Eyes of the Ten (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

PFS retirement arc

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Ok, so we're clear on a few things:

A) This is not a short set of modules. In fact, it is fairly long. As such I would like people to maintain a high rate of posting so we're not at this till the end of time. A couple of posts a day per weekday would be a nice minimum, though we will allow things to slack off a bit on the weekend if necessary. I can post quite often myself and am willing to keep up a very fast pace if you folks are up for it.

B) This series does not pull punches. I hate to use cliches, but bring your A game. Do not expect coddling or mercy. I am not going to be vindictive, but I also am not going to provide a margin for error. Your actions will have consequences, so consider them carefully.

C) If there is anything you feel you need to purchase, you are starting in Absalom, so there is no better marketplace available. Feel free to load up on equipment as you wish.

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

Checking in!

Most days I can post fairly often. If you didn't realize, GM, I was in the last Gameday, Wormwood Mutiny with you, as Johender. I think Johender and Jothas were the two who stayed the most active in that game.

Ahh, didn't realize that. Good to see you again. Hopefully the rest can keep that sort of pace up.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

I typically work afternoons Wed-Sun, but can post in mornings and when I get home, as well as from mobile at work if need be. Should not be an issue. Though I do tend to not post if there's nothing to post to. Will try to cut that growing habit.

And yes, he's an elf that's a bit of a romantic. I didn't go into cliche territory at all... But, hey, we all need our things to go back to, right? Right?...

Because this is a long one, and honestly it's not really a RP intense module, it will be mostly pure action (and by that I mean combat). I doubt you will find a lack of things to respond to.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

It makes me sad that that excites me, hahaha. Combat does give a good posting motivation.

Silver Crusade

Checking in.

Silver Crusade

Male Human - Ulfen Cavalier/13

Look there's no easy way to say this, but the sooner said the better. I am going to have to pull out of this campaign. I am very sorry, especially since it looks like a great group and everything.

This is simply a matter of personal things, together with the fact that I don't believe I can actually keep up a high pace. Honestly I probably never should have volunteered in the first place.

Again I am very sorry. I hope it isn't too late to undo any damage this causes.

You haven't hit a combat yet, so this is probably a perfectly good time.

Do we want to try to get back to 6 or just forge on? Given how long it took to get 6 ready the first time, I'm inclined to go with what we have.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

I'm all for continuing with 5.

Shadow Lodge

same here.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

I could not find any scenarios Hugo has played with Adril, if it matters.

Also, are we to place ourselves in L2 on the map?

Oh, and as for posting rate, I can post in the mornings and evenings every day (even more on weekends if needed). However I work during the day M-F so would have little to no time to post during that time period from 8am-6pm. Let me know if that will be a problem.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

If my records are correct, the following is a list of scenarios with Adril Hestram.

Adril's Appearances:
1-01 Silent Tide
1-03 Murder on the Silken Caravan
1-04 The Frozen Fingers of Midnight
1-05 Mists of Mwangi
1-20 King Xeros of Old Azlant
1-22 Fingerprints of the Fiend
1-26 Lost at Bitter End
1-31 Sniper in the Deep
1-35 Voice in the Void
1-38 No Plunder, No Pay

Your posting rate will be fine Hugo. You have been quite consistent about posting every day. If we get into a busy combat, you can outline your general tactics and I can bot you to move things along if you don't mind.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Totally fine with me on combat posting.

Ezrek we need a tale from you so we can move on.

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

Hey boss, would you mind putting a link to the map in the Campaign tabs for easier access?

Coulda sworn I hat, but I put it in the wrong box. Fixed.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

I just bookmarked it, hahaha.

If it is not yet apparent, I'm just dealing with initiative in the order that people post. I use a single roll for the opposition to keep them grouped as well. In a PbP some expediency is necessary to keep things moving.

While I do see that the concealment rules state that defender rolls, it would be less trouble for me if you folks took care of it.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Wanting to let everyone be informed that I may not be posting much for the next couple of days. My wife and I are bringing another little gamer into the world, so while the hospital does (likely) have WiFi, obviously I ma be a little distracted. Will try to keep up posting from mobile as best I can.

Don't worry about it, you evidently have bigger concerns right now. I'll just bot you. Congrats on the new one.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hay! Congrats Samhain!

Shadow Lodge

Hugo Victor wrote:
Hay! Congrats Samhain!

2nd that

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

@GM: Sorry, I forgot to let you know that I am at GenCon and will be essentially unable to update until Mon.

Since we have a few people at Gencon and I will be away from net till Sunday or Monday, we might as well just institute a hiatus until Monday.

Shadow Lodge

Cool by me.

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

Too bad we couldn't have met up Savage. What games did you play? I ran the first eight slots, then had to head back home.

Shadow Lodge

Taken a break for labor day. I'll be back on Tuesday.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

On the road, so cannot update map this weekend btw.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Ablin - Possibly dead pending reflex save
Ezrek - All but dead
Hugo - Down
Samhain - Exhausted
Savage - Dead

Oh yeah, this is going just swimmingly! =P

Actually I will probably have to roll back a couple rounds. I was doing fire storm somewhat wrong. The spell is a touch ambiguous but after looking more carefully it is a spread. so the large number of cubes have to be contiguous. A lot of people will still be rocked, but I think a few more will have avoided death (like the Owl).

But as I recall I mentioned this module is pretty mean, only to get a bunch of random folks chiming in on how much of a cakewalk it was and how a balanced party was a silly thing to want.

Applying the spell properly, I probably still gank anyone in the SW corner the first round of the spell, and anyone who went over to hit the caster the second round, so that means Ezrek is probably not dead(he wasn't over by the caster second round so only 1st burn round applies), but Savage is. I think Ablin was moved away from the stuff so couldn't have been in the area, as well as Buho.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest


Hindsight: We went into this fight with little group tactics that I can recall. Those dissolved when the gorram phoenix thing showed up. Personally, I'd not be so bad off if that bastard didn't crit me and take down my two main stats. At least now he'll have to take the long way down or jump down after me.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

But in truth, just let us know how much is being retconned, if anything, when the time comes.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Wait? Savage died! I thought he was like 140hp. Lol and here I was hoping he would be able to save Hugo!

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest
Savage Vengeance wrote:

[Dice=ref tshirt] 1d20+7+2

sigh... Dead Savage. I have plenty of Prestige ready for just this problem though

Ok, way I see it, the nuking was done first in the SE corner and the people who were down there to start all got it hard. I think that only left out Buho and the summons.

Then the second one will have only targeted the one attacking the caster (or at least on that side) so Savage, Hugo and Buho.

Subtract appropriate damage. Savage is still toast, but most of the rest of you are appreciably better off now.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Buho avoided the first one, failed the second.
However, if Samhain was not included in the second blast, I'd not have used my reroll on him. With GM's permission, may I use the folio reroll result for Buho's save instead of Samhain's? Or reroll it?

You can do so (reroll since it is Buho not you).

Shadow Lodge

my internet is down again so posting will be a little slow.

Game hiatus until Sunday evening, as I will be on a trip.

Shadow Lodge

ok have fun

Will need everyone's pathfinder ID and email so I can send out chronicle sheets. You can send that as a private message.

When people are ready we can get started on part 2.

You get XP and prestige for the series at the end, even though you get money in the middle.

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16



Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Still Grand Lodge


Shadow Lodge



Saiting for Savage to check back in so we can resume.

I'll try to get the chronicles out shortly.

Savage has not been on the forums since Sept 16th. Not really sure what to do.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Did Savage respond to the PM that we were ready to continue (and he could be raised?). Hugo is willing to chip in...as were others I think.

I am not sure how we would do with only 4 in the party. Finding recruits that already played part 1 (or willing to skip it) may be difficult.

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