Larur Feldin

SparkyDarren's page

23 posts (650 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 aliases.


Hey guys/gals, I'm still here! Volt will have a post up today or tomorrow. I do hope my partner in crime is here as well, we have a little kitchen work to do before the big event.

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Seems I'm not the only one needing the services of our cleric ;)

Can i assume that with his time aboard trading ships, would Volt be familiar enough with different races to be able to identify the elven heritage of those around him or do I need a society check (+0) to know facts from rumors?

Half of a background, a name and gear purchases should see our swashbuckler ready to go, any planning between us for gear? For example, I think we should have a grapling hook but the group only needs 1, not 1 each. Any input or suggestions here or should I just wing it?

Sorry, that was a little light on information. I am using Pathbuilder 2e, and 'the box' is an entry field on the 'create custom background' screen. All other information needed to create the background is straightforward. As a default in this box, it says '3rd party'.

I have two questions regarding making the custom background, directed to anyone that can answer:

1) What information do I enter in the box marked 'Traits'?

2) Where do I enter the 'once per week' ability given by my background?

I'm hoping you don't tell me question 2 answers question 1.

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Yes, I'd like to take the swashbuckler if at all possible. And your list of others classes sounds right.

I'm looking at taking the 'Young Reformer' background, just waiting to see how our GM gets it converted over. Then it's background writing time!

Dr. Evil, Should we submit initial character stats for approval or ore you busy with 1000 other things right now?

Any recommended languages for the builds? The suggested ones from the players guide aren't relevant for PF2.

Hello, this is Rienas' player. Sorry for the delay, was out of town for a couple of weeks.

I'm looking at a swashbuckler from an established merchant family. Motivated by the money my family's 'generations old' trading arrangements bring in, this character initially enters the AP looking after his own interests but will develop his own form of patriotism as he goes. I believe I'm the second person to mention a swashbuckler so please let me know if I'm stepping on toes here.

All good, thanks anyways!

Sounds good, i will absolutely occupy one of the six seats at your table. The party members sound awesome and I'm good to go when your schedule allows!

Looking for an AP, on the Paizo format, that I can get into long term. I can be relied upon for consistent daily posting and am experienced in the PF2e rule system. I have a variety of characters ready to go and can make one to fit any requirements needed to fill a hole. Any takers?

Hello all, looking for a long term AP, with consistant posting, that I can get into. Is this such a place or have I missed the call?

You can strike me from the list of applicants. Not because I am uninterested but because all background/build submissons sound interesting and I could make a good run with any combination of them. This is my first time approaching an AP with players I haven't played with before. I have played/am playing multiple campaigns and came here because other players interest in those is failing and I'm tired of waiting days and weeks for a chance to post. Many of my current AP's have been converted to PF2e and I am just wrapping DMing the first floor of my "converted to 2e" Emwrald Spire so I am fairly strong in the 2e mechanics.

As I said, I have not lost interest so if a fill in character is needed, or another AP has need of a PC, I'm more than ready to show up consistently.

Thanks a lot all, good luck to the competitors!


Name: Rienas
Ancestry: Human Heritage: Half-Elf Background: Refugee
Class: Witch - 1
Alignment: N Size: Medium Traits: Human, Humanoid
Perception: (T/E/M/L) +3 Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin, Sylvan
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC: 16 , Fort: (T/E/M/L) [+5], Ref: (T/E/M/L) [+6], []bWill:[/b] (T/E/M/L) [+5]
Resistances & Immunities: -
HP: 16
Class DC: (T/E/M/L) 16
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Speed: 25
Space: 5ft, Reach: 5ft
Dagger: 1d20 + 6 (T/E/M/L), 1d4 P
Staff: 1d20 + 3 (T/E/M/L), 1d4 B (1d8, Two-Handed)
Dagger: 1d20 + 6 (T/E/M/L) 1d4 P Range: 10
Throwing Knife: 1d20 + 6 (T/E/M/L), 1d4 +1 P Range: 20
Sling: 1d20 + 6 (T/E/M/L) 1d6 B Range: 50 Reload: 1
10 Cantrips, 5 First Level
1 Cantrip, 1 Focus
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Str: 10 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Int: 16 Wis: 10 Cha: 12
• Acrobatics (T/E/M/L) +6
• Arcana (T/E/M/L) +6
• Crafting (T/E/M/L) +6
• Deception (T/E/M/L) +4
• Diplomacy (T/E/M/L) +4
• Occultism (T/E/M/L) +6
• Society (T/E/M/L) +6
• Stealth (T/E/M/L) +6
• Lore, Settlement (T/E/M/L) +6
Untrained Skills:
• Athletics +0
• Intimidation +1
• Medicine +0
• Nature +0
• Performance +1
• Religion +0
• Society +0
• Survival +0
• Thievery +3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Elf Heritage:
• Cavern Elf (Darkvision)
Human Feats:
• Elf Atavism
Skill Feats:
• Streetwise
• Curse
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Items: - Starting Wealth: 15 gp, (Remaining: 11 gp, 8 sp, 3 cp)
• Dagger
• Throwing Knife
• Throwing Knife
• Throwing Knife
• Staff
• Sling
• Explorer's Clothing
• backpack: bedroll, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks' rations, soap, and a waterskin
•Material Component Pouch
•Sling Bullets (20)

Current bulk is 1.9 (5 is encumbered, 10 is max)


Any idea what patron theme you would use for Rienas?

"Curse" is going to be my patron choice, will have the full crunch posted when I'm home from work today.

Congrats to those that were chosen, I missed the cut for the first table but I will definitely do the homework for a chance to occupy a seat at the second. I will also include the crunch for my character.

Proposed Background:

Unfortunately, it was not only half-orcs who came from dark situations but some half-elves as well. Rienas was one of these. He had never met his father but understood all too well where he had come from. Surviving the ordeal, but having no other options, his human mother had moved into the city's squalor to support them. To Rienas' dismay, his mother had constantly insisted that they stay in this part of the city as people here knew her story and were more lenient of his half-breed heritage.

Not having been born in Korvosa, and a half-elf besides, Rienas got used to being valued less than everyone else. Often looked down upon, he found he preferred to conduct his business in the evenings when there were fewer people. During the day, a quick look around revealed that there was nothing nice here. Here the poor gathered in their dirty, meagre lodgings, perfectly situated for him to find the time, resources and privacy to pursue his dark research.

It was two weeks ago he had come home to an empty place. His mother was always home in the early mornings, she worked the late shift. A strong suspicion had him heading straight to the tavern, to see what was the matter. Before entering the bar he could see there was a commotion inside. The townspeople were all gathered outside, whispering to each other, but quieted as he walked past. He pushed the door open to head inside and was immediately aware of the state of the place. tables and chairs flipped, glass and furniture smashed, and blood all around the bodies on the floor. He heard the owner of the bar saying his mother's name, and when he turned to the man, realized he was in a conversation with the authorities. They were just discussing the three dead on the floor, two of the patrons involved in the fight and one of the servers; Rienas' mother.

The half-elf spiralled downward after his mother's death. Finding out she had been another victim of the drunken rage of Gaedren Lamm, and that nobody intended to do anything about it, pushed him over the brink. Late one evening, overwhelmed with grief and rage, Rienas begged for the means of revenge, aloud, from any powers that were listening... and it seemed one was.

Since that night, Rienas has been singularly focused on revenge; he would have his justice.

Proposed Character Type:

Half-elf warlock (witch)

Looking for approval before finalizing.

We spoke on the general recruitment thread, I will have a submission by end of the day tomorrow, or sooner. should I just post the character details and back story here?

I'll get on that right away, I saw the 20 point buy for characters, any other restrictions or predetermined details I should be aware of before creating? Luke uncommon/rare selections?

DM DoctorEvil wrote:
SparkyDarren wrote:
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
For players, new or established, looking for a PF2 AP, I just posted an interest check here.
I know it was a few weeks ago but are you Still looking for players?
Recruitment for a PF2 version of Crimson Throne is still open yes, but not for much longer. Oh, and we are welcoming players who are brand new to PF2, so if you need an entry point this is a good place

Awesome! I've been playing PF1e for years and have started into 2e in the last couple months. I'm not an expert, at all, but I am getting comfortable operating within the newer system.

I didn't read through all the previous posts here until I confirmed there was a spot for me, ill get started on that now. Any specific character types or builds needed in the party or am I free to go in any direction?

DM DoctorEvil wrote:
For players, new or established, looking for a PF2 AP, I just posted an interest check here.

I know it was a few weeks ago but are you Still looking for players?