FAWTL Wrath of the Righteous

Game Master Jess Door

Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, run with heroically good characters, where right makes might.

Status: ...and here we...GO!

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She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Given my recent family situation, my posting may be sparse for a while.

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard

Sorry, guys, work blocked the site, and things went a little nuts.

male human thread person 8


F Sass genasi Bard

Due to recent changes in employment, I will not have the time to commit to a PbP. My apologies.

male human thread person 8

it is okay Scint I will not take this personally and mercilessly berate you for weeks


I am totally going to mercilessly berate you for weeks

F Sass genasi Bard

That's okay, so are the students.

what have i gotten myself into

Sovereign Court

Female Human Level 4 Bard

Gainful employment! Oh gnoez!

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Employment gets in the way of everything.

Except food and lodging. :(

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