be a lie for it was far more than just a mere demon. He would see, though, what questions the others posed before posing any of his own. Still he did have a few specific questions he wanted answers but would this old man be able to supply them would be the an even bigger question. Further he realized in asking questions you exposed yourself in ways that you might not want to. So for now silence was the best course of action.

Rusty Dragon Inn, Common Room:

Crusk watches how this unfolded. He wasn't a fighter, but he knew how to choose his battles carefully as part of his bard training. Crusk defers to Loxley and Yedda's way of resolving this. And her breaking the honeypot was sure a surprise in basic ways.

Half Elf Witch(Cartomancer) 5 | HP 29/29 | AC13(17 MA) T13 FF13 CMD 10 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init +4 | Perc+9 (Low-Light)

Zeldana looked at Father Zantus with surprise. She figured he would not be in the best condition, but this was not anything she could have expected. She slowly moved to the man's side and reached out to place her hand on his. "Are you going to be okay?" She asked worriedly.

Female Human Arcanist (White Mage) AC: 12/touch 12/ flat 10 F +1 / R +3 / W +4 Speed: 30' Init: +4 HP: 19/24

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:

Loxley just looked at the old wizard. Her sarcasm having completely rolled off him.

She finched when Yeda shattered the pot of honey, then gave the warrior a reproachful look.
“Come now, there is no need to take your anger out on Ameiko.”
She chided, reminding Yeda they were still in the Rusty Dragon.

She smiled apologetically at the innkeeper.
“We’ll pay for that.”
Loxley offered in a stage whisper.

The smile quickly vanished when she turned back to the old man.
“What heritage? Didn’t you know?”
She couldn’t keep the contempt from seeping into her tone. Not for the wizard this time, but at burden that had been foisted upon her.
“Why, you break fast with the lost heir to the Cheliax throne.”
Loxley punctuated the answer with a short, bitter laugh before taking a bite of her own breakfast.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

rusty dragon inn:

Yeda hammers her blade down onto bowl of honey, crushing it to bits. Anx looks longingly at the honey as it oozes onto the table. He lifts a bit of bread and scoops some of the remnants onto it and pops it into his mouth. At least he mumbles around his full mouth at least i know you're paying attention.
The room remains silent, all conversation halted and everyone, nobles, look askance down the table to your group. Ameiko, after hearing Loxley's apology, nods once, but says nothing.
Anx, who had been lifting his mug up to lips to take a pull pauses. he looks at loxley Oh, Gaspodars ultimate welp huh? So that explains why the Duchess was here. he lowers his cup and fixes loxley with a steady eye Girl, dont you know youre supposed to be a myth? Gaspodar killed all the whores he slept with back in the day. and all his kids through his legitimate marriage died years ago. and those with a slight claim to the throne were killed in the Cheliaxian civil war. What's your proof? he glances at Crusk Hey, take a seat, boy. your making my eyes hurt having to keep you in view with these other two.

the stables:

you remember, while cleaning the stables, you noticed a narrow chalk board hanging up behind the door to Horsks narrow office/supply room. A list of animals is written up, along with a tally of goblin ears for the month.
as for who the lady is, youre not 100% sure. She doesnt look familiar. But she laughs at your jokes, and smiles as you lead the brown cow from it's pen.
She dips a slight curtsy to you Thank you sir. I heard about Mr.Horsk, and how he was gutted like a common carp. Such terrible business. But i heard that some great animal saved him. Even killed the beast that cut Mr.Horsk. Such a brave animal... she trails off, somewhat dreamily.
the correct payment would be 3 silver

with father Zantus:

The man grins weakly from his cot Yes, child. I shall. i may have been aged a few years... well, more like 20 years. But i will. he coughs once, and golzar is there to offer a small cup of liquid. He drinks once and then presses the cup away before continuing I confronted evil of the worst kind last night, and i was humbled. Humbled to an inch of my life. I have much to reflect upon, and a goddess to pray to, to help guide me. But yes, i shall be ok.
He beckons another sip from the glass.
his lips wetted, he sighs Now, business. Golzar briefly told me about what happened last night. I am glad you three are here. Golzar, if you would, please tell the lady Zeldana and Sir Sazzat here about what you encountered last night. Not the demon lady, but the other being.

The Zantus Connection:
Sazzat cringed a bit at the 'sir' title that was a life better left dead. Then at the final comment by Zantus he thinks to himself, 'There was another being. A demon, an evil deity minion and something more.'

Female Human Arcanist (White Mage) AC: 12/touch 12/ flat 10 F +1 / R +3 / W +4 Speed: 30' Init: +4 HP: 19/24

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:

“Well then, perhaps you should mind your manners in the presence of myth.”
Loxley sighed as she took another bite of her own meal.
”A myth I dare say I wish it remained.”

“But yet, your former student was insistent. So far as to thrust this upon me.”
She pulled the Rod of Ancestors from its hiding spot behind her sheath, holding it where the wizard, Anx, could see it.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:

he glances at Crusk "Hey, take a seat, boy. your making my eyes hurt having to keep you in view with these other two.

Crusk looks up as an askance and thought. He should be a troubadour right now. Still his time could wait. He takes a seat near Loxley. It was a better seat than most he sat on. He watched Loxley pull the rod from it's hiding spot and show it to Anx.

He didn't know the nobility of Varisia off hand, but that rod was no normal rod. He used his Loremaster ability to see if he knew anything about that rod off hand.

Take 20 on a Knowledge: History check to see if he knows about the rod.

Father Zantus:

"I encountered an Angelic being," said Golzar. "She seemed to be glorious as the sun, this one. She converted me from a simple Inquisitor to that of a paladin. I was going to leave to take my paladin training after I see to it that Father Zantus was better."

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

father zantus:
Father zantus clicks his tongue. Brother Golzar. Please. what precipitated the vision from the angel?

Male Human (Keleshite) Relic Hunter Inquisitor 4

Father Zantus:

Father zantus clicks his tongue. Brother Golzar. Please. what precipitated the vision from the angel?

"I wanted to save those who are imprisoned," said Brother Golzar. "I wanted to save you."

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 42/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

The stables:
He smiled nervously a ruddy blush on his cheeks.
"It wasnt an animal.. well not in the normal sense."
He profferd his hand.
"Im Corrin, i was.. well am, the animal. Im a druid you see. Anyways, I uh thought i would help mr. Hosk out while he was laid up. He should be back to his normal grumpy self in a few days... It was uh... 4 silver i think for your cow.... Oh uh whats your name miss?
He asked clearly hanging on her every word.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

the commons room, rusty dragon inn:

The curmudgeons mouth falls open as he looks at the Rod.
The Rod of Ancestors? he asks loudly.
To say he was shocked is an understatement. To say he was startled made startlement seem a peaceful endeavor.
Anx's eyes grew wide, wider than saucers, and his mouth fell open. several times he started to say something, and only then could stutter odd sounds.
The rest of the room, who had been quiet, grew unnaturally still... waiting...

Anx holds his hand over the rod, and closes his eyes. his lips purse closed, his hand twitches slightly. He winces and flinches, hand drawing back slightly before pushing boldly over it.

Finally, he sighs, and lowers his hand.
It is authentic, Girl. Or should I say, Your Majesty the way he says the honorific, while respectful, holds a tone of sarcasm and ridicule.

Titus scarnetti, who had been standing at the bar, drinking a morning beverage and munching on Sausage, drops his fork and mug to the bar. he strides quickly up to Loxley, and takes a knee before the reluctant Myth.
Your Majesty. Myself and my family stand ready to aide you in whatever means you need to see yourself upon the throne.

crusk knowledge roll:
Youve heard about the rod of ancestors. An ongoing symbol used by the Gaspodar family line to indicate heritage to the family and to the crown. it was the physical manifestation of the might of Cheliax, of the Empire. Normally, it was held by the emperor or empress of the land, but there were times when official dignitaries (those that held incredible trust from the royal patron) would take it with them to distant lands, enabling said person to speak as the Emperor, to have the full weight and bearing of the empire behind his proclimations in diplomatic dealings. The loss of the rod 100 or so years before has always vexed the current monarch of Cheliax, as it would be a potent symbol to finally put to bed the rebellions that seem to spring up from time to time)

Zantus clicks his tongue with minor annoyance. Please, bother Golzar. Now's not the time to be humble. What specifically did you do to garner the attention of Sarenrae?

the stables:
The girl drops into a shallow curtsey, lowering her head A pleasure to meet you, master Corrin. I am Leilelli.. she giggles of sandpoint here. Actually, i live about a mile south of town. she raises from her curtsey So, you were the magnificent animal? what was it that you changed into? does it have a name? did you see it before? How does your shapeshifting work? Oh, i do apologize, when i get excited, i tend to run my mouth. she blushes as well, a deep, deep red.

Female Human Arcanist (White Mage) AC: 12/touch 12/ flat 10 F +1 / R +3 / W +4 Speed: 30' Init: +4 HP: 19/24

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:

Loxley smirked as the old man initially fell silent.
But as the silence stretched and the wizard’s reaction became more serious, she grew concerned.

She had simply meant it as a thumb bite at the old curmudgeon. But at his confirmation, she could taste the sarcasm in the air. A feeling she echoed.


Titus scarnetti, who had been standing at the bar, drinking a morning beverage and munching on Sausage, drops his fork and mug to the bar. he strides quickly up to Loxley, and takes a knee before the reluctant Myth.

Your Majesty. Myself and my family stand ready to aide you in whatever means you need to see yourself upon the throne.

Loxley inhaled a sharp hiss and lowered her tone.

”Then please do well and not repeat what you have heard.”
She glances around the inn like a mouse in a cat house.
”And stand up before someone sees you.”

The arcanist looked back at the wizard.
”Do you see now why I am vexed at the Duchesses’ rather abrupt departure.”
She waved a hand
”There are still questions of which I venture she holds answers. I have no desire at this time to avail myself of the hassles and life threatening machinations of dealing with heridtary politics.”

She can’t help but sigh and pick up her mug to take a long drink.

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 42/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

the stables:
" Leilelli?"

He said her name as if tasting the beauty of it on his tongue. He smiled a little embaressedly. He was not master by any means not yet at least. He carefully pulled the snow leopard cape off drapping it over an empty stall.

"I transformed into a majest snow leopard miss. A great hunting cat of the northern realms... as for how shapeshfting works... i am not well nature magic. Its something druids can be trained to do. I am still young enough that i cannot do it very often... but tis a handy skill to have."

He moved a step or two closer smiling.

"A mile south of town you say? I shall have to visit you there someday. is it a farm?

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:

Youve heard about the rod of ancestors. An ongoing symbol used by the Gaspodar family line to indicate heritage to the family and to the crown. it was the physical manifestation of the might of Cheliax, of the Empire. Normally, it was held by the emperor or empress of the land, but there were times when official dignitaries (those that held incredible trust from the royal patron) would take it with them to distant lands, enabling said person to speak as the Emperor, to have the full weight and bearing of the empire behind his proclimations in diplomatic dealings. The loss of the rod 100 or so years before has always vexed the current monarch of Cheliax, as it would be a potent symbol to finally put to bed the rebellions that seem to spring up from time to time.

"Well, I've heard about the Rod of Ancestors while traveling here," said Crusk. "Too bad I don't have the knowledge to answer your questions, Milady. Still, we can go to a place to research I think. There should be a college of heralds here in Varisa."

Male Human (Keleshite) Relic Hunter Inquisitor 4


Zantus clicks his tongue with minor annoyance. Please, bother Golzar. Now's not the time to be humble. What specifically did you do to garner the attention of Sarenrae?

"I gave up part of my lifeforce to rescue a man from death."

female shoanti elemental water bloodrager 5 | ♥️65 | ⛨17 t12 ff16; resist cold 10 | CMB +10, CMD 22 | F+6 R+2 W+1; +2 vs spells cast by self or an ally | Init+1 | Perc+8 SM+0 | Speed 40ft | Bloodrage 20/20 | Elemental Strikes☐☐☐ | Spells 1st ☐☐ | Active conditions: none

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:
As Yeda is slowly calming back down she catches sight of her blade.

Anx, Anx… Anx! Zeldana mentioned you. Since youve entangled yourself with us by sending the Duchess away, I have something you could help us with. A greatsword of particular importance to me; you are capable of re-forming it!

Her expression lights up with the realization of who he is. She smirks when she suggests he ought to help now that he is “with” them.

She sheathes Nualia’s blade and begins fishing in her pack for the shards of Mar’du.

Sazzat just quietly listens trying to remain unnoticed.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

the stable:

She smiles a bright smile yes. exactly like that
she nods some more a snow leopard?! well, i have only heard of such an animal, but if i may say, sir, you made such a creature look majestic! she blushes deeply, then hurries But, yes. i live alone. at my farm. My Farm! oh My! I must go! There's chores to do! Yes! please. youre welcome anytime... she steps forward and grasps the bridle of the cow. as she is about to step out, she stops, and looks at you. Sir. Corrin, sir. Id... well.... could i see the great cat one more time, please? she asks innocently.

the common room:

as you command, my lady. though i do think everyone has seen me. however, please remember

Anx, who had been watching Titus and his actions, nods once, a smirk upon his face. Oh hoooo! That's humorous he says without emotion you, thinking you set the time when you want to claim your throne. he snaps his fingers loudly, partially startling everyone in the room Listen to me girl. You too bodyguard he looks at Crusk and you, play toy he swallows his mouthful and takes a sip from his mug.
Listen. By you accepting that Rod, youve set off a chain of events that ripple across the Strands of Fate from here to eternity. Chelax is a massive kingdom, controlled by some of the worst kinds of folks out there. The pledges they make to Devils just touches the surface. Slavery, extortion, torture, genocide. an absolute brutal regime has just learned today that the true heir to the throne of Cheliax has been found. That rod is the only thing that is keeping them from Gating or fast traveling here from there and slitting your throat... at best. he pauses, looking at Loxley critically you have a stout heart. Yet you quail from this. I am sure your mind reels from the sheer potential of you holding the power of a nation in your petite hands. And it is absolutely devastating to comprehend. At a whim from you, whole armies will sally forth, flotillas will set sail, wizards will conjure vast horrors, merchants will buy and sell the licit and illicit. All of it, because of a whim from you. How you direct it is up to you. Is that whim one of good intentions, or bad? are you strong enough to resist the constant haranguing's of court life, the ebb and flow of noble politics. You are just one woman with he looks at titus who had stepped back to the bar a pathetic, low tier noble, a wizard who had searched for you for decades, a group of pedantic companions, and now you have also involved yourself in defeating the splintered remnants of Maliphviston. Your friend, the Ashen'del'dari , is well equipped to handle some of the remnants, though he seems to succumb to the lust that the prime demon exudes inhabiting female form. Now, if one my former pupils, Zeldana, now if her grandmother was still alive, she! he slaps his hand down on the table She! I tell you, she knew her stuff. I mean, really knew her stuff. She had this knack with the cards, could pull three, and with a quick glance, ascertain the Threads of Fate. And-
Anx clamps his mouth shut as Yeda suddenly interrupts him. he quirks an eyebrow at Yeda. What am i, a blacksmith? he quips out. Ohhh, she did, did she? And what, pray tell, did she say?

father zantus:

father zantus sighs loudly. ahhh, yes. an Imperfectus Resurectus. Now, i will forgive you for not knowing this, Golzar, as, i belive, until recently, was outside of your wheel house of learning. But, being a newly appointed Paladin and Sarenrae, you will get a quick lecture, followed by hours of study. Water. Please. Golzar offers him a sip, wetting his lips and throat. Where to start.... Quick, yes quick. Anyone with a strong enough soul, sense of self, purpose, reason, etc, can perform a resurrection miracle. he nods seeing everyone's questioning look. oh yes. anyone. If your will is strong enough. You have to absolutely believe in what your doing, what your requesting. Golzar here felt it strong enough so he was able to perform this miracle. More water please he requests, this time taking a longer sip. There are several drawbacks to this. the first is that this miracle can only be performed at the moment of death. Even a heartbeat or three after this moment is too long to perform this miracle. It is sometimes called the Battlefield miracle. However! there is the other drawback. he takes a third sip When I, or another of my fellow clerics, perform a true Resurrection spell, we create a direct channel to the soul, a pathway, if you will. A link from body to soul is established, and only this one soul can come back to this body. With the Imperfectus Resurrectus, it is a wide open beckoning. Sometimes, another soul that is lingering in the area, can answer the call and will imprint in the body. he looks at Zeldana. It sounds to me, my dear, that our new sheriff Jorn has a different soul within his body. Tell me, i understand you had some interaction with him. Was he acting differently?

Half Elf Witch(Cartomancer) 5 | HP 29/29 | AC13(17 MA) T13 FF13 CMD 10 | F+2 R+3 W+3 | Init +4 | Perc+9 (Low-Light)

"He does not remember anything." Zeldana admitted. "He did not remember we started courting, and does not even know who I am. Even if you set aside the fact we had only been courting for a week and thus could be easily lost, I have lived in Sandpoint for so long that he would know me." She went on. "But wait, is there a way to get the proper soul into the body after this has been done?"

female shoanti elemental water bloodrager 5 | ♥️65 | ⛨17 t12 ff16; resist cold 10 | CMB +10, CMD 22 | F+6 R+2 W+1; +2 vs spells cast by self or an ally | Init+1 | Perc+8 SM+0 | Speed 40ft | Bloodrage 20/20 | Elemental Strikes☐☐☐ | Spells 1st ☐☐ | Active conditions: none

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:
She said that you were brilliant, but unpleasant. So... She continues to fish around in her pack until

dump, crash

the shards fall out on the table.

Let's prove the first part.

Grand Lodge

Male Human cleric 5 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | CMD 14 | HP 50/50 Elysium's call 9/9 | Liberation 5/5 | Channel Energy 5/5

With F. Zantus:

"I may be able to help with that", says a man in his mid thirties entering the room. He bears a silver holy symbol of Desna, wears a very well made scale mail armor and has a few starknives on his belt. Other than that, he wears a light smile, and a posture that shows confidence, despite his messy brown hair.

He turns to Father Zantus and says "I found something!", then turns to the others and says "Oh, hello, I'm Gunnar. I've trained with Abstalar, but have been traveling. Now I'm back and, well, he asked me to help."

After waiting a few seconds for all present to take in his words. He says "Oh, I almost forgot, here." He shows Father Zantus an open scroll. As the priest struggles to find what the young man is trying to show him, Gunnar says "Resurrection! This is clearly what it's describing, a rod that aids in resurrection! Only... Its location isn't exactly very precise. It just says "old ruins to the east of the ruined lighthouse". And it should be dangerous too, considering that Scarnetti died in the expedition. Lecticus Scarnetti, that is... But I am willing to go there to help you, friend.", he finishes looking at Father Zantus.

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:

Crusk shrugged his shoulders. Apparently, this Anx spellcaster thought he was a bodyguard to Loxley. He wasn't, but he wasn't going to correct the man on his slight. Crusk put his face in his palm and started to think. He was trying to be subtle, but his physical build -- was Anx thinking about stereotypes?

Crusk could go to the College of Heralds in Varisia and look up or request anything that could cement Loxley's claim to the Chelliaxian throne. Chelliax would be interesting to visit now -- since Loxley now has a whole family as enemies. Maybe he could kill two birds with one stone and have the college look up his past.

Female Human Arcanist (White Mage) AC: 12/touch 12/ flat 10 F +1 / R +3 / W +4 Speed: 30' Init: +4 HP: 19/24

Rusty Dragon, Common Room:

Loxley gave Titus a hasty, nervous nod before Anx snatched up her full attention.
”I never-”
She began to deny ever even wanting the throne, but the wizard cut her off as he continued.

She pales as he speaks. Her gut tightening, she feels she may lose what little she had eaten already.
Loxley had only accepted the rod under duress. She was beginning to see just how little she had grasped at the time. She sat frozen, knuckles white as she gripped her utensils. She couldn’t bring herself to meet the wizard’s gaze.

She could have kissed Yeda when the warrior pulled the old man's attention away from her, even if she knew it wouldn’t be for long.

Sazzat notes the new arrival again being as inconspicious as possible and listens. The comment about old ruins west of lighthouse sounded interesting and he thought about it for a bit {Take-20 Knowledge(Local and/or History) 30}

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 42/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

the stable:
"Your name miss? so i may ask for you later? I would shapechange right now but with all the other animals in here are the moment it would scare them."

He smiled apologetically. He really wanted to imprss this lady for some reason.

Some reason? Really?? -- Obviously the reason is he wants to get laid... again.

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 42/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

nah... hes a bit of a mess right now but hes staying behind and not wasting his ability... yet. *lawls*

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

youre pretty damn sure that the old ruins west of the lighthouse references the same old ruin that is Thistletop.

Father Zantus:
ahh, Brother Gunnar! Most excellent timing! so you have found the passage? Excellent. Yes, child the old man shifts focus to Zeldana This is true. A proper resurrection is very taxing, both upon the caster, both mentally and financially as well. a valuable diamond is needed. As Brother Gunnar has stated, a certain artifact that was in the posession of the lost Scarnetti explorer is said to have had the ability to supplement this expensive component. And! to answer your other question... yes. This can save Jorn's soul. Especially if you act quickly!
he drinks several more cups of water, served to him by Golzar.
Now, for this demon business. Golzar is here, as is Orlin. I have in the next room a small collection of books dealing with demons, devils, and other planar entities. But we need time to research. I, golzar and Orlin, the three of us shall consume the books of Desna and Sarenrae and learn all we can about this planar being that availed itself to us last night.

the stables:
Leilelli sir. Ah, yes, of course. silly me. she bonks her head gently, miming idiocy. Well, i best get going. Thanks again. she leads her cow out of the building...

The Rusty dragon inn:

Anx squints at the metal shards that tumble upon the table.
Hmmpf. She does think I am a blacksmith... his voice was stern at first, but then changed to hold a curious tone. Hmmm... interesting. He set down his mug and lifts a shard.
Oh-hoo... very interesting indeed. he mummers to himself loudly...
He holds it close to a squinted eye. he mumbles and clicks his tongue in thought...
you there, man toy he points at Crusk, his eyes focusing upon the half orc. Please. go behind the bar and get some wine. Red is best, but white may work! quickly! go!

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