GM Aphin's Giantslayer- Battle of Bloodmarch Hill

Game Master Aphin

Current Characters

Bhox 'The Hammer' Goldhammer

played by Blork (10 posts)
Dinvaya Lanalei
Bronwynn Mythanthar

played by Kyra Thysrial (6 posts)
Bym Amberleaf

played by KoKyu (13 posts)
Elvi Kaldroon
Chief Defender Halgra - GM

played by Aphin (3 posts)
Kaigon the Miscreant
Durin Stonehammer

Male Dwarf 8th level Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Init +2 Per +12 AC 24 Tch 14 FF 22 HP 89 Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +4* Spd 30' CMB +13 (+15 Sundering) CMD 27 (29 vs. Sunder)
Init +2 Per +12 AC 25 Tch 12 FF 23 HP 113 Fort +13 Ref +5 Will +6* Spd 30' CMB +15 (+17 Sundering) CMD 27 (29 vs. Sunder)
Acrobatics +10, Appraise +0 (+2 nonmagic w/ precious metals or gemstones), Climb +6, Escape Artist -1, Intimidate +7, Perception +12 (+14 unusual stonework), Sense Motive +13, Stealth -1, Swim +6

played by Lord oKOyA (548 posts)
GM Aphin

played by Aphin (108 posts)
Rough Rampager
Ishan Grayhill

BAB 0: Melee +2, Rng +2 | Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Stealth +0 | CMB +2; CMD 14

played by KoKyu (43 posts)
Devargo Barvasi
Kurst Grath - GM

played by Aphin (3 posts)
Nils Dorgrin

played by Pierre Danis (22 posts)
Ice Sculptor
Omast Frum - GM

played by Aphin (4 posts)
Raevon Mythanthar

played by Lord oKOyA (51 posts)
Ostog the Unslain
Ragnar Giant-Hater

played by Kalist (1 post)
Abra Lopati
Rodrik Grath - GM

played by Aphin (6 posts)
Baba Yaga

played by SparkyDarren (32 posts)
Tsadok Goldtooth
Ugula Bloodfist

played by Kalist (17 posts)