Fevered Dreams

Game Master JonGarrett

Website of Fun
Museum and Library - Ground Floor
Musuem and Library - First Floor
Museum and Library - Basement

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rhesus_pieces wrote:
Rednal wrote:
It's important to remember the "you should be able to pass for human" part, yes. XD
Haha yes, the "human who grows spider legs" part is inspired by the jorogumo.

You might want to go with a lycanthrope were spider template then. Your hybrid form could be a drider form.

Ill be finishing thomass backstory tonight. The more i thinknit the more i think i like former special.forces turned gun wizard and part time bartender.

DekoTheBarbarian wrote:
How are we doing languages? All modern languages like English, French, etc., will the different species have their own languages like Sylvan, Gnomish, etc.?

Basically, yes. We're piling on the modern languages on top of the Fantasy tongues.

I should be good on that end, then. ^^ Any languages that are likely to be particularly useful?

(I already have Abyssal, Celestial, and Sylvan for Miyu, plus a couple of popular real-world languages.)

Depends on whether you wanna read ancient grimoires of arcane lore, and how much Call of Cthulhu I've been playing.

Azri would enjoy the grimoires. Yidhra might have written them. Miyu's an exorcist, though. She gets rid of that sort of thing. XD

Working on a new Amon Strom concept. Should have it ready tomorrow hopefully. x)

Would English be the equivalent of Common?

Be more hilarious if it ended up being like French or Spanish.

Since I doubt running the game in broken Latin would be fun for anyone, yes, English is common.

If it's taking place in America, it'd be English. XD ...Although Miyu knows both French and Spanish, too... Yay for high Int!

Not finished with sheet yet but the backstory I feel needs to get written.

Thomas Cooper backstory pt1.:
For every wizard, orc, goblin or eldritch horror that dwells in or around the town of Fever there's at least three normal human beings going about their normal lives blissfully unaware of the Other Side. For the most part residents of fever usually grow up, get out of town, and after either some education or soul searching they either continue new lives elsewhere or return to their roots.

Thomas Cooper was one such person. He was not particularly remarkable in that he was captain of the football team or graduated valedictorian. What he did have was good grades, a strong sense of duty, and a long family history of military service.

Thinking back his time in Fever before joining the army were some of the least impactful things in his life. His father leaving his mother and disappearing, his high school sweetheart getting caught cheating on him the night before his deployment to Afghanistan. These things were incredibly small compared to the large important stuff he worked and trained to do once he left the town.

Joining the army, getting into special forces, getting deployed to a dangerous area to teach farmers how to keep out Taliban and make money off of something other than poppy fields. Those things felt important, felt impactful, and indeed the experience from doing those things helped Thomas greatly in the future. Yet, those events were merely shifting grains on the vast desert of destiny.

The turning point for Thomas Cooper where he would go from another uncelebrated hero in the long and storied history of the green berets to one of the stranger denizens of Fever came when he and his platoon were riding through a narrow pass in the mountains off the northern border of Pakistan trekking from one village to another to check on their progress and help them clear out the surrounding hills of dangerous bandits

To this day he doesn't know whether the men waiting in the rocks were Taliban, Al Qaeda or some other group looking to prey on travelers. What he does remember is that there was an off feeling about the pass long before they entered it and that his instincts told him there was something in it that was way worse than the men who ambushed and slaughtered the whole platoon. He also remembers the smell of blood, burning flesh and an inexorable pull away from the place when the smoke cleared. He was eventually found by farmers wandering out of the pass who tended to his wounds as best they were able before they passed him on to army medics who were frankly surprised that he was alive, let alone walking.

What they considered a medical miracle had a far simpler reason behind it and turned out to only be the start of Thomas's troubles.

Because while fever is an odd place that draws back in the souls that leave it the pass was a terrible place where thousands had died over the ages from Roman and Chinese legionnaires crossing it to guard the pass, to British and Indian soldiers retreating through it to safety, to Russian pilots scanning the pass for hostiles, many had fallen to feed whatever dark horrors lived beneath those mountains. Thomas could have quite easily had become one of those souls, if whatever power made Fever what it was did not draw him out.

to be continued...

Mmkay, both sheets should be up and running with everything filled out. Went with the Local campaign trait, and currently have English, French, and Spanish as my languages, though I'm thinking about changing French to something else. What, exactly, would the year be? Have my birthday set on '75 for now, but as I want to be in my late 20's, 27 or so, I can change it to something that makes more sense.

Got a number of ideas fighting it out in my head at the moment.
The game looks very interesting, and I love Urban Fantasy, but I was wondering if I could get a little more detail on how Gonzo you wanted it to go?
Gonzo-wise, do you see it as more like Simon R Green's The Nightside, Charles Stross' Laundry Files, Gaiman's American Gods, or Jim Butcher's Dresden Files? Or something else entirely?

Liberty's Edge

Rednal wrote:
If it's taking place in America, it'd be English. XD ...Although Miyu knows both French and Spanish, too... Yay for high Int!

And while the responsible Miyu learns useful languages, Aurora is studying Ancient Icelandic.

Here is what I have at the moment. Still working on gear but I think background and personality are solid. Yes I stole from Ash and Rednal shamelessly. But then again Amon is not a good guy, but not a bad guy ether so. Forgive me! xP

Amon Strom:


Spy, Thief, Hacker, Negotiator, Arbitrator, Messenger. These are some of the roles Amon has taken on. Often for those that can not turn to the law of the land or have little use for it. A denizen of the underworld Amon holds a strange position. Their is no such thing as trust in that world, yet their is a sense of honor or code. Amon can be counted on to play his role and never betray his contract. As always the trick is in the contract made.

In the other world he holds a similar position. Only he specializes in running interference for his clients. Using his power over darkness to cover escapes, pin down pursuers, or hide their actions. In both he is seen as mercenary with little regard to his clients, he does no more and no less then agreed to. Yet he always keeps his jobs self contained from the others, refusing to reveal secrets to other parties. As such he is seen as a tool by most, not worth their anger when it can simply be used in turn to their benefit.

Few would suspect that it was not always so for Amon. For he was a Strom, a true bearer of that name. Amon was born in Alaska during his parents visit to that branch of the family in the dead of winter. As such he did not see the sun for over a month before they left for New York in America. Much of his youth was spent the same way, traveling from one branch of the family to another through out the world.

The Stroms were an ancient and expanded family that valued ability above all. Having long ago seeded themselves into nobility and wealth. They had not restricted themselves in the slightest in their pursuits of influence and power, often taking in anything that could add to their family. Originally made up of humans, they long ago became something more with their selective breeding practices, magical meddling, and preference for different races. Prizing ability above all also gave rise to competition in everything among themselves. Positions were given based only on merit, birth or bloodline meant nothing with in the family. Which often made alliances and enemies with in the family as important as those outside it.

Such was what Amon was born into and expected to be. Mostly children were spared the burden of their ways until they came of age. A family rule that was enforced by the head and every predecessor before them. Such was wasted on Amon as his age did not match his intelligence and ability to understand. He knew what his family was long before his coming of age and he wanted no part of it. Aware of his eventual fate and the sometimes bloody nature of it, he played the spoiled and foolish child he was not. Bidding his time as he absorbed much of the lessons both given and taken. Suppressing his growing intelligence became more difficult with every year until he came up with the balancing act of playing a fool with a knack for absorbing information. In sort, spew arrogance at his own superior intellect while appearing to focus only on improving it. For cunning was both valued and feared among his family then raw intelligence.

Then came the coming of age ceremony, he had seen it before. It was some sort of ritualistic affair with alot of symbolism and little else. So he thought until at the climax from with in one of his own shadows Katherine appeared before the assembled family. Not simply a surprise but a massive draw of attention Amon knew no good would come of it. A week later he convinced his parents to let him go on a trip to china as a gift after coming of age. With in a week of arriving he disappeared. Successfully evading his guards.

Ever sense he has been constantly traveling and avoiding places where the Strom's have forces. No doubt they are aware of him but for the most part wayward Amon is left alone aside from the odd effort to find or contact him.

After years of traveling he started looking for a home or at least to set up a nice base. He found his way to Fever, it had the right mix of what he was looking for. Not the least of which was an utter lack of his families influence. He would make it his new home and build a solid reputation of his own.


Primary Motivator: Understanding. Amon seeks out information in many forms. After all it is through the collection of information that people grow and the world changes. As such if he intends to grow or change the world then understanding is at the foundation of that.

Emotional Disposition: Curious. A deep part of his nature Amon is curious of nearly all things he has not encountered before. Sometimes more then is healthy or good for him.

Moodiness: Even tempered. Amon has spent a life time guarding his emotions and playing the various parts expected of him. Giving him a overdeveloped sense of control on his emotions. Granted they do creep into his actions and decisions which he only realizes after the fact.

Outlook: Pessimistic. While he does have hope that people and the world will change for the better deep down. Experience has often gone against him. People disappoint and take the easy way instead of the right way too many times. The fact that he often deals with the less noble types only enforces this.

Integrity: Unscrupulous. Amon by his very nature is deceitful, manipulative, and a lair. He always takes advantage of any and all situations that he can. Despite this he does have a sense of fairness and certain lines he does not cross. But even then he hides these behind lies and deceptions so that no one is ever really sure.

Impulsiveness: Controlled. Amon has a very strong sense of control to the point of being second nature. His mind ever sharp and quick always has considerations or plans to call upon. Even his seeming whims have a reason behind them in his own head.

Boldness: Cautious. Ever the planner Amon seeks information at every chance. Choosing the most efficient course of action. Adopting a maximum outcome with minimum effort mentality. For he is primarily a manipulator and deceiver not an open fighter.

Agreeableness: Agreeable. Amon tends to go with the flow. Unless he is dismissed, insulted, or bullied he see's little point to such conflict.

Interactivity: Engaging. Highly inquisitive about nearly everything he can not satisfy his nature with observations alone. Coupled with his expertise with conversing and minipulation he often interacts with others to keep the stream of information coming in.

Conformity: Conventional. In his everyday life and family functions Amon is very much traditional and "normal" for the times and culture. Still he uses little hints here and there to denote his own sense of personal taste. Considering all he knows and has seen, he has almost no sense of judgement in him concerning most matters involving others.

Sense of Humor: Prankster. Amon on occasion gets in the mood to play tricks on others, almost always harmless. While working or during combat he does sometimes pull more deadly tricks on his opponents, choosing amusement over hate and anger in such things. Considering it a small mercy as opposed to cold or hateful death.

Education: High. With his families resources and his own abilities coupled with his long life. Amon has earned multiple degrees in economics, international relations, biology, and programming. As well as taking lessons and classes in private less publicly known subjects such as spellcraft and magical artifacts.

Finances: Sense his self imposed exile and subsequent cutting off of the family fortune. Amon has been getting by fairly well but would not be considered rich. The nature of his work demands a good deal of investment as well as dry spells. As such when he does get a big pay day he must moderate and save less he find himself short on funds.

Hobbies: A student of the world Amon is endlessly jumping from one subject to another. Still he has a few life long pursuits. As fascinated as he is with his own world he is just as interested with other realms, mainly other planes of existence and their inhabitants. A scholar of magical knowledge he hungers to always know more about it and it's related subjects. Finally while very much interested in the other, he still does wonder at modern technology as well as it's advancements. As such he tends to keep up with the lastest developments.

Romantic History: Many to varying degrees. As early as his preteen years his family parties were as much for the children to seek perspective matches as for the adults. As he grew so did his encounters, yet none were very serious on his end.

Sexuality: Amon is heterosexual, admittedly curious but with no need to experiment. Somethings will always remain a mystery and he accepts it. Currently one could say he is involved with Katherine as they tend to share more then one sort of bond. Yet he retains the freedom from himself and Katherine to seek those that he pleases. Only more often then not his suspicions get the better of him concerning the motives of others, causing him to remain largely faithful.

Technology: Amon is an expert at making use of modern technology, often using it as needed in his work. He owns a smartphone and advanced notebook that he tends to keep on him at all times, customized and secured for his use.

As much as I'd like to, I've taken a good hard look at my current time commitments and decided that I just can't afford another game right now, no matter how much I want to play Cheshire. :( Have fun everyone!

@Omni: In fairness, I shamelessly used Ash's Guide to RPG Personalities to build out Miyu's traits, so I can hardly object to anyone copying me. XD

Hi, I have an idea for a character that I'm going to put together. She is a prim, introverted librarian working in a library for an old university. She has been possessed by a demon (Demon-Possessed Creature template) who completely changes/ruins her life, but she learns that she's able to sate it somewhat if she researches things for it. She doesn't know what she's looking for, but the demon inside her is appeased for longer the more esoteric her sources are, so whenever she can, she will track down archaic tomes, scrolls, rubbings, etc. to hopefully one day find the information the demon needs so that it will hopefully leave.

But despite her near-constant delving, the demon is never completely satisfied. It has changed her in ways counter to her normal shy persona. In times of social stress, she has become more outgoing and self-assured, yet perhaps over-aggressive. In times of potential physical stress she has become more capable and... violent (Bloodrager with the Abyssal bloodline). She tells herself that she wants this demon to leave, but she's in constant denial that she enjoys her new confidence and abilities.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So my idea is shaping up a little better now: not sure if the spider thing is going to work since apparently spiders are considered vermin, and the drider template seems...broken. Probably going to go in a more generic unseelie fey direction.

General backstory is along the lines of human parents get their child swapped with a fey child (usual changeling stuff) and raise her.

Couple of questions:
Is the Yashka an acceptable race? (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/3rd-party-races/rite-publishing/yaksha/). I'm a big fan of the Insatiable Consumption fluff: as a child, her "parents" had to work with her diet issues by robbing graves/changing jobs, and as an adult, would be a doctor to provide a steady source of (fairly) ethical human flesh.

Also, I know you said that templates that were variable with HD would need to be talked about.

Would I take the Half-Succubus template (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/half-fien d/half-succubus-cr?tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F) as a CR+1 template and start at 5th (even though half fiend usually becomes +2 at level 5)? The alter self ability from the template overlaps with the at will ability of the Yashka.

Like I said - Spheres of Power, and particularly Alteration, makes Driders do-able. XD The system is nice that way.


Character Submission List

Aurora Goodberry (Sapiens) - Chooser of the Slain Warpriest - Buffing/Healing/Melee(?)
Everest Palmer - Mutant Rogue/Spirit Binder Wizard - Arcane/Skill
Father Genevieve Blackfeather (Simeon) - Umbral Sorcerer - Arcane Casting
Joseph Zaidel (TheWaskally) - Holy Mighty Godling - Melee
Larkin Everett Blashford-Holmes (Philo) - Savant Incanter/Symbiat - Battlefield Control/Ranged Attacks(?)
Miyu (Rednal) - Psychic Incanter - Flexible Role
Norville "Shaggy" Rogers (DekoTheBarbarian) - Fortune-Blessed Ranger - Ranged Damage/Companion
Risbeth Von'Hogmede (mdt) - Thunder Child Brawler - Melee/Ranged Damage

And a few more without sheets yet.

The Exchange

I'm working on a submission for a professor of microbiology: arrogant, aloof, calculating, and brilliant. He'll be a well-traveled scholar and first-hand expert on monsters. In addition to being highly intelligent, he will also be psychically active (Telekinesis, Divination, Mind).

I'll do some writing tonight.

Here is Amon Strom's full profile, I think. Found it hard to find a red headed male character for some reason. xP

Amon Strom:

Amon Strom
Appearance - Working Outfit
Male Inveigler Emberkin Incanter 5
N Medium Outsider (native)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 Def, +3 AC)
hp 22 (5d6)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +7 (+1 vs Charm/Fear effects)
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Destructive Blast +2 (3d6/x2)
Ranged Destructive Blast +5 (3d6/x2)
Special Attacks Destructive Blast (35 ft.)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +12)
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 24, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15
Traits Old Family, Silent Hunter, Fast Talker, Illuminator, Student of Philosophy, Dangerously Curious, Pragmatic Activator, Seeker
Drawbacks Easy Target, Frail
Feats Improved Feint, Persuasive, Breadth of Experience, Additional Traits, Spellcrafting, Extra Magical Talent, Extra Magical Talent, Extra Magical Talent
Skills Appraise +15, Bluff +25, Diplomacy +28, Knowledge (Arcana) +17, Knowledge (Engineering) +9, Knowledge (Geography) +9, Knowledge (History) +9, Knowledge (Local) +9, Knowledge (Nature) +17, Knowledge (Planes) +19, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Knowledge (Technology) +18, Linguistics +15, Perception +11, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +17, Stealth +13, Use Magic Device +16
Languages Common, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarvan, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan, Aklo, Abyssal, Infernal, Latin, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese
Spell Pool 12
Caster Level 5th
Spheres Conjuration (Greater Summoning, Form Talent), Dark (Clearsight, Darkvision, Greater Darkness, Hungry Darkness, Lingering Darkness, Pure Darkness), Destruction, Illusion (Invisibility), Warp (Extrademinsional Storage, Unseeing Teleport)
Drawbacks Emotional Casting, Focus Casting, Elongated Summoning, Personal Warp, Disappearance,
Boons Easy Focus
Companions Katherine (Medium biped, Lingering Companion, Transformative)
Charming Falsehood- Once per day, an inveigler can tell a lie so convincing that it enchants a single creature that hears it. The inveigler need not be able to see the target of its lie or have line of effect to it, but if the target cannot hear the lie, this use of the ability is wasted. The lie must be one that would cause the target to view the inveigler as a trusted friend or that would make it likely to follow the inveigler’s orders, but it can be as outlandish as the inveigler wishes. If the target hears the lie, it must attempt a Sense Motive check opposed by the inveigler’s Bluff check. A creature that fails this check by less than 5 is affected as though by the charm monster spell (caster level equals inveigler’s character level). Failure by 5 or more means the inveigler has dominated the target as though using the dominate monster spell (caster level equals inveigler’s character level). Charming falsehood is a sonic, mind-affecting charm effect.
Hidden Enchantment- When the inveigler uses any effect or spell that mimics charm monster, dominate monster, or any similar effect, spells such as detect magic cannot detect the effect. Furthermore, any Sense Motive check made to determine the influence over the target takes a –15 penalty. True seeing and other magic that reveals magical effects or determines the truth of the situation work normally.
Taken to the Grave- When speak with dead is used on the corpse or head of an inveigler, it tells nothing but lies. Only a wish or miracle spell used to mimic speak with dead can pry the truth from the dead body of an inveigler.
Truth be Told- Magic used to determine whether an inveigler is telling the truth reveals its lies only if the inveigler would wish its words to be construed as a lie. This ability affects even spells such as detect lie, zone of truth, and more powerful spells such as wish or miracle. Other creatures that are asked about the truth of what an inveigler says can represent the truth normally, so spells such as commune can allow characters to discover the truth, provided the creatures interviewed are privy to that truth.
Undetectable Nature- Magical effects used to determine an inveigler’s alignment or true form automatically reveal it to be the same as that of the creature doing the detecting. If the inveigler is aware of the attempt, it can cause the magic to reveal any alignment it chooses. This ability also protects the inveigler from spells that detect only certain alignment components, such as detect evil. It defeats even true seeing, but a wish or miracle spell used to learn about the inveigler (even by mimicking a lesser spell) reveals the truth.
Undetectable Thoughts- Whenever a creature attempts to detect the inveigler’s thoughts (with a detect thoughts spell, for example), the inveigler is immediately aware of the attempt and can cause the effect to reveal any thoughts it chooses. A wish or miracle spell used to mimic detect thoughts or a similar effect reveals the inveigler’s true thoughts.
Business Outfit
+1 Hidden Vest
+2 Cane of Darkness
Smart Phone
Upgraded Notebook
Tattoo (Back of Neck)
Tattoo (Upper Back)
Tattoo (Right Shoulder)
Tattoo (Left Shoulder)
Tattoo (Right Leg)
Sleeves of Many Garments
Cracked Dark Blue Rhomboid Ioun Stone
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone
Cracked Mulberry Pentacle Ioun Stone
Cracked Pale Ruby Trillian Ioun Stone
Wand of Cure Light Wounds



Spy, Thief, Hacker, Negotiator, Arbitrator, Messenger. These are some of the roles Amon has taken on. Often for those that can not turn to the law of the land or have little use for it. A denizen of the underworld Amon holds a strange position. Their is no such thing as trust in that world, yet their is a sense of honor or code. Amon can be counted on to play his role and never betray his contract. As always the trick is in the contract made.

In the other world he holds a similar position. Only he specializes in running interference for his clients. Using his power over darkness to cover escapes, pin down pursuers, or hide their actions. In both he is seen as mercenary with little regard to his clients, he does no more and no less then agreed to. Yet he always keeps his jobs self contained from the others, refusing to reveal secrets to other parties. As such he is seen as a tool by most, not worth their anger when it can simply be used in turn to their benefit.

Few would suspect that it was not always so for Amon. For he was a Strom, a true bearer of that name. Amon was born in Alaska during his parents visit to that branch of the family in the dead of winter. As such he did not see the sun for over a month before they left for New York in America. Much of his youth was spent the same way, traveling from one branch of the family to another through out the world.

The Stroms were an ancient and expanded family that valued ability above all. Having long ago seeded themselves into nobility and wealth. They had not restricted themselves in the slightest in their pursuits of influence and power, often taking in anything that could add to their family. Originally made up of humans, they long ago became something more with their selective breeding practices, magical meddling, and preference for different races. Prizing ability above all also gave rise to competition in everything among themselves. Positions were given based only on merit, birth or bloodline meant nothing with in the family. Which often made alliances and enemies with in the family as important as those outside it.

Such was what Amon was born into and expected to be. Mostly children were spared the burden of their ways until they came of age. A family rule that was enforced by the head and every predecessor before them. Such was wasted on Amon as his age did not match his intelligence and ability to understand. He knew what his family was long before his coming of age and he wanted no part of it. Aware of his eventual fate and the sometimes bloody nature of it, he played the spoiled and foolish child he was not. Bidding his time as he absorbed much of the lessons both given and taken. Suppressing his growing intelligence became more difficult with every year until he came up with the balancing act of playing a fool with a knack for absorbing information. In sort, spew arrogance at his own superior intellect while appearing to focus only on improving it. For cunning was both valued and feared among his family then raw intelligence.

Then came the coming of age ceremony, he had seen it before. It was some sort of ritualistic affair with alot of symbolism and little else. So he thought until at the climax from with in one of his own shadows Katherine appeared before the assembled family. Not simply a surprise but a massive draw of attention Amon knew no good would come of it. A week later he convinced his parents to let him go on a trip to china as a gift after coming of age. With in a week of arriving he disappeared. Successfully evading his guards.

Ever sense he has been constantly traveling and avoiding places where the Strom's have forces. No doubt they are aware of him but for the most part wayward Amon is left alone aside from the odd effort to find or contact him.

After years of traveling he started looking for a home or at least to set up a nice base. He found his way to Fever, it had the right mix of what he was looking for. Not the least of which was an utter lack of his families influence. He would make it his new home and build a solid reputation of his own.


Primary Motivator: Understanding. Amon seeks out information in many forms. After all it is through the collection of information that people grow and the world changes. As such if he intends to grow or change the world then understanding is at the foundation of that.

Emotional Disposition: Curious. A deep part of his nature Amon is curious of nearly all things he has not encountered before. Sometimes more then is healthy or good for him.

Moodiness: Even tempered. Amon has spent a life time guarding his emotions and playing the various parts expected of him. Giving him a overdeveloped sense of control on his emotions. Granted they do creep into his actions and decisions which he only realizes after the fact.

Outlook: Pessimistic. While he does have hope that people and the world will change for the better deep down. Experience has often gone against him. People disappoint and take the easy way instead of the right way too many times. The fact that he often deals with the less noble types only enforces this.

Integrity: Unscrupulous. Amon by his very nature is deceitful, manipulative, and a lair. He always takes advantage of any and all situations that he can. Despite this he does have a sense of fairness and certain lines he does not cross. But even then he hides these behind lies and deceptions so that no one is ever really sure.

Impulsiveness: Controlled. Amon has a very strong sense of control to the point of being second nature. His mind ever sharp and quick always has considerations or plans to call upon. Even his seeming whims have a reason behind them in his own head.

Boldness: Cautious. Ever the planner Amon seeks information at every chance. Choosing the most efficient course of action. Adopting a maximum outcome with minimum effort mentality. For he is primarily a manipulator and deceiver not an open fighter.

Agreeableness: Agreeable. Amon tends to go with the flow. Unless he is dismissed, insulted, or bullied he see's little point to such conflict.

Interactivity: Engaging. Highly inquisitive about nearly everything he can not satisfy his nature with observations alone. Coupled with his expertise with conversing and minipulation he often interacts with others to keep the stream of information coming in.

Conformity: Conventional. In his everyday life and family functions Amon is very much traditional and "normal" for the times and culture. Still he uses little hints here and there to denote his own sense of personal taste. Considering all he knows and has seen, he has almost no sense of judgement in him concerning most matters involving others.

Sense of Humor: Prankster. Amon on occasion gets in the mood to play tricks on others, almost always harmless. While working or during combat he does sometimes pull more deadly tricks on his opponents, choosing amusement over hate and anger in such things. Considering it a small mercy as opposed to cold or hateful death.

Education: High. With his families resources and his own abilities coupled with his long life. Amon has earned multiple degrees in economics, international relations, biology, and programming. As well as taking lessons and classes in private less publicly known subjects such as spellcraft and magical artifacts.

Finances: Sense his self imposed exile and subsequent cutting off of the family fortune. Amon has been getting by fairly well but would not be considered rich. The nature of his work demands a good deal of investment as well as dry spells. As such when he does get a big pay day he must moderate and save less he find himself short on funds.

Hobbies: A student of the world Amon is endlessly jumping from one subject to another. Still he has a few life long pursuits. As fascinated as he is with his own world he is just as interested with other realms, mainly other planes of existence and their inhabitants. A scholar of magical knowledge he hungers to always know more about it and it's related subjects. Finally while very much interested in the other, he still does wonder at modern technology as well as it's advancements. As such he tends to keep up with the lastest developments.

Romantic History: Many to varying degrees. As early as his preteen years his family parties were as much for the children to seek perspective matches as for the adults. As he grew so did his encounters, yet none were very serious on his end.

Sexuality: Amon is heterosexual, admittedly curious but with no need to experiment. Somethings will always remain a mystery and he accepts it. Currently one could say he is involved with Katherine as they tend to share more then one sort of bond. Yet he retains the freedom from himself and Katherine to seek those that he pleases. Only more often then not his suspicions get the better of him concerning the motives of others, causing him to remain largely faithful.

Technology: Amon is an expert at making use of modern technology, often using it as needed in his work. He owns a smartphone and advanced notebook that he tends to keep on him at all times, customized and secured for his use.

Finishing this thing tonight.

Backstory Pt.1:
For every wizard, orc, goblin or eldritch horror that dwells in or around the town of Fever there's at least three normal human beings going about their normal lives blissfully unaware of the Other Side. For the most part residents of fever usually grow up, get out of town, and after either some education or soul searching they either continue new lives elsewhere or return to their roots.
Thomas Cooper was one such person. He was not particularly remarkable in that he was captain of the football team or graduated valedictorian. What he did have was good grades, a strong sense of duty, and a long family history of military service.

Thinking back his time in Fever before joining the army were some of the least impactful things in his life. His father leaving his mother and disappearing, his high school sweetheart getting caught cheating on him the night before his deployment to Afghanistan. These things were incredibly small compared to the large important stuff he worked and trained to do once he left the town.

Joining the army, getting into special forces, getting deployed to a dangerous area to teach farmers how to keep out Taliban and make money off of something other than poppy fields. Those things felt important, felt impactful, and indeed the experience from doing those things helped Thomas greatly in the future. Yet, those events were merely shifting grains on the vast desert of destiny.

The turning point for Thomas Cooper where he would go from another uncelebrated hero in the long and storied history of the green berets to one of the stranger denizens of Fever came when he and his platoon were riding through a narrow pass in the mountains off the northern border of Pakistan trekking from one village to another to check on their progress and help them clear out the surrounding hills of dangerous bandits

To this day he doesn't know whether the men waiting in the rocks were Taliban, Al Qaeda or some other group looking to prey on travelers. What he does remember is that there was an off feeling about the pass long before they entered it and that his instincts told him there was something in it that was way worse than the men who ambushed and slaughtered the whole platoon. He also remembers the smell of blood, burning flesh and an inexorable pull away from the place when the smoke cleared. He was eventually found by farmers wandering out of the pass who tended to his wounds as best they were able before they passed him on to army medics who were frankly surprised that he was alive, let alone walking.

What they considered a medical miracle had a far simpler reason behind it and turned out to only be the start of Thomas's troubles.

Because while fever is an odd place that draws back in the souls that leave it, the pass was a terrible place where thousands had died over the ages from Roman and Chinese legionnaires crossing it to guard the pass, to British and Indian soldiers retreating through it to safety, to Russian pilots scanning the pass for hostiles, many had fallen to feed whatever dark horrors lived beneath those mountains. Thomas could have quite easily had become one of those souls, if whatever power made Fever what it was did not draw him out.

Thomas Coopers Backstory Pt.2:
After several months in the hospital mending bone and flesh. Thomas felt far different than what he was before. He knew things that he shouldn't, was able to find insight and knowledge on events and subjects he would never had any contact with before. However none of that was as unnerving as the dreams, and the sleepwalking that often accompanied them. And that did not even compare to the seemingly random supernatural things that happened around him or perhaps because of him.

At first he, and army psychiatrists, believed he might be suffering some form of acute schizophrenia sustained from suffering head injuries in the field. But the medications did very little to quell the dreams or the strange happenings.

Receiving a medical discharge Thomas found himself out of the green berets and with far more questions than answers. Not simply about the events at the pass and the strangeness that surrounded him. But also about his life and the direction it was going. He had education from west point that meant little in a civilian career and the kind of mental illness on record that many would deem a liability in any setting where his particular set of skills would be valued. So instead of returning to civilian life immediately he took much of what he had saved up from his pay and backpacked across europe to seek the answers he needed.

He found very little in the way of finding what to do with himself. But at the very least he gained a much greater understanding of what he was and of what sort of world he stepped into. From an elven shaman running a hipster bookstore in Amsterdam, he learned about the Other Side and that his experience gave him a very rarer, and very dangerous introduction into it. From a sorcerer working as a prostitute in Vatican City he learned that he was posessed, sort of. He told him that there were hundreds of spirits circling and going through him at all times using him as an anchor to cling to the mortal world and get away from whatever hellish things dwelled within the pass that Tom survived. It wasn't until he met a wizard selling used cars outside of Bucharest that he learned that the strange things that happeend in his sleep or during stress were not entirely at the whims of the spirits that haunted him but could be controlled and forced into compliance given a sufficient amount of willpower. Though the wizard himself did admit that the magic that Tom could command was far from the conventional occult stuff that he was accustomed to.

Running out of money, and getting a call from a friend back home that his mother was deteriorating Tom had no choice but to return home. While he had grown accustomed to running into dark and strange things in odd corners and dark alleys of the world he was surprised by the sheer density of such things just living beneath the surface of his hometown.

Not to his surprise the Sanctuary Bar proved to be a center point for a lot of Other Side gatherings. Valdaa, not one to forget a face even under a thick beard and a thicker sense of caution happily agreed to help him come to grips with his powers. In exchange for getting hooked up with a few of her connections he tended the bar After all, having a potentially volatile mage on the pay roll certainly helped keep some of the more bestial patrons from causing trouble, and the not too far from the truth rumors about his army training kept the more intelligent ones guessing.

For now, while Tom tries to get his treading in a new way of life he works the bar at night while occasionally doing a favor for Valdaa here and there, learns to control his magic during the day, and does his best to make sure his mother will be okay through all of it.

Thomas is a 34 year old Caucasian male standing at about 5'10" with blue eyes and brown curly hair that borders on auburn. He dresses simply in a polo shirt and jeans or some other functional attire depending on the situation. He has no visible tattoos or piercings preferring to keep a relatively unassuming appearance as much out of habit as personal taste. His beard and hair tend to be long but kept trim and clean, a distinct difference from when he worked at central command where being slightly unkempt kept himself and his mates from standing out too much among the villages and towns they operated in.

Despite his training Thomas has never been particularly personable despite part of his job being that he had to train often ordinary people how to handle and use weapons to defend themselves and their homes. Soft spoken and loathe to bring unnecessary attention to himself he is rather intelligent and reserved posessing a keen perception and empathy that bolster his strong sense of duty to family and country. Despite what many would expect of him Thomas is very much against the discrimination of muslims he's seen around Europe and his own country. He's simply spent too much time befriending them and learning what he could as part of his profession to see them in the way people without his experience do. This sort of education makes him rather receptive to creatures from the Other Side and while he is certainly not slow to draw his weapon he's far more likely to talk it out or warn it off than actually fire.

Thomas's one real love is a stiff drink and the outdoors. Anytime he can he takes time to go out fishing or hinking into the woods around Fever, often with friends, but just as often alone. Knowing what lives there doesn't bother him as much knowing that most die to bullets the same as everything else. Or failing that, lightning does the trick.

Sheet should come sometime tommorrow. Thing about this was I felt like I could not do him justice until I got his background more or less figured out and did some reading. Army special forces do a lot of stuff you would not exactly expect.

Risbeth Concept art

On the movie set, with fake scars on face

Back in Japan, in the 70's

Off set, just spending the day shopping

Scarab Sages

Rayna Svetkova in progress: paizo.com/people/RaynaSvetkova

A thought about the equipment list.

You should probably take the time to stat out or seek stats for personal defense items like tasers, stunguns, mace, and the like. Most of these are widely available in the us outside some state laws and carried often in lieu of firearms. Pepper spray in particular is popular as its small enough to fit on a key chain and doesn't require direct contact or half decent aim to use.

Also can we make ballistic weaves DR only apply to piercing damage? DR is really powerful as its written now.

Ballistic weave is usually useful against bludgeoning. If we're talking actual bullet proof vests/etc, then usually they are reinforced with either ceramic, metal, or carbon plates. Those are useful against both bludgeoning and slashing. So it depends on whether it's 'ballistic weave' as in 'minimal kevlar/spider silk/polyethelene' or 'reinforced kevlar/spider silk/polyethelene'.

Either way, they are rarely useful against Piercing (Spike) or Slashing (Stab/Knife) damage. A piercing attack like a shank or ice pick usually go right through unless it hits a reinforcing plate. Actual clothing rarely has plates in them for obvious reasons (weight and fit). You can generally get a dual purpose underclothes vest or fitted clothing, but not an all purpose. That is, usually it's slash/pierce or slash/bludgeon, and is usually more expensive.

You can get clothing in all 3 though, anti-bullet, anti-stab, and anti-spike. But generally they offer no protection against the other two unless you buy the expensive dual protection options.

I think it refers to minimal type stuff since its an add on to armor.

DR/Bludgeoning would work as well if piercing doesn't feel right. Firearms do both. I just don't like it being DR/- as it is now. That's nutty and I don't think that's what the GM intended.

Liberty's Edge

I assumed it was firearms only, DR 9/- would be really, really high. Also, who needs pepper spray when you've got a spear?

People who want to walk around in a public space without the burden of carrying a 5ft long murder stick.

Whereas I, being magically inclined, just carry around easily-concealed strips of paper and don't have to talk to people about my traditional Ozark folk art means of personal defense. o wo~ Useful, that.

What's also useful? Extradimensional Storage. 8D Take any gear through any security, no problem.

The intention was the DR for Ballistic Weave only functioned against bullets, to balance out the fact guns are going to be common and powerful. Going for Bludgeoning works. I'll modify it later.

I'll add in self-defence weapons later, when I get a few moments spare.

Alas, Composite Metal Foam would probably be a bit unfair. XD Oh well.

Rednal wrote:

Whereas I, being magically inclined, just carry around easily-concealed strips of paper and don't have to talk to people about my traditional Ozark folk art means of personal defense. o wo~ Useful, that.

What's also useful? Extradimensional Storage. 8D Take any gear through any security, no problem.

Security is less of an issue when the person carrying a weapon is invisibly flying overhead.

Avoron wrote:
Rednal wrote:

Whereas I, being magically inclined, just carry around easily-concealed strips of paper and don't have to talk to people about my traditional Ozark folk art means of personal defense. o wo~ Useful, that.

What's also useful? Extradimensional Storage. 8D Take any gear through any security, no problem.

Security is less of an issue when the person carrying a weapon is invisibly flying overhead.

When your jog is 8 MPH (And your sprint is 16MPH), and you can punch your way out of a bank vault, really you only need enough protection to shrug off the one round of bullets someone get's off while you're racing over to crack their rib cages...

And he's done.

Thomas Cooper, former green beret, currently haunted gun wizard.


For every wizard, orc, goblin or eldritch horror that dwells in or around the town of Fever there's at least three normal human beings going about their normal lives blissfully unaware of the Other Side. For the most part residents of fever usually grow up, get out of town, and after either some education or soul searching they either continue new lives elsewhere or return to their roots.
Thomas Cooper was one such person. He was not particularly remarkable in that he was captain of the football team or graduated valedictorian. What he did have was good grades, a strong sense of duty, and a long family history of military service.
Thinking back his time in Fever before joining the army were some of the least impactful things in his life. His father leaving his mother and disappearing, his high school sweetheart getting caught cheating on him the night before his deployment to Afghanistan. These things were incredibly small compared to the large important stuff he worked and trained to do once he left the town.

Joining the army, getting into special forces, getting deployed to a dangerous area to teach farmers how to keep out Taliban and make money off of something other than poppy fields. Those things felt important, felt impactful, and indeed the experience from doing those things helped Thomas greatly in the future. Yet, those events were merely shifting grains on the vast desert of destiny.

The turning point for Thomas Cooper where he would go from another uncelebrated hero in the long and storied history of the green berets to one of the stranger denizens of Fever came when he and his platoon were riding through a narrow pass in the mountains off the northern border of Pakistan trekking from one village to another to check on their progress and help them clear out the surrounding hills of dangerous bandits

To this day he doesn't know whether the men waiting in the rocks were Taliban, Al Qaeda or some other group looking to prey on travelers. What he does remember is that there was an off feeling about the pass long before they entered it and that his instincts told him there was something in it that was way worse than the men who ambushed and slaughtered the whole platoon. He also remembers the smell of blood, burning flesh and an inexorable pull away from the place when the smoke cleared. He was eventually found by farmers wandering out of the pass who tended to his wounds as best they were able before they passed him on to army medics who were frankly surprised that he was alive, let alone walking.

What they considered a medical miracle had a far simpler reason behind it and turned out to only be the start of Thomas's troubles.

Because while fever is an odd place that draws back in the souls that leave it, the pass was a terrible place where thousands had died over the ages from Roman and Chinese legionnaires crossing it to guard the pass, to British and Indian soldiers retreating through it to safety, to Russian pilots scanning the pass for hostiles, many had fallen to feed whatever dark horrors lived beneath those mountains. Thomas could have quite easily had become one of those souls, if whatever power made Fever what it was did not draw him out.

After several months in the hospital mending bone and flesh. Thomas felt far different than what he was before. He knew things that he shouldn't, was able to find insight and knowledge on events and subjects he would never had any contact with before. However none of that was as unnerving as the dreams, and the sleepwalking that often accompanied them. And that did not even compare to the seemingly random supernatural things that happened around him or perhaps because of him.
At first he, and army psychiatrists, believed he might be suffering some form of acute schizophrenia sustained from suffering head injuries in the field. But the medications did very little to quell the dreams or the strange happenings.

Receiving a medical discharge Thomas found himself out of the green berets and with far more questions than answers. Not simply about the events at the pass and the strangeness that surrounded him. But also about his life and the direction it was going. He had education from west point that meant little in a civilian career and the kind of mental illness on record that many would deem a liability in any setting where his particular set of skills would be valued. So instead of returning to civilian life immediately he took much of what he had saved up from his pay and backpacked across europe to seek the answers he needed.

He found very little in the way of finding what to do with himself. But at the very least he gained a much greater understanding of what he was and of what sort of world he stepped into. From an elven shaman running a hipster bookstore in Amsterdam, he learned about the Other Side and that his experience gave him a very rarer, and very dangerous introduction into it. From a sorcerer working as a prostitute in Vatican City he learned that he was possessed, sort of. He told him that there were hundreds of spirits circling and going through him at all times using him as an anchor to cling to the mortal world and get away from whatever hellish things dwelling within the pass that Tom survived. It wasn't until he met a wizard selling used cars outside of Bucharest that he learned that the strange things that happend in his sleep or during stress were not entirely at the whims of the spirits that haunted him but could be controlled and forced into compliance given a sufficient amount of willpower. Though the wizard himself did admit that the magic that Tom could command was far from the conventional occult stuff that he was accustomed to.

Running out of money, and getting a call from a friend back home that his mother was deteriorating Tom had no choice but to return home. While he had grown accustomed to running into dark and strange things in odd corners and dark alleys of the world he was surprised by the sheer density of such things just living beneath the surface of his hometown.

Not to his surprise the Sanctuary Bar proved to be a center point for a lot of Other Side gatherings. Valda, not one to forget a face even under a thick beard and a thicker sense of caution happily agreed to help him come to grips with his powers. In exchange for getting hooked up with a few of her connections he tended the bar After all, having a potentially volatile mage on the pay roll certainly helped keep some of the more bestial patrons from causing trouble, and the not too far from the truth rumors about his army training kept the more intelligent ones guessing.

For now, while Tom tries to get his treading in a new way of life he works the bar at night while occasionally doing a favor for Valda here and there, learns to control his magic during the day, and does his best to make sure his mother will be okay through all of it.

Thomas is a 34 year old Caucasian male standing at about 5'10" with blue eyes and brown curly hair that borders on auburn. He dresses simply in a polo shirt and jeans or some other functional attire depending on the situation. He has no visible tattoos or piercings preferring to keep a relatively unassuming appearance as much out of habit as personal taste. His beard and hair tend to be long but kept trim and clean, a distinct difference from when he worked at central command where being slightly unkempt kept himself and his mates from standing out too much among the villages and towns they operated in.

Despite his training Thomas has never been particularly personable despite part of his job being that he had to train often ordinary people how to handle and use weapons to defend themselves and their homes. Soft spoken and loathe to bring unnecessary attention to himself he is rather intelligent and reserved possessing a keen perception and empathy that bolster his strong sense of duty to family and country. Despite what many would expect of him Thomas is very much against the discrimination of Muslims he's seen around Europe and his own country. He's simply spent too much time befriending them and learning what he could as part of his profession to see them in the way people without his experience do. This sort of education makes him rather receptive to creatures from the Other Side and while he is certainly not slow to draw his weapon he's far more likely to talk it out or warn it off than actually fire.
Thomas's one real love is a stiff drink and the outdoors. Anytime he can he takes time to go out fishing or hiking into the woods around Fever, often with friends, but just as often alone. Knowing what lives there doesn't bother him as much knowing that most die to bullets the same as everything else. Or failing that, lightning does the trick.

How were hit points being done again?

Also it occurs to me how some classes can produce deceptive looking sheets.

Like Thomas's raw gun damage is unremarkable. Yet, his basic default no resource cost stuff in combat would push that 2d6 to 2d6+4+2d6 elemental. Easily boosted with minimal expenditure to 2d6+11+2d6 elemental. Then we get into maneuver use which can boost that even further. That's not super high or anything but it does kind of make me wonder about the adequacy of normal sheets when it comes to complicated characters.

Full at first level, either average +1 or roll after that.

Also, website updated.

Working on an alternate concept.

Sheriff deputy returned from the grave looking for hsi would be murderer.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I've been building a sniper and have been trying to decide between Halfling with childlike and pass for human, or half-elf with pass for human. I've been leaning toward the Halfling because a child sniper just sounds amusing but am having a hard time establishing a good backstory.

So far I've got

*Born in Africa
*Parents taught how to sneak and pretend to be human child (monk 3 levels)
*the group the family was with was ambushed by warlord crew, parents killed
*taken and recruited as "child soldier"
*taught to use guns and excelled as sniper (gunslinger 1 level)
*while on mission, faces inhuman entity and wins
*a crew of Valda's was after entity as well and witnessed
*is recruited by Valda and moves to Fever (Rogue 1 level)

any thoughts?

If we have a day job, do we need to pay for every pair of socks, shorts and plates and tv we have? Or can we hand wave stuff everyone has in modern society?

Apartment/House (Rental or paying off)
Car or Bike or Van (vehicle to get around on)
TV/Game System or TV/DVD player
Cell Phone
Couple of dozen books on a shelf

I think there's a lot of places a kid couldn't go, and indeed, might get escorted away from by well-meaning adults. XD Your call for submitting the character or not, of course.

Interesting question to everyone who plans on using two handed, or simply big weapons.

How do you plan on going around town or other civilized areas with them?

Obv. this doesn't apply to the people with smaller concealable weapons or small firearm users.

I planned on concealing my big weapons in a bra...

...or gloves, depending on which weapons you were referring to...


Was thinking more along the lines of our resident giant spear users. :P

Also battle boobs are an exotic weapon.

Liberty's Edge

Child soldiers? Man, that is dark.

About weapons, Aurora can summon her spear Geidhir as a free action, so it's not much of a problem. When going around, she just looks like your everyday 6-foot tall blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl from Oregon. If she pulls a gold and adamantine spear out of thin air and pins someone to a wall, or if wind howls around her while the temperature drops, then you may realize there's something strange about her.

I've still quite a bit to do crunch-wise, but the first draft of fluffystuff is done for my (D-Kal's) submission: Doctor Solomon, psychic researcher.

Geez the thread exploded while I looked away. xP

My opinion on ballistic weave being DR/- for bullets is fine as is. Considering the best you can get is DR 9 and firearms being based off touch. Which incidentally gets cut down the better the armor is due to restricting dex bonus. Seems very balanced. Low dex PCs can aim for tougher armor to make up for the fact that they will get hit a lot by firearms. While nimble PCs will end up getting hit less but they will never be able to reduce the damage by a great deal when they do get hit. Also if you invest in this then regardless of armor you can boast your defenses against bullets a decent amount. The drawback being it's only against firearms and has no effect on reducing the damage. My 2 cents on that. :)

If your going halfling I would lean less towards child and more towards little person. Maybe have a disguise to seem like a child as an alias or your cover but on an average day. Your a person like anyone else, just smaller. Figured that would be a good excuse for someone playing a dwarf in this game too, in order to be considered "human".

Anyone interested in having a connection with Amon? He is well traveled, long lived, and prone to dealing with less savory sorts. He could have been encountered anywhere and doing just about anything. Let me know if interested. ;)

Miyu most likely encountered anyone else while on a job of some kind - an exorcism one, probably, although it's possible they contacted her for a normal investigation as well. XD Hopefully as a friend instead of a foe, though...


Character Submission List

Aurora Goodberry (Sapiens) - Chooser of the Slain Warpriest - Buffing/Healing/Melee(?)
Daniel Solomon (D-Kal) - Psychic Investigator - Skill/Battlefield Control
Everest Palmer (Avoron) - Mutant Rogue/Spirit Binder Wizard - Arcane/Skill
Father Genevieve Blackfeather (Simeon) - Umbral Sorcerer - Arcane Casting
Joseph Zaidel (TheWaskally) - Holy Mighty Godling - Melee
Larkin Everett Blashford-Holmes (Philo) - Savant Incanter/Symbiat - Battlefield Control/Ranged Attacks(?)
Miyu (Rednal) - Psychic Incanter - Flexible Role
Norville "Shaggy" Rogers (DekoTheBarbarian) - Fortune-Blessed Ranger - Ranged Damage/Companion
Risbeth Von'Hogmede (mdt) - Thunder Child Brawler - Melee/Ranged Damage
Thomas Cooper (TarkXT) - Haunted One Gunsmoke Mystic - Ranged Damage

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TarkXT wrote:

Interesting question to everyone who plans on using two handed, or simply big weapons.

How do you plan on going around town or other civilized areas with them?

Roll up in your '71 Dodge Charger. Park in a fire zone, one wheel over the curb (bonus points if you knocked over a No Parking sign). Get out and stroll around to the back and pop your trunk. Take out your greatsword, heft it to rest on your shoulder and walk up the front steps. Make an entrance.

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