Fine Print (Adventures in Khorl)

Game Master FabesMinis

Here beith the discussion thread!

Background on Khorl:

population: 4000 legitimate citizens (used to be more), and also goblins, other humanoids, monsters

Description: Warm, mediterranean style climate, several areas of the city are in ruins, and now inhabited by monsters. Old human city, most of the population are human, with some sibbecai and giants. A dangerous port, used by pirates with a veneer of legitimacy (sometimes).

Politics - the giant Steward is somewhat distant and leaves the day to day running of the city to a council headed by the First Speaker, Marldon Trask, a charismatic human male.


Posted - entirely randomly - on the game thread.
Now attempting to acquire a dot here. Them dots be hard to come by sometimes. I was up to about 35 posts on Laz's new game before it acknowledged my existence.

Sovereign Court

Male Mostly Human

I'm in too! With a treatise on faen limericks, no less! :)


There are worse ways to start an adventure :)

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

At least you're not all chained up in a pirate ship's hold. The adventure beginning du jour for a while on the boards :D


Treasure Hunt and Dead Reckoning. At least we have more than trousers this time.

Well, Tzu doesn't of course. She just has whatever she's wearing. No tools gal.

Limericks vs Galley Slave - I choose limericks!

oh wait, a treatise on limericks...boom BOOM boom boom, "ah the salt air"

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

I know we've just got going, but I might be a bit slow in posting over the next few days - I'm in a play this week, so my free time will be spent on that mostly. I will try my best.

I've clicked the link all y'all are using for dice rolling. Should I be doing this too or can I stick with my set of purple dice?


Don't think Fabes really cares much orange. We've all home rolled on occasion and everyone knows the gaming god will eviscerate you in your sleep if you cheat.


We've got a toddler, I'll almost settle for evisceration in my sleep as long as a get the sleep part!

Can't imagine the motivation for cheating. Sometimes it's a better story if the protagonists fail. I do hope to actually complete an action in the next round of combat, however.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

I will have sporadic internet access until 14 April. I love the characters.

This is a lot of fun.

Should we be worried at our general/complete lack of healing in the party?


It might be sensible to try and pick up a healing kit. It's that or depend on whichever of Keiva's gods are around at the time.

I'm really enjoying being 'lost' in this game. In D&D I tend to get bogged down in the mechanics because I know them well, and because the adventure paths I've been involved with tend to reward/require max-min thinking.

While part of me is screaming for a cleric and a thief the better part of me is happy to let it go....

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

It's a fun little band of characters. Pendrick's asides and thoughts have already given my germs of future adventure ideas.

Dark Archive

Some dude
smell of orange blossoms in the wrote:
While part of me is screaming for a cleric and a thief the better part of me is happy to let it go....

Shekebbet will be able to heal, in extremis, but won't be any good at it until 3rd level. (The 1st level AE healing spell transfers wounds to the caster, so the party will need to be in pretty dire straits before the wizard feels the need to give hit points to someone!)

Sovereign Court

Male Mostly Human

Keiva has Heal skill maxed out at the moment, and is likely to continue doing so, as her low Con and hit points makes her unlikely to cast Transfer Wounds. I'm definitely planning on buying a healer's kit once we get some swag to help out, though!

Although you never know which of Keiva's gods might just lend a hand some time... ;)


Tzu will chip in to help buy the healer's kit. Can't have Kieva getting ill.

Dark Archive

Some dude

Starting Saturday morning (April 2nd?), I'll be going on vacation for a couple of weeks, and won't have internet access. Either Fabes can run him as an NPC until I get back, or he can be sidelined and another player perhaps be allowed to jump in here.

Good gaming all!

Sovereign Court

Male Mostly Human

I'll be out of town this weekend with no internet, so if you get to Keiva's turn, maybe she'll follow Tzu's advice (for once!) and stay out of reach. Back on Monday.

female Litorian Oathsworn 1

Chance would be a fine thing... *grumble, grumble, making my life so difficult...*

Dark Archive

Some dude


Hey Rob, I was checking out some of your other characters ('cause I'm a creepy stalker that way) and was wondering about Imbolc, the 'Storm Druid.' It's sounds mega-cool, and I was wondering where that class variant came from? (The fire elf rogue, riddle of autumn something, was also very cool, but I guessed that one came from Unearthed Arcana. You have awesome backgrounds / personalities on a bunch of your characters!)

I finally got around to reading Bexilarius' full write up, which I'd been avoiding during gameplay because I didn't want to risk meta-gaming. Man, I miss playing Mordecai...


Sovereign Court

Male Mostly Human
Set wrote:


Hey Rob, I was checking out some of your other characters ('cause I'm a creepy stalker that way) and was wondering about Imbolc, the 'Storm Druid.' It's sounds mega-cool, and I was wondering where that class variant came from? (The fire elf rogue, riddle of autumn something, was also very cool, but I guessed that one came from Unearthed Arcana. You have awesome backgrounds / personalities on a bunch of your characters!)

I finally got around to reading Bexilarius' full write up, which I'd been avoiding during gameplay because I didn't want to risk meta-gaming. Man, I miss playing Mordecai...


That was my first pbp character on the boards - and of course, the game didn't last long. :( The storm druid is from Dragon #328.

Mordecai was cool - I quite liked him. I miss Bex too - he's one of my favorite pbp characters!

[/my own tangent]

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

I've sent one of never-used PCs to the World Serpent Inn to have a laugh. Might convert him to 4E for a giggle.


Angvar and Mordecai were rapidly heading for one of the more twisted relationships I'd seen in either a pbp or any game. That was entertaining. Not that Angvar was ever going to last to level 3 with his tendency to die at least once a day. He was clearly destined to be a 4e epic character, but just never had the stats or equipment.

Dark Archive

Some dude
Rev Rosey wrote:
Angvar and Mordecai were rapidly heading for one of the more twisted relationships I'd seen in either a pbp or any game. That was entertaining. Not that Angvar was ever going to last to level 3 with his tendency to die at least once a day.

Heh, I had Mordecai recruit / chat up that NPC (Marzielle?) just to muddle things up, as the Mordecai / Angvar relationship was borderline creepy (and adding a third variable might spin it into a different dynamic). Ah, the fun of playing unapologetically evil characters!

Angvar really was the 'danger-prone Daphne' of the group, wasn't he? "I go for a walk." "A fish jumps out of the water and critically bites you for 20 pts!"

Set wrote:

Angvar really was the 'danger-prone Daphne' of the group, wasn't he? "I go for a walk." "A fish jumps out of the water and critically bites you for 20 pts!"

Rapidly followed by an innocent trip to pick mushrooms that ended in unconsciousness due to snake bite. Angvar the damage sponge.

Dark Archive

Some dude
Rev Rosey wrote:
Set wrote:

Angvar really was the 'danger-prone Daphne' of the group, wasn't he? "I go for a walk." "A fish jumps out of the water and critically bites you for 20 pts!"

Rapidly followed by an innocent trip to pick mushrooms that ended in unconsciousness due to snake bite. Angvar the damage sponge.

Mordecai would probably have brought that snake-thing home for the fighting pits, but he already had to carry Angvar home. We needed to buy a mule for that boy, he got carried home slung over someone's back more than a first-year freshman who has just discovered alcohol...


Advance warning of impending absence.

I'm away from Friday morning (June 5) to Sunday evening (June 7) UK time. Directing a show and then going to Birmingham for some gaming goodness in the form of the UK Games Con.

(Fabes - you'll be reading this delectable bit of information many times.)

Sovereign Court

Male Mostly Human

I'm off to Paizocon, and then some family holiday afterwards, so I won't be actively checking the game thread until after June 22. Please NPC Keiva as needed - she's waiting to ice blast those sibeccai!

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Sorry for delays folks. Very busy recently. I hope people are still interested.


Yes. I like having claws.

Sovereign Court

Male Mostly Human

I've been busy as well (still am, to some extent), but I'm back and ready to go! Still interested!

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

I'm going to wrap up Fine Print and start the next adventure with everyone fully rested and healed, as waiting for Tzu and Shekebbet to heal up won't be much fun in PbP. How is everyone for continuing? We need to get Shekebbet back, of course, but I think you need a healer of some kind. Perhaps we need to recruit iin the Gamer Connection area?


Tzu might change class. I need to take a look at her and the rules and see if it's possible. Her brush with death might makes that make sense. Plus, she'd be able to look after Keiva better if she can heal and we already have one thumpy type.

Or we could just recruit of course :D

Dark Archive

Some dude
FabesMinis wrote:
I'm going to wrap up Fine Print and start the next adventure with everyone fully rested and healed, as waiting for Tzu and Shekebbet to heal up won't be much fun in PbP. How is everyone for continuing? We need to get Shekebbet back, of course, but I think you need a healer of some kind. Perhaps we need to recruit iin the Gamer Connection area?

I'm still peeking in from time to time, to see if Shekkebet is awake yet. I must admit, as much as I like the classes and character interaction (which everyone did great at!), the extended downtime sort of ripped the enthusiasm right out of me (which is no one's fault).

Some bad luck of the dice, combined with the old 1st edition magic-users dilemna. "I cast a spell, now I'm done for the day. I get hit by a thrown pillow, now I'm unconscious again..." While I like the concept I had for Shekkebet, mechanically, he's a big back of suck.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

I'm thinking of incorporating some stuff from Tailblazer to maybe bolster the effectiveness of the PCs, as even these encounters showed the fragility of everyone. Except Pendrick :D


I'd be quite tempted to give the system another try, but we did seem awfully fragile, even by the standards of 1st level pcs.

Sovereign Court

Male Mostly Human

I'm getting married this weekend, so lots of things to do! NPC Keiva if needed, and I should be back by the end of next week.


Congratulations, Rob. Have a wonderful day/days and store those memories.

FabesMinis wrote:
I'm thinking of incorporating some stuff from Tailblazer to maybe bolster the effectiveness of the PCs, as even these encounters showed the fragility of everyone. Except Pendrick :D

Definitely more stressful playing Pendrik, he's been one good hit away from zero for quite some time.

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