Sizara |
Sorry about any confusion Kali'da. I was trying to have Sizara make a false assumption of your character and seems to work. She's trying to learn more about the rest of the party so she's going to make a lot of inaccurate guesses here and there but she's not afraid to admit she's wrong and apologize for putting her foot in her mouth. She's actually young by elven standards so I'm trying to portray her as a young adult just setting foot into the world.
I hope that's alright with everyone. If not I'll quit doing that and think of something.
Again sorry about the screwup Kali'da.
Also because of how she was raised Sizara believes that all magic comes from the spirits.
GM Giuseppe |
Ops, I forgot to move the players' tag to the map. Should work now. Your current position is in the base camp.
Kali'da Wedo |
Okay, so Kali'da knows CLW, so I don't think she needs to carry one, which leaves one CLW potion for each of you. The cure moderate should probably go to whoever the highest damage melee is (and therefore probably the most likely to be hit by a creature). I'm honestly assuming that'll end up being the monk, but I don't know at these lower levels.
The person with the best Swim checks (either has ranks or highest Str mod) should take the potion of water breathing, and the person with the lowest Swim check (no ranks and lowest Str mod) should probably take the water walking potion. That way, if anything needs done under water, the most efficient person can get the most done down below the water level, and then if we need to cross a body of water the worst swimmer isn't drowning in the back.
The potions of lesser restoration I'd love to have Kali'da hold on to. They aren't something anyone's going to be using in combat and it'll let me really play up the whole 'healer' role from an RP perspective.
Of curse, this is just how I'd do it. You all might have other ideas.
Also, I'd totally take 10 but I don't get a rank in Spellcraft until level 2 and I have no Perception mod >.<
So when it comes to food stuffs, how much do we have in terms of rations per day? I imagine we should all take some of the food stuffs on the off chance we fail our evening food finding.
Sizara |
Sizara should take the potion of water breathing then since she has a high strength modifier. I will be adding a rank of swim when I level up (whenever that happens) but still it might be a good idea like Kali'da said.
Also Sizara is about oh 7'2" tall. Yeah she's quite tall for an elf so she's probably towering over everybody.
Also I've never played an oracle before but I'm guessing that oracles prepare their spells like clerics. And since we don't have a rogue we will probably be taking a lot of damage from traps so Kali'da will probably need to prepare a lot of healing spells.
GM Giuseppe |
Quick note: oracles do not prepare spells. Besides, try not to suggest how others should act. I'm sure we're all experienced players here.
Kali'da Wedo |
Oracles are to clerics what sorcerers are to wizards.
Same spells known and spells per day as a sorcerer, too, but I play off the cleric spell list.
I've played enough oracles to know what spells to pick up (usually staples such as the restoration spell line) and I usually pick up the cure spells just to off-heal with.
Alexite K. |
I'm Ok with the suggested potion distribution. Alexite will take a cure light wounds potion.
It makes for kali'da to be the 'healer' although it sounds like Jask may also fill that role back in camp.
BTW, Alexite's swim is +5.
I have also taken a ranger's pack for exploration, which includes 5 man-day rations, a waterskin, and other 'camping' stuff.
GM: where is the camp in the Roll20 map?
Hakeem Ibuk'o |
Hakeem's fine with the potion distribution.
I'm thinking we scout out the western tip of the island ( to the left of the base camp on the map) since we're near that edge before venturing deeper into the island's innards.
GM Giuseppe |
Before posting, I will be waiting until each character has updated his equipment and is ready to leave the camp.
@Alexite: The Base Camp should be shown correctly on the map.
Alexite K. |
Before posting, I will be waiting until each character has updated his equipment and is ready to leave the camp.
@Alexite: The Base Camp should be shown correctly on the map.
I see it now; I thought it was some feature of the island itself.
Alexite's equipment has been updated.
@Hakeem: west is fine by me
Jesari Sevandir |
Sorry, was out of town this weekend. Looking up how much everything weighs would have been a nightmare on my phone. I'll go do some math right now. Ready to go whenever.
Hakeem Ibuk'o |
I'm still at work and I've had a bit of a busy day, so I'm sorry if Hakeem is holding things up here, since he's the guide, effectively.
I don't really think He'll have an issue with weights of things, being a monk and all, but I'll try to crunch some numbers and I'll get a post up a little after I get off work. ( So probably should get an in character post up around 9 or 10 eastern time, that is in the next 3 or 4 hours.
Hakeem Ibuk'o |
I believe that's correct, I wrote down the Cure Moderate Wounds potion too, I hope that's alright.
Hakeem's a little bit the selfless type so he'll use it as a last resort and if one of the others should need it, he'll take priority to get it to them.
Jesari Sevandir |
Still waiting for Jesari to update her equipment and then we go!
What am I missing?
Hakeem Ibuk'o |
Hakeem goes out looking for water -> comes back and finds Kali'da has already filled everyone's waterskins magically. Literally magically.
Well with that roll, I guess maybe Hakeem found some small game, or edible plants/fruits/ berries to keep us well fed and away from dipping into our trail rations for another day.
GM Giuseppe |
@Jesari: I can't see any potions in your equipment. I thought you were given at least one potion of cure light wounds . Am I wrong?
GM Giuseppe |
By the way, once you're ready you can post. When each one of you will have posted, I will post to descrobe you wjat happened during your first day of travel.
GM Giuseppe |
Sizara you cannot attack in the surprise round. You're 10 feet far from the snake, and you only a have a move action or a standard action during the surprise round. Besides, since you haven't told me so, you're not traveling with your longsword already extracted, so you'd need a move action to extract it or to move extracting it during your movement.
Please pay more attention to my post next time.
Sizara |
Oops. Sorry about that.
And since I can't look at the map on my iPhone I was unaware of where I was at in combat. Since I can't always get on my laptop, it might be best to describe where our characters are in terms of combat. I apologize if this is an inconvenience.
From now on, let's assume that she always has her sword drawn while they are exploring.
Kali'da Wedo |
Before I make my post, I was just wondering...
I had asked before how much food stuffs we had at camp, and what that translated to in terms of rations per day, since we should probably have taken some on the off chance of failing to hunt on our own. I had intended to grab some, but the question never got answered so I never knew what to do with it x.x
GM Giuseppe |
My fault Kali'da. You had 50 rations at the camp. Feel free to add a maximum of 30 rations to take with you; the rest will remain at the camp for the other castaways.
GM Giuseppe |
Nope, but you can use it if the monkey is made friendly to teach it some commands (but that checks supposes that you can spend an entire week with the creature).
Sizara |
Okay and thank you for letting me know.
Also the artist is finished with the pic of Sizara:
She's supposed to be barefoot and the tattoos are supposed to be covering her entire body but still she looks great!
I guess this could be her when she starts this adventure so that works.
GM Giuseppe |
Sorry for not posting today folks, had a busy day. I'll post tomorrow morning, as always (your night I suppose). In the meanwhile, please let me know if you'd like to continue your exploration heading west or take another route, and if this is the case, what is the direction you would like to move towards.
GM Giuseppe |
Sorry Sizara, it seems I'm not able to open the link! I would really like to see the pic!