Nicat Brightluck |

Hello all - happy to be here. From a quick look at everyone's profiles, it looks like we have a generally experienced group of PbP players - and for any who are new to it, welcome!
What we don't have is any arcane casters... But we've got some pretty serious melee and ranged chops, and should have a decent skill array.
As should be clear from his background, Nicat is a joker and a risk-taker, who hasn't learned to take anything seriously. He grew up in Sandpoint and has spent a little time travelling with a caravan, and now has a thirst to see the world. If Vorren was a town guard, there's a very good chance he'd know Nicat, who has run into a fair bit of trouble with the sheriff, though generally of the harmless mischief variety rather than anything criminal. And reading Voren's background, we've both got an interest in goblins, so we could even be friends, if the somewhat tortured Voren would tolerate Nicat's happy-go-extra-lucky ways.
Looking forward to gaming with you all.

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Wow, lots of raw power, no magic. Should be like a Conan campaign.
Ulrich will be wandering on his own and looking forward to meeting you all...

Nicat Brightluck |

Wow, lots of raw power, no magic. Should be like a Conan campaign.
Nicat can't exactly claim raw power either, but he's happy to help however he can. Was thinking of maybe going Knife Master with him, but it seems that more damage capability isn't what we need, so I'll probably go straight rogue (or maybe Scout...) and keep Trapfinding.

Chavana Haoul |

Greetings all, it appears I am late to the party. Perhaps Darpan could have met Chavana when she was traveling from Windsong Abbey?
I am glad to see a joker, although Chavana is more serious (outwardly). Having spent some time in prison over an insult made Chavana a little less humorous. She still enjoys the typical Varisian fun (although she's a horrible dancer!).
Glad to be a part of this, and GM Dak: Good luck with FOUR parties!

White Crow |

White Crow, checking in.
White Crow is wild elf, native to the forests, and a talented tracker. As a part of his travels, he has so frequently run afoul of goblins, that he has become a specialist in hunting and tracking them. He came to the area after noticing that large numbers of them seemed to be congregating near here. He's stopped into Sandpoint for supplies and information.
Mechanically? I was picturing a Native American type (well, stereotype really), with tomahawks as paired weapons as well as thrown. This is a really less than an optimal build, but appealed to me for flavour. However, I can always transition him to a more traditional build, like range or switch hitter, if the power is needed.

Darpan Bala Manujyestha |

Darpan is build for ranged combat first, then melee. He would most likely have travelled to the monastery, as he would feel more comfortable in somewhat familiar surroundings. And having a "native" guide would also be helpful, so he and Chavana are probably travelling together. (too bad you did not have Vudrani as a language...then it would give even more reason to have joined together)

Darkmeer |

Sorry for no Vudrani language, Darpan.
Given that White Crow is a ranger, and would likely be found OUT of town, it's possible we could all three meet that way. Perhaps White Crow is heading to Sandpoint to resupply?
I'm still trying to think how we would meet Voren, Nicat, and Ulrich. Any thoughts?

Darpan Bala Manujyestha |

Hmmm...well it sounds like maybe Ulrich and Nicat might have met in a caravan while travelling and would have a connection there...Voren might be friends with Crow, maybe being the only member on the militia that Crow felt comfortable with, and acted as an go between for the Hunter and the town....just a thought..

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If you travelled here with a Varasian caravan, as many do, then you could have met Ulrich during his last stint as a guard for his Sczarni family.

Darpan Bala Manujyestha |

Very true, as Darpan did join a caravan up from Magnimar to Sandpointe. It is very likely he met Ulrich...and maybe from him was told about the Abbey, where he met Chavana. And while travelling to the Abbey, was escorted by Crow...that would account for Darpan knowing most of the party.....and through him, getting to know each other.

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GM Dak: any chance in linking this to a Campaign thread so we can dot it and keep track of updates?

Chavana Haoul |

If I recall the game I was not chosen for, there is some sort of festival dedicating a new temple of multiple Golarion deities to start the campaign, perhaps we all meet there? Another option is that someone gets themselves into trobule... and we all meet through said trouble?

Nicat Brightluck |

I've been trying to post, but am on a tiny island in the western pacific for work, and the internet has been iffy at best.
This has already been said to some degree, but it seems like many of us have some connection to a caravan coming to Sandpoint - Nicat, Ulrich, and Darpan for sure, possibly Chavana as well. So that's four of us who are at least acquaintances, and Nicat knows Voren too. Maybe White Crow met up with the caravan as he travelled to Sandpoint, even if just for a little while?
So five of us come to Sandpoint together, where Nicat can introduce the rest to Voren, who he has know for years, and suggest they all go to the Swallowtail Festival? (Disclaimer - Nicat has played the very beginning of this AP, getting just past the festival.)
Also - Ulrich - how do you pronounce your name, with a 'k' sound at the end, or a 'ch' sound?

Chavana Haoul |

Chavana would be happy to go to the swallowtail festival. She also intends to go to the temple dedication, but wherever we can all be at the same time when whatever hooks in works for me. I've not played the AP, I've just heard of the basics of how it starts.

GM Dak |

Thanks for posting and getting to know one another. I am still finishing up some prep (wife took me on a little mini-vacation this weekend that ate into prep time). I am hoping to finish up by Wed at which point I'll post the link to Roll20 and open up the campaign thread.
Thanks for your patience can't wait to get started!

GM Dak |

Ok, gaemplay and campaign threads are now both open above. Please take a look at the campaign thread to see important information. Also note I haven't put up the link for Roll20 yet as I am putting on some finishing touches today I'll make sure to post here and put in the link up at the top of the page when it is ready.

White Crow |

I'm feeling a bit overextended right now on how many games I'm involved in. I think that rather than start and potentially have to bow out later, I should do so before I enter int I the game and the storyline. Best of luck all. GM Dak, hopefully you still have a few alternates looking at getting in.

Darpan Bala Manujyestha |

I was looking forward to your take of the elven 'native american' ranger. It would have been a fantastic character to interact with, but I understand that you do not wish to spread yourself too thin! Best of luck on your other games.

Nicat Brightluck |

Sorry to hear we'll be losing you, White Crow.
I think sticking with 5 might be good - we've got decent melee and ranged options, a bit of divine casting - we still don't have any arcane, though.
I'd prefer to keep the group smaller, but am open to pulling in another if the rest of the party wants to - and especially if we get an arcane caster.
Also - a nice RP start, y'all! Looking forward to this.

GM Dak |

Forgot to note, once you've had a chance to login to the Roll20 page, let me know your name on Roll20 so I can associate you with the correct character so you can move them around. I'll also be adding at least their HP and AC for me to keep track in battles easier :)

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ID is Crellan

GM Dak |

Thanks all.
Also a note to all, I've been subpoenaed for jury duty. We are still going through jury selection but I haven't been dismissed yet. Usually I can post several times a day but this is going to limit it to once or twice a day, maybe a couple extra if I can sneak it in on breaks.

Chavana Haoul |

Civic duty good sir. Take care and may the cases be simple. I've never been summoned for Jury Duty.
Note to all:
Chavana has been pushing her personality volume upwards for the festival. She's getting socially exhausted, so holding onto Ulrich and Darpan is as much for the companionship as it is to keep her standing.
Chavana hasn't said she spent some time in a Korvosan Dungeon, guarding that fact about herself. It's a depressing place, and she was very likely beaten every day she was super bright, so she's trying to remember how to be herself again.
So, with that being said, she can still "be a Varisian," as much as the next, she's also easy to exhaust socially right now... she's only been out for about 6 months or so.

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Beagan Wyvernspur |

Hey all! I appreciate GM Dak giving me the opportunity to fill the role left by White Crow.
I've just read through the gameplay thread and I have to say - you guys are making this a lot of fun! Please feel free to read about my character background, history, etc. I've read about how you all know each other in this discussion thread. And there are a couple of ways my character could fit in - since he traveled from his home he could have met up with many of you on the way to Sandpoint or he could just be the new guy.
My alias has personality in it but to expound - Beagan is a solider. He is also not a young man. (I was actually going to make him middle-aged to reflect this but didn't want to min-max so I put him right at the threshold). Essentially he has seen and lived war and is very serious about his mission. Sometime she is gruff and talks about naivety but he is not a bad or evil person by any means. He has seen evil, he has fought it and he doesn't want to give it a chance to win.
Anyway, I'm excited to be a part of this.