GDVII: Redelia's Rose Street Revenge (Inactive)

Game Master Redelia


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Female Elven Playtest Wizard | HP 13 | AC: 14 ( Tch 14) | F: +2 R: +4 W: +2; | Perc: +1; low-light vision | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 4 | Active conditions: None

I believe mine is. I don’t know of anything more I need to do for it.

Silver Crusade

Want to try PbF on RPGG? Check out my profile for more info!

Mine is getting there. Did most of the hard yards last night. Just need to pick spells & gear and format it for the forums.

Grand Lodge

Yep, ready to go AFAICT.

"Ufi" ToK pregen: Male Human Cleric | HP 17/17 ; Shield (Hardness 6, HP 20/20)| Hero 2/2 | AC 17 (19 with shield) | Fort +6; Ref +3; Will +9 | Perc: +7; | Speed 20ft | Spells +7/dc17) | Active conditions: None.


”Alahazra” | Female LG Human Oracle 4 | HP 31/31 | AC 14, T 14, FF 11 | CMD 17| F +3 R +4 W +6; | Init +2 | Darkvision 30 ft; Perc: +1 | Speed 40ft | Fire Breath 1/1; Heat Aura 1/1; Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active Conditions: None.

Had trouble actually getting online to say so, but yes.

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"As soon as the bad gobbos stop eating wires and RAMburguers.. Tuk is ready."

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

I think we'll have lots of rules discussions that might benefit from closer to real-time discussion. I'm considering setting up a google hangouts chat for discussion about this campaign. All gameplay would still be here on the website. Would any of you be interested in this?

Female Elven Playtest Wizard | HP 13 | AC: 14 ( Tch 14) | F: +2 R: +4 W: +2; | Perc: +1; low-light vision | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 4 | Active conditions: None

Yes, Google Hangouts would be great for this -- especially with the site instability.

Grand Lodge

I'm not likely to be able to participate in a real time chat due to constantly changing time-zone / flight / sleep schedules. I could check it and get caught up when able.

Though with the occasional outages at Paizo, having alternate comms can be useful.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

OK, I've turned on joining by link for a google hangout. I'll turn it off after everyone who wants to has a chance to join. link is here.

”Alahazra” | Female LG Human Oracle 4 | HP 31/31 | AC 14, T 14, FF 11 | CMD 17| F +3 R +4 W +6; | Init +2 | Darkvision 30 ft; Perc: +1 | Speed 40ft | Fire Breath 1/1; Heat Aura 1/1; Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active Conditions: None.

I'm trying to keep Mal just on the right side of the incomprehensible accent line - if I need to recalibrate or add translations please just let me know!

Female Elven Playtest Wizard | HP 13 | AC: 14 ( Tch 14) | F: +2 R: +4 W: +2; | Perc: +1; low-light vision | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 4 | Active conditions: None

I will be offline today and may be for much of the day tomorrow.

Bot as needed. See my profile for canned dice expressions.

Male human barbarian 1 | HP 26 / 26 Temp HP 0 | AC 15 (TAC 12) | F +4; R +2; W +3 (F +5 to recovery saves) | Perc: +3 Active Conditions: None

For those curious, I based the name off the German word for "two" in honor of Pathfinder 2e. Changed the transliteration, but should be pronounced the same though and rhymes with sky or shy.

"Ufi" ToK pregen: Male Human Cleric | HP 17/17 ; Shield (Hardness 6, HP 20/20)| Hero 2/2 | AC 17 (19 with shield) | Fort +6; Ref +3; Will +9 | Perc: +7; | Speed 20ft | Spells +7/dc17) | Active conditions: None.

This maybe my last post for a while. I'm heading off on holiday this weekend and we are down to the last frantic packing and finishing off stuff at work.

There is a rough chance of me posting on holiday, but they will be short if I can.

Please feel free to bot me.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

I'm so sorry for how slow I have been to post in this game, both in general and recently. I think that each post here takes so much mental energy that it's discouraging. However, you deserve better. It's too late in the day for me to move you forward today (Thursdays are my really busy days in general, and last week, this week, and next week they are worse than usual), but I will get you moving forward tomorrow and try to get some forward momentum.

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"Ufi" ToK pregen: Male Human Cleric | HP 17/17 ; Shield (Hardness 6, HP 20/20)| Hero 2/2 | AC 17 (19 with shield) | Fort +6; Ref +3; Will +9 | Perc: +7; | Speed 20ft | Spells +7/dc17) | Active conditions: None.

Don't worry about it.

The new game takes a lot of learning. I've been going back to the rule book, often several times, for each little thing.

I'm hoping that with time my familiarity grows and its easier but I think there is a steep learning curve for all of us.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

I'm coming down with something, so I won't be posting for a few days, probably. Maybe I'll use my sick time to reread the rulebook.

”Alahazra” | Female LG Human Oracle 4 | HP 31/31 | AC 14, T 14, FF 11 | CMD 17| F +3 R +4 W +6; | Init +2 | Darkvision 30 ft; Perc: +1 | Speed 40ft | Fire Breath 1/1; Heat Aura 1/1; Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active Conditions: None.

Sorry you're feeling poorly :(

I second 322's comment. I know I don't update the playtest table I'm running nearly as often as my other Game Day table. The system's just not broken in for me yet, either, so I have to Sit Down to post, instead of just whipping one off. (Though I do really like 2nd ed so far)

Male Half Elf Bard 1 | HP 18/18 Res: 5/5 | AC:14 TAC:12 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +2 | Perc: +2; LLV | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 6/6 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Active conditions: Nil

I’m in the situation as well. My table of the PT gets fewer updates than they should as well. Every post takes longer cos I need to look up rules all the time.

Female Elven Playtest Wizard | HP 13 | AC: 14 ( Tch 14) | F: +2 R: +4 W: +2; | Perc: +1; low-light vision | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 4 | Active conditions: None

Get well soon!

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

While we are between quests, please update your characters based on the recent errata.

I also will allow minor rebuilds, such as feats or spells. Please keep to the same class, and keep the 'feel' of the character the same between quests. If you're not sure if I'll let you rebuild a particular detail of your character, please ask.

I'm hoping to get into the next quest in one or two days.

”Alahazra” | Female LG Human Oracle 4 | HP 31/31 | AC 14, T 14, FF 11 | CMD 17| F +3 R +4 W +6; | Init +2 | Darkvision 30 ft; Perc: +1 | Speed 40ft | Fire Breath 1/1; Heat Aura 1/1; Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active Conditions: None.

Well, Malakai's trained in Athletics again, otherwise no changes needed here :)

Male human barbarian 1 | HP 26 / 26 Temp HP 0 | AC 15 (TAC 12) | F +4; R +2; W +3 (F +5 to recovery saves) | Perc: +3 Active Conditions: None

I've updated Tsvy. The only thing I could find that specifically applied was that they changed Barbarian skills from having (3 + Int) trained to now having Athletics and (4 + Int) trained.

Ready when you are.

Female Elven Playtest Wizard | HP 13 | AC: 14 ( Tch 14) | F: +2 R: +4 W: +2; | Perc: +1; low-light vision | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 4 | Active conditions: None

Traveling today. Hopefully will have time to update tonight.

Male Half Elf Bard 1 | HP 18/18 Res: 5/5 | AC:14 TAC:12 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +2 | Perc: +2; LLV | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 6/6 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Active conditions: Nil

Also travelling. Back in action with proper facilities in 2 days.

Female Elven Playtest Wizard | HP 13 | AC: 14 ( Tch 14) | F: +2 R: +4 W: +2; | Perc: +1; low-light vision | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 4 | Active conditions: None

Sorry it took so long, but my character is now updated for the 1.3 rules.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Experimentia is still travelling, and will have to be updated later.

How is the update going on Tuk? Arykir, have you had a chance to finish?

Hadn't had a chance, sleep deprived weekend (MtG PreRelease and I own the FLGS) and busy start of the week, but it should be done today =)

Male Half Elf Bard 1 | HP 18/18 Res: 5/5 | AC:14 TAC:12 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +2 | Perc: +2; LLV | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 6/6 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Active conditions: Nil

Not yet but Ill try and do it tomorrow night (Saturday for me).

I don't envision it taking too long.

Male Half Elf Bard 1 | HP 18/18 Res: 5/5 | AC:14 TAC:12 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +2 | Perc: +2; LLV | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 6/6 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Active conditions: Nil

All done. I didnt see to much that was relevant. Mostly just the different number of trained skills & bigger penalty to untrained skills.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

OK, we'll start on the next quest on Monday. I'll be trying to speed us up so that we can do the remaining quests before the end to gameday.

Quick question, are we keeping with 1.3, or do we update to 1.4?

Hmm.. This game had disappeared from my Campaigns after the update, sorry for not noticing it sooner.

"Ufi" ToK pregen: Male Human Cleric | HP 17/17 ; Shield (Hardness 6, HP 20/20)| Hero 2/2 | AC 17 (19 with shield) | Fort +6; Ref +3; Will +9 | Perc: +7; | Speed 20ft | Spells +7/dc17) | Active conditions: None.

I'm back now!

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Can I just say that Tuk is an adorable little murder-hobo?

Female Elven Playtest Wizard | HP 13 | AC: 14 ( Tch 14) | F: +2 R: +4 W: +2; | Perc: +1; low-light vision | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 4 | Active conditions: None

MurderHobos, The Next Generation?

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"I is no murder HOBBO! I bought house in tree, Tuk is a proud murderGobbo." Crosses his arms and pouts.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Aww, he's so cute...

(tries to pat the goblin on the head, probably almost gets bitten)

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Guys, I'm going to put this game on pause while I try to find you a new GM. I'm not enjoying the playtest at all, and am finding that I dread posting here. It's not a matter of what you guys are doing, it's a matter of the playtest rules, and so I want to hand this game over to someone who will enjoy it, so that you are able to enjoy it.

Male human barbarian 1 | HP 26 / 26 Temp HP 0 | AC 15 (TAC 12) | F +4; R +2; W +3 (F +5 to recovery saves) | Perc: +3 Active Conditions: None

Sorry to see you go Redelia.

I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I'm at a sports training event in Vietnam this week. Spotty internet and long tiring days kind of saps the motivation to post.

And like you, I'm not much of a fan of this Second Edition. I appreciate the fact that they're giving the community a chance to test it, but I really prefer 1e and SF.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

I am unable to find another GM who is willing to take over this game, and cannot continue to run it, because I find the PF2 playtest rules unbearable. I apologize for the inconvenience and disappointment. On our group Hangout, I've started a discussion on whether you guys would like me to run a PF1 game for you. You guys have earned 2 playtest points because you've completed 2 quests. My PFS number for filling out the playtest points form is 184425. Please consider filling out the surveys related to this scenario; they are written so that you can participate even if you only did some of the quests.

Female Elven Playtest Wizard | HP 13 | AC: 14 ( Tch 14) | F: +2 R: +4 W: +2; | Perc: +1; low-light vision | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 4 | Active conditions: None

Please list which two sections we completed so we don't need to guess on the survey.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Snippets and Dragons.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

If you want I'll stop playing and finish the scenario for everyone.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

boon rolls, players in order of appearance on players tab:
Experimentia: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Joli: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Mal: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Tuk: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Tsvy: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Arykir: 1d20 ⇒ 19
GM: 1d20 ⇒ 8
which boon for Arykir: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Female Elven Playtest Wizard | HP 13 | AC: 14 ( Tch 14) | F: +2 R: +4 W: +2; | Perc: +1; low-light vision | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 4 | Active conditions: None

I assume you need character numbers for reporting, nothing else.


Arykir would need to give you an e-mail address.

”Alahazra” | Female LG Human Oracle 4 | HP 31/31 | AC 14, T 14, FF 11 | CMD 17| F +3 R +4 W +6; | Init +2 | Darkvision 30 ft; Perc: +1 | Speed 40ft | Fire Breath 1/1; Heat Aura 1/1; Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active Conditions: None.

182453-1501 here

Male human barbarian 1 | HP 26 / 26 Temp HP 0 | AC 15 (TAC 12) | F +4; R +2; W +3 (F +5 to recovery saves) | Perc: +3 Active Conditions: None

151562-1501 for me.

Thanks for running, Redelia.

Male Half Elf Bard 1 | HP 18/18 Res: 5/5 | AC:14 TAC:12 | F: +3 R: +3 W: +2 | Perc: +2; LLV | Speed 30 ft | Spell Points 6/6 | Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Active conditions: Nil


"Ufi" ToK pregen: Male Human Cleric | HP 17/17 ; Shield (Hardness 6, HP 20/20)| Hero 2/2 | AC 17 (19 with shield) | Fort +6; Ref +3; Will +9 | Perc: +7; | Speed 20ft | Spells +7/dc17) | Active conditions: None.


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