About Yugatta SakittumiMedium Female Humanoid (Half-Elf):
Yugatta is a thin, attractive half-elven woman with facial features and greenish skin that mark her as foreign born. She speaks in a strange accent (notably, she uses "thee" and "thou" to describe you, and "this woman" to describe herself). She has a deep tan, which is unusual for her kind. She wears no makeup and her straight brown hair is done in a simple style. 5' 10", 120 lbs, green eyes, with a deep tan from many days at sea. Backstory:
"Thee would know of this woman's past? Very well." The half-elven woman before you is thin and attractive, with a light greenish tinge to her skin which you don't think you've ever seen before. Unlike most elves, she also has a deep tan and unusually shaped eyes which mark her as foreign-born. "This woman was born in the civilized land, far away across the sea. This woman wished to see sights and hear sounds and smell odors that were unfamiliar, so this woman signed on as assistant navigator to a trading vessel. Aboard this ship this woman saw many wonders and was happy." "Then one day the ship was beset by a storm, and sorely damaged, and in the midst of this storm a kraken rose from the depths to feast. Many sailors were plucked from the decks and plunged under the surface to be eaten. This woman found her way to the ship's dinghy and there escaped notice of the beast. This woman knows of no other survivors." "This woman awoke the next day to a dinghy half full of rainwater and no provisions, no oars, no sail, nothing. This woman quailed, this woman cried, this woman shouted at the gods. This woman slept. After a time this woman grew very hungry and tried to catch fish with her bare hands, but she could not." "This woman grew feverish and ill, and in this woman's illness this woman saw visions of future, of past, of faraway, and of near. When this woman awoke from her fever she tried again, and this time this woman succeeded." "This woman spent many days in the tiny boat. This woman pondered many things. This woman found grace and skill at tumbling, at balance, at diving for seaweed and shellfish. This woman floated. This woman gained wisdom." "One day this woman awoke, the boat gently beached upon thee's land. Still wishing to see sights and hear sounds and smell odors that are unfamiliar, this woman seeks employment which will give this woman such. This woman has unique skills which thee has need of." From Tian-Xia. HP/Init/Move/Vision/BAB:
Max HP 24 (3x(1d8+2)) Initiative +2 Vision Low-light vision Move 30ft + 10ft BAB +2 Init=(Dex +2, Misc +0) Classes/Alignment/Deity/XP/Prestige/Point Buy:
AC 17 (Touch 16, Flat Footed 14):
(Base +10, Armor +1, Shield +0, Dex +2, Wis +3, Size +0, Natural Armor +0, Dodge +1, Deflection +0) Spell Failure 0% Armor Check - Max Dex unlimited SR 0 Fort +6 Refl +6 Will +7 (+2 vs Enchantment, Evasion):
Fortitude Base +3 Con +2 Magic +1 Reflex Base +3 Dex +2 Magic +1 Will Base +3 Wis +3 Magic +1 Skills/Languages:
* Acrobatics +7 (DEX +2, Ranks +2, Favored +3, Armor +0, Encumbrance +0) + Appraise +0 (INT +0, Ranks +0) + Bluff +0 (CHA +0, Ranks +0) Feint DC=10+(Target BAB)+(Target WisMod) or 10+(Target Sense Motive), Target loses Dex AC * Climb +6 (STR +2, Ranks +1, Favored +3, Armor +0, Encumbrance +0) * Craft (Untrained) +0 (INT +0, Ranks +0) + Diplomacy +0 (CHA +0, Ranks +0) Disable Device +3 (DEX +2, Ranks +1) + Disguise +0 (CHA +0, Ranks +0) * Escape Artist +6 (DEX +2, Ranks +1, Favored +3, Armor +0, Encumbrance +0) + Fly +2 (DEX +2, Ranks +0, Armor +0, Encumbrance +0) + Heal +5 (WIS +3, Ranks +0, Kit +2) * Intimidate +4 (CHA +0, Ranks +1, Favored +3) DC=10+(Target HD)+(Target WisMod), Shaken (–2 attacks, saving throws, skill/ability checks) 1 rd * Knowledge (History) +4 (INT +0, Ranks +1, Favored +3) * Knowledge (Religion) +4 (INT +0, Ranks +1, Favored +3) * Perception +12 (WIS +3, Ranks +1, Favored +3, Skill Focus +3, Racial +2) * Perform (Untrained) +0 (CHA +0, Ranks +0) * Profession (sailor) +9 (WIS +3, Ranks +1, Favored +3, Trait +2) * Ride +2 (DEX +2, Ranks +0, Armor +0, Encumbrance +0) * Sense Motive +3 (WIS +3, Ranks +0) * Stealth +7 (DEX +2, Ranks +2, Favored +3, Armor +0, Encumbrance +0) * Survival +8 (WIS +3, Ranks +0, Trait +1, Wayfinder +2, Kit +2) * Swim +6 (STR +2, Ranks +1, Favored +3, Armor +0, Encumbrance +0) Use Magic Device +1 (CHA +0, Ranks +1) (* = Class Skill, + = Useable Untrained) Languages: Common, Elven
=== Special Attacks ===
=== Weapons === BAB +2 STR +2 DEX +2 WF +1 FoB +1/+1
CMB/CMD Bull Rush +5/20 Dirty Trick +5/20 Disarm +5/20 Drag +5/20 Grapple +5/20 Overrun +5/20 Reposition +5/20 Steal +5/20 Sunder +5/20 Trip
Ability Scores: STR 14 (+2) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0) Equipment:
Bracers of Armor +1 (1 lb, 1000gp) Cloak of resistance +1 (1 lb, 1000 gp) Dagger (1d4/19-20x2 P/S, 10 ft, 1 lb, 2 gp) Temple Sword (1d8/19-20x2 S, 3 lb, 30gp) Sling, Masterwork (1d4/20x2 B, 50 ft, 0 lb, 300 gp) x10 Bullets, Sling (0.5 lb, 0.01gp) Explorer's Outfit (0 gp) Backpack, Masterwork (4 lb, 50gp) Rope, Silk 50 ft. (5 lb, 10gp) 4 HP, DC 24 Strength check to burst Survival Kit, Masterwork (5 lbs, 50gp) x6 Potion of Cure Light Wounds Wand of CLW (2PP) 50/50 charges Potion of Jump Wayfinder (1 lb, 0gp) light at will, +2 competence to Survival (avoid becoming lost), can contain an ioun stone Healer's Kit (1 lb, 50gp) +2 Heal, uses 10/10 Kit, Pathfinder's (mug,fishhooks,flint&steel,needle,whistle,string,thread,waterskin,whets tone) includes bedroll,7 days trail rations (12 lbs) coins 2255.9gp Weight Allowance: 66/133/200 === Feats ===
=== Class Features ===
High Jump (Ex) At 5th level, a monk adds his level to all Acrobatics checks made to jump, both for vertical jumps and horizontal jumps. In addition, he always counts as having a running start when making jump checks using Acrobatics. Improved Evasion (Ex) At 9th level, a monk's evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save. Quivering Palm (Su) Starting at 15th level, a monk can set up vibrations within the body of another creature that can thereafter be fatal if the monk so desires. Once/day (but see Martial Artist). Creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected. Fortitude (DC=10+(1/2 Monk level)+(Wis mod) or death. A monk can have no more than 1 quivering palm in effect at one time. === Archtype (Martial Artist) ===
Martial Arts Master (Ex) At 4th level, a martial artist may use his monk level to qualify for feats with a fighter level prerequisite when those feats are applied to unarmed strikes or weapons with the monk special quality. This ability replaces slow fall. Exploit Weakness (Ex) At 4th level, as a swift action, a martial artist can observe a creature or object to find its weak point. d20+(Monk level)+(Wis mod) vs 10+(object hardness) or 10+(enemy CR). If the check succeeds, +2 attack, ignore DR/hardness. Alternately, against one creature within 30 feet, Sense Motive/Reflex/Dodge AC bonus = (1/2 Monk level) until the start of his next turn. This ability replaces ki pool. Extreme Endurance (Ex) At 5th level, a martial artist gains immunity to fatigue. At 10th level, he also gains immunity to exhaustion. At 15th level, he gains immunity to stunning. At 20th level, he gains immunity to death effects and energy drain. This ability replaces purity of body, diamond body, and perfect self. Physical Resistance (Ex) At 7th level, if a martial artist suffers any effect that causes ability damage, ability drain, or temporary ability score penalties, the effect is reduced by 1 point. This reduction increases by 1 for every three levels beyond 7th (to a maximum reduction of 5 at 19th level). This ability replaces wholeness of body, timeless body, and tongue of sun and moon. Bonus Feat At 12th level, a martial artist gains a monk bonus feat. This ability replaces abundant step. Defensive Roll (Ex) At 13th level, a martial artist may use the defensive roll advanced rogue talent once per day, plus once per three levels beyond 13th (to a maximum of 3 times a day at 19th level). This ability replaces diamond soul. Quivering Palm A martial artist may use this ability one additional time per day per level above 15th, but may not have more than one in effect at a time. Greater Defensive Roll (Ex) At 19th level, a martial artist suffers no damage on a successful defensive roll, and only half damage if the Reflex saving throw fails. This ability replaces empty body. === Racial Qualities ===
=== Traits ===
=== Boons ===
=== Meta ===
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If you're motivated enough to find this and I'm holding up the game, go ahead and bot me. Levelup History:
1 Monk HP d8+2=10 ST 14 (5 pts) DX 14 (5 pts) CN 14 (5 pts) IN 10 (0 pts) WS 14+2 (5 pts) CH 10 (0 pts) Skills 4+1: Acrobatics, Perception, Profession (sailor), Stealth, *Swim Feats: Weapon Focus Unarmed Strike Bonus Monk Feat: Dodge 2 Monk HP d8+2=7 Bonus Monk Feat: Scorpion Style Skills 4+1: Climb, Intimidate, Knowledge (History), Stealth, *Disable Device 3 Monk HP d8+2=7 Feat: Hamatulatsu Skills 4+1: Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Knowledge (Religion), Stealth, *Use Magic Device Pathfinder Society:
Player: Caro Cogitatus Character: Yugatta Sakittumi PFS#: 106336-5 Faction: Grand Lodge Day Job: [dice=Profession Sailor]d20+9[/dice] First Steps Part 1: In Service To Lore #37869 +1XP, +2PP, +417+10gp #5-01 The Glass River Rescue #53586 +1XP, +2PP, +516gp #5-08 The Confirmation #42641 +1XP, +2PP, +450gp, -1000gp Bracers of Armor +1 #79 The Half Dead City #52308 +3XP, +4PP, +1536gp, -1000gp Cloak of Resistance +1 #2 The Hydra's Fang Incident #72977 +1XP, +2PP, +757gp, -2PP Wand of CLW #35 Voice In The Void #253109 +1XP, +2PP, +1251+20gp |