Andostre |

Hi, I have an idea for a character that I'm going to put together. She is a prim, introverted librarian working in a library for an old university. She has been possessed by a demon (Demon-Possessed Creature template) who completely changes/ruins her life, but she learns that she's able to sate it somewhat if she researches things for it. She doesn't know what she's looking for, but the demon inside her is appeased for longer the more esoteric her sources are, so whenever she can, she will track down archaic tomes, scrolls, rubbings, etc. to hopefully one day find the information the demon needs so that it will hopefully leave.
But despite her near-constant delving, the demon is never completely satisfied. It has changed her in ways counter to her normal shy persona. In times of social stress, she has become more outgoing and self-assured, yet perhaps over-aggressive. In times of potential physical stress she has become more capable and... violent (Bloodrager with the Abyssal bloodline). She tells herself that she wants this demon to leave, but she's in constant denial that she enjoys her new confidence and abilities.
I'm going to go ahead and throw out the link to my character submission even though I'm not quite finished. I still need to finalize equipment and write out the description and backstory.
In terms of equipment, are smartphones available? If so, how much would they cost?

Rednal |

Let's see... I think it's the 4th over where Jon is, so... update time!
Character Submission List
Amon Strom (OmniChaos) - Inveigler Incanter - Battlefield Control/Social
Aurora Goodberry (Sapiens) - Chooser of the Slain Warpriest - Melee/Healing/Weather
Daniel Solomon (D-Kal) - Psychic Investigator - Skill/Battlefield Control
Everest Palmer (Avoron) - Mutant Rogue/Spirit Binder Wizard - Arcane/Skill
Father Genevieve Blackfeather (Simeon) - Umbral Sorcerer - Arcane Casting
Jason "Istaqa" Curley (Nerdzul) - Natural Werecoyote Hunter/Ranger - Melee Damage/Support Magic
Jennifer Buscema (Andostre) - Demon-Possessed Bloodrager - Melee/Tank(?)
Joseph Zaidel (TheWaskally) - Holy Mighty Godling - Melee
Keeve "Snipe" (Saashaa) - Monk/Gunslinger/Rogue - Ranged Damage/Skill
Larkin Everett Blashford-Holmes (Philo) - Savant Incanter/Symbiat - Battlefield Control/Ranged Attacks(?)
Miyu (Rednal) - Psychic Incanter - Flexible Role
Norville "Shaggy" Rogers (DekoTheBarbarian) - Fortune-Blessed Ranger - Ranged Damage/Companion
Risbeth Von'Hogmede (mdt) - Thunder Child Brawler - Melee/Ranged Damage
Thomas Cooper (TarkXT) - Haunted One Gunsmoke Mystic - Ranged Damage

Risbeth Von'Hogmede |

Happy Birthday Jon!
The waiting.....sucks.....so much. xD
Also I sort of wonder what kind of places would rent to people like our PCs. We are an odd sort after all.
Risbeth isn't really all that odd (by day). After all, she's a stunt person, pilot, and driver. The fact she's one of those 'Hollywierd' people means a lot of people just ignore any eccentricities (like her using a very old fashioned wind up pocket watch, or carrying her phone in an insulated case).

mdt |

mdt |

mdt wrote:GM said we can handwave stuff like a house, vehicle, clothes, and cell phone/computer. Stuff everyone has. Just have to pay for magic, special stuff, and adventuring gear.I think this was already answered in the affirmative.
It was, that's why I said the GM said we could handwave it.

OmniChaos |

Aurora is still staying with her mother, although she'd like to move out as soon as she finds what she wants to do in her life. And she doesn't look too weird, except that she's 6 feet tall and full of muscles.
Just make sure she has a gym membership or shows up around the local one from time to time. Explain away those muscles that don't need training to stay in shape. xP
For some reason I picture Amon staying at some hole in the wall loft in the Other part of town. With inner dimensions larger then they should be with alot of gangster style interior. Aside from a little tech area. Being a chameleon on the outside does not translate to home life. :3

Andostre |

Jennifer Buscema (Andostre) - Demon-Possessed Bloodrager - Melee/Tank(?)
Intended to be melee, but can probably tank. Will try to update her armor if selected and if she needs to fill that role.

Andostre |

D-Kal wrote:It was, that's why I said the GM said we could handwave it.mdt wrote:GM said we can handwave stuff like a house, vehicle, clothes, and cell phone/computer. Stuff everyone has. Just have to pay for magic, special stuff, and adventuring gear.I think this was already answered in the affirmative.
Thanks for the answer, by the way.

Rednal |

Well, with that DR, I feel like Jennifer would be pretty sturdy against most foes. XD Good-aligned attacks are pretty rare against PCs, and Cold Iron... happens, but also relatively rarely. Usually only with people expecting to face fey opponents, methinks.
I definitely recommend getting your background into your profile, though. o wo/ That will probably be weighted pretty heavily when Jon's making a decision.

Simeon |

Genevieve is staying in a hotel as well, although he makes a rather odd roommate. He has a habit of disappearing into the darkness at night, along with talking with his sub-personalities in his sleep. However, he's very cleanly and eager to experience things on Earth, from partying to cleaning bathrooms.

![]() |

D-Kal wrote:It was, that's why I said the GM said we could handwave it.mdt wrote:GM said we can handwave stuff like a house, vehicle, clothes, and cell phone/computer. Stuff everyone has. Just have to pay for magic, special stuff, and adventuring gear.I think this was already answered in the affirmative.
Wups. Just doing a quick scan & trying to be helpful.

Andostre |

mdt wrote:Wups. Just doing a quick scan & trying to be helpful.D-Kal wrote:It was, that's why I said the GM said we could handwave it.mdt wrote:GM said we can handwave stuff like a house, vehicle, clothes, and cell phone/computer. Stuff everyone has. Just have to pay for magic, special stuff, and adventuring gear.I think this was already answered in the affirmative.
*fist bump*

TheWaskally |

Not sure if I've missed cutoff, but Arnar Jonson is ready.
Arnar looks great! Go Team Norse!

Rednal |

Character Submission List
Amon Strom (OmniChaos) - Inveigler Incanter - Battlefield Control/Social
Arnar Jonson (Harakani) - Lich Cleric - Buffing/Debuffing
Aurora Goodberry (Sapiens) - Chooser of the Slain Warpriest - Melee/Healing/Weather
Daniel Solomon (D-Kal) - Psychic Investigator - Skill/Battlefield Control
Everest Palmer (Avoron) - Mutant Rogue/Spirit Binder Wizard - Arcane/Skill
Father Genevieve Blackfeather (Simeon) - Umbral Sorcerer - Arcane Casting
Jason "Istaqa" Curley (Nerdzul) - Natural Werecoyote Hunter/Ranger - Melee Damage/Support Magic
Jennifer Buscema (Andostre) - Demon-Possessed Bloodrager - Melee/Tank(?)
Joseph Zaidel (TheWaskally) - Holy Mighty Godling - Melee
Keeve "Snipe" (Saashaa) - Monk/Gunslinger/Rogue - Ranged Damage/Skill
Larkin Everett Blashford-Holmes (Philo) - Savant Incanter/Symbiat - Battlefield Control/Ranged Attacks(?)
Miyu (Rednal) - Psychic Incanter - Flexible Role
Norville "Shaggy" Rogers (DekoTheBarbarian) - Fortune-Blessed Ranger - Ranged Damage/Companion
Risbeth Von'Hogmede (mdt) - Thunder Child Brawler - Melee/Ranged Damage - Background stuff
Thomas Cooper (TarkXT) - Haunted One Gunsmoke Mystic - Ranged Damage

JonGarrett |

As we approach the end of the recruitment, I would just like to thank everyone for all the fun chatter, help between applicants and other awesome little bits that have been taking place on this thread. Between that and a humbling quality of applications it's been a lot of fun to read, and while I haven't been able to post as much as I'd have liked I am already dreading the choosing.
But all things must come to an end, and that end will be at 24.00 GMT, or about eight hours from now.

JonGarrett |

Great luck to everyone! Let's hope Jon's brain doesn't explode because of all the amazing submissions.
Explode? No. But I am pretty sure the smoke billowing out my ears is a bad sign. I've been hammering at this all night and honestly am no closer to cutting folks. Normally I simply cut out all the applications I don't like - poorly written, poorly spelled, unoriginal or whatever else makes me flinch, but so far I've only just managed to cut two sheets down (and even then I've simply put them at the bottom of my list to be re-examined, not cut completely).
Applications are why I don't run more games, honestly - I like running them, but whittling down applications makes my brain hurt.
But I need to pick of you somehow...

JonGarrett |

Well, first I get rid of the ones I don't like. Then I look for the characters that I like, then characters (and players) that look like they can work together, and then I start nit picking. If I'm honest, mechanical synergy doesn't really enter into how I do things.
So if you end up with a party of rogues...

Simeon |

Yeah, I've had a lot of fun with oddball party makeup. One of the most fun games I've ever played in had a total lack of martial characters. The most martial characters were a rogue/ranger and a stalwart defender who never really went down but rarely killed anything. It worked surprisingly well. In any case, I hope the selection isn't too arduous and again, best of luck to everyone!

Nerdzul |

TarkXT wrote:So a protagonist/victim in a Lovecraftian short story?Precisely.
Good luck folks.
That made me think that a game where all the characters are Miskatonic professors\students\staff or something could be pretty funny (not for the characters themselves though hehe).
Looks like we have enough people to fill pretty much two parties, by the way.
Anyway, best of luck to everyone