GM Dak |

Well one of my friends who was new to PbP dropped out of the game. So take 2 on the recruitment, just a little different this time around. The game hasn't officially started yet, but will next week. As such, this will be a pretty short recruitment. Currently, I am just doing a prelude leading up to the start of the game. With that in mind, I am looking to fill 1 open spot for Hell's Rebels PbP campaign. I currently have a party of 4, composed primarily of friends I play a regular VTT game with. Current party composition includes:
Human Bloodrager
Aasimar Inquisitor
Tiefling Slayer
Human Wizard
I will be giving priority to ranged focused characters over other classes, but that is somewhat flexible.
Info about how I run my games, about myself, house rules, etc can be found in the campaign section for reference. I would like to wrap up recruitment by 5/27, as I plan to officially start on the 28th. Below are the character creation guidelines for this game. I look forward to reviewing what you all come up with!
Starting Level: 1st level
Stats: 20 Point Buy, no stat below 10 or above 18 before racial modifiers
Alignment: Non-Evil, preferably non-lawful unless you have good RP reason to be rebelling instead of following the law of the land
HP: Max for 1st level; after, half + 1 + Con
Classes: Anything except Occult classes, Gunslinger, Synthesist Summoner, prioritizing ranged focus.
Races: Preferably Core, Tiefling or Tengu.
Drawbacks: 1 Drawback allowed but you need to make sure you incorporate it into your background
Traits: Up to 3 if you have a drawback, one must be a Hell's Rebels campaign trait.
Wealth: 180 gp.
Background: If you are not native to Kintargo, there needs to be a good reason why you would be there during martial law that would also make sense why you would take part in a rebellion. I don't need a novella, but at a minimum answer the following questions:
1) Where/how are you living in Kintargo? (Doesn't have to be a specific location, but it can. If not specific, what part of town at least)
2) What do you do for a living?
3) Do you have any ties to the community, any locals you frequent, any groups you are/want to be a part of?
4) If you take a drawback, why does your character have that drawback?
5) Do you have any family/relationships in Kintargo?

Agatsu Hulla |

Hi GM!
Chess here, with the submission I said I'd bring: Agatsu is an obscure warlock vigilante from Kintargo, built for ranged damage dealing and control (but sincerely with a lot more for out-of-combat situations).
I hope you guys like him. Please feel free to ask anything and let me know if there's something to adjust.

GM Dak |

@Vyrsketsky As of right now no, mainly because round 1 was focused on a caster, due to party comp, this time around I am more looking for a ranged focused combatant that doesn't outshine our pure caster (bombs, bows, etc). With that in mind, I'm not opposed to people doing reworks and applying again if they are still interested.
I like having a diverse party, especially in the type of game that Hell's Rebels is so everyone has opportunities to shine.

The Frightmare |

As far as a character to not outshine the pure caster goes--and if this is something the player might be able to answer better/weigh in on that would be cool by me--is the wizard focusing on blasty stuff, and would an Eldritch Archer Magus be considered stepping on toes? That's a very direct "do ranged attack stuff and little else" kind of deal but if throwing around lighting bolts and such would be stepping in on the wizard's territory a bit, knowing would be good before I started treading down that road idea-wise.

GM Dak |

@The Frightmare I can't say specifically how the Wizard plans to build out their character, but from what I am seeing so far it is heavier on the control aspect vs blasting, however that could change.
I will note my current preferences, just from a mechanical perspective, is either a pure ranged focus build or a mix of divine/ranged. Of course, the crunch is only part of it, compelling backgrounds also play a significant role, sometimes more so than the crunch.

littlehewy |

Probably chaotic good, he feels somewhat tormented by the few bad situations he took part in with his brother and the River Talons, and hopes to be able to make amends. He also wants to prove to his brother (or himself at least) that there is more to life than being strong and being able to take whatever you like.
Considering the idea of him having a little sister who currently lives in an orphanage, who also is a target for their older brother's power plays. My character would be looking to protect her, and also improve her life without resorting to the base crime that his brother engages in.
I'll get crunch and more detailed fluff up in the next 24 hours :)

Deevor |

I would have created an alias for Horillo, but somewhere between my browser and Paizo it's not happening so here's the first quick entry for Horillo. Not sure whther hidden priest archetype is really something to go for or not, but can be discussed if given encouragement.
Male human (Chelaxian) cleric (hidden priest) of Erastil 1 (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4 (+6 during surprise rounds); Senses Perception +9
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20) or
. . longspear +1 (1d8+1/×3)
Ranged longbow +6 (1d8+2/×3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 4/day (DC 11, 1d6)
Cleric (Hidden Priest) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st—calm animals[D] (DC 14), divine favor, obscuring mist
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, light, read magic
. . D Domain spell; Domains Community (Family[APG] subdomain), Animal (Feather[APG] subdomain)
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Traits fast-talker, pattern speaker
Skills Acrobatics -2 (-6 to jump), Bluff +6, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Perception +9; Racial Modifiers +1 Perception
Languages Common
SQ eyes of the hawk, false arcanist
Other Gear hide shirt, arrows (100), dagger, longbow, longspear, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text (Asmodeus)[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Estoril, 27 gp
Special Abilities
Cleric (Hidden Priest) Domain (Family)
Cleric (Hidden Priest) Domain (Feather) Add Fly to your list of class skills. In addition, whenever you cast a spell that grants you a fly speed, your maneuverability increases by one step (up to perfect).
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (4/day, DC 11) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Eyes of the Hawk (+1 Perception/+2 Init.) (Su) +2 Initiative during a surprise round.
False Arcanist +1 (Ex) Gain +1 bonus on some skill checks; disguise divine spellcasting as other type with a skill check.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Horillo's early life was simple, the son of a farm worker on the Lord Tarn's estate, outside the town of Kintaro. He was recognised as special by those who gave nourishment and healing to the poorer families on the estate. Perran, the unassuming follower of Estoril took Horillo under his wing and taught him the tenants of the old god, the nourishment of the family and community. Horillo listened and slowly Estoril listened to his pleas, and prayers were answered. For the life outside the city gates for peasants and nobles alike was not so stifled by the oppressive march of the Asmodian faith.
Perran taught the young man both the words of Estori; and his actions, the bow that now rests in Horillo's hand, has taken a holy stag in Estoril's name. The right of passage for a chosen of Estoril.
It was peaceful and tranquil, until the day the Lord Tarn's estate was repossesed. The estate worker's families forced into Kintero to seek an end to starvation, homelessness and hopelessness. Once in Kintero the family started to find work and a room to stay. But the tyranny of Asmodeus was enforced with greater force and law. The other gods were denied their rightful places of worship, so Horillo became more used to hiding his faith in the goodness of man. The more he resented the life he was forced to lead, something had to change, and change soon. The alignment of the stars, the way the ground baked in the sun, all these were signs, were the patterns of life that foretold of troubles ahead. Of rebellion in the air....

ExiledMimic |

I'd like to submit Kaden Thade, a minor noble turned revolutionary after his family was threatened by the Thrunes for their worship of outlawed Gods.
Male Half-Elf Ranger (Ilsurian Archer) 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)/(elf)
Init +3; Senses: Perception +8
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Defensive Abilities:
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Longsword (One Handed) +3 (1d8+2/19-20x2)
Longsword (Two Handed) +3 (1d8+3/19-20x2)
Ranged: Orc Hornbow (Two Handed) +4 (2d6/20x3)
Special Attacks:
+2 attack and damage vs Humans
Move Action: +4 Ranged attack
Racial Abilities
Ancestral Arms: Proficiency with Orc Hornbow
Elven Immunities: Immune to sleep and +2 to saving throws against enchantment spells and effects
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus to perception
Fey Thoughts: Acrobatics and Sense Motive are class skills
Low-light Vision
Elf Blood: Count as both human and elf for effects
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 20
Feats: Bullseye Shot (Ilsurian Ranger), Point Blank Shot (1st)
Child of Kintargo: +1 to Knowledge (nobility) and it's a class skill, can take Noble Scion without Cha requirement and extra equipment
Purity of Faith: +1 to Will saves and +1 to saving throws against spells and effects originating from an outsider with the evil subtype
Tracker of Society: +1 Inititive and +2 Survival in any favored terrain (stacks with favored terrain)
Betrayed: Must roll twice on sense motive and take lower result.
Acrobatics: 6, Climb (Str), Craft (Bows): 4, Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (nobility): 5, Perception: 8, Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive, Spellcraft (Int), Stealth: 7, Survival: 6, and Swim (Str).
Languages: Common, Elf
Orc Hornbow (Two Handed Bow) 2d6 (20x3), 4lbs (Free because of trait)
Longsword (One Handed Sword) 1d8 (19-20x2) 4lbs, (15 gp)
Parade Armor (Light Armor) +3 AC, +5 Max Dex, -1 ACP, 20 lbs (25 gp)
Battle Mask (50 gp)
Arrows [Common] (40) (1 gp)
Arrows [Blunt] (20) (2 gp)
Arrows [Smoke] (2) (20 gp)
Arrows [Splintercloud] (1) (25 gp)
Noble's Outfit (free)
Signet Ring (free)
Remaining Gold: 42 GP
Special Abilities
Favored Enemy: Humanoid (Human) +2
Bullseye Shot
Favored Class Bonus: +1 HP
Kaden grew up dreaming of seeing the lands of his mother's people. His aspiration was to one day walk under the great canopy that formed the woodland kingdom she grew up in. Yet the closest he ever got was the woods outside the small city or the wooded areas of the Green that he called home. Yet his mother taught him woodcraft and the skills of her people, instilling him with a wonder for elvish lore and the tales of great elven heroes who had come in the ages before.
By the time he came of age the fashion-ability of an elven wife was a lesser novelty. A half-breed child less so. They had only each other and the few friends Kaden had managed to cling to from childhood. Yet when the family business was accused of helping the Glorious Reclamation (predominantly because of the Thade's history as worshipers of Iomeda) things got worse. Suddenly his mother's belief in Shelyn also became a serious issue. So much so that an agent of the new Lord-Mayor even implied that the house did not forswear their Gods and worship Asmodeus that the house may find a similar tragedy to a recent noble house consumed in flames with some people still inside.
He found out that his family was turned in by another smaller house, eager to gain favor with the new Thrune overlord at the expense of their livelihood and possibly their lives. Made worse by finding out it was one of the families of a friend he thought he could trust. However at the first sight of personal advancement they turned their back on them and left them under the careful eye of the Asmodean loyalists.
By then Kaden had simply had enough. He took money from his coffers and his father's prized orc bow trophy and left. Now he wears a suit of armor crafted to resemble Kintago's former dress uniform from before the time of the martial crackdown. He also wears a mask made to hide his features that is engraved with the visage of silver ravens on his face, helping hide his identity in the hopes of helping to stir up the common folk into open rebellion against the occupation of his home city so he can help banish the Chelish invaders and throw the new Lord-Mayor out of the city as quickly as possible.

Corvis Weatherby |

Dotting the thread with a submission, background to be provided as soon as possible within the profile.
I haven't settled on archery vs. starknives, both seem to be good. Seems like the Raven Master is usable!
Male halfling ranger (raven master, infiltrator) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 125, Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide 175)
CG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 racial bonus vs. curse effects and hexes (stacks with halfling luck)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee starknife +5 (1d3+3/×3) or
. . starknife +5 (1d3+3/×3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 17
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Divine Fighting Technique (desna's Shooting Star)
Traits fate's favored, helpful, urban sleuth (Silver Ravens; Knowledge [Local, History])
Skills Acrobatics +0 (-4 to jump), Bluff +7, Disguise +7, Handle Animal +7, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +6, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Sense Motive
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling
SQ blessed, fey magic, mark of slavery, track +1, wild empathy
Combat Gear acid (2); Other Gear studded leather, buckler, starknife, starknife, bedroll, belt pouch, bird feed (per day) (2), canteen[UE], falconry gauntlet[UE], half deck sacred keepsake, masterwork backpack[APG], raven, raven, 15 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Blessed +2 to save vs. curse effects and hexes.
Divine Fighting Technique (Desna's Shooting Star) Starknife att/dam is Charisma based. Advanced: full-rd thrown starknife deals 1d4 hits.
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. humans foes.
Fey Magic (Favored Terrain [Urban]) Gain spell-like abilities in selected terrain.
Mark of Slavery -2 to skills and attacks after failing a skill check, unless you're retrying the skill check,
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +4 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
1) Corvis is a former slave to the house Delronge, one of the minor noble houses of Kintargo. He doesn't know much about his family, as he was an orphaned slave in the house. He grew up cleaning latrines and doing odd jobs for the Delronge family until his gift with animals was uncovered.
2) Corvis was an adroit handler of animals, especially birds. He learned to care for Delronge's cast of falcons and other birds, and kept them well fed and even learned the rudimentary animal training techniques. Corvis slept in the same room as the falcons, and is very comfortable with them.
3) Corvis met and became friends with a few different conspiracies of ravens, who received surruptitious food when he could sneak it to them.
4) Corvis was freed as a slave after helping the scion of the Delronge family catch a particularly rare and valuable silvered rabbit in the woods outside of kintargo.
5) Corvis has no other family, and lives on the roof of the Iudeimus Tenement building. He pays a nominal amount to squat, and cares for an conspiracy of friendly ravens as well as any other birds that come by. He is adept at training the birds to retrieve things for people that are otherwise hard to get, as well as training people's other birds to perform complex actions, and is able to make a very modest living as a bird wrangler.
6) Corvis is a tall halfling with black hair, brown eyes, and a light brown skin. He has a friendly mein about him, and cheerfully helps people that ask him for assistance, usually without asking for anything in return. He is usually smiling, and is dressed plainly with utilitarian clothing covered in pouches, buckles and animal-related tools. He wears heavy gloves most of the time.
Step 2:
1) He has noticed that his conspiracy has been dropping in population, and he now has only two friends that return to him with regularity, Melanie and Geoff. He heard that there was a reward for the death of ravens in the city now, which makes him terribly upset. He would like to keep ravens safe and prevent them from being killed, and find out why the silver ravens have disappeared (he likes ravens AND silver so he doesn't think that could be a coincidence). Corvis does not want to be captured again.
2) I'd like Corvis to advance as a ranger, possibly as an evangelist of Milani as well.
Step 3:
1) Corvis actually escaped from the Delronge family with the help of their secretly sympathetic youngest daughter, Annabelle. He always wears a different disguise each day, but has been unable to figure out a way to escape the city. He tries to stay as far from the estate as he can
Step 4:
1) Annabelle is years old and became best friends with Corvis while Corvis was enslaved. Annabelle and Corvis grew up together and Annabelle managed to shield Corvis from the wrath of the Delronge elders on more than one occasion. It isn't clear that she has been indicted for his escape, as he hasn't seen her since he left the estate.
2) Teldin is the cheap landlord from whom Corvis rents his poor-quality room. Teldin looks the other way at Corvis' love of ravens, due to Corvis' help in clearing out a number of pigeons that infested the flophouse's chimney.
3) Lord Delronge is searching for Corvis, though much less furiously than he had previously. When Corvis escaped, the Lord had many of the city's freeish halflings rounded up. It was only as a result of luck that Corvis wasn't caught immediately. Delronge hates Corvis for escaping, and wants to punish him as an example to his other slaves.
Step 5:
1) Corvis has picked up a number of mannerisms that many birds have, such as tilting his head when curious or thinking, a love of shiny things (especially silver), and speaking relatively quickly.
2) Corvis was mentally scarred as a result of his time as a slave, and if he fails at a task he doubles-down on the task until it is completed correctly.
Corvis would have gone to the protest for the "meeting a contact" reason, as he has been piecing together ways to get in touch with what might still be the silver ravens and managed to get a contact's information.

Saniel Jin Ka |

Deevor, a couple questions and comments.
- How are you arriving at your attack bonus and damage with your weapons? Seems either I am missing something or you printed your statblock with some toggles engaged in HeroLab.
- If you check the character guidelines you will see that no stat can be below a 10 before racial adjustments. Your INT falls outside of that requirement.

Deevor |

Deevor, a couple questions and comments.
- How are you arriving at your attack bonus and damage with your weapons? Seems either I am missing something or you printed your statblock with some toggles engaged in HeroLab.
- If you check the character guidelines you will see that no stat can be below a 10 before racial adjustments. Your INT falls outside of that requirement.
OK, will change the stats for the int, had both point blank and divine favour set .. naturally without bonuses +4 or +2/+2 and no bonus to damage....
However to get the int to 10, will take dex down to 17, gives 10 int and 13 charisma.
So now ... naturally without bonuses +3 or +1/+1 (rapid) and no bonus to damage....

GM Dak |

@Doreen/Nikolaus We are not using background skills.
@Nikolaus You can use guns, but you are going to stand out unless you are part of the Navy, a Hellknight or a Dottari, read official representative of Cheliax in some capacity. Also note, this would be emerging guns so supplies/upgrades are going to be slightly more difficult to come by.

Rutilus Rathgan |

I realize you already have a slayer and you are looking for ranged, but you said you were flexible so I figured I would throw this character into the ring. I built this character for other Hell's Rebels campaigns but was never selected. You can find the majority of his background, personality, etc in the profile. But I'll answer your five questions here.
2) As noted above, Rutilus is a street Urchin. I kind of see him as Aladdin meets Peter Pan with a splash of Robin Hood as he takes what he needs to survive but watches out for his crew.
3) No specific ties to the community. Rutilus spent his early childhood as an orphan being raised by the church of Asmodeus but was against their teachings and ran out to find a life on his own and has a hatred for them. A mentor that goes by the name Patch found him and he has been training with him for his organization.
4) Rutilus has the "Family Ties" drawback. While Rutilus does not have any family in the true sense of the word, he sees the members of his crew as his family and would do anything for them.
5) As stated above, Rutilus does not have any true family but he sees his crew as family. A few members of note
Cassie - The first person he met after escaping the orphanage. Rutilus is very protective of her and sees her as his little sister. Cassie on the other hand wishes for something a bit more romantic.
Tesario - If Cassie is Rutilus's sister, Tesario would be his brother. They would do anything for each other and are best friends. However, like most brothers, there is a sibling rivalry between the two. Tesario has a crush on Cassie but has yet to act on it.
"Patch" - Mentor and father figure to Rutilus. While their relation started out adversarial, Rutilus has a huge amount of respect for the man and has grown to seek his approval. Patch has gone missing which leads Rutilus to search for the man with one glove at the protest.

Doreen Makgree |

Regarding the 5 questions, I think the only thing missing in my submission is #1. Doreen lives between the Makgree mansion in The Greens, the noble district north of Kintargo, and the Makgree country estate a couple of miles outside Kintargo. Her father Izaro also owns lands in the area of Yolubilis Harbor, and charges the local businessmen for properties built on his grounds.
All this subject to GM approval, of course. ;)

Sorix Seraxis |

As far as a character to not outshine the pure caster goes--and if this is something the player might be able to answer better/weigh in on that would be cool by me--is the wizard focusing on blasty stuff, and would an Eldritch Archer Magus be considered stepping on toes? That's a very direct "do ranged attack stuff and little else" kind of deal but if throwing around lighting bolts and such would be stepping in on the wizard's territory a bit, knowing would be good before I started treading down that road idea-wise.
I'm an Exploiter wizard, and I'll be pretty well-rounded. Support, utility, save-or-lose, and blast. With Quick Study, I'll be able to swap out any spell in my book with a full-round action, so I should always have the right tool for the job. I'm planning on Spell Perfection: Disintegrate, so I'll have a pretty mean blast late-game. I also took Magical Lineage on Disintegrate to reduce metamagic costs by 1.
Basically, I like to try to always have the right spell to help the team. I'll generally get buffs going before starting in with save-or-sucks. Haste. Displacement on the BSF. I'm never worried about being outshined with pure DPR. And I try not to outshine others.

Nikolaus de'Shade |

Offering you Kit 'the Quikling' for your consideration. He's a fighter, who will take the 'archer' archetype at second level - no divine magic sadly, but plenty of archery and he should end up very good at it. :)
Despite his fey heritage he is lawful good, having just left the dottari - disgusted with how Thrune has corrupted the values of Kintargo and the dottari he is now looking for a new community to serve and protect, in line with his Erastilian upbringing. He is therefore lawful, but somewhat rootless right now - having come to the conclusion that Barzillai Thrune's Kintargo is not one he can rightfully serve, he wants (although he doesn't really know it yet) a way to restore 'proper order' and the 'real Kintargo' which existed under Julia Bainilus. Potentially I see him as 'group conscience', moderating the more idealistic members and always keeping his eye on the goal of improving things for the citizens, rather than revolutionary ideals.
Note: I was originally planning to take 'fed-up citizen', but went for the 'natural born leader' trait instead so that I would have something to offer outside of combat... I know you weren't hugely keen on a lawful PC but I hope I've at least made a decent fist of explaining why someone focused on the community good would be willing to oppose Thrune.
Male Human Fighter (Archer) 1
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5 (+4 Dex, +1 trait)
Senses: Perception +5, low-light vision.
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 dex).
HP 12/12 ([10+1con+1FCB])
Fort +3 (2 base, +1 Con)
Ref +5 (0 base, +4 Dex, +1 racial)
Will +2 (0 base, +1 Wis, +1 racial)
‘Gaoth’ +6 (7), d8+2(+1), 110ft, x3.
Greatsword +3, 2d6+3, 19-20 x2.
Spd 30 ft
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 14 (+2)
Dex 18 (+4) (16 base, +2 racial)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 10 (0)
Wis 13 (+1)
Cha 10 (0)
Base Atk +1 (+1 Fighter)
CMB +3 (1 BAB, 2 Str)
CMD 17 (10, +1 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Str)
Point-Blank Shot [Level 1]: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot [Human Bonus Feat]: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.
Rapid Shot [Fighter Bonus Feat 1]: When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon, you can fire one additional time this round at your highest bonus. All of your attack rolls take a –2 penalty when using Rapid Shot.
Natural-born Leader (Campaign): Whenever you found yourself involved in a group effort in the past, you tended to end up in a position of leadership and your knack for managing groups has always pushed you to the front of any operation you’ve found yourself a part of.
You excel in the role of manager. You treat your Charisma score as if it were 14 (or 2 points higher than its actual score if your actual Charisma is already 14 or higher) for the purposes of determining how many teams you can manage in the rebellion, and for the purposes of determining the bonus you add to your managed teams’ actions. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus to your Leadership score if you take the Leadership feat.
Signature Moves (Social): Your starting equipment includes a single masterwork item worth less than 900 gp, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks while wielding this item in one or both hands.
Survivor [Regional]: You gain a +1 trait bonus to initiative and Sense Motive checks. Sense Motive is always a class skill for you.
Fey-Taken: You take a –2 penalty on saving throws against disease, illusions, and poison of all kinds, as well as against the spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of fey.
Perception +5 (1 rank, +1 Wis, +3 class)
Sense Motive +6 (1 rank, +1 Wis, +3 class, +1 trait)
Total Points: 2 [1x(2 Fighter + 0 Int )]
AC penalty is 0
Soldier’s Uniform x2 (free)
‘Gaoth’ – Darkwood Composite 2 Longbow (free – Signature Weapon)
40 Arrows (2gp)
20 Blunt Arrows (2gp)
20 Whistling Arrows (2gp)
Greatsword (50gp)
Leather Armor (10gp)
Fighter’s Kit: backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. (9gp)
Potion of CLW (50gp)
55 gold 0 silver 0 copper
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Heart of the Fey: You gain low-light vision, gain a +1 racial bonus on Reflex and Will saves, and treat Knowledge (nature) and Perception as class skills. This racial trait replaces skilled.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as Combat Feats, sometimes also called “fighter bonus feats.”
Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.
When not out hunting beasts, Katrina lived quietly with her elderly parents in a hut on the edge of Ravounel Forest. The old couple were lay priests of Erastil and ministered to the small community of woodsmen and hunters with the practicality and common-sense of their pragmatic, community minded god.
One night a great hush fell over the wood and a melodious horn sounded far in the distance. The woodsmen all barred their doors and closed their shutters, content to stay by their fires and let the Wild Hunt of legend ride past them in peace. All except Katrina. Despite being heavily pregnant after a tryst with a passing merchant, Katrina slipped out of her parent’s house, following the sound of the horn into the forest and was never seen again.
Months later, after the community had given up all hope and Katrina’s parents mourned her as dead, the Horn of the Hunt sounded again. Once again the community barred their doors and closed their shutters – fearing to leave. Yet the hunt did not pass them by that night. Instead, with a sound of rushing wind, a powerful steed with a grassy mane and tail thundered to a halt in the center of the small hamlet and a lithe, androgynous figure dismounted, cradling a small bundle.
Always mindful of their duty, the elderly priests of Erastil opened their door to the knocking that followed and were confronted by the tall fey, tattooed and sharp eared. The figure, whose gender could not be made out, silently offered them two objects – the bow from it’s back, and the bundle in its six-fingered hands, a human baby. As soon as the astonished priests took the baby and the weapon the figure sprang onto its steed and galloped away, as the sound of the Hunt rose once more.
Kit, as the old couple named the boy, grew up as a pleasant but serious boy. Unusually swift in both mind and body he was a capable and valued member of the community, but never well liked. Too many people knew the stories of his ‘delivery’ and, despite his grandparent’s best efforts people always whispered behind his back and spoke of his “strangeness”.
None-the-less Kit served his community well, absorbing his grandparent’s teachings on community spirit, respect for the wild and working together in harmony. He found himself to be something of a leader and organized much of the hamlet’s community work – rebuilding barns and rounding up lost cattle, taking the strain off his, now extremely old, grandparents. Despite this, once they passed peacefully into the River of Souls, Kit found he could stay no longer. Taking the great bow of black wood, which his grandparents had always hung above the fireplace and looked on with wistful glances he left his home and wandered northwards.
By the time he reached Kintargo, Kit was a weathered, lean figure from many nights of hunting out his own food. Almost pathologically taciturn he lived in squalid lodgings by the docks for almost two weeks, before taking what few belongings he still had and reporting to the guard muster at Castle Kintargo.
Initially skeptical, the recruiting sergeant was quickly impressed by Kit’s speed and accuracy with his bow and Kit was inducted into the cities dottari – charged with keeping law and order in the sprawling Silver City. Kit found this work suited him and fitted well with his personal beliefs in the importance of order and community support. In cosmopolitan Kintargo he found his ‘strangeness’ mattered much less than his capabilities and although he was able to get into the woods less than he would have liked Kit was happy. He had made some friends and was even promoted to Corporal until the Night of Ashes, when everything changed.
With the ‘flight’ of Mayor Bainilus and appointment of Lord Mayor Paracount Thrune, Kit watched as everything he respected about Kintargo and the dottari was swiftly destroyed. His sergeant, and all the officers whose probity was beyond question, were quickly dismissed and new officers, concerned with their personal power and ‘proper deference to authority’ replaced them. In barely three days the dottari went from a respected, law-abiding group, to a state-mandated gang – not helped by the recruitment of ‘loyal citizens’ into the para-military Chelish Citizen’s Group, whose antics blackened the good name of the dottari even more.
When Kit found that he and his unit of a dozen men were to be demobilized after the ‘slackness of their commander made them unfit for service’, he realized that he had had enough. Having heard rumors about a protest planned against the new Lord Mayor, Kit took his longbow (which had rapidly become his signature item among his fellow dottari), his arrows and his uniform, shorn of all signs of allegiance to House Thrune, and left the dottari for good, heading to Aria Park and hoping to find a new purpose, one which he could truly believe in.

Nikolaus de'Shade |

Just filling Kit out a bit more, (and trying to break up the long post!)
1) Where/how are you living in Kintargo? Until yesterday Kit lived in the dottari barracks. Now he is effectively homeless, until he takes the time to find somewhere new to live.
2) What do you do for a living? He was a member of the dottari. Now... he's not sure. Luckily he has enough pay saved to tide him over for a while.
3) Do you have any ties to the community, any locals you frequent, any groups you are/want to be a part of? Kit has a small group of (now ex-) dottari he served with, who he knows well and likes. They often drank at Clenchjaw's in the Old Town, preferring to avoid the much rowdier Thrashing Badger. He is on nodding terms with Mawl, Clenchjaw's bouncer, and has occasionally aided in breaking up bar fights while off duty.
He feels honor-bound to stay in Kintargo and try to help 'right' the city, although he has much more feeling for the people living in Old Kintargo, Redroof and the Devil's Nursery than he does for the nobility in their manor houses in the Greens.
4) If you take a drawback, why does your character have that drawback? Kit can't help it. The circumstances of his birth were strange, to say the least, and even now traces of fey otherworldliness cling to him. It's usually not a problem, but some things, like cinnamon and cold iron, give him strange reactions such as the desire to sneeze or a green rash. The increased speed and perception he seems to have received in return make up for it, but Kit is forced to take his food very bland - just in case.
5) Do you have any family/relationships in Kintargo? No family, but a decent number of friends, particularly Sergeant Grinsky, who was his initial recruiter and later his group sergeant. Kit sees the man as something of a mentor and would like to track him down, after the sergeant's expulsion from the dottari.
I've got a light character link to Mawl in there, and might well know Nils from guard patrols into the Crimson Thorn's territory. Kit would probably be known as an 'honest guard' - although whether Nils would consider that a compliment...
Hope this helps fill him out a bit more.