Saniel Jin Ka
Aasimar Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer, Urban Infiltrator) of Desna 2
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 17 (2d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +7
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee masterwork starknife +6 (1d4+4/×3) or
. . cold iron starknife (x2) +5 (1d4+4/×3) or
. . dagger +1 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged masterwork starknife +6 (1d4+4/×3) or
. . cold iron starknife (x2) +5 (1d4+4/×3) or
. . dagger +2 (1d4/19-20)
Special Attacks studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
. . 1/day—daylight
Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer, Urban Infiltrator) Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
. . 1st (3/day)—cure light wounds, disguise self, cloak of secrets
. . 0 (at will)—daze (DC 13), detect magic, detect poison, guidance, stabilize
. . Domain Redemption inquisition
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Divine Fighting Technique (Desna's Shooting Star)
Traits altruistic diplomat, innocent, natural born leader
Skills Bluff +12 (+17 to convince others of the truth), Diplomacy +15 (+18 when gathering information), Disable Device +5, Disguise +11, Heal +7, Intimidate +9, Perception +12, Sense Motive +10, Survival +7 (+8 to track);
Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perception
Languages Common
SQ gifted detective, mark of slavery, patient sensibility, scion of humanity[ARG], stern gaze +1, track +1
Equipment cloak of resistance +1
Other Gear buckler, chain shirt, dagger, masterwork starknife, starknife, bandolier, belt pouch, candle (3), canteen, chalk (2), charcoal (2), flint and steel, scroll case, signal whistle, thieves' tools, twine (50'), vial (2), wooden holy symbol of Desna, wrist sheath - spring loaded, 17pp, 6 gp, 4 sp, 5 cp
Special Abilities
Cunning Initiative Add Wisdom bonus to initiative checks
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Detect Alignment (At will) (Sp) Detect chaos, evil, good, or law at will.
Divine Fighting Technique (Desna's Shooting Star) Starknife att/dam is Charisma based.
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Gifted Detective (Ex) Gathering information never takes an urban infiltrator more than 1 hour.
Mark of Slavery -2 to skills and attacks after failing a skill check, unless you're retrying the skill check,
Patient Sensibility (Su) You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy, Perception, and Sense Motive checks.
Scion of Humanity Count as a human for any effect related to race. Pass as human without using disguise.
Stern Gaze +1 (Ex) +1 to Sense Motive and Intimidate.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.