GM Alice's #5-01–The Glass River Rescue (Game Day #2) (Inactive)

Game Master Alice Margatroid

Save the whalesdwarves! Part of the PFS PbP Game Day #2

Inn Map
Cellar Map

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Dark Archive

angel-blooded aasimar ID:116404-2 Paladin oath of vengence /3 (hp:31/31) ] AC: 20/ T:11/ FF:16fort +8, ref +4, will +5, int+3 ,-1per

back and got my Internet up :) thanks for bearing with me

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Inquisitor 1 (9 HP, AC 18/T 13/FF 15, Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; Perc +9; Init +3)
Intimidate +4, Kn. Nature +4, Kn. Dung. +4, Ling. +6, Prof. Scribe +7, S.Motive +8, Stealth +9

Imperia is checking diplomacy but I'd think Intimidate is more appropriate!

Dark Archive

angel-blooded aasimar ID:116404-2 Paladin oath of vengence /3 (hp:31/31) ] AC: 20/ T:11/ FF:16fort +8, ref +4, will +5, int+3 ,-1per

well considering that they both have the same modifier* also Imperia may be a little mean but I don't think she is intimidate old women mean... Unless I have to I guess

*its a requirement for the hell knight PRC and I am planning on C smash as a feat later.

Grand Lodge

female Halfling rogue 2 ( PFS # 4141-2) Ac16T14Ff13, HP:17/17, F+2,R+6,W+2. Perception:+8, Initiative:+4

just a note, we have now split into 3 groups....We are sooo gonna die!

Dark Archive

angel-blooded aasimar ID:116404-2 Paladin oath of vengence /3 (hp:31/31) ] AC: 20/ T:11/ FF:16fort +8, ref +4, will +5, int+3 ,-1per

Well just the unlucky group I guess lol

This is the "finale" so to speak, so I'd like people to please post here or PM me with:

- Player Name
- PC Name
- PFS #
- PC #
- Faction
- Email

Also, roll for any day jobs.

In addition, everyone can roll 1d20 for a boon! On a 20, you get a boon of your choice. On a 1, you get a random boon determined by me.

The Boons:

(1) Lingering Resonance: A recent encounter with an enemy spellcaster left your body strangely receptive to spell effects. At the beginning of a scenario, you may announce that you are using this boon. The next time that you fail a saving throw against any spell or spell-like ability from an enemy spellcaster, have your GM write the name of the spell below. Choose one of the following benefits, and cross the other off your Chronicle sheet.

• When you cast the listed spell, you may increase the DC of the saving throw by 2.

• When you roll a saving throw against the listed spell, you gain a +4 bonus on the save.

You may use this bonus once for free, after which you should check the box below; each additional use of the selected benefit costs 1 Prestige Point.

(2) Long Distance Support: You heard the Decemvirate’s call to arms as the Fifth Crusade began, but for whatever reason the society did not send you to the front lines immediately. You may nonetheless send extra supplies to aid your fellow Pathfinders. At the end of any scenario that does not take place in Mendev or the Worldwound, you may choose to spend 1 Prestige Point to send a cache of necessary supplies north to aid the war effort. On a line below, have your GM record where the scenario took place and initial the entry. Upon filling all five lines, you gain two benefits.

First, you gain a Mendevian Commendation for your tireless efforts to supply the crusade. A Mendevian Commendation grants you a cumulative +1 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks to influence Mendevian Crusaders (maximum +3).

Second, as a swift action while fighting a creature with the demon subtype or bearing an unholy symbol of a demon lord, you may grant all allies that you can see within 60 feet a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against those creatures for one minute. When you use this second ability, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.

(3) Mendevian Weapon Training: Queen Galfrey of Mendev understands both that poorly equipped crusaders are of little use to the ongoing war against demonkind and that an inadequately trained crusader cannot make effective use of good equipment. As a result, those who dedicate themselves to the Fifth Crusade have access to training and equipment that might not otherwise be available. When you would be permitted a Day Job check, you may instead spend 4 Prestige Points to receive intensive training with a specific weapon or suit of armor. You receive a masterwork version of the weapon or armor, and you gain proficiency in that specific weapon or armor (but not others of its type). If you are already proficient with the selected armor or weapon, you instead gain a +2 bonus to CMD against disarm and sunder combat maneuvers targeting the chosen item.

Choose the weapon or armor from the following list: breastplate, glaive, heavy shield, or longsword.

(4) Moment of Glory: Whether it is by fate, fortune, or circumstance, you are able to tap into a hidden reserve of power at just the right moment to perform a truly extraordinary feat. By activating this boon as a free action, you become a mythic character (1st mythic tier) for 3 rounds. If you fall unconscious due to hit point loss during this time, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. In addition, once before this effect ends, you may use the surge mythic ability to increase any d20 roll you just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using the surge is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed. This can change the outcome of the roll.

When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet; however, anytime you successfully complete (earning the maximum possible number of Prestige Points) a scenario that using the “hard mode” option, you may have the GM sign this boon. You may use this boon one additional time for each such signature you receive.

Dark Archive

HP 50/50, AC/T/F 21/14/18, Intimidate +3, Perception +12, Initiative +2 , F/R/W: 8/6/4 (6 v fear) Halfling Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 6.0

Josh m
PFS: 63386-8
Cheliax faction

1d20 ⇒ 15

Grand Lodge

female Halfling rogue 2 ( PFS # 4141-2) Ac16T14Ff13, HP:17/17, F+2,R+6,W+2. Perception:+8, Initiative:+4

James W
Tarra Spindlethorn
Grand Lodge
1d20 ⇒ 18
Alas no boon here...XD

Dark Archive

angel-blooded aasimar ID:116404-2 Paladin oath of vengence /3 (hp:31/31) ] AC: 20/ T:11/ FF:16fort +8, ref +4, will +5, int+3 ,-1per

Worrall Paul a
Imperia Lexia
PFS: 116404-2

boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 3
so close but so very far away

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Storm Druid 1
Quick Reference:
[ HP 12/12 | AC 14/12/12, CMD 11, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +7 | Init +4; Low-light vision, Perception +11 ]

I'll send the info via PM.

No day jobs here!

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Yay boon!

Dark Archive

HP 50/50, AC/T/F 21/14/18, Intimidate +3, Perception +12, Initiative +2 , F/R/W: 8/6/4 (6 v fear) Halfling Fighter (Rondelero Duelist) 6.0

Oops for day job day job: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

1d4 ⇒ 3

Congrats! You get Mendevian Weapon Training. :D

I believe it'll be a considerable time before you actually receive the boon, though. Probably when the Game Day wraps up officially.

Oh right, and I get to roll for a boon as well...

1d20 ⇒ 5 :( Oh well.

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Inquisitor 1 (9 HP, AC 18/T 13/FF 15, Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; Perc +9; Init +3)
Intimidate +4, Kn. Nature +4, Kn. Dung. +4, Ling. +6, Prof. Scribe +7, S.Motive +8, Stealth +9

Player Name: Clay Blankenship
- PC Name: Yagga Nightquill
- PFS # 110694-2
- PC #: Where do I get this?
- Faction: Silver Crusade
- Email: clay dot blankenship at gmail dot com

boon: 1d20 ⇒ 19

The PC # is just number after the dash at the end of your PFS #.

#10321 is my PFS number
1 is my Paladin's PC #, 2 is my Witch's PC #, etc...

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Inquisitor 1 (9 HP, AC 18/T 13/FF 15, Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; Perc +9; Init +3)
Intimidate +4, Kn. Nature +4, Kn. Dung. +4, Ling. +6, Prof. Scribe +7, S.Motive +8, Stealth +9

The -2 is right. I figured it out and then forgot to delete the question.

Dark Archive

angel-blooded aasimar ID:116404-2 Paladin oath of vengence /3 (hp:31/31) ] AC: 20/ T:11/ FF:16fort +8, ref +4, will +5, int+3 ,-1per

Yagga I don't think you will be able to charge this turn?

Actually, yeah, Imperia's right. There is a square you can charge to but it's 45 feet away, and I believe your movement speed is 20' in Kikko armor.

Grand Lodge

Male Halfling Roughrider 2 [#76805-3]
Bastard Sword +7/1d8+2 | Lt. Crossbow +6/1d6 19-20 x2 | Morning Star +5/1d6+2 x2
HP: 21/21 | AC:19 T:14 F:16 | CMD:16 CMB:+3 | Save (F+6, R+4, W+1) | Init:+3 | Perc: +2
Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (planes) +5; Perception +2, Ride +10, Stealth +7

- Player Name: James Casey
- PC Name:Elvis Littlegoat
- PFS #: 76805-3
- Faction Grand Lodge
- Email:

Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Dark Archive

angel-blooded aasimar ID:116404-2 Paladin oath of vengence /3 (hp:31/31) ] AC: 20/ T:11/ FF:16fort +8, ref +4, will +5, int+3 ,-1per

sorry to ask but is there a chance that we will be done soon? I ask because there is a 24hr event at the local store and I would like to get a few lvls on Imperia soon :)

This is the last combat. So it depends on what you guys do.

Dark Archive

angel-blooded aasimar ID:116404-2 Paladin oath of vengence /3 (hp:31/31) ] AC: 20/ T:11/ FF:16fort +8, ref +4, will +5, int+3 ,-1per

but I am killing them as fast as I can XP

Sorry for the delay guys. I'm totally buggered. Uni killed me these past few days, trying to get tonnes of stuff done... Will update in the morning...

Dark Archive

angel-blooded aasimar ID:116404-2 Paladin oath of vengence /3 (hp:31/31) ] AC: 20/ T:11/ FF:16fort +8, ref +4, will +5, int+3 ,-1per

well that was rather fun as always I would like to ask on any suggested improvements with my character (both mechanically and rp wise) as well as tactics. Also on a side note I did enjoy the friendly banter between Littegoat and myself and would like to thank the group and DM Alice for the run.

Grats all, I will try and get Chronicles to you later today. Hope you had fun. :)

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Storm Druid 1
Quick Reference:
[ HP 12/12 | AC 14/12/12, CMD 11, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +7 | Init +4; Low-light vision, Perception +11 ]

Thanks for the game, Alice! All of you as well. I had fun. :D

Quite pleased to get the boon as well, though I don't see much use for it on this character.

Oh, you can apply the boon you won to any character, or even trade it/give it away to to other players if you like.

I've emailed everyone your Chronicles and reported the game. I'll leave the game thread up for another couple of days in case anyone has any last minute questions or issues and then close up shop. Thanks again!

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Inquisitor 1 (9 HP, AC 18/T 13/FF 15, Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; Perc +9; Init +3)
Intimidate +4, Kn. Nature +4, Kn. Dung. +4, Ling. +6, Prof. Scribe +7, S.Motive +8, Stealth +9

Thanks, that was fun. Sorry I was out there at the end but I'm glad I had an ability that was useful with me just standing there!

Dark Archive

angel-blooded aasimar ID:116404-2 Paladin oath of vengence /3 (hp:31/31) ] AC: 20/ T:11/ FF:16fort +8, ref +4, will +5, int+3 ,-1per

ty for the run and the chance to play on a side note any advice for a lvl 3 feat I was thinking step up

Silver Crusade

Male Tengu Storm Druid 1
Quick Reference:
[ HP 12/12 | AC 14/12/12, CMD 11, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +7 | Init +4; Low-light vision, Perception +11 ]

Oh, excellent, it's a player boon and not a chronicle one. :D My thanks, Alice!

No idea for the feat, Imperia. I'm not familiar with paladins.

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