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Thank you all for your thoughts they helped greatly.
I think there's a lot of places a kid couldn't go, and indeed, might get escorted away from by well-meaning adults. XD Your call for submitting the character or not, of course.
It adds an interesting twist that could be difficult or beneficial. A distracting guards or adults in general could be helpful.
Interesting question to everyone who plans on using two handed, or simply big weapons.
How do you plan on going around town or other civilized areas with them?
Obv. this doesn't apply to the people with smaller concealable weapons or small firearm users.
School backpack or cello or other instrument case
Child soldiers? Man, that is dark.
It is the only way I could explain a childlike person being trained with guns of that caliber. Plus it is a very real thing.
If your going halfling I would lean less towards child and more towards little person. Maybe have a disguise to seem like a child as an alias or your cover but on an average day. Your a person like anyone else, just smaller. Figured that would be a good excuse for someone playing a dwarf in this game too, in order to be considered "human".
If I go as a small person it would attract more attention than if I were a child.

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Male Halfling Monk (Far Strike) 3, Gunslinger 1, Rogue (Sniper) 1
Init +5; Senses Low-light; Perception +12
AC 19; Touch 18; Flat-Footed 13
HP 38;
Fort +7 ; Ref +13 ; Will +6
Speed 30ft;
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +3; CMB +3 (1; ); CMD 20 (3; )
Precise Shot, Far Shot, Eagle Eyes, Quick Draw, Childlike, Pass for Human, Gunsmithing, Exotic Weapon Proficiency Firearms
Acrobatics +9, Climb +4, Disable Device +9, Disguise +5, Knowledge Arcana +2, Knowledge Dungeoneering +5, Knowledge Engineering +5, Knowledge Geography +2, Knowledge History +5, Knowledge Local +5, Knowledge Religion +5, Perception +12, Sleight Of Hand +13, Stealth +17
Languages Common, Halfling,
Evasion, Deeds, Grit (2), Finesse Training, Sneak Attack (1d6), Accuracy
Gear ; Money , $6500

Rednal |

Roll up in your '71 Dodge Charger. Park in a fire zone, one wheel over the curb (bonus points if you knocked over a No Parking sign). Get out and stroll around to the back and pop your trunk. Take out your greatsword, heft it to rest on your shoulder and walk up the front steps. Make an entrance.
A brief bit of research suggests that openly carrying a bladed weapon is fine in Oregon as long as you're not somewhere they're explicitly prohibited. XD So... making an entrance might very well be something you could do without worry.

Rednal |

Ack, he was too well hidden. XD Let's fix that.
Character Submission List
Amon Strom (OmniChaos) - Inveigler Incanter - Battlefield Control
Aurora Goodberry (Sapiens) - Chooser of the Slain Warpriest - Buffing/Healing/Melee(?)
Daniel Solomon (D-Kal) - Psychic Investigator - Skill/Battlefield Control
Everest Palmer (Avoron) - Mutant Rogue/Spirit Binder Wizard - Arcane/Skill
Father Genevieve Blackfeather (Simeon) - Umbral Sorcerer - Arcane Casting
Joseph Zaidel (TheWaskally) - Holy Mighty Godling - Melee
Larkin Everett Blashford-Holmes (Philo) - Savant Incanter/Symbiat - Battlefield Control/Ranged Attacks(?)
Miyu (Rednal) - Psychic Incanter - Flexible Role
Norville "Shaggy" Rogers (DekoTheBarbarian) - Fortune-Blessed Ranger - Ranged Damage/Companion
Risbeth Von'Hogmede (mdt) - Thunder Child Brawler - Melee/Ranged Damage
Thomas Cooper (TarkXT) - Haunted One Gunsmoke Mystic - Ranged Damage

JonGarrett |

If we have a day job, do we need to pay for every pair of socks, shorts and plates and tv we have? Or can we hand wave stuff everyone has in modern society?
Apartment/House (Rental or paying off)
Car or Bike or Van (vehicle to get around on)
TV/Game System or TV/DVD player
Cell Phone
Couple of dozen books on a shelf
Let's work on the assumption that people have a home, basic possesions, a form of transport and such in keeping with there background and that the money for your character is for adventuring gear.
I have no objection to child-like characters. I'm planning the game to be relatively pulpy, with some more serious sections and some more comedic sections, so it should all balance out.
Two-handed or large weapons...well, Handy Haversacks are a thing. And if people want it, I suppose we could work on a weapon enchantment that glamours your weapon to something more benign.

Harakani |

Okay, I've a few things I'm thinking of, all problematic in different ways.
@JonGarrett, could I get some feedback on which way to jump, please?
Template: Cursed Lord
Class: Investigator
Race: Human
Concept: Man who did something terrible to gain power in the early days, and is now tied to the town. Desperate to protect people and grow the town. Acts as a Deputy/Sheriff. Shades of American Gothic.
Problem: Bound to the town. I love the image of him parking his car at the bridge out of town and looking longingly over the river as he drinks a beer... but can't adventure outside town (about 20 mile radius).
Template: Implacable Stalker
Class: Vivisectionist Alchemist
Race: Human
Concept: Young man who managed to inherit the mantle of a semi-divine phobovore. Now tries to use his dark drives on Evil instead of innocents.
Problem: Can fear aura be suppressed? If not, if he ever levelled he'd basically be unable to social with most normal people (who would run away, and not know why)
Template: (this is the problem. Simple lich template, Dread Ghoul or Penanggalen)
Class: Cleric
Race: Human
Concept: A goth who successfully worshipped Hel (the Norse one). Sees Hel as hard-done-by, and oppressed by Odin for being different, rather than evil. When he died, he came back. Now seeks to create an "afterlife" at a local underground club for his friends in the image of Hel's, and help out the recently dead.
Problem: Looking human. There's the Skin Suit feat (daylight only). There's any number of spells (limited duration) and Civilised Ghoulishness (technically this is a disguise; is that a problem?). Ghuls can pass as human, and Ghouls can get the feat, but the corpse-eating doesn't work for Hel, and Penanggalen is entirely the wrong mythology. I like the Simple Lich Template, potentially taking Racial Heritage to qualify for Civilised Ghoulishness.
Template: Mythic (see below)
Class: Wizard/Sorceror/Arcanist (what is Valda?)
Race: Human
Concept: A former student of Valda. Enormous native talent bursting out, but too inexperienced to use it properly. young as you'll allow. Ideally he'd turn out to be on the path to ascension.
Problem: Using the Mythic subtype to add +2 CR for MR 4, but this isn't technically a template. I love the Mythic rules, but I admit they're problematic for PCs. I'm hopeful the toned-down mythic subtype would (with careful choices) fix some of the issues.

Avoron |
For what it's worth, the focus bits on the end of the character list are my best estimates for what your character is focused on, even if they have minor ability elsewhere. Feel free to correct me if you think it's wrong. XD
Everest's focus is a bit tough to pin down. If you look at his stats in a vacuum, he looks like a skill-focused character with a few arcane tricks for stealth, social manipulation, or battlefield control. But a sizable portion of his resources are focused on giving his familiar a chance to shine - and his familiar is basically a flying invisible gunslinger with sneak attack and telekinesis.

Andostre |

Andostre wrote:A brief bit of research suggests that openly carrying a bladed weapon is fine in Oregon as long as you're not somewhere they're explicitly prohibited. XD So... making an entrance might very well be something you could do without worry.
Roll up in your '71 Dodge Charger. Park in a fire zone, one wheel over the curb (bonus points if you knocked over a No Parking sign). Get out and stroll around to the back and pop your trunk. Take out your greatsword, heft it to rest on your shoulder and walk up the front steps. Make an entrance.
I hope that Google search didn't get you on any FBI watch lists! :)

Harakani |

One of the reasons I like the concept! I've been reading Gaiman's Norse Mythology to my son - well, he's reading it to me now. I like that Gaiman had sympathy for Loki's children. Fenris got betrayed, Hel was despised because of her appearance, Sleipnir worked for the Asgard, one of his other kids got driven mad and the other used as material components.
Subjectively Loki's the bad guy, but damn it'd be easy to cast him in a revenge flick, played by Liam Neeson.

Nerdzul |

This concept looks cool, I love the urban fantasy theme.
I might try to toss a character in too. Unlikely that I'll manage to before the deadline, given that I'm out of town for work and usually I'm back at the hotel only late after dinner, but I'll make an attempt.
I was thinking about some kind of former athlete, perhaps into extreme sports, adrenaline junkie type, that got burned by the supernatural during one of his exploits. Something on the line of big game hunting and then meeting some kind of monster\werecreature. Perhaps lost his friends, or even killed them himself under some dark influence. Kinda rethinking his way of life after that accident. A bit arrogant type perhaps, but generally ready to put his ass on the line.
As a class I was thinking ranger\hunter something like that, an archetype without an animal companion though, or a brawler perhaps. For a template, perhaps some sort of were-creature, maybe he was bitten during his accident with the supernatural, I remember reading some feats around that allow even afflicted were-creatures to keep control (not 100% sure though, I’ll check later and eventually change plans). Maybe Valda Simmons could have helped him figure out a way to control the curse?

Harakani |

Alright, after some thinking I reckon I can call all four options by the same name: Arnar Johnson

DekoTheBarbarian |

Also, the thought of Liam Neeson playing Loki in a fic like that is awesome. Also also, thinking about getting Gaiman's Norse Mythology, it good?

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Updated Rednal's list with links.
Character Submission List
Amon Strom (OmniChaos) - Inveigler Incanter - Battlefield Control
Aurora Goodberry (Sapiens) - Chooser of the Slain Warpriest - Melee/Healing/Weather
Daniel Solomon (D-Kal) - Psychic Investigator - Skill/Battlefield Control
Everest Palmer (Avoron) - Mutant Rogue/Spirit Binder Wizard - Arcane/Skill
Father Genevieve Blackfeather (Simeon) - Umbral Sorcerer - Arcane Casting
Joseph Zaidel (TheWaskally) - Holy Mighty Godling - Melee
Larkin Everett Blashford-Holmes (Philo) - Savant Incanter/Symbiat - Battlefield Control/Ranged Attacks(?)
Miyu (Rednal) - Psychic Incanter - Flexible Role
Norville "Shaggy" Rogers (DekoTheBarbarian) - Fortune-Blessed Ranger - Ranged Damage/Companion
Risbeth Von'Hogmede (mdt) - Thunder Child Brawler - Melee/Ranged Damage
Thomas Cooper (TarkXT) - Haunted One Gunsmoke Mystic - Ranged Damage

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Male Halfling Monk (Far Strike) 3, Gunslinger 1, Rogue (Sniper) 1
Init +5; Senses Low-light; Perception +12
AC 19; Touch 18; Flat-Footed 13
HP 38;
Fort +7 ; Ref +13 ; Will +6
CMD 20
Speed 30ft
Ranged +8 Sniper Rifle (2d10, x4); B+P; suppressor, electro-optical scope
Ranged +8 Light Pistol (2d4, x4); B+P; suppressor, concealed holster
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +3;
CMB +3 ;
Precise Shot, Far Shot, Eagle Eyes, Quick Draw, Childlike, Pass for Human, Gunsmithing, Exotic Weapon Proficiency Firearms
Acrobatics +9, Climb +4, Disable Device +9, Disguise +5, Knowledge Arcana +2, Knowledge Dungeoneering +5, Knowledge Engineering +5, Knowledge Geography +2, Knowledge History +5, Knowledge Local +5, Knowledge Religion +5, Perception +12, Sleight Of Hand +13, Stealth +17(sniping +17)
Common, Halfling,
Evasion, Deeds, Grit (2), Finesse Training, Sneak Attack (1d6), Accuracy(rogue), Skulker(race)
Traits:Business Associate, Wild Shadow(urban)
sniper rifle, light pistol, electro-optical scope, rifle supressor, pistol suppressor
rangefinder binoculars, duct tape, car opening kit, lock pick gun, mechanics kit,
penlight, tactical map(Fever downtown), mesh vest, concealed holster, rifle suppressor, pistol suppressor, electro-optical scope
Money: $435
*Born in Africa, Keeve soon learned that he wasn't a normal child as his parents looked like children as well. Keeve's family lived in a small village on the border of a warlord's influence, Ntaganda. Early on his parents taught him how to sneak and also how to pretend to appear as a human child. They also taught him how to wield rocks and throw them with great accuracy for defense. In the settlement, many knew about Keeve's family being different, but said nothing. They were all comrades in survival.
The day the peace broke, the little village was overrun. Knowing their fate, the people of the village didn't fight back. They assumed they'd be taken prisoner. After rounding up the village, the Ntaganda's crew killed everyone that wasn't a child and Keeve's parents because, "they look diseased". At this point Keeve's parents were fairly old and looked it. Keeve and the rest were taken to a training camp where they were forced into becoming soldiers.
After being trained, Keeve was sent on a raid to a small village. The raid took place at night. After rounding up the villagers, they were suddenly attacked by a creature somewhere between wolf and man. The creature, on its rampage, slaughtered many within the first few minutes. Keene's reactions led him to run and hide in a tree on the edge of the village. He hid there and watched many of both the villagers and his crew get butchered by this thing. His conscience getting the better of him he took aim and fired. Though the creature's hide was thick in many places, it was not as thick on it's skull where Keeve's bullet tunneled through.
With the creature dead as well as everyone else, Keeve saw this as an opportunity to escape. Keeve haphazardly drove the vehicle away from where they'd come until he reached the ocean, which turned out was only several hours away. Keeve proceeded to stow away on a ship. He hid, occasionally raiding the food storage, until the ship stopped at a harbor months later. Secreting off the ship, Keeve found himself in a bustling city full of white people. He began walking around in wonder and was soon approached by a white child around his same size. This child called him by name and lead him to a fancy looking vehicle. As the two approached, a woman stepped out of a back door of the vehicle and stared down at Keeve. She then asked him, in his own language(!), if he would like to work for her as she knows about the wolf-man creature and what Keeve had done. She said that she'd pay him and teach him the local language as well as what he is. Having been in worse situations, Keeve readily agreed and has since worked for Valda and gone from school to school every few years.

mdt |

Hehe I kinda like the idea of a shapechanger and I enjoy trickster types, I might work on a werecoyote this evening (assuming I'm not too tired after work).
Werecoyote isn't really going to do it, for old man coyote. What you should do if you want to make that character is ask the GM if you can use the Kitsune race, but rename it a Coyote and not a Kitsune, then take Coyote Shape (Fox Shape) and Realistic Likeness. Then you can do a shaman class. That would allow you to take on the appearance of any humanoid you want in your human form, and also change into a coyote...
If you can find a template that let's you change forms or go invisible (or come back to life! That's something Coyote did all the time, like a Phoenix child or something) that would be icing on the cake.
Alternately, you could take the reincarnated druid archetype, as long as the GM allowed you to always reincarnate as a Coyote race.

Nerdzul |

If I remember well, there is also a template on d20pfrd that is about the reverse-werecreatures, like jackalweres, but I think it might be animal only and third party anyway.
The character would also likely be some guy who got inspired by the character instead of 'The Old Man Coyote' himself. Maybe someone who look at the myth with awe (and has some coyote blood or supernatural tie).
I'm conflicted though, on tabletop I tend to play trickster types, but I like the idea of playing more of a big guy this time. Besides English is not my native language and it isn't easy to play characters who are good with words when dealing with a foreign tongue.
I have been checking (skimming from work), if there actually was some talent\trick that allowed afflicted werecreatures to control themselves, but apparently there is none, maybe I remembered something in 3.5.
Still I don't want to make a the character an hassle for the rest of the pary, I was wondering if it'd be fine for the GM to let me work with an afflicted werecreature whose shapeshifting works like he was born into it (maybe after years of training\talents invested in it or with some magic trick), I mean born-werecreatures won't have the issue, but I like the drama caused by the idea of having being forced to become a monster. Would it be fine for you Jon?

mdt |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

How about go with the Kitsune -> Coyote idea, but make it someone cursed by Old Man Coyote. Maybe a young buck who hit 18 and mouthed off to the old shaman about how the Old Gods didn't exist...
Coyote would do something like make you a 'werecoyote' but then have a 'coyote-man' body who was not any stronger or bigger or more dangerous than your human body. Haha, big scary you! :) Then take a template that works well with a curse? Not one designed to kill you, one designed to rub your nose in all the weird stuff that's out there that you said didn't exist. :)

OmniChaos |

Amon is not exactly themed. But considering his abilities and tendencies. Flavor wise he could fit Norse ala Loki like characteristics. Trickery and deception being pretty big. Then again he could fit a number of themes as is. Everyone loves to hate a trickster, depending on whose side he is on. ;P
Miyu kinda gives off the Norn feel. While Risbeth strikes me as Thor related. If their being tied to Norse themes.
P.S. Please add social or something when making the list. Considering the only thing better then Amon's ability to lie is his ability to smooth talk. It's got to be noted. x)

Risbeth Von'Hogmede |

Risbeth is very much eastern storm lord themed. :) Not norse jerk god themed (despite Marvel's recent version, Thor was a major ass. There's a story where he wanted someone to fight for him, but the man said he couldn't because he needed to protect his wife and children, so Thor blew up the house when he left, so he wouldn't have a family or kids to keep him from going with Thor into battle).

mdt |

By the way, if you like this type of stuff, you should try the Iron Druid books by Hearne. Basically, gods are created by human belief, so you can end up with multiple versions of the same god as time goes on.
For example, the original Thor is a real *ss, but the Marvel Thor, who came into being thanks to the popularity of the Thor character in Marvel is a really nice guy you'd like to have a mug of Mead with. :)

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Well, since Miyu is a brunette who uses charm spirit magic to ward off spirits, someone springs to mind...
I like having ties to different mythologies and fairytales, I think it also fits with American Gods' idea of the USA pantheon being a melting pot of everything immigrants brought with them.
And pretty much everyone was extremely unpleasant, by our standards, in the old mythologies. Just look at Zeus.
Also: I just realized that by US laws, being 19, Aurora can't drink alcohol. This must be the worst possible torture for a descendant of the Viking Gods.

Simeon |

Father Genevieve is somewhat hard to classify, his soul was formed from the souls of a Catholic priest, French explorer, and a Paiute shaman, which is where his rather odd name comes from. There's nothing too mythological about him, but he does hail from the Twilight and is always surprised by bright color, given that there isn't really any in the Twilight.

Nerdzul |

Hehe well lot of gods tend to be pretty dickish to mortals, at least in both the greek\roman myths and the norse one. I'm no expert, but I don't think that any of them could really be classified as good in modern terms.
By the way American Gods is great imho, I'm quite curious about the upcoming tv series too.
@mtd nice idea, I'm working on a character inspired by it at the moment.
Soo sleepy though, I might finish ironing the details tomorrow.
Edit to avoid double posting: wasn't the deadline to close recruitment on the 4th right?