GM Farmagnuðr |

I suppose the rest of the group is waiting near the landing point and Yugatta sneaks up on the Inn? Not really sneaking though^^
As Yugatta approaches, she can see something like a fortified house. there are two houses, one to the left and one to the right, connected by a wall and some gatehouse, which features a wooden door.
A sign above wide wooden gates reads, “Welcome to the Gray Revelation Inn.” The gate leans open invitingly, and the smell of fresh flowers wafts on the cool breeze.

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My thought was that the rest of the party would be nearer -- out of sight and hidden, but within earshot of a shout.
A little too inviting, this woman thinks. This woman suspects a trap.
Yugatta proceeds toward (and through, if allowed) the gate nonetheless.

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Yeah I'm pretty sure the group is staying within earshot of Yugatta.

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Yeah, split the party in enemy territory? You're going to have a bad time. :P
"How.... quaint.", mutters Sritaro at the overly appealing demeanor of the estate. Not quite in his tastes or habits, but it is their goal to investigate here.

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"Let's just follow Yugata, if she's taken suddenly we can't exactly save her now can we. Besides, as she's snooping now it's bound to look weird, we were to appear natural as travelers weren't we?"

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Sritaro walks up the Yugatta, looking to see if there's anyone looking at them through the windows.

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Nodding, Zar folls the others.
Yes, but let us try to remember the advice we were given. Lets try not to shed any blood, if at all possible.

GM Farmagnuðr |

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Nodding to the healing. Thank you Mia, and I have been known to string some words together. Had to learn with some of the treasure hunters I worked with back in Osirion.
Well can't look too out of place.
Zar mutters to himself and the others before walking through the gates to get a better look at the inner courtyard.

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"Perhapsss it would be best if I were not to make the first introduction.", the nagaji aware his appearance and that of his companion will undoubtedly gain some attention.
@Mia: There be plenty of beef on this guy! And with the T-rex, it's almost GRATUITOUS BEEFITUDE. :)

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GM Farmagnuðr |

The profusion of flowers planted around this lovely courtyard fills the air with an enchanting fragrance. An oaken door to the north is the obvious entrance to the inn, while south are the broad doors of a stable. Wooden gates allow egress to west and east, and a roofed well lies at the east end of the main court. The gate can be barred on the east side with the stout beam that lies on the ground.
Do you call out or try any of the doors?

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Seeing no one in the courtyard, Zar lean sover to Mia.
So shall we walk in and announce ourselves, or do some checking for the "guests" we are looking for?

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This woman sees no need for sneakery, whispers Yugatta.
She moves into the courtyard, toward the inn entrance.

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"Very well.", Sritaro following the others inside the overly pleasant establishment.

GM Farmagnuðr |

There are only two doors in the complex, but one is bigger and looks more like a barn or stable door, so you take the smaller one. The right choice as it turns out.
Dark oaken tables, chairs and benches fill this comfortable, L-shaped common room, and the faint odors of tobacco and ale permeate the air. Narrow windows with panes of smoked glass along the north and south walls allow some light into this welcoming space.
An old matronly human woman clad in peasant clothing and an apron sits at the centermost table of this room. Her voluminous white hair is piled atop her head and secured in a conservative bun. She wears a red scarf about her neck and a wry smile on her face. She waves at you and stands up.
Welcome at the Gray Revelation Inn! I am Addas Grymble and owner of this place together with my sisters. I hope you had a good journey so far, wherever it may lead you. Well, now you are here and can have a safe and comfortable rest. Do you want a warm meal and stay over night? We have plenty of cozy rooms here. You seem to have come from far away. What brings you to Razmiran? She looks at Sritaro and the dinosaur, but also at the rest, eyeing the foreign clothing.
Anyone answering please provide a bluff check. Remember what you were discussing with the dwarves and Passad upthread.

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I had to dig through posts involving Passad's name for this XD. Either we are posing as merchants or pilgrims, we chose merchants.
Gale, Mia's bird familiar, observes the inn from underneath its mistress' hair.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
"Greetings lady Grymble, how do you do. Indeed we have traveled. We are merchants, we are here seeking to find a place of rest and meal for a regular trade route. By your warm welcome, i certainly hope we are at the right place."
Bluff: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

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Zar smiles and nods, hoping to add to Mia's statement.
We have heard from several travelers that this inn would be a excellent place for our caravan's to rest at.
Bluff Aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

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"Yesss.", the nagaji hisses. "We are here for busssiness, but would like to rest our weary feet and enjoy...", Sritaro sniffing the air and nodding, "some food and beverage."
Bluff check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

GM Farmagnuðr |

Yugatta can still aid in the bluff check! You only have to roll a bluff check, even if untrained (meaning you didn´t put ranks into it), if you hit a 10 you give a +2 on Mia´s check result. If not, nothing bad happens.
Addas Grymble eyes you all warily as you tell your story.
After a pause, Addas seems to accept your story.
Well, it seems like you have come a long way! Food and beverages for hungry and exhausted merchants we have a plenty here. You have indeed come to the right place. Probably you heard that from some of the patrons who are usualy frequenting our common room here. Most of them are off to Xer now, to a major market day. That´s why our business is only running slow lately and we are happy to see some guests from afar! Please, feel like at home and enjoy yourselves. You have free reign here at the inn and i hope we can meet your needs! Let me call my sisters, i´ll introduce you and they will also look after you.
She turns around and shouts into the kitchen to her left (you can see it on the map), moments later two women emerge. It becomes immediately clear that they are all sisters. The women introduce themselves as Eugenia and Taris. They had just been canning fruit and making jam in the kitchen. While Eugenia points out that they also have a nice beef stew cooking if you are hungry, Taris wants to know how long you will be staying and asks for payment in advance.

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Mission refresh:
1) Find and free the missing envoys.
2) Replace said envoys with the passengers should objective 1 fail.
3) Establish trade contract.
Sidenote: it is suspected the Razmiri priesthood uses the site to interrogate prisoners
I don't recall the faction specific mission though, and i'm looking at the post that closed the confirmation and started this one.

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Thank you Taris for your hospitality, we were not ill informed when told to seek this establishment out. We will only be staying for a few days at most.
Zar pulls out the required coinage to pay for the stay before continuing.
Though a good meal sounds wounderful. I think we'd all like to stretch our legs a little and see this fine establishment.
Diplomacy (if needed): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

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"Thank you, sssisters. I would like to explore the premissses and find a comfortable location for him.", pointing to Kamu.
Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

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This woman finds your accomodations acceptable.
Yugatta pays as well.
Diplomacy aid another: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20

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"Thank you.", Sritaro replies simply. He then nods for the others to follow him outside.
"Thisss... is confusing. I wish to ressspect the elderly, but something seemsss off."

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"They are hiding something; too quick to explain how quiet it is. Although letting us look around... is odd."

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This woman does not understand...why are we to go to the stables when we are clearly river boat travelers with no horses?

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Yes it all seems a bit strange. You'd think a place like this would have more guests, but it does seem like we are the only ones.
Zar seems to ponder things for a moment.
I think it's in our best interest to find those we are looking for and get out of here as quickly as possible. And yes Yugatta, it does seem strange to offer us the stables, but perhaps they get most of their travelers by trail and it's become a habit for them.... or they're trying to tell us something.

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Yugatta examines the exterior of the stables for anything unusual.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

GM Farmagnuðr |

Before you leave for the stables, Eugenia tells you: Rosh, our dear, simple nephew is the stable boy. He should be there and take care of everything. Please be nice to him, he can´t hear you.
Looking at Kamu she adds: And maybe hold your beast untill it is in the box, i don´t want the boy to get bitten, this beast looks vicious somehow. You notice her exceptional wardrobe, that is very similar to that of the other two sisters, except for a yellow scarf.

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Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

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Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
"The 'beassst' is trained. Could not travel with it otherwissse.", Sritaro replying quickly to the old woman's reply.
After the party leaves the inn, but before reaching the stables, Sritaro points out his observation. "The woman was wearing a dwarf ssscarf."

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Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Zar nods and waves friendly to the woman before gathering with the group, listening to what Sritaro says.
Hmmm, does seem strange for her to be wearing something like that. We might need to look more into it after we check out the stables.