Fall of the Void (Inactive)

Game Master Vinsomner

Galactic Map
Sector: Centuria Sector Therian Nebula
Solar System: CS-X102
Planet: III

Space Battle Map

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Game Master

Just to reiterate, use this time to dot in for those who have been accepted, as well as begin discussion these topics below:

Outfit Name?

Classified as Mercenaries or Pirates?

Ship Selection? (Striker-Cruiser-Dropship) I believe everyones leaning towards Cruiser. Subsequentially what does the group wish to outfit their ship with?

Group Background - What brought everyone in this crew together?

Crew Outfittings? Does anyone want to put their savings up to help afford extra equipment for the ship? Any modifications or enhancements?

I will participate in all the discussions and provide answers to questions and such!

Male Human Diplomat (Free Agent)

Dotting. Lincoln likes to be referred to as a privateer :-).

My character has to date not stayed in any one place for too long. He's either got bored and moved on, or had to leave under dire circumstances. He feels he's finally found a home with this motley crew. Never boring, and at least it's some familiar faces to run away with.

DM: Any chance you could go ahead and start the game thread. If I post a dot there it shows up on my campaigns page, and I don't have to go looking for it in the recruiting thread to see if there are any updates.

Game Master

There you go! I thought dotting in discussion put it in the campaign tracker, my bad! (have only DMed so far on paizo)

Male Human Diplomat (Free Agent)

No Problem. Thanks, and looking forward to this. I'll provide some more input as the relaxing weekend begins.

Game Master

Yeah I'm itching to go home after work today. Going to kick my feet up and try and get some relaxation in!

Saves & Proficiency:
Dexterity (+4), Charisma (+5) //Investigation (+4), Persuasion (+5), Performance (+5), Arcana (+4), History (+4)
HP: 10/10 | AC:14 | Str +3 Dex +2 Con +2 Int +2 Wis +0 Cha +3 | Init +2 | bardic inspiration: 3/3 spells: 1st lv 2/2l
| Handaxe +5 1d6+3 (range/60)(light thrown); Crossbow+4 1d8 (range 80/320)ammo =19

I prefer mercenary over pirate, however not by much so I'll go with the majority. Mercenary sounds more legal to me. But I can tweak my background to make either one work.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

I like merc. We do what others won't, for a price.

I'm thinking that my character is like Mal from Serenity. Strong Captain type, good with people, takes care of his crew.

I posted a couple of names for the group, but I drop'em again here:


Parallax Guard

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

Mercenary sounds good to me as well. We're soldiers of fortune, not common thieves and bandits. Well, we could be bandits. If you paid us enough. And it wasn't too risky. We'd need some information on what we're stealing, who has it now, preferred methods of entry, maybe some time to round up the right equipment, contract out someone who's a thief specifically...

Ahem. As I said, mercenaries. With a Cruiser. We can do anything, given time to prepare.

As for names, anything could do. There are some great name generators around the Internet, so I might try some of those to rumble up ideas for myself. To make things a little easier we may want to think of a theme, like if we want to name ourselves after an animal, or historical warriors of some kind, or a signature weapon or something.

Background-wise, Tek decided that becoming a merc was a decent option given the way things were going and his natural inclinations toward gunfighting. He may have knocked over a small arms shipment to, ahem, acquire his current... arsenal. But don't worry, the crime was very well planned out, nobody knows he did it. And now he's here! You're very lucky people.

As for group funds, he doesn't have much left, but he'll put it forward for the good of the crew.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Whatever I have after I figure out equipment will be going to group funds.

Other group name suggestions:

Star Dragons

The Eclipse

Singularity Riders

Shadow Hand

The Scorch


Void Corsairs


Game Master

Alright, so Mercenary Crew with a Cruiser. Good choice on the ship too.

The default set up of the Cruiser is this:
Size: Medium (10)
ACC/TS: 45/600
Climb: 2
Toughness: 30(7)
Mods: 30
Crew: 15

4x Heavy Lasers
Range: 150/300/600
Damage: 4d10
RoF: 1
Shots: 100
2x Medium Autocannons
Range: 50/100/200
Damage: 3d8
RoF: 3
Shots: 300
2x Light Missiles Bays
Range: 200/400/800
Damage: 6d6
RoF: 1
Shots: 60

Remaining Mod Slots: 7/30

I really like Sunrunners. Sounds really catchy!

Saves & Proficiency:
Dexterity (+4), Charisma (+5) //Investigation (+4), Persuasion (+5), Performance (+5), Arcana (+4), History (+4)
HP: 10/10 | AC:14 | Str +3 Dex +2 Con +2 Int +2 Wis +0 Cha +3 | Init +2 | bardic inspiration: 3/3 spells: 1st lv 2/2l
| Handaxe +5 1d6+3 (range/60)(light thrown); Crossbow+4 1d8 (range 80/320)ammo =19

I like Sunrunners reminds me of StarJammers.

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

I'm also a fan of Sunrunners. The Sunrunners Mercenary Company has a nice ring to it, sounds good. I also dig Singularity Riders and the Scorch, but I think Sunrunners is the crowd favorite.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Just spitballing. I actually like the sound of it too.

Hello all I am changing characters from Y8 to this one.

Y8 was cool. I say we have Y8 in storage as an emergency repair droid. Maybe even have him be part of the ship's AI, like how they did the ships in the Andromeda TV series: Lexa Doug was the AI for the ship and had an Android that was her was of physically interacting with the crew.

I like Y8 but he was very one dimensional, I thought I might want to shoot a bug or climb into a Mech every now and then. ;)

Ship Names suggestions: The Inquisitor, Kestrel, or Lost Light.

Game Master

Receiving Log Packet...

...Sunrunners Mercenary Company...
Ship count: 1
Ship Hull: Endeaver Class MK III...

Receiving Log Packet...

...Crew Size: 6...


Retrieving Crew Roster and Information...
Performing Background Checks...

Okay, so I'm giving it to the mid week or the end of this week to close up recruitment. In the worst case scenario, four player team will make the responses go by quick!

Also I like Kestral, it's very fitting.

Vinsomner wrote:

Okay, so I'm giving it to the mid week or the end of this week to close up recruitment. In the worst case scenario, four player team will make the responses go by quick!

Sounds good.

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

I like Lost Light. Sort of fits with Sunrunners. However, Kestrel does have a nice ring to it.

Matthias Naelaron wrote:
I like Lost Light. Sort of fits with Sunrunners. However, Kestrel does have a nice ring to it.

Good point, it was my least favorite but has jumped to the top when you pointed out the tie in.

Male Human Diplomat (Free Agent)

Icarus, Phoenix, Shadowbane, Eclipse...

For me it's Lost Light or Eclipse .

Grand Lodge

Crypt Breaker Alchemist 1 | HP [0/8] | AC 14, T 13, FF 12, CMD 10 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 | Melee +0, CMB -2, Range +3 | Init +2
Appraise +7, Disable Device +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Perception +7, Survival +6, UMD +4, Craft (Alchemy) +10, Linguistics +4

Lost Light and Sunrunners both sound good to me, I like how they go together. Also, this is Brintak, reporting for duty!

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

Ooh, I really like the tie-in of being the Sunrunners Company with our ship being the Eclipse, actually. That'd be my vote.

Game Master

Oh now that you mentioned Eclipse, that does sound pretty damn good.

My plan right now is that this weekend I'm going to start the game this weekend since well its the weekend! And I should be moving it along to get the pace started :)

Is everyone going to be pretty available this weekend?

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

Saturday I'm going paintballing with a bunch of friends, so I won't be able to post much on that day (until late at night), but Friday night and Sunday I'd be good to start off. You can even start the game without me if you want, and Tek will wander in when I'm available.

I will be available in the evenings & early mornings (EST) this weekend. (I may find time to post in between but can't count on it)

Grand Lodge

Crypt Breaker Alchemist 1 | HP [0/8] | AC 14, T 13, FF 12, CMD 10 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 | Melee +0, CMB -2, Range +3 | Init +2
Appraise +7, Disable Device +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Perception +7, Survival +6, UMD +4, Craft (Alchemy) +10, Linguistics +4

Weekend's are when I'm most available, which always seems to be counter to just about everybody I play with

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Eclipse does sound pretty good. As nice a tie in to the Sunrunners as Lost Light.

I will be available off and on. Will do my best to post and keep up. Question Visnomner: What frequency of posting activity are you looking for from us?

Game Master

A minimum of once a day if possible. I know posting more then once a day can be stretching it, but I will definitely try to post more then once a day but that ends up being easier for the DM then the players since we control so much and have a metric crap ton we can write about.

There really isn't a posting requirement but if people can refrain from one lining a majority of their posts it will be helpful for everyone to really get into the rp aspect of things.

Since this is going to be more of an RP heavy campaign, the more you can post/respond to and interact with the better. At first it will be hard to do much because things are starting, but I'm going to try my best to provide everyone a good amount of opportunity to interact and react.

Given it is sci-fi there can be a lot of things going on all at once.

tldr version:
Once a day posting if possible
No writing restriction
Try to get in character and RP

Game Master

Okay going to let the new person submit a character before we begin. Also today got unexpectedly busy so the start of the game may take place later tonight or tomorrow!

Sorry for the delay but I also got something planned to make this quite fun!

No Problem.

Ditto, No Prob!

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

No problem at all here either. Just winding down from paintball and an improv performance, so I'm fairly tired right now. Add in a head cold and I'd rather start tomorrow anyway!

Game Master

Talk about a wild weekend. Things are calming now. Will get things rolling here in just a moment!

Sounds good!

Male Human Diplomat (Free Agent)

Why don't we go ahead and start. Maybe if we have a late entrant or two, we can work them into the plot.

Game Master

That's what I'm planning on right now. Just waiting till I get home from work, which should be in an hour :)

Game Master

Just an update, I am writing the post now!

Male Knight / Destiny Point 2 / Intrigue Init: 3d6, Defense 9, Composure 12 / Combat Init: 3d6, Defense 6 (Scale) or 8 (w/Shield), AR 6, Health 9

Cool. We are ready to avoid assimilation, shoot Klingons off the starboard bow, not be exterminated, exceed lightspeed and go plad, use slipstream and spool up the FTL drives to find our next payday!

Grand Lodge

Crypt Breaker Alchemist 1 | HP [0/8] | AC 14, T 13, FF 12, CMD 10 | Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 | Melee +0, CMB -2, Range +3 | Init +2
Appraise +7, Disable Device +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Perception +7, Survival +6, UMD +4, Craft (Alchemy) +10, Linguistics +4

Just realized that I never got any gear, and my laptop is on the fritz. Will try to get some gear and update tomorrow.

Game Master

Will do, for not gear isn't that important all at the moment! So feel free to post!

Game Master

Would you guys like more exo-suit style mechs or more mechwarrior style mechs?

Male Petrifern Phytokineticist | HP 68/68 (nonlethal 6); Burn 1 | AC 26, touch 19, FF 21; CMD 14 | Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +4 | Init +5, Perception +10 (blindsight 30 ft.)

I could go for either, although personally I prefer the aesthetic of exo-suits a little bit more. Whatever works for others is fine by me, though.

Would the exo-suit be treated like power armor and mechwarrior like a walker? If that is the case I personally would vote for the mechwarrior, however the exo-suit should be able to be used without the pilot skill so more people may be able to use it.

Game Master

Exo suits would be treated more like power armor. and the mechwarrior more like a walker.

You know what. your two mechs you start with, ones an exo suit, the other is a walker. Hows that sound?

Sounds good to me. Best of both worlds.

Game Master

Just for eye pleasures.

This walker in particular has been with the ship since you bought it. A relic is some eyes but it was one of a few models ever produced. It's unique design and loadout makes it a very versatile machine and it is highly sought after.

Walker Stats:

Chasis: Medium
Size: 8
Pace: 18
Strength: d12+6
Toughness 25(6)
Mods: 25

Installed Mods:
AMCM (1): Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers
and decoys. They add +2 to Piloting or Knowledge (Electronics) rolls
made to evade missile attacks (and Tractor Beams).

Deflector Screens (1): The walker is protected by an energy field that
deflects incoming ballistic attacks (it has no effect against lasers).
Attackers must subtract –2 from their Shooting rolls.

Jump Jets (1): Powerful rockets give walkers the ability to propel
themselves high in the air—to clear obstacles or perform “death from
above” attacks on foes. To jump, the pilot uses an action to make
a Piloting roll to both maneuver his walker and manage his power
reserves. Each round spent jumping increases his height 50 feet for
Light walkers, 30 feet for Mediums, and 20 feet for Heavies. Each
subsequent round spent jumping (essentially flying) afterwards
inflicts a –2 to the Piloting roll, cumulative to a maximum of –6.
Failure means the walker descends immediately (a critical failure
results in a fall—see Falling, page 59).

Sensor Suite (1): +4 Notice vs sound, motion, strong chemicals,
radiation, or electrical fields up to 1000 yards.

Sloped Armor (1): The walker’s armor is sloped in such a way that
shots are often deflected off its surface. Attackers subtract 2 to hit
with direct-fire weapons.

Exo Suit
Exo-suit come in all variety of shapes and sizes, some are more slim and form fitting while others are bulkier like the displayed model. For what you have is an exo suit designed for front line battle. So the model is heavier, slightly bulkier but is heavily armored and has its own jet pack to help make long distance launches a possibility. The jets usually are used for decelerating atmosphere drops but can be used as a versatility utility.

Exo Suit Stats:

Model: Excaliber MK II
Type: Medium
Size: 2
Armor: +10
Mods: 8
Pace: 8
Weight: 200

Installed Mods:
Anti-Personnel System (1): When activated (a free action via voice
command), detonation packs attached to the suit explode in a Large
Burst Template around the armor, causing 5d6 damage (the blast is
shaped away from the suit so the wearer suffers only half damage).
Wearers are advised to use this only as a last resort. Shrapnel pack
reloads cost $1000, weigh 10 lb, and take one hour to install.

Jump Pack (1)

Pace (3): Powerful motors in the leg joints combine with gyroscopic
stabilizers to increase Pace by +2 and the running die to d10. Each
enhancement after the first only increases Pace by +2.

Magnetic Pads (1): The soles and palms of the suit are fitted with
powerful magnets, allowing the wearer to walk up or cling to metal
surfaces at full Pace. These are most often used in zero-g to allow
marines to attach to ship’s hulls or walkways.

Sensor Suite (1): An array of various sensors extends the suit’s +2 bonus to visual and aural Notice rolls to 500 yards.

Signal Booster (1): Increases communication range to 500 miles.

Game Master

Just to clarify, the Wild Card die replaces the lower roll if it's higher. So you would make your pilot check, which would be the 1d4-1. Above, you rolled a 5 on your wildcard die, and your pilot check with the ACM bonus is 3. So you would replace that pilot roll with your wildcard, so your total result would be a 5. Wildcard die never add to your roll, they just replace a lower roll if applicable.

If there are any questions about any of the system mechanics, feel free to shoot them off now!

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