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Dot... dot!... dot?

Wolfwaker RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |

I was going to play with Myles Brightgard but we have 3 halflings already, so I may make another character. Any recommendations?
I have played a lot of PbP but only one game of PFS and that was at the local game store. I assume I can bring over that character (an elf alchemist) but I am not sure if I need to do anything special. I don't have that character listed on Paizo.com. Am I supposed to have his XP and prestige logged online somewhere?

GM Alice |

What, you don't want to play the halfling liberation front? ;)
You can play your elf alchemist just fine. Your GM should have reported your game in the system, but you may not have had it connect up to an extant character at that point. If you have your Chronicle sheet, you're good to go, as that's your official records of it.
Try going to your profile (click your name) and click "Sessions", it should show any PFS games you have accredited to your account and to which of your characters. (Here's an example of what a couple of entries of mine looks like.) But even if the reporting isn't right, so long as you have that chronicle sheet you're good to go.
It doesn't matter THAT much whether you use a PFS or non-PFS alias, but every PFS alias you create comes with their own PFS Number. If you check out your Pathfinder Society section it should list all their numbers (see mine for example). The only thing you need is that number. Whether you post as another alias or something is pretty irrelevant to me.

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that moment when you find out that you are the tallest person in the room...
also it is a shame that sig isn't here it seems that the fates keep the two apart (even if it may be better for their sanity)

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since I think I am the one who broke the Halfling liberation front I would go with whichever one you would have more fun with .

GM Alice |

Hmm. I don't know. I just did a bit of reading on the boards and opinion seems to be mixed about this.
I think, RAI, it's probably not intended you use a buckler. Compare to the duelist and Dervish Dance feat which specifically state you can't use shields, for example. However, I can see the argument both ways for RAW, which is what matters for PFS... soooo...
My suggestions:
1) Ask in the Advice and/or PFS forums
2) If you go down this route, be prepared for table variation on the legality of the build

GM Alice |

Just going through everyone's character sheets in preparation for the game.
* The "Lightning Rider" trait is not a legitimate trait. That's the version from d20pfsrd with the flavour stripped out, and is not legal for play. The actual trait, Rider of Paresh, is from Qadira, Gateway to the East or the Inner Sea Primer.
* Heirloom Weapon can't be applied to the bastard sword, it only applies to simple or martial weapons.
* Your flat-footed AC should be 15 (+3 armor, +1 shield, +1 size)
* You've got your stats in 3 different ways in 3 different spots on your profile, and none of them are 20 point buy. :P Obviously, depending on how this needs to change so too do your skills, saves and so forth.
* Buckler Duelist is not a valid archetype. Once again, that's the d20pfsrd version. The actual archetype, Rondelero Duelist, is from the Inner Sea Primer.
* Your AC should be 18 (Dex bonus is +2, not +3)
* Your Ref bonus should be +3 (again, Dex bonus differs)
* When two-weapon fighting, your offhand damage is 1d2+1 (as you don't have Double Slice)
* Your skill bonuses should be Craft (armor) +6, Diplomacy +4, Intimidate +4, and Perception +7 (unless there's some bonuses I'm missing?)
* You're selling yourself short ;) You've got a 15 point buy there, not a 20 point buy! Obviously this will affect various bonuses over your sheet, depending on what you do with it.
* I think you're missing your favoured class bonus.
* Actually can't find anything amiss, good job. :P
Still waiting on Wolfwaker's character.

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Craft: 1 rnk + 3 class + 2 MWK tool = 6
Diplomacy: 1 rnk + 0 ability + 3 class + 1 trait = 5
Intimidate: 1 rnk + 3 class = 4
Perception: 1 rnk + 2 race + 3 class + 1 trait = 8

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Just going through everyone's character sheets in preparation for the game.
* The "Lightning Rider" trait is not a legitimate trait. That's the version from d20pfsrd with the flavour stripped out, and is not legal for play. The actual trait, Rider of Paresh, is from Qadira, Gateway to the East or the Inner Sea Primer.
* Heirloom Weapon can't be applied to the bastard sword, it only applies to simple or martial weapons.
Is the Rider of Paresh an invalid trait for me to use?I will just trade out a feat for exotic weapon for the bastardsword.
Hmm I wasn't sure if your shield bonus counted for FF AC. I guess they assume you always have your shield readied which doesn't really make sense. But hey, I am not going to complain about an extra point of AC!

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Whoops! Sorry about that. Thanks for catching it. Fixed my sheet accordingly.
The only stat change that isn't reflected in my sheet is that I actually have 11 CON (forgot to apply the -2 racial modifier, so I've changed the Fort save and HP total to reflect it). Everything else (aside from aforementioned different-stats-in-different-places) is accurate.
20 Point Buy
Tengu Racial Modifiers (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con)
Before Modifiers
8 Str (+2 point)
12 Dex (2 point)
13 Con (3 point)
10 Int (0 point)
18 Wis (17 point)
10 Cha (0 point)
After Modifiers
8 Str (-1)
14 Dex (+2)
11 Con (+0)
10 Int (+0)
20 Wis (+5)
10 Cha (+0)

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Elvis: It's legal, just warning you that a) the trait as named on d20pfsrd is not legal, and b) you are assumed to have access to all the books you use material from (honour system via PbP--I'm not going to be demanding proof or anythin')
I have the Inner Sea Guide so I am good. I am changing Weapon Focus to Exotic Weapon Proficiency: bastard sword.

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thanx Alice... Been doing a bunch of different applications as my RL game fell apart again, and lately they have all been 15 pnt buy. got that number stuck in my head. Funnily enough I remember favored class bonuses for my human characters but always forget em for the non-humans....dunno why.
Split it between str and con so no real major changes.

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Wolfwaker (Myles Brightgard) here. Just posted on recruitment. In the interests of not holding things up, I will add a second tengu to the party.

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GM, by your leave I will add a Tengu signal kite (5 gp) to my gear. It seems a good chance to use one with another tengu in the party.

GM Alice |

In cases where the skill restricts who can achieve certain results, such as trying to open a lock using Disable Device, you can't aid another to grant a bonus to a task that your character couldn't achieve alone.
So unless they're trained in Knowledge (Religion) or Knowledge (History) they can't aid your check.
Just gonna give Elvis a chance to pop in before I proceed.

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Rock and roll. Sorry had a show this weekend so have not been able to post.

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So I have some good news and some bad news
I will be disconnecting my internet for awhile b/c I am due to move soon and will be posting via phone and will be away from my books (boo) but it should only be for a few days while I move back to Texas where I will be able to enjoy 70+ days of payed vacation (yay)
~ sorry for the short notice and inconvenience