GM Burglar's #5–02: The Wardstone Patrol (Inactive)

Game Master mechaedd

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Silver Crusade

Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

Using my same line from above to convince Sir Ilivan to go after them. Use that Diplomacy aid as my own Diplomacy lead if you wish.

Silver Crusade

AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35

Baz doesn't say a word. He just gives Ilivan a skeptical; "really, your not going to try to save them?", look along with a nuanced raising of an eyebrow.

Male Bear Burglar 1

The diplomancy roll will carry, you just gotta back it up with some real words, do ho ho.

Ilivan takes offense to Baz' gesture. "I've been fighting demons here longer than Commander Manaria has been old enough to even wield a sword; she's inexperienced little princess who made a bad call. She has some fantasy of some grand ending where we just show up and fix all her problems, dreamed up like the child she is. By Calistria's honeyed bosom, I'd not be surprised if she is fancying the idea of us somehow mystically pulling a fix for the Wardstone she's sitting on out of our arses!" He marches up to Baz' and matches his skeptical gaze with a stern one of his own. "This 'rescue' idea is nothing more than a death-wish. They're marching these men into their nation-sized stronghold. If we walk up to their gates, all we're doing is giving them more victims to sacrifice and the Commander will keep making more and more mistakes until Deskari has trampled over every single person in Avistan."

Sovereign Court

Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

I agree, seems risky, Sir Ilivan, but what if we could overtake 'em afore they get there? I heard they are only guarded by a half dozen, right?

Silver Crusade

AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

Baz meets Ilivan's gaze and gathers his thoughts before speaking. When I was young, I was always taught that the Inheritor was the goddess of justice...honor...valor. I cannot fathom how the opinions you have expressed of late can be reconciled with these values. Those men marched into danger out of a sense of justice. What justice is there in leaving them to die? Where is the honor in leaving men of valor to wither at the hands of foul demons? Baz pauses, glancing at the party. With or without you, we are going to attempt to save those men. Not because we are Pathfinders, not because of the gods we believe in, no, we are going to save them because it is the right and just thing to do. Baz then begins to gather and check his gear in preparation to leave.

Do you want another Diplomacy roll, GM?

Male Bear Burglar 1

Nope, your good roll carries over. Just wanted some dialogue to actually respond to.

Ilivan closes his eyes, returning to a less "drill-instructor-esque" stance and continues to speak with Baz. "Very well, then. You'll be held accountable for whatever happens, be it some divine reward from the Heavens above or the permanent stain of blood from those you dragged to their deaths." He moves to the door, before adding in another comment (and waiting a moment for any responses.) "I'll be ready to leave as soon as possible, though I believe the Commander had some leftover supplies for you."

DMTIME (What could it be? Demon burglars?):
1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22 HA HA OH WOW

The Exchange

HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
(Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

Desmond's eyes widen as the teifling begins his impassioned verbal take-down of Ilivan. The ranger, ashamed at his previous doubts, bows his head silently as Bazresh finishes his declaration to do the right thing.

The ranger sheepishly shuffles himself behind Bazresh, convinced that he, his fellow Pathfinders, and anyone else who chooses should seek out the captured men and return them to safety.

"Count me in," he mumbles to Baz. He averts his eyes from the rest of the group, still embarrassed by his lack of courage.

Male Bear Burglar 1

And to save a smidgen of time, Sir Ilivan is ready to leave as soon as you guys are. Once you accept the mission of "save the soldiers", as I'm sure you going to, you receive the following.

Free LG Swag wrote:
  • 2 potions of cure moderate wounds
  • 3 potions of shield of faith (CL 6th)
  • 10 flasks of holy water
  • Access to borrow any simple or martial weapon from the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook
  • 2 potions of cure serious wounds
  • 2 potions of barkskin (CL 9th)
  • ...and the pièce de résistance, 1 wand of haste with 6 charges. <3 <3
  • Once you leave, we'll need someone to track the group of demonic slavers, (you can ask Ilivan if you want, do ho ho. That'd be fun,) and we'll re-enter Social Time, if anyone wants some talkies with anyone.

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    "So we're going then? Cool! Let's go!"

    Súrë sidles over to Des, "So where is it we're going exactly?"

    He pauses for a moment and then looks behind Desmond, distracted. "Cool wolf! I've got a pet bird! My name is Súrë by the way."

    "Squawk!" contributes BIG BIRD.

    Súrë is generous (airheaded) enough to leave all supplies to his companions. There's a good chance he would drop them or forget he has them.

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    Varg will volunteer his more than worthy tracking skills to find the demons.

    I've done a fair bit of trackin' in my past. I think that I can follow the trail.

    Varg bends down and attempts to pick up the trail.

    Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    Súrë will also do his part although he occasionally gets sidetracked by an interesting bug.

    Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

    The Exchange

    HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
    (Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
    Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

    Desmond helps out with Tracking. "Well, let's see which direction they may have gone..."

    Survival + Track: 1d20 + 10 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 10 + 3 = 19 (+2 if the demons are chaotic outsiders, or +4 if I can track the humans that were taken)

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Looking at the pile of resources offered to the party, Baz's eyes widen slightly, as he pauses. Oh sweet Sarenrae! What have I gotten us into?! He quickly regains his composure and begins to help track.

    Track! Aid?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    My bad, Des. I forgot you were a Ranger. I will just use my roll to aid yours.

    The Exchange

    HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
    (Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
    Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

    No problemo. I just wish I could've rolled a bit higher - should've just taken 10. *shrugs shoulders*

    "Oh hey, could I get one of those potions of Shield of Faith?"

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    I could use one of those healin' potions.

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    Before the group leaves, Sir Morgan (the scout who you first met at the time of the pass-code transfer) gives Baz a small map that marks a shallow ford across the West Sellen River where they can cross with their mounts. From there, it’s quite easy to pick up the kidnapped soldiers’ trail, leading directly west into the Worldwound. Desmond and Varg also can reveal that there are number of (between 2 to 6, depending on how many legs) hooved captors are driving eight humans (and one of the goats is apparently on fire, as their prints are charred.)

    They can tell the group are moving slowly (as determined by the sizable remains of pools of of human blood that the very strange goats demons have apparently been too busy to stop), so the the group should be able to catch up to them.

    Knowledge Planes (as per identifying a Chaotic Evil Outsider (surprise!) for purposes of modifiers or untrained rolling) and a marching order, please.

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    KN: planes: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    Varg would be up front, and I assume Des is with him because of the tracking.

    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

    Luisila’s green eyes narrow a bit as she takes in her companions’ reaction to Commander Wardroxan.

    She looks at Desmond standing beside her, sticks out her index finger and places it under his chin, before gently closing his mouth.

    I can’t blame them. She’s hot! Sir Ilivan? Not so much …

    “Guys, many demons can teleport great distances at will, but are incapable of taking but a few meager, nonliving objects with them. This means that ones with human prisoners would need to manually transport them, so they can be regularly tracked and probably caught-up-to if we leave today.”

    “I’m all for leaving now to rescue those poor wretches.”

    When the fort’s cache is revealed. Luisila is taken aback but tries hard not to show it.

    Woah … this is what they’re lending us to fight these things??

    Luisila will tie 5 blunt, adamantine and ghost salt arrows with a weapon cord and place them in her backpack. She will replace these with 16 cold iron arrows.

    She will then put her own holy water in her backpack and take two of the fort’s vials.

    “I’ll leave you guys to distribute the healing potions between you. I think Cleaver should have one of the barkskin potions.”

    “Can anyone cast Haste?

    Sir Ilivan is with us right? And we’re on horse back?

    Proposed marching order: Varg + Des ; Luisila + Sure ; Sir Ilivan ; Omrax + Baz (rear guard). Omrax, I’m thinking you might enjoy the opportunity for a lance charge from the back. Baz, if you're doing archery, I thought it would be OK for you to start from the back. Everyone, feel free to adjust.

    Luisila keeps a sharp lookout for trouble. “I am very keen to get some buffs up before we make contact with the demons.”

    Take (10) Perception + Guidance: 10 + 16 + 1 = 27

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    Ok, I will take a Barkskin Potion as well, then.

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    Order looks good to me. BIG BIRD will fly about 20' above. Watch out for the treats he drops occasionally.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Omrax will carry any item left over but does not ask for anything in particular.

    The paladin has been remarkably silent after the exchange back at the fort with Illivan and Wardroxon.

    Normally eager to ride in front, he takes his place next to Baz. When he thinks nobody can hear them.

    "Sir Baz, today has been turned on its ear and the Inheritor has tested me. If you would have told me when we left I would be siding with a Tiefling over on of my own order, I would have though you to jest . " after a bit of silence, he follows with an even lower comment.

    "And thank you for convincing him to come. All arguments I considered would have only ended with me in a court marshall. " he clamps the Inquisitor on the shoulder, with a hint of a grin.

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Baz returns the grin, though his is a little more toothy. Well said Sir Omrax. You see, it is proof that Sarenrae and Iomedae are allies to the cause!

    The Exchange

    HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
    (Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
    Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

    Desmond considers what he knows about demons.

    Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

    ...but his mind is preoccupied with Cmndr. Wardoxan. I wonder what she's doing after this?

    He shakes his head and does his best to focus on the task at hand - following the cloven tracks.

    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

    While they’re riding together, Luisila smiles at Súrë.

    “Hi, I’m Luisila. I like being a cleric!”

    She points upwards. “Is that bird up there anything to do with you? He’s very pretty! Can he do tricks?”

    Proposed trick for BB …

    BB ranged treat attack vs. Sir Ilivan’s Touch AC: 1d20 ⇒ 2
    Magnitude – probably non-lethal: 1d3 ⇒ 1

    “Can you cast Haste?

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Baz hears Lusilia asking about the hasting spell and looks up from his conversation with Omrax. I think that spell is regulated to arcane practitioners, of which, we are lacking.

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    Nobody's quite certain how many demons there are, or what they are, given the limitless possibilities of circumstance surrounding the situation.
    During the travel, when Súrë gets distracted by a single, gnarled black-and-gold wasp, he follows it to a large pimple-like bubble in the earth (easily 4-feet in height.) Ilivan grabs Súrë by the Griffin Mane of his armor, "Don't touch that; that's full of Hellwasps." Unless you want to do the optional encounter...

    The group quickly mounts dashes past the bubble as the bubble pops anyways! The swarm to bursts out and gives chase, but the distance their horses can give them easily puts them out of caring distance and the swarm simply buzzes about in the distance. A small squall brushes up a thick dust, which is rough to breathe. Sir Ilivan's eyes grow wide as he slides out of his saddle, hands nowhere near any weapons.

    Baz: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 1 = 27
    BIG: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 2 + 1 = 12
    Desmond: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 4 + 1 = 23
    Luisila: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 1 = 16
    Omrax: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 9 + 1 = 26
    Varg: 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 + 1 = 11
    Sahrek: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 1 = 5
    Súrë: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 1 = 9

    The dust you inhaled feels like it was more than just dust, as you were able to fight off some kind of influence. Perhaps a Sense Motive or Kn(Pl) may be in order?

    The dust you inhaled feels like it was more than just dust, as you were able to fight off some kind of influence. Perhaps a Sense Motive or a Kn(Pl) may be in order?

    Perception, guidance: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 16 + 1 = 35 You whispers few whispers between Sir Ilivan, Omrax and Baz, though can only really piece together a comment about being done with this trip, especially that "airhead and the whore queen's lackey" and the fact they're not quite defending your honor at this point.

    The dust you inhaled feels like it was more than just dust, as you were able to fight off some kind of influence. Perhaps a Sense Motive or a Kn(Pl) may be in order?

    Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10You hear a few whispers from the righteous rear guard of Sir Ilivan, Omrax, and Baz, but you're only able to piece together a comment of unsureness about the "Ulfen's hesitance to enter the Worldwound," and have yet to hear any resistance to the notion of your potential lack of bravery or perceived weakness.

    You hear a number of comments, under Sir Ilivan's breath, about "that dumb bird giving away our position," and everyone generally agreeing or adding in the fact that "it's willing to kill harmless villagers and Sure allowed it; can we really trust either of them?" Since you've run this before, I want to note that Sure is really difficult to write for this part with a failed save.

    A round of actions will be going by. MAP

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    "Hey guys! Stop being mean!" Súrë puts his hands over his ears and calls BIG BIRD down from the sky to land next to him. "He didn't know any better! We all had trouble telling the farmers apart from those nasty things inside them!"

    Súrë's eyes well up with tears a little bit and he shouts, "MY NAME IS Súrë AND I HAVE A PET BIRD!" He then starts to cry openly.

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17
    KN: planes: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 Add +4 if it pertains to creatures

    Baz looks around in confusion. Sir Ilivan, what are you doing? Sure, what's wrong?

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    Ha, you should consider T10. While you're unsure of what is going on with the dust (even with the +4), but Ilivan's eyes read one of a man who is beset by crippling fear.

    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

    The Savored Sting teaches Revenge is scraped from a cold dish onto a midden, rained on for a decade, planted in a vegetable patch, raised as rhubarb and baked in a pie to be served to an enemy’s loved ones and offspring – along with its leaves of deadly poison …

    Any opponent will have to do better than schoolboy taunts to get the better of me.

    She ponders some more … Is this some trick spawned by the Abyss to divide us? Good luck with that! I trust my companions – literally – with my life.

    Sweet Calistria, I confess though … I HATE not taking the initiative.

    Luisila dismounts and moves to hold the bridle of Cleaver’s horse. She readies an action to BoL the big Ulfen if a hostile action is made against the party.

    Will to disbelieve Illusions: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 Add +2 for enchantments

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Though, I probably wouldn't have T10, when you said a round of actions, I assumed we were in Init.

    The Exchange

    HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
    (Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
    Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

    Desmond coughs out some of the dust that is choking the air. Hmmm...strange things are afoot.

    "Hey now, Sure! What in the blazes are you going on about?"

    Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
    Kn. (Planes): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    This situation is quite confusing all around, as you're not sure what is going on wither either the dust or Ilivan.

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    Varg stops and looks to the back where Omrax and Baz are talking.

    Are you guys suggestin' that I am not ready to enter the Worldwound? If ya have somethin' to say, say it to my face!

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    "NNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! Stop it! Stop fighting! You're being mean, you guys!" Súrë hunkers down and starts to curl up in a ball with his arms wrapped around his knees.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Omrax is confused on the comments by his team.

    "I am making no comment Sir Varg. The dust seems to be affecting some of us. ."

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    Sir Ilivan doesn't verbally react to Baz' questioning, and curls up in the fetal position on the ground!

    Baz: SAVED
    BIG: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
    Desmond: SAVED
    Luisila: FAILED in her post
    Omrax: SAVED
    Varg: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
    Sahrek: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
    Súrë: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

    Nothing special of note; I just like PARANOIA SPOILERS.

    You continue to be okay, but Sahrek seems REALLY angsty at the world the moment.

    Sahrek feels a powerful amount of anger welling up directed at other party members. Please portray this as you see fit, though it doesn't mean outright dictate that you attack anyone (yet, unless I guess if you really, REALLY want to.) If you have any PFS shirt/folio rerolls, now may be the time.

    As you try to find something illusionary about the situation, you hear a voice in your head as you see Ilivan settle down on the ground. It is a voice that you believe is of your deity, the Savored Sting, Calistria. "My child, he has slighted my name and you do nothing. I have prostrated him to your benefit. Are you not devout? Show your devotion to me."

    You feel a powerful amount of anger welling up directed at other party members - particularly Sir Ilivan. Please portray this as you see fit, though it doesn't mean outright dictate that you attack anyone (yet, unless I guess if you really, REALLY want to.) If you have any PFS shirt/folio rerolls, now may be the time.

    Nothing special of note; I just like PARANOIA SPOILERS.

    Varg is clearly making up excuses, and Baz is just avoiding the question! Plus, look at Ilivan! He's mocking you, laying down and calling you out 'like the baby you are!'

    You feel a gratuitous amount of anger welling up directed at other party members. Please portray this as you see fit, though it doesn't mean outright dictate that you attack anyone (yet, unless you REALLY want to, I guess?) If you have any PFS shirt/folio rerolls, now may be the time.

    The voices go away, despite having been a crescendo of mocking. BIG BIRD seems really angsty, though (possibly at his 'master'?)

    BIG BIRD feels a powerful amount of anger welling up directed at other party members. Please portray this as you see fit, though it doesn't mean outright dictate that you attack anyone (yet.) If you have any PFS shirt/folio rerolls, now may be the time. End copypasta

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    GM Burglar:
    I have no such rerolls.

    Varg dismounts and has an expression of pure anger on his face, near to rage. He draws his axe and walks menacingly towards Ilivan. he stands over Ilivan and raises his axe.

    Stop mocking me, or I will cleave ya in two, you whimpering wretch!

    Intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    I have a reroll but I don't like to use it. I prefer to let the dice do their work. I've only used rerolls twice in my career in live-or-die moments and it didn't save me. Out of principle I just like to play the dice how they fall the first time now. Even if that means BIG BIRD loses his s!@% and attacks me.

    The sylph dries his eyes and stands back up. "Squawk?" he says to BIG BIRD.

    BIG BIRD, for once, does not respond but just puffs his feathers.

    "It's ok," Súrë reassures the bird.

    Handle Animal: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 7 + 4 = 20

    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

    Luisila drops her hand from the bridle of Varg’s horse. Her eyes widen as she looks up and to the left.

    A look of shame comes over her face as her cheeks flush pink.

    Then her features harden and she begins mouthing something as she strides purposefully towards Sir Ilivan, ignoring the rest of the party, except for Varg.

    Perception DC 15:
    Thy Will be done … Thy Will be done … Thy Will be done …

    “Leave him, Cleaver! He’s mine!”

    She kneels down beside the supine form of Sir Ilivan and with a calm, practised hand, draws her dagger, as if she is about to perform a ritual she has carried out many times before.

    GM Burglar:
    I have a Hardcopy Pathfinder Character Folio.

    Will?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 +2 if an Enchantment

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Omrax will move up next to Varg.

    "Sir Varg, do not attack the man lying on the ground unarmed. Let me cast a protection spell on you and then you can challenge him honorably. "

    Omrax will try to cast prot vs evil on Varg if he allows.

    Not sure if this is a charm affect. If fear related, paladins are immune and Omrax has an aura for +5 on saves to those within 10'. Not that this seems like fear. He is hoping the prot evil will break mind control if that is the issue.

    The Exchange

    HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
    (Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
    Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

    Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
    Desmond gets down off his horse and tries to follow after Luisila to stop her. "Heel, Sahrek."

    But, Sahrek doesn't come to his master's side. The ranger looks back at the wolf.

    "Sahrek, HEAL." This time, he's more emphatic.

    A low growl emits from the bared teeth. Suddenly, the wolf leaps at his master, snapping his jaw at Desmond's leg, taking the ranger by surprise.

    Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 4 = 12

    The wolf's jaws snap down on nothing but the air.

    "What in Gozreh's name has gotten INTO you, boy?"

    Sorry for posting so late today - away from internet all day.

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Bazresh shakes his head in bewilderment. What is wrong with you all? Is it the dust? Cover you mouths with a cloth! He then casts a spell, trying to bolster Varg's resistance to such dastardly things. Hold Varg. Look at what you are doing.

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    Baz: SAVED
    BIRD: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 1 = 8
    Desmond: SAVED
    Luisila: Saved in her post
    Omrax: SAVED
    Varg: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 1 = 7
    Sahrek: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 3 + 1 = 21
    Sure: Saved
    Ilivan: 1d20 + 5 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 4 + 1 = 23
    1d2 ⇒ 21d3 ⇒ 2

    Omrax looks on in fear as the other Iomedean casts a spell on him! The group surrounding the half-elf can clearly see the "dust" is unable to touch him (though the "dust" within his system is not visibly expelled!) However, he snaps to reality just as everyone is threatening him! Ilivan hunkers down in a fully-defensive stance! Luisilia also seems to return to regular (unless sacrificing people is "regular for her" for you)!

    A whip cracks in your mind, effectively shattering the voice and replacing it with the same female voice (though it does not seem to be speaking to you directly. "Really, Deskari? You can't overwhelm my followers that easily. You'd best hope she doesn't take this rage out on some of your followers. Many of my children inherited my... vindictive nature."

    Your rage and the attached enchantment (which I DID count your +2 in my rolls) is broken. I simply used your rolls in place of rolling your saves in my spoiler, so go ahead and save your reroll.

    Sahrek also calms down at the command and follows orders, though BIG BIRD and Varg don't seem to calm down! BIG BIRD flails about wildly as unattended horses flee a short distance!

    I forgot I can give you my shirt reroll! If you want to use it, you can use my shirt reroll to try for a DC 21 Will Save (+4 extra; +2 to the roll from stars, another +1 from Nerosyan bonus, and a +1 from Resistance from Baz.)

    You are under the effect of "Attack Nearest Creature" result of Confusion for 2 rounds. Go nuts, but feel free to metagame a bit to hopefully not murder any of the party. Also, fun fact: Ilivan can totally survive a max-damage Power Attack crit from your axe. Probably...

    Inits wrote:

    Baz: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

    Des: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
    Des Wol: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
    Lui: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
    Omr: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
    Sur: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
    Sur Bird: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
    Cle: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

    Those rolls should explain how you all failed all those saves before, do ho ho.

    Cleaver (since BIRD waits to be commanded)! Perhaps you wish to cleave?

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    "Hey!" shouts the slyph at his pet bird. "Calm DOWN!"

    He knows the Down trick but I'm not sure how his craziness is affecting my ability to handle him.

    Handle Animal: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 4 = 26

    if he attacks me:

    bite: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
    damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

    talon: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
    damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

    talon: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
    damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    GM Burglar:
    I will use your re-roll with the added +4, first. will: 1d20 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 4 = 6 Well...that did not go well.

    Varg momentarily shakes his head in a disoriented fashion with the Axe raised over his head, but a visage of anger reappears on his face. he drops the axe, flies into a Rage and dives onto Ilivan in an attempt to grapple him.

    CMB Grapple: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    Just realized Ilivan's not in init. 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 How appropriate.

    A note about Confusion: Normally, I'd veto rolling a grapple instead of an attack when you're not a power Tetori or Brawler Barbarian/Fighter, but there's extenuating circumstances on this particular case; A line in the Scenario notes I shouldn't pick a combat creature that is overtaken to cripple/murder other party members in a gratuitous manner in their short stint of confusion. I, as I always will, let fate decide who gets murderous with a 1dWhatever (2 in this case) to which 3-time failer attacks people.

    Normally, confusion would make you "attack to the fullest intent," which if I've read Cleaver right, would be a "Raging Power Attack Axe to the Face," but the "please don't murder the party and make the scenario's star rating plummet" text persuades me to let you just try to throttle the guy. On the next round, however, you're attacking someone who attacked you (or Ilivan if you want) with your other Greataxe. And definitely raging.

    Everyone is up!

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