Is that the extent of the information/leads from Mr. Mot (less the name of his oil salesman & location of the fire tomb)? I think we should go somewhere else to plan our caper.
EDIT: I'd rather get the specific hard details he has for us in a succinct manner, rather than roleplaying each tidbit out, if that's cool.
Re-EDIT: That is, I'd prefer not to ask for clarification multiple times on the same pieces of info - the back & forth is more realistic, but such things bother me in the pacing of our forum-format.
Hames, Dieuwer; at least check in even if you don't have questions or anything significant to add.
I believe that's everything, but if you'd like I can post it all here in dot-point form. I understand what you mean about the back-and-forth hurting pacing, but usually I find it comes up within the context of planning rather than receiving information.
-Need to kill Lord Anders and burn his house down by Sunday night; currently it is late monday afternoon.
-Need to, if possible, make it publicly by the badger-lord. Paint badgers everywhere, yell about it, etc.
-He was once a badger-lord priest, going to devote himself to Asmodeus and turn over tomes, in return for advancement.
-For the necessary fuel for the fire, can either go talk to a particular oil salesman, or check out a tomb with fire-magic.
-Anders will be watching a play Sunday night from his private box.
-Anders has a small manor which you have directions to.
Heh; there's that saying, in a PBP, never give your players a door. They'll search for traps and argue about who's opening it for weeks. I think I just gave you all nine cumulative doors.
Two posts in support of/voting for a particular entry for a riddle mean it's entered, unless anyone objects.
Male Half-Elf Inquisitor (Mystic Warrior) 3 | HP: 24/24 | AC 18 (touch 11, FF 17) | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6 | Init +1, Perception +9
Touch of Chaos 6/6, Destructive Smite 6/6, Vision of Madness 6/6
I had written a nice and long IC post but then my internet died and I lost everything so I am just putting all my answers here. :P
1st: Sleeping man
2nd: Absolutely no idea.
3rd: Woman staring at man and woman
4th: Knight helping up fallen foe
5th: Empty Chest
6th: Mountain
7th: Noose
8th: Treble-clef
The second one's hard D: I'll see if I can think of anything later.
Looks like we've got some differences of opinion on a few of the answers. We should discuss the points & puzzle the answers for those after everyone's made a suggestion. I've marked my answers that differ & I think we should mull over with an asterisk. I think we're in agreement for those unmarked.
1. Sleeping Man
*2. Map. It belongs where it depicts (useless elsewhere) & the place it depicts is on the map ("belongs" to it)
*3. Not sure... I think it's a mother rocking a child. Doesn't quite jive with the "poison of the soul" line though.
4. Knight helping up a fallen foe.
*5. Proclamation (law/edict/ruling). Everyone knows the law, rulers make them up, & they don't physically exist to have weight.
6. Mountain.
*7. Maybe a noose? Could be a man stabbing another in the back..
8. Gotta be treble-clef. Larks get their name from carrying notes.
3 seems like the hardest one to me. 7 is also tricky.
I was very much looking forward to your response, Dieuwer. Sorry the internet ate your post =/
We'll have plenty of opportunity for IC interaction as we continue though. I'm really enjoying our group dynamic. Hames' general stoicism makes it a little more difficult for Gabby to relate (opposed to laid-back Simeon & easy-to-tease Dieuwer), but she has no less respect for him (probably more - don't tell the others), and I'm just waiting for the inspiration to come through for a unique foundation to their relationship.
Male Human Cleric (mystic sage) 3 [18/24hp, DR 3/— (s ranged piercing) | AC12, Tch11, FF11 | CMD15 | F:5, R:2, W:6 | Init +2 | Perc +9]
I just wanted to say that I really enjoy the Dour Dieuwer nickname, it's cute~ Hames might take to using 'Simple Simeon' depending on the situation.
It's a lot of fun reading everyone's posts ^/_\^ I like how Gabriela is forming these relationships with the other party members. Glad to have you with us~ As for the DD checks, I believe those are only necessary if we want to completely disable/force one of the riddles. Otherwise, we just need to hit the right buttons.
That's the first time I've seen an augury used in proper flavor & one of the few times I've seen it used at all. That was a clutch switch up on the answers!
I really like your narrative style, Akrwright, & I think we all do fairly well adding to your story :) If I do say so myself.
Male Human Cleric (mystic sage) 3 [18/24hp, DR 3/— (s ranged piercing) | AC12, Tch11, FF11 | CMD15 | F:5, R:2, W:6 | Init +2 | Perc +9]
Y'know, I was going to say that we shouldn't open the chest just yet, take precautions for traps first. Because I didn't think Perception alone would find magical traps or traps that are inside the chest. But I wanted to give someone else the chance to post, and I thought for SURE you guys were going to say the same xD I am disappoint. Could've used my Wood Shape spell to open a hole in the side that wouldn't of set off the trap. And you call yourselves Adventurers...
Hey, just to let everyone know, I'll be traveling from tomorrow afternoon through Wednesday night. I might get in one more update before I head out, and another when I get in Wed night, but don't be surprised if I only post again Thursday morning. Feel free to bot me if necessary.
Male Human Cleric (mystic sage) 3 [18/24hp, DR 3/— (s ranged piercing) | AC12, Tch11, FF11 | CMD15 | F:5, R:2, W:6 | Init +2 | Perc +9]
My computer situation is also a bit weird right now. Basically restricted to an iPhone. It'll be kind of hard to post and definitely harder to look up spells, rules, and such.
Male Human Cleric (mystic sage) 3 [18/24hp, DR 3/— (s ranged piercing) | AC12, Tch11, FF11 | CMD15 | F:5, R:2, W:6 | Init +2 | Perc +9]
Sounds good.
Hames will be next to Simeon. He can give Simeon a 'Take 11' on the Intimidate check OR a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, AC, combat maneuver defense, and skill checks for 1 round. Pick what you'd like~
Male Human Cleric (mystic sage) 3 [18/24hp, DR 3/— (s ranged piercing) | AC12, Tch11, FF11 | CMD15 | F:5, R:2, W:6 | Init +2 | Perc +9]
Oh, sorry~ I wasn't feeling particularly good last night, so I was concise.
Touch of Law is a Standard Action and the +2 comes from Hames' feat Combat Advice which is a Move Action.
Whole lotta conditionals in my latest post. DM, please feel free to adjudicate as needed! +1 from higher ground, +2 from Hames, rolling straight 11's due to Touch of Law.
Lol I think those are best applied to Simeon, generally speaking. Dieuwer can buff himself & has other abilities he can use, while Simeon & Gabriela pretty much just attack, & I can buff myself as well.
A "nat 11" on Dieuwer's debuff touch attack, however, would be all but a guaranteed hit, and if it comes down to everyone just attacking, he also has the lowest standing bonus.
Hames Theothelm
Male Human Cleric (mystic sage) 3 [18/24hp, DR 3/— (s ranged piercing) | AC12, Tch11, FF11 | CMD15 | F:5, R:2, W:6 | Init +2 | Perc +9]
played by
Mortimer Elkins
Male Wizard (Conjurer) 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 12, touch 12, Flat-footed 10 | CMB + | CMD | Fort +, Ref +, Will + | Perception + | Init. +
played by
Shub-Niggurath's cousin Al