GM Captain Trips Curse of the Crimson Throne
Game Master
Chad Newman
I think your fates are tied together now and forever more. Which might mean you both get picked or neither of you get picked.
That is the risk with connected characters, indeed.
That being said, Sera and Krojun's stories aren't that interdependant that I wouldn't dare pick just one of the two if it came to that.
Uh oh, the shoanti is making assumptions...that can't be good.
Yeah, anyone could be the one that helped get Krojun out of the gutter but Sera just fit well because she had a similar story.
In either case, here's hoping!
Here's hoping for me too!
This is what I call the calm before the storm. Come tonight we'll see smiles and tears, we'll hear laughter and fading footsteps, we'll sense joy and sadness...Some will prepare themselves for Korvosa and some will head for the next recruitment thread; it's how things go here, this reminds me of the first campaign I tried to join when I first came to this site, it was a curse of the crimson throne AP, never got picked, never understood why, I just picked my self up and said "I'll get in the next one".
I'll gladly explain what led to someone being picked or not, if asked in a PM, once the choosing is done.
I was just over dramatizing this situation and a past experience of mine for entertainment value, but nonetheless it's cool that you have no issue with telling us why we were picked or not, thanks GM.
We will all obviously wait till tonight, that's when it will all begin...and end.
Hamming it up like the blue-lipped guy from the DnD movie, are we?
Wouldn't know, never saw that movie.
I like to pretend that movie never happened.
And yet it did. Even Jeremy Irons couldn't save it.
He was also in one of the Highlander movies.
It's bad movie gold.
Damnit that movie was a blight. I even saw it in theatres. Thanks for opening up a wound.
Ahem. Also antsy. Good luck everyone!
The time of judgement is soon
I bet Red is sitting back with his list, cackling maniacally as he holds our fates in his hands.
I know I do when I GM :D
I feel like there's a tv series in this decision, in the vein of Priject Runway. Rusty could drag it on for weeks kicking us out one at a time.
Cackling maniacally every once in a while is good for you.
With a commercial break every 12 seconds.
He could say things like "I'm sorry, Motai. This week you rolled a natural 1. You're out."
Or "You are the weakest link, Krojun. Goodbye."
Demitri Severin wrote: Or "You are the weakest link, Krojun. Goodbye." He has an 18 Str, I doubt he is the weakest link...
And yes, I know where that is from, I choose to ignore it :p
Maybe all those muscles are for show.
"I'm sorry, but you fumbled the challenge. You're out."
The wait is driving some of us likely nuts at this moment.
Noya Yuuki Aiba wrote: The wait is driving some of us likely nuts at this moment. AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy .AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullbo y.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullb oy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadull boy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadul lboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadu llboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgead ullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgea dullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidge adullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidg eadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRid geadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRi dgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesRidgeadullboy.AllwaitandnoknowingmakesR idgeadullboy.Allwaitand...
Err.. I'm fine, thanks ;)
"The top 6 answers are on the board"
"Survey says?"
I'll take party formation for $1000, Alex.
"Are there any healers on the board, Vanna?"
Well... It's been really hard to pick, but without further ado, I give you my selections:
The selected characters are:
Nicolai Fortescu
Sera the Red
Silvio Errico
Staryth Valdian
Ruke Brightonspinner
Please report in the discussion thread when you have a chance, I'll most likely be starting the gameplay tomorrow.
There are several more I would have loved to pick, but, sadly, there were only six spots.
I thank you all for applying, and wish you the best of luck in your future applications. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to know more about what motivated my choices.
Dances happily and then flushes red as she realizes how in poor taste it is.
Thank you Red, I'll do you proud.
Well Happy gaming to those that got picked.
Good selection me thinks.
Well that is disappointing. :( Congrats to those who got in.
Congrats to those that were chosen. Best of luck to those that did not.
Grats to the chosen ones!
"No-Name" wrote: "I'll get in the next one".
Glad for Sera, it's normal she's got chosen as your Divine spellcaster.
Next time i'll complete my character's profile BEFORE trying to get into an AP.^^
Reading the thread gave me an idea for a sneaky Inquisitor of Asmodeus, because ....
congrats guys, I'll get in the next one (I hope).
Hey! No sleepy halflings allowed!! Get back to you're own game!! :D
No worries, Ruke's got this handled... just throw me back to the wolves then ;)
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