GM Burglar's #5–02: The Wardstone Patrol (Inactive)

Game Master mechaedd

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Male Bear Burglar 1

  • Omrax closes the distance between him and the last cackling man and swings his blade powerfully! Standard Attack, pa: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 9 - 2 = 201d8 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 4 = 15 He makes a good cut into the fiend!
  • Súrë also stabs and connects with his spear!
  • The last casty-bad, on his last leg, bursts out from the body, similar to the previous one! He appears to heal a little, but swiftly burrows his way into the ground, spouting curses in Abyssal! Full Retreat with a burrow speed!
    End Combat! ...unless you want to kill some villagers or these unconscious demons...
    The men that reaming standing look around, even more confused than before. "Are... are the voices finally gone?" #4 drops to his knees. "Oh, thank the Inheritor! She... she must have sent you! But... the rest of us..."

    #1 = 52 + 15 + 5 - 1d8 - 3 ⇒ 52 + 15 + 5 - (5) - 3 = 64 damage, cast Hold Person, 3/3 MILW
    #2 = damgme DEAD ish
    #3 = 9/9 hp
    #4 = 9/9 hp
    #5 = 68 + 15 = 83 DEAD ish
    #6 = -11/ 12 con
    #7 = -1/12 con

  • Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Thanks for posting. Was late from work.

    "You are welcome. The Inheritor did send us to your aid. What happened? Do any of you need healing?"

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Kill the demons!

    Baz puts his blade away and begins checking the villagers.

    Heal: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 Plus Deathwatch

    Male Bear Burglar 1
    Omrax wrote:
    Do any of you need healing?

    You've got one cast-y type that didn't explode his body, 2 exploded bodies, and 2 that were "fell over in the mild breeze" downers.

    "We were fleeing from the attack... Kenbares... it's... Everyone is..." #3 breaks down and collapses into a ball of depression.

    #4 adds more, grasping at Luisila's lower clothing, (If there even is any, do ho ho!) "There were... at least 5 dozen of us at the gates. We didn't make it 5 minutes until... voices... spoke to us. Told us we would live if we... if we..." He does not finish the statement.

    Deathwatch, A.k.a 'Recycling my GMTIME spoiler':
    All are stable. Added reminder for their respective "combat types."

    #1 = Absent/Ran away (casty type)
    #2 = fighting off death (casty type)
    #3 = Healthy
    #4 = Healthy
    #5 = fighting off death (cast-y type)
    #6 = fragile (melee type)
    #7 = fighting off death (melee type)

    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

    For the first time in her life, Luisila makes a sympathetic face at someone who has been trying to kill her. #3

    “Dhalia stands in line waiting for the Lady of Graves. After she is judged, your wife will tell the Inheritor about the highlights of your life together.”

    “Let’s get everyone healed up and then we can talk some more, OK?”

    Luisila gathers the party’s warriors in a loose circle around any of the injured farmers, at least 30’ distant from the fallen demons, before asking the peasant folk to kneel down.

    She takes the intrepid paladin’s left hand in her right, and the fearless barbarian’s right hand in her left. She looks over to the ranger tough standing opposite her.

    “Desmond, hold hands with Cleaver and Omrax so I can get the healing prayer started. Go on! What are you waiting for? It’s just holding hands – it’s not like you’re engaged! Oh for Threv’s sake!!”

    Luisila drops both warriors’ hands and gives the three men an exasperated look. Then she reaches her right hand into the middle of the circle above the farmers’ heads.

    “OK everyone, stack your hand on top of mine in the middle of the circle … 'Pathfinders' on three. One ! Two! Three! Pathfinders!!”

    Channel Positive Healing: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4) = 9

    With a *clang* the priestess then operates her wrist sheath and finishes healing Varg and Omrax’s wounds with her wand of CLW.

    CLW Cleaver: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
    CLW Omrax: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
    CLW Omrax: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

    I make everyone - person and animal - now back at full health.

    She will then replace her wand and re-tension the sheath's spring, before helping Baz with medical checks of the farmers.

    Aid Another Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    While Luisila heals the party and the farmers, Baz puts down the "cast-y" ones with his scimitar.

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    @Baz: As you slash the unbursted cast-y guy, you find most of his innards to be gone and replaced with one of these Vermlek demons.

    @Luisila: You channel and have group prayer, and the two that are currently up, as well as a third that awakens from the channel, thank you profusely. The man the bird bit crititcally, however, doesn't stand, though does heal from the channel.

    Before the channel, the health totals were...


    #3 = 9/9 hp

    #4 = 9/9 hp
    #6 = -11/ 12 con
    #7 = -1/12 con

    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

    I have re-read the Cold Weather Outfit description, and note that Luisila has been riding a horse for most of the day. There’s a high probability that she’s wearing pants, Burglar ;)

    As Luisila fusses over the surviving Mendevians, she heals the remaining unconscious victim with her wand again. She also keeps an eye out for lewtz and the cold iron arrow that missed its target.

    CLW #6: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
    CLW #6: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
    Take (10) Perception + Guidance: 10 + 16 + 1 = 27
    Arrow Hunt >50% = success: 1d100 ⇒ 93

    After examining the innards of the vermleks' hosts, Luisila discovers some rings before suffering a brief coughing attack from undertaking the disgusting task.

    She will make eye contact with Baz and Omrax before beginning to question the survivors about their ordeal and anything they can tell the party about trouble in the area.

    “Tell us more about the attack on Kenabres. Do you have any word regarding Fort Portolmaeus or any information about enemy activity in the area that may help us?”

    Aid Another Diplomacy + Guidance: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 1 = 18

    Boring Stocktake #2:
    Used (1) CI arrow, 2/5 channels, 1/6 BoL, 0/6 Copycat, (5) CLW charges

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    @Luisila: Ha, there's always that percentage! Plus, Calistrians and Tear-away clothing go together like... two things that go together really well. Oh, you had asked about the scaledown before; Pretend there's a fourth caster there; Boom! That's the normal.

    As Luisila goes over the demon bodies left about, she untangles the squishy tentacle-like appendages and finds that the two demons left behind each had a magical ring on what could be considered one of their most finger-like parts. I see our best Spellcraft is +4 from Luisila +5 from Baz, so I'm not gonna assume that she'll T10, since the DC for IDing items is 15+CL, do ho ho. They also have scythes, though they're not magic and were likely once owned by an unfortunate farmer.

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Bax has +5 to Spellcraft!

    The Exchange

    HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
    (Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
    Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

    Desmond collects his longbow, pats Sahrek, "Good boy - you'll get 'em next time," and then circulates among the farmers.

    "These voices that you heard...have they stopped? Is there any way we could help you settle somewhere else - maybe further from the Worldwound?" I can't imagine trying to eke out a decent living as a farmer out here...

    He nods in appreciation to Luisila for the healing. He then looks around, "Where's our fearless leader? He was sure helpful..."

    Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

    And that's how you Spellcraft.

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Yes, can you tell us what happened to you? Baz asks the farmers. When did these things show up?

    Can you T10 on Diplomacy? It would be 25.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    "Thank you for the healing, Lady Luisila. Strong work team."

    Omrax will scan the area for any remnants of evil auras. Then he will look back for the Commander and see where he has been.

    "Sir, we will be ready to go soon enough. Those demon-worms infiltrating these farmers cannot be good for the populace. If we do not protect the innocent, then who are we protecting?"

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    Varg breathes heavily, bent over with hands on knees, fatigued from his recent rage. However, it is a fleeting tiredness due to the assistance of Luisila's healing.

    Thanks, Luisila.

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    Súrë quickly cleans off his weapons and checks BIG BIRD for injuries.

    "Squawk!" he says. Where is Sir Ilivan?

    "Squawk." BIG BIRD replies. Over there.

    "Squawk." Súrë responds. Thank you. You are a wonderful creation. I am so glad to have you. You performed admirably against these devils although you need to be more careful trying to hover and attack at the same time. In the future you should also only attack the foes I tell you to attack. Some of these people were nice innocent farmers. You should apologize to them.

    "Squawk." BIG BIRD responds. I'm sorry.

    BIG BIRD then goes and nuzzles up against the farmers to make them feel better.

    "Sir Ilivan!" Súrë calls out. "We have taken care of the demons! Please come join us again!"

    Male Bear Burglar 1


    "We were looking for a city that might still be standing... or at least that was our plan until we got captured..." the man responds to Desmond's inquiry. Though he looks over the ring, we would need the ability to Detect Magic to actually identify the property of a magic item, though knowledgeable as he may be. IDing magic items unfortunately needs Detect Magic. What you can do with what skill have, though, is identify spells/spell-like abilities being cast or read scroll with a lucky roll. You could also, theoretically, get a wand of Detect Magic, but that'd call for UMD check of 20 as well.
    You can totally take 10 on diplomacy, though it's hardly needed here; they're spilling any and all info they can, as unhelpful as they are. "When did we get caught?" They look around to each other. "It's been Hell on Golarion since it happened, and the sun doesn't always work right around this close to the Worldwound... we're not sure... at least a week? Maybe 2?"
    Omrax heads back to the knoll, where Ilivan is still waiting, keeping a vigilant eye over the party and villagers. "There are millions of people just south of the border of Mendev; that's who we're protecting. If we can't get the wardstones functional again, the entire world is doomed." He pauses a moment. "The rightful generals of the Inheritor gave us order only to check on the Wardstones. This could have easily been a trap, set by shape-shifting demons, with nary a villager included. I'm not making up ghost stories; I've seen that kind of thing before." He keeps his bow in-hand and stays still. "I'll remain here and we'll return en masse, just in case this still is a trap."
    Súrë makes bird noises and yells out to Sir Ilivan, but doesn't get an audible response.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    "Then we shall proceed to the wardstones ."

    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

    Luisila shows Bazresh and Desmond the rings she found. “Any idea if they’re magical, Baz?”

    As it starts getting later in the day but before they re-join Sir Ilivan, Luisila will touch her wand of Endure Elements to all members of the party, including Big Bird and Sahrek, of course!

    Luisila makes eye contact with BB, but glances over to the Sky Druid to ensure he’s fine with her approaching his animal companion. “Súrë, are you all right with me getting this close to Big Bird?”

    Everyone, please let me know if you DON’T want the spell.

    To the Divine Hunter: “Yes, Omrax. I’m ready to move on.”

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    Súrë runs back up to Sir Ilivan. "But Sir! Aren't you coming with us? We need to keep moving. I'm sure glad we saved those farmers though."

    Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11


    Diplomacy assist: 1d20 ⇒ 13


    Orisons - 4/day
    Create Water
    Enhanced Diplomacy
    Read Magic

    1st level - 4/day
    Cure Light Wounds
    Shield Companion
    Windy Escape

    2nd level - 3/day
    Bull's Strength
    Chill Metal
    Gusting Sphere

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    The half-elf glares at Súrë. "I think you misunderstand, Mr. Súrë; It looks like some of you are still putzing around here. When they're done, we'll be back on our intended mission. But we do NOT UNDER ANY MEANS leave out of each others' line of sight; that misstep has lead to far too many deaths around here."

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Bazreash takes a look at the rings, casting a magic aura detecting spell on them and studying them closely.

    Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none

    Luisila exchanges glances with Súrë.

    Does he mean like how he’s just been out of OUR SIGHT during the battle as well?

    Hmm … then there’s that whole possessed by a Treachery Demon (?) thing as well …

    Can I make out if there’s anything a bit off about Sir Ilivan.

    Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23
    Sense Motive + Guidance: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 3 + 1 = 20

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    Baz is unsure of what the first ring is, though he's discounted a few theories. Close but no cigar. Round 2 on Ring 2? Luis might be willing to give you some guidance...

    It was never explicitly stated he was "possessed by a treachery demon", though the one event you're referencing that you learned of earlier did happen deeper in the Worldwound (and it was years ago.)

    You detect no difference in personality/intent his statements, both in the fact that Ilivan was always there on the hill (though hiding from what could have been beefier demons.) He is focused on this mission like a sniper to his mark.

    A last bit (that they just failed to mention until now, though I think you asked earlier), "To Redeem the Black Prince" is referencing Iomedae's 8th act (not that I have any clue what they actually were.)

    Once everyone has returned to the hill, Ilivan (while keeping a close eye on the villagers) escorts them to the road. Upon their confusion of what to do now, he suggests to them that Nerosyan still stands (to which the villagers are ecstatic to hear.) They head out from whence you came, and you begin to ride again.
    He slows a little about half-an-hour into the second leg of this trip, stopping next to Desmond (though continuing to look forward.) "You had asked about my supply lines. I assume you've heard about my past; it's nothing I'm ashamed of. Yes, I have some less-than-reputable sources of Cold Iron." He then looks to Desmond. "The men here need these blades now more than ever, though, and the blade that can plunge into the heart of a succubus and one that just bounces off her breast can mean the difference between life and death." He pauses a moment in contemplation or remembrance of something. "I have a number of contacts of both information and cold steel that have set up shop in Nerosyan, given the circumstances. If you want, I can introduce you to them when we return to home base. Are you working directly for someone specific, or are you freelancing? As I'm sure you're aware, my contacts will only want to deal with anyone who already has a reputation for efficiency."

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    When Luisila give Súrë a sidelong glance, Súrë returns her look with a smile. "Hello, I'm Súrë. I've got a pet bird."


    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none
    Súrë Hísië wrote:
    When Luisila give Súrë a sidelong glance, Súrë returns her look with a smile. "Hello, I'm Súrë. I've got a pet bird."

    lol Luisila gives Súrë a vacuous smile in response. Hi …

    When the sky druid turns his back to her, she will close her eyes, put hand to her forehead and shake her head for a second or two.

    Once she has taken a moment, Luisila *casts* Guidance on Bazresh.

    GM Burglar:
    No worries! Sir Ilivan mentioned a Treachery Demon before the battle … Luisila put 2 and 2 together and just assumed it was the one that possessed him … jumping to (mistaken?) conclusions is in character for her.

    Her experience with Night March of Kalkamedes is probably also coloring her view.

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Thank you Lady Luisila, it seems I need help to discern the magic of these rings. Baz says in an embarrassed tone.

    Spellcraft!: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 1 = 7 D#*! it!

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    So, Omrax, clear me up on the plan o'action here. I am a little confused about where we are headin'/

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Sir Varg, The generals of the Inheritor gave us order to check on the Wardstones. That is where we are heading now that these farmers have been freed of the demonic possession.

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Bazresh sheepishly hands the rings to someone and begins to ready himself to move out.

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    @Baz: [evilgrin]You could always just put the rings on to see what they do...[/evilgrin] They don't detect any alignment (including Evil, for Omrax's one-option and earlier-stated case,) just Abjuration magic.

    Luis, Omrax, and other Kn(r) folks:
    A little update on the passphrase stuff I found after I actually dug around the wiki a little.

    A little wiki research tirned up that the Black Prince was a Graveknight whom Iomedae convinved to kill himself, which allowed him soul to actually be judged by Aroden (as opposed to undeath's normal "Soul-goes-away-forever" bit.)

    Ilivan interposes his voice after Omrax answers Varg's question. "As stated during the briefing, we're heading to Fort Portolmaeus to assess damage to the Wardstone, and then return to Nerosyan."

    The Exchange

    HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
    (Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
    Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

    Desmond takes another look at the rings, now that Baz has informed him that they are magic.

    Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

    But he gets distracted by Sahrek humping his leg.

    "Down boy!"

    In response to Sir Ilivan's proposal. "Sir, I represent Guaril Karela. While he may not be known in these parts of Golarion, his reputation throughout many parts of the Inner Sea is strong. I thank you for the opportunity to meet your contacts in Nerosyan."

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    "Karela, Karela... I know I've heard the name before..." Ilivan says to himself. "Regardless, I'll write you up a letter of introduction when we stop at the fort after we've completed our job."

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Sovereign Court

    Barbarian Invulnerable Rager/7; HP: 82/82 (96/96); AC: 24 (23 Rage), DR: 3; F: 9, R: 8, W: 4; Perc: +9; Init: +2

    Varg stares at Ilivan.

    Aye, then let's get to it, shall we?

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    "Aye Sir Varg. Onward! Evil awaits the blades of the Inheritor. " Omrax coaxes his steed forward along the path towards their destination, his eyes closed briefly in thought.

    • I will never refuse a challenge from an equal. I will give
    honor to worthy enemies, and contempt to the rest.

    • I will suffer death before dishonor.

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    PcpsBaz: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
    Des: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
    Lui: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20
    Omr: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
    Sur: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
    Cle: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

    Ilivan's nods at Varg, and ceases his self-contemplation of the Sczarni faction leader. The ride for the next few hours is uneventful (barring self-made events.)

    Baz, Luisila, & Sure notice that in the distance, there is a plume of smoke past one of the hills, far in the distance (that I would normally embellish as a possible combat or something, but doing such things don't translate well into pbp), which Ilivan identifies as Fort Portolmaeus.

    Fort Portolmaeus sits on a tall rock outcropping in the West Sellen River, surrounded by rushing waters on three sides. A stout, stone bridge connects the fort to the river’s eastern bank, with a closed wooden drawbridge protecting the final approach. The keep itself is built of dark stone with tall curtain walls surrounding a squat central keep that peeks out above the outer fortifications.

    Portolmaeus has been the scene of a recent battle. Soldiers dressed in the colors of Mendev move around it making repairs, while others use carts to remove the bodies of humans and demons slain in the recent attack.

    As the group approachs, a patrol of four horsemen from Fort Portolmaeus quickly approaches, arrows knocked in their bows. They stop 60 feet away and call out: “Halt in the name of the Queen!”

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    Súrë looks startled by the sudden command and drops in prostration to the ground. "ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!"

    Looking sideways at Ilivan, Súrë whispers, "What Queen? Is she the Queen?" The sylph nods towards Luisila.

    Silver Crusade

    AC25/Touch14/Flat23/CMD25||HP68[68]|Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will:+12|Percept.+17|SenMot. +21|Init.+7 Teifling Inquisitor 9

    Baz sits quietly on his horse, hands out in the open, obviously unarmed. He waits to see if Sir Ilivan will speak first.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Omrax likewise looks To the knight commander to respond...

    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none
    Súrë Hísië wrote:
    Looking sideways at Ilivan, Súrë whispers, "What Queen? Is she the Queen?" The sylph nods towards Luisila.

    “Quiet, Fool or We shall have thee dressed in thy motley! We are a mere baronetess. We are also beginning to regret bringing you with Us from Fangwood Keep in order to keep Us entertained!”

    “And what’s more … if you start singing The Bear and the Maiden Fair or …

    ♪♫ Under the sky, the fish have feathers for scales
    Oh, I know, I know … ♪♫ We SHALL SCREAM!!

    To the guardsmen while gesturing to Omrax and Sir Ilivan. “Do you not recognise two of the Inheritor’s Own Swords of Light? Pray lower your weapons, we are reinforcements sent from Nerosyan so that the Black Prince might be redeemed.

    “Can you tell us what happened here? And then take us to your leader!” I've always wanted to say that.

    Aid Another Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 1 = 12

    The Exchange

    HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
    (Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
    Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

    Desmond stops and turns his head towards Omrax and Ilivan, waiting for the shining knights to answer the call.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    Only if Ilivan does not call out or delays his response, then Omrax will shout a greeting.

    "Hail and well met. We are the swords of the Inheritor, sent here to aid the Queen's forces. Omrax is my name. How can we be of service?"

    diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18 +2 if assist from Luisila.

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    Seeing nobody respond properly on the immediate, Ilivan looks irritated and chimes up with the pass code "That the Black Prince might be redeemed, " and raises his hands, interrupting Luisila's queen act.

    Accepting the pass code, the envoy shows you to the closed gate while one of the guards on the wall scans the group... Nobody has any Evil auras (cursed items, worshipping the Almighty Asmodeus, munching on any evil cookies lately, etc., yes?

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Silver Crusade

    Male Half Elf -Paladin 13 AC32/T11(18) /F31/CMD28| Hp 121/121 | Fort:+21;Ref:+16;Will+18(25) |Percept.+10 | Init.+3. { } ( +2 keen div bond 1/3 used, smite for 2/6 used. Hands 6d6 6/15 used) { eaglesoul 10hrs— } Spectral Wolf {AC24 100/100 hp}

    I assumed Ilivan would be responsible for providing the passphrase since he is "in charge" :-) . Also, no evil auras here...nor did Omrax detect any previously, so in theory we are good.

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    It's not a hard-coded thing for him to do, more of just a "What the hell are you two doing" to Sure and Luisila, because no fun allowed when they're probably pointing bows at you on the wall.

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    Not seeing any evil auras at a glance. If you DO have one, you're not getting inside.

    The garrison then lowers the drawbridge and raises a heavy portcullis studded with cold iron spikes, after which a handful of soldiers lead the group through a narrow zigzag tunnel to the central courtyard. The fort’s central building sits squat in its center, an impressive, monolithic edifice with few openings. A number of young stable boys come out from a side building to care for the your mounts, quartering them in the stables.

    After the stabling, the PCs are led into the central building to meet Commander Manaria Wardroxan, a young woman with pale skin and black hair who is dressed in a mud-spattered uniform with many cuts and tears. Standing at the bottom of a tall, amphitheater-like chamber carved into the bedrock the fort is built upon, she worriedly regards the fort’s wardstone, a massive menhir 30 feet high that pulses slowly with dull purple light and emits a low buzzing sound, but seems concerned about something else (and hides it poorly.) "Sir Ilivan," she says, "I regret to inform you that we've made no progress on repairing the wardstone, due to an attack last night."

    "Then what's the status of the base," the half-elf asks.

    "Functional, but damaged," Commander Wardroxan relates with obvious regret. "The demons attacked in the dead of night, a mixed group of dretches and schirs led by a terrifying brimorak, a creature of horn, claw, and fire. The wardstone had been buzzing like it is now, and it didn’t seem to stop them. They captured a scout patrol alive and staked them out on the ground in front of the fort. There they tortured them close enough for us to hear. I am ashamed to say that we deliberated on whether we had the strength to retaliate, but as the screaming and begging continued, I sent our cavalry to put at end to the suffering."

    She sighs heavily before continuing, "Of course it was a trap. A group of schirs wielding halberds met our cavalry and wasted no time in dragging them from their horses. The dretches then overwhelmed them with sheer numbers, clubbing them into submission. They slaughtered the horses and dragged off the soldiers while we looked on helplessly from behind the fort’s wall. I sent out another party after that, but most of the demons had already withdrawn with our captured men." She shakes her hand in a pleading motion and continues. "Please, I implore you; go rescue them if you can. Our manpower has been drained since we've largely diverted our reinforcements to the bigger cities, given the recent major attacks."

    Grand Lodge

    Female CG Half-elf Cleric 15 | HP 168/168 | AC 29, T 18, F 24 | CMB +13, CMD 30 (31 grapple) | F +23, R +19, W +23 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +10 | Perc +27, SM +6 | Speed 30 ft | 7/7 Channels | 8/8 BoL | 2/2 GF | Active conditions: none
    Sir Ilivan wrote:
    "Karela, Karela... I know I've heard the name before..." Ilivan says to himself. "Regardless, I'll write you up a letter of introduction when we stop at the fort after we've completed our job."

    Luisila rides beside Desmond through the tunnel to the central courtyard. She is genuinely happy for her friend’s business success.

    She speaks to him in a quiet voice. “Congratulations, Des! Uncle Guaril will be impressed. And you managed to achieve your goal without having to cut anyone’s tongue out!”

    Once the party has dismounted and been introduced to Commander Wardroxan, Luisila curtsies to the warrior.

    “Pardon me, ma’am. Is there a particular place these demons are likely to hold up in? Do you know how many of the different types there might be and whether they have any unusual equipment, tactics or magic?”

    “Is there anything we can do to help with mending your Wardstone? How long has it been like this?”

    Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
    Diplomacy + Guidance: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 1 = 25

    Silver Crusade

    Súrë Male Sylph [6] Sky Druid 6 | HP (dead) -12/45 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | CMD 19 | F+6 R+5 W+8 (+4 against air, electricity, weather) | resist electric 5 | Init +3 | Perc + 8 | SM +3 |
    33/33 | AC 29 T 17 FF 22 | CMD 23 | F+6 R+11 W+3 (+4 enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc +1 | SM +1 | Fly +12 | 80' fly

    While Commander Wardoxan is giving the recap to Ilivan and the party, Súrë cuts in, "You're very pretty. You look like my girlfriend Miss Flowers. We've got a house in Kaer Maga. She makes me pay for dinner though."


    After the briefing, Súrë speaks up, "Oh! Oh! Sir Ilivan! We should help them out and go find these people! It must be terrible for them."

    Súrë thinks for a moment. "Hey! You never answered me before: does the Sir in your name mean that you're a knight? Wow! I don't think I've ever met a knight before!" Súrë puffs out his chest and stands up straight, "Chivalry! Duty! Honor!" He then starts giggling profusely.

    Diplomacy aid: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 6 + 2 = 21
    Enhanced Diplomacy!

    Male Bear Burglar 1
    Luisils wrote:

    The commander of the fort responds, with a sullen overtone. "At least three score of assorted demons attacked last night, and we counted fourteen dead dretches and schirs among their fallen this morning. Our lookout reported seeing the chained cavalrymen heading westward into the Worldwound a mile north of here, surrounded by a small group of guards—no more than a half dozen strong. The reports were rushed, as the situation's window of opportunity is closing fast. Given the circumstances, I have no specifics for you beyond what I've already said about the brimorak's initial group, beyond the fact that we did not find one among their dead. The best we can do is give you what we can, should you accept the side-trek."

    Luisila's general Kn(r):
    You know that many (but not all) demons can teleport great distances at will, but are incapable of taking but a few meager, nonliving objects with them. This means that ones with human prisoners (like this case) would need to manually transport them, so they can be regularly tracked and caught-up-to if you leave today.
    Sure wrote:
    I visited the Blushing Rose bumper sticker

    Commander Manaria blushes at the comment, "Y-yes. Thank you. Anyways..." she returns to the briefing.

    The Exchange

    HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
    (Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
    Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

    Desmond smirks at Luisila's compliment. "Well, half-a-tongue, if I'm being honest. But yeah, I'm glad I didn't have to resort to anything too underhanded to get this connection for Guaril."

    After the fort commander finishes up, Desmond nods but gives a questioning look to the others. "Do you think we'd be able to rescue these soldiers? I mean, I'm all for protecting farmers and the more helpless, but if seasoned fighters were taken, how well could the few of us fare?"

    Male Bear Burglar 1

    Ilivan adds to Desmond's comment. "I agree. We were tasked with picking up a report about the Wardstone, not to go on a suicide mission to cover up your tactical mistakes, Commander Manaria."

    The woman looks to him, clearly upset. "Twelve of my men are out there, and we still have an opportunity to save them!" She looks to the group. "I'll leave you to deliberate, though I can't say it enough; This is the only chance we'll have to save these soldiers' lives. Please, for them, if not for me." She exits the Wardstone amphitheater room in a huff.

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