Empire of Night: Way of the Wicked (Vampire Campaign)

Game Master Neil Mansell

In the noble land of Talingarde, the righteous deity Mitra has purged the land of evil cults and undead predators, yet the darkness is set to rise once more. a band of evil outcasts plot the destruction of the people who imprisoned them and a way to attain power for themselves, even if it costs them their humanity.
Power at any price.

Full map of Talingarde

Branderscar Prison - Full Map.

551 to 600 of 1,804 << first < prev | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | next > last >>

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

At hearing the human discuss immortality, Durova exchanges a knowing glance at Lord Thorn. He dared not speak before his Master, but he was interested to see how the response would be phrased.

These new disciples seem worthy. Perhaps, Master will reward them with the gift, as well.

No problems here, Mordesel.

Cardinal Thorn nods in appreciation of Dane clearly impressed by his motivation. He lets out a chuckle at Mordesel's words.

"Your abilities are commendable, Dane, but your rage must be focused. I can provide that focus. As for your request, Mordesel, ambition should be tempered with patience."
Thorn relaxes back in his chair as he continues.
"First things first. In regards to your ogre... Friend. Provided you can vouch for his character he is welcome to stay and serve as you see fit. I can assure you that his wounds and ailments are being attended to. That being said, my offer was never meant for him. He is yours to watch over. As for your companion, the witch Nikita, she seems to have powerful backers in Nidal on the Avistan continent. At their request, she has been removed from your group into another. Do not be concerned, she is safe. Indeed, you will doubtless see her again soon."*

"Her replacement will be Durova. He is an acolyte of Asmodeus and has skills that will be of great value. Your exodus from Branderscar was well executed, but I know of your difficulties. Durova will be with you to ensure no further issues arise."
He gives Durova a nod before becoming more serious.
"But first our allegiance must first be binding. For any pact between us to be meaningful, blood is required. I am sure you are all familiar with sacrifices and 'sign the contract with blood' traditions? Such is the way of our infernal master. However, I have little patience for written contracts, as words can be misread and paper consumed by fire. But the blood... Now THAT is important.
He pauses to let his words sink in.
"Tonight, you will be inaugurated into my organisation, which will require a small measure of blood. I understand that this may be... unsettling for you but I offer a gift in exchange."
Thorn glances over at Tiadora who nods politely back, smiling. The Cardinal then brings his attention back to your group, his smile never wavering.
"I can offer you all a gift greater than wealth, flesh or even mortal power. I can show you the first step towards immortality."
His smile becomes a broad grin.
"Before tomorrow's sun rises, you will receive the mark of the Bitten, the first glorious step towards undeath. The path is long, and initially painful, but only a fool would assume power comes without cost. I suspect most of you desire this gift, but I will not force any who do not. There are many paths to power. The blood, however, must still be consumed."
Thorn relaxes again, awaiting any questions or responses.

* I've decided to use Nikita's character to replace another NPC from the book.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

Durova rises and takes over some of the conversation from his Master. He pulls back his garment to show the others what exactly the mark of The Bitten involves. "This is the mark. This is the beginning of the Dark Path to immortality. The blood you freely give will weaken you a bit, but it will enhance your senses like you could only imagine in your wildest dreams. After this step's adjustment period, we will head further down the Dark Path in due time."

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

That's a good call, I was wondering how we were going to have Nikita gracefully exit stage left without it being awkwardly done. Well done Blinding Light! :)

Dane personally thought that his rage was well under control, but regardless nods in acceptance, and seeking to show his wisdom and restraint Dane replies, "Just as a blade is not forged simply by hammering metal with all one's might, so to the death of Talingarde not forged by heedless aggression. In both, the preparations must be made, and the strikes must be precise. Tell me where to strike, and I shall be as your hammer."

When the Cardinal asks about Grumblejack, Dane takes the initiative. "I will speak first for the ogre, Grumblejack." Dane steps forward as he says so. "Despite being clearly sickened, unarmed, and poisoned when we met him, not to mention the general wear of the prison on him, the beast was well able to plan, plot, scheme, and work with us to ensure our escape could be carried out. He's proven not only these things, but loyal, and obedient as well. For an ogre to possess such a degree of cunning, loyalty, and submissiveness, is a rare find and a powerful tool for us to use."

Once the Cardinal states his offer, Dane stays quiet for several moments as he purses his lips, considering. Then Dane lifts his head and states, "I am Dane Grahn, son of Bjorn, son of Thorvaldr, son of Ragna, son of Aghi, son of Brandr, son of Stígandr, son of Áleifr, son of Aage." Dane pauses letting the statement hang in the air for a moment. "I come from a long, proud heritage of warriors, and I would loathe to be the last of it. I've yet to find a woman suitable enough to bear my children and carry on my family's legacy. I appreciate the offer Cardinal Thorn, but birth is the purview of the living, not the undead if my knowledge serves me. If this is the case, I must decline at least for now and perhaps seek out these other paths to power you speak of."

Male Human Sorcerer(Sanguine/Umbral) 1|HP 18/18| AC 12(T12/FF10)|CMB +2; CMD 14| Saves Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0| Initiative +2, Perception +1 (darkvision 60'), Sense motive +1
Spells 5/5, Blood-Drinking 7/7

Donovan steps forward next, clad in fresh robes upon which he displays the Mitran holy symbol from Branderscar openly. As he speaks, he looks not at Thorn or the others but pages through his Mitran holy book. You call yourself cardinal, yet are a possessor of dark and sacrilegious mysteries. You claim to want to rid Talingarde of the blasphemous, yet at the same time urge us towards this profane ritual involving the 'Mark of the Bitten.' All of this is utterly sinful... Donovan looks up, grinning.

And utterly delectable. Father Donovan Gance, at your service.

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Mordesel incline's his head. Patience. Of course. But the smile on his face unmistakable now. No, it wouldn't be immediate. But he had the promise of immortality, and that was enough. I will freely give the sacrifice and accept the mark of The Bitten.

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

Religion to identify undead: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Wondering if Cardinal is a vampire

Sion wrote:

[dice=Religion to identify undead]1d20+5

Wondering if Cardinal is a vampire

Hard to confirm. It would seem likely but you suspect he's using some sort of magical disguise to conceal any tell-tale signs (such as pale skin, feral eyes, elongated teeth, etc).

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

"I will join this cause if you are to bring down Talinguarde. I would prefer to remain living however. I hope to one day rejoin my people many of which would applaud this idea."

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

"If I might speak for the Master. That is certainly your choice, Drow, but I would also advise to not tarry long. If you allow yourself to become old and weak and then change your mind about the Path, you will have regrets, I am sure. But, the Master might choose another way for you to declare your intentions to serve the cause."

"Dane, son of Bjorn, I can understand your hesitancy. We all desire a legacy." He nods in understanding.

The Cardinal barely contains a laugh at Donovan's response, clasping his hands together in mirth.
"Father Donovan, your services are more than welcome here."

Thorn raises his hand to gently silence Durova.
"My apprentice speaks true Sion, you are long-lived but not immortal. Even so, it is your choice to make. Asmodeus expects only obedience, not slavish fanaticism. We must always give the lords their rights as lords, and leave the slavery to the slaves."
He continues to smile, now addressing the entire group.
"Your choice has been made. Tonight, our pact will be bound by blood. Those who accept the gift shall be blessed and those that refuse will be left unmarked. Your path is long, so rest now while you can."
He stands, preparing to leave.
"Your first command: prepare yourselves. Stay within the manor. You are still hunted by the Talirean soldiery and it would be unwise for you to leave. In two days we begin your training. Tiadora will see to it that you are properly tended to and appropriately equipped. Farewell for now."
With that he departs, leaving to his personal study. Tiadora steps forward and speaks.
"Very well. By Cardinal Thorn's instruction you have been allotted 200 gold pieces each to spend as you see fit. Well, minus certain expenses."
Tiadora grins as she looks at Mordesel's jewelry.
"You are otherwise free to roam the manor as you desire. I simply ask you to remain on the manor grounds and not to disturb the master in his sanctuary. He will summon you shortly. Feel free to take a slave as a personal companion, if you so desire, during your stay here."

You are each granted 200gp of equipment of your choice (except Mordesel, who has 150gp). Provided it is obtainable via legal avenues (no poisons) you will receive it before dusk.
You can also sell any gear obtained from Branderscar Prison. However, bad news, the guard's weapons and armor is all marked as Branderscar property (or at least, obviously recognizable as such). Being stolen property, no merchant will touch them.
(Slaves will do the buying and selling on your behalf.)

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Okay, by my count this is what we've looted (this does not include the guards gear)
•100 gp (from the veil)
•a finely made pipe (worth about 5 gp) with a good supply (1 lb.) of high quality shag tobacco (worth about 2 gp) (Sion)
•A silver holy symbol of Mitra (worth 25 gp) and a Mitran holy book (worth 5 gp), 12gp in mixed coinage, and a sapphire engagement ring (Donovan)
•*A fine bottle of whiskey (worth 25gp), *A masterwork lute, *A supply of delicious cookies, *Several bottles of absolute rotgut (worth 5gp) (Donovan)
•A plain dagger, an ioun torch and a wizard college class ring (gold with diamonds in it), 4 scrolls (unidentified)(Mordesel)
•Dane, you began taking the tapestry down, but I don't know if you kept it with you
• “The Floralegium” by Branthus Hart (Dane)
•five sets of noble outfits (Sion)
•a spell book (with 63 blank pages)(Mordesel)
•30 gp (Mordesel)
•1235 gp (Mordesel)

Some of it might actually have been left behind (Specifically the tapestry, and any of the items on the list with a *, they were not specifically picked up). There are other things that we may not sell (For example, I'm pretty sure Donovan is keeping the mitran symbol and book). But this is what is available to us.

Assuming Donovan tells us about the 12gp of coinage he found the split coinage comes to 275 gp and 4 sp each, if not subtract 2gp and 4 sp (I didn't split with Durova because it wouldn't make sense rp-wise but if anyone objects I'll split it with him too).

Mordesel pulls out the gold and objects he had grabbed from the prison. He begins splitting up the coins and sorting through it all.

Once he is done sorting he hands to the servants the spell book and the wizard class ring, asking them to sell them and bring the gold back.

He holds out the scrolls to his companions, Does anybody know what these are for? Once someone begins inspecting the scrolls, he turns to Dane Did you manage to keep a hold of those picks from the veil. I would like to try working with them.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

Don't worry about any split with me, Mordesel. You are right it wouldn't make sense. Now DM, the 200 gp 'stipend' you just gave us, does Durova get that, or is that to help bring the others gold totals to where they should be? I don't want to be double dipping.

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

You got to start with 1000. we have no where near that much each so far. Someone needs to appraise the noble outfits. I don't care to keep them while adventuring around.

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Sorry forgot to add that part. GM said earlier around 375 gp for the lot. And it's 350 gp for the spellbook, but I don't know how much for the ring.

Err... I'd have to say that Durova wouldn't get the 200gp. That reward is to equip PCs with vital gear. Since Durova started with 2nd level starting gold, he shouldn't need it.

Tiadora can easily get an appraise of the items.


Tapestry (not a huge problem to remove from Branderscar, especially with Grumblejack's help): 150gp
Sapphire ring: 100gp
Masterwork lute: 100gp
Wizard’s college class ring (gold with diamonds): 250 gp
“The Floralegium” by Branthus Hart: Worth 250gp
Ioun Torch (treat as ioun stone with continual flame): 75gp
The cookies are worthless (although still tasty)
You are correct in saying that the noble clothes were 375gp and spellbook was 350gp

Obviously, don't include Nikita in the distribution of wealth. She has wealthy enough backers of her own. :)

Sooo... If my maths are correct, 3570gp divided 5 ways.
That's 714gp per PC. Add to that the 200gp Tiadora is giving you right now.
914gp each Not a bad haul (the library did hold a few more valuable books but Dane found the best one).

The scrolls are magic missile, sleep, hideous laughter and invisibility. The gold value of these has not been calculated in the gold total above

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

I do have the tapestry. And yeah, if Durova doesn't make sense in RP terms and has a 1,000 GP starting? We'll just split the loot five ways for now.

Dane chuckles at Mordesel's request for the lock picks. "You know, I forgot I had those stuffed in my shirt until they fell out last night when I was changing. They're in my room." Seeing that as permission enough, Dane addresses each member of the party in turn that if they were interested, he would be willing to craft new arms and armor for them, as new blacksmithing tools were at the top of his list for things to buy. Then, explaining that carrying around a smith's anvil on one's back sounded unpleasant, and that everyone could probably use a place to store their heavier things, suggests that everyone pitch in for a couple of mules and a wagon to carry the heavier things. Split 5 ways, a wagon and two mules cost 13 GP 2 SP a person

For anyone who takes Dane up on his offer, he asks about the weapons or armor to be made, then in exacting detail, gives them a list of materials to purchase from there own funds.

Selling the Floralgelium, and the tapestry. For at least an initial shopping trip, Dane's getting the following purchase:
Blacksmith Anvil
Masterwork Weapon Artisan Tools
Masterwork Armor Artisan Tools
100lbs of Charcoal
Light Wagon
Two Mules
Materials to construct a Masterwork, Living Steel Buckler
Materials to construct a Masterwork Rhomphaia
Materials to construct Masterwork Platemail
Material for 2 Cold Iron Throwing Axes
Material for a pair of Alchemically Silvered Cestus
Fighter's Kit

Should come out to 909 GP 3 SP 5 CP by my reckoning.

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

Ok sweet. 914 gp plus 50 for selling chain shirt = 964. Paying Dane 500gp plus appropriate commission to create Full Plate. Will keep the rest for now.

Sion nods as the Cardinal leaves and also at Tiadora as she gives them gold to equip themselves. He takes command of a slave and gives it orders for equipment to acquire for him. As per Dane's instructions he acquires the materials necessary to create a set of full plate.

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

I'll help buy the mules.

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Once the figuring is completed, Mordesel sends his list with the servants.

Backpack, Masterwork
Belt Pouch
Scrivener's Kit
2 Vials of Ink
10 Pieces of Paper
50' Twine
2 Potions of CLW
Flint and Steel
Shaving Kit
Potion of Enlarge Person
2 Oils of magic Weapon
2 Vials of Alchemist's Fire
Skeleton Key

By my count that's 461gp and 1sp 1cp. I'll give my portion of the mules and cart to Dane, and keep the rest for now (should be 439gp 6sp 9cp).

Male Human Sorcerer(Sanguine/Umbral) 1|HP 18/18| AC 12(T12/FF10)|CMB +2; CMD 14| Saves Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0| Initiative +2, Perception +1 (darkvision 60'), Sense motive +1
Spells 5/5, Blood-Drinking 7/7


Giant Meatcleaver (dogslicer) 8gp
Wooden Stake x2 2lb
War Razor 8gp 1lb
Dagger 2gp 1lb
Quarterstaff 4lb
18gp 10lb

Priestly Things
Poncho+Mask 1gp 3lb
Portable Altar (w/ masterwork backpack straps) 300gp 40lb
Incense 1gp 1lb
Manacles 15gp 2lb
Fetters 15gp 2lb
Alchemist's Fire 20 gp 1lb
Anointing Oil 25 gp 1lb
Lamp Oil 1 sp 1lb
Kerosine Oil 5gp
Smoke Pellet 25gp
Belladonna x2 4gp
Perfume x2 2gp
Bell 1gp
Candle x10 .1gp
Chalk x10 .1gp
Charcoal x2 1gp
Ink 8gp
Inkpen .1gp
Parchment x10 2gp
Sealing Wax 1gp 1lb
Thurible 50gp 3lb
Holy Water 25gp 1lb
Unholy Water 25gp 1lb
526.4gp ~58lb (I forgot to write down the exact weight but I know it's below 58 pounds.)

Stirge 20gp
Tiny Cage 2gp
10 Rats 1sp

Shaving Kit 15sp .5lb
Sorcerer's Kit 8gp 19lb
Cooking Kit 3gp 16lb
26gp 36lb

Skeleton Key 85 gp
Dice Loaded 50gp
Liquid Ice 40gp 2lb
Ghoul-Making Materials 100gp
275gp 2lb

Remaining Funds = 6sp

I know that you mentioned these would need to be obtained via 'legal avenues.' The skeleton key, loaded dice, and unspecified ghoul-making materials (from the Feast Unknown feat) could all fall under this category, so feel free to veto any of those. A pet stirge, while not illegal, might be a little too rare to be acquired easily as well. I was also wondering if I could get a portable altar with masterwork backpack straps for ease of transport (price equals the two combined). I'm hoping to create a ghoulish porter to carry the altar but the standard ghoul's strength is too low to carry the altar and everything in it efficiently, so the improved carrying capacity from the masterwork backpack straps would be nice.

@Donovan. The loaded dice and the skeleton key are a grey area I hadn't considered. I think they're okay though (Mordesel getting one too). The unspecified components to create a ghoul seem to be a non-issue, else they would have been mentioned in the feat description. They're fine too. The portable altar takes a bit more time to get, but otherwise no problem (and the backpack straps are a good idea). The only one you can't get is the pet stirge.

That night...
After making purchases and enjoying a lavish meal in the evening, you retire for the evening.

Durova sleeps soundly, but for the others the night is marked with half-remembered visions of a dark shape and sharp pain.

Dane and Sion awake with a slight ache but otherwise refreshed.

Mordesel and Donovan feel strange and tired, yet have found their senses enhanced.
Mordesel and Donovan now have 'The Bitten' feat.

Sigh. Not happy with my previous post but moving on.
Although feeling somewhat unwell and experiencing some pain (although there are no bite marks. healing magic appears to have been used to remove any unsightly injuries. After breakfast Tiadora intrudes on your privacy.

"Good morning to you all. The master has summoned you. Follow." She says curtly. You feel compelled to comply.

Cardinal Thorn is awaiting you, seated on his high-backed chair. Tiadora takes her usual place while six slaves stand nearby, awaiting instruction.
“You have done well to escape from Branderscar and to accept my offer. Indeed, it appears some of you are already more than you once were."
He smile cruelly.
"However, you are still not quite ready for my service. I have one final test to hone your skills. Tiadora will lead you to the basement of this domicile. There you will find nine chambers each more dangerous than the last. Somewhere hidden within these chambers is a pendant of silver and sapphire. Recover the pendant and bring it to me."
He makes a gesture to the slaves. They swiftly move towards each of you, bearing a silver medallion and a circlet of iron.
“But I do have two last gifts for you. The iron circlet will allow you to move amongst your enemies as one of them. The silver amulets will remind you of your true loyalties. Enjoy. But for now, however, you will follow Tiadora to complete your last test."
He stands up and looks out of the manor house window across the grey moor.
“It is an hour past dawn. You have until this time tomorrow to bring me my prize. Do not fail me.”
Cardinal Thorn takes a seat at his desk. Tiadora arrives right on cue. “This way,” is all she says.

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

So i will assume to still be using the chainshirt for now then.

Sion is glad to be doing something again. Two days of nothing was not good for him. Action was what he preferred. Finally they would be doing something. Even if it was some stupid test demanded of them. He would succeed anyway. He followed Tiadora.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

Durova nodded at the challenge. The Master had earlier informed him about the task that would be expected, himself included. He was to observe the group, and make sure they were competent enough to be worry servants to the Master.

He followed in line behind Tiadora, who he didn't quite trust, but the Master seemingly did.

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Mordesel follows along quietly. Once they reach their destination he asks the question that's been on his mind, Is there a pun-- He hesitates for a moment before continueing, penalty for returning early without the pendant? Say, if we need to grab something? He hitches absently at his clothes, where the newly purchased backpack would sit, if he hadn't left it in his rooms.

Male Human Sorcerer(Sanguine/Umbral) 1|HP 18/18| AC 12(T12/FF10)|CMB +2; CMD 14| Saves Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0| Initiative +2, Perception +1 (darkvision 60'), Sense motive +1
Spells 5/5, Blood-Drinking 7/7

Donovan walks with the others, casually levitating his amulet in front of him via cantrip. A test, eh? Just like in wizard school, just like in wizard school. Come now friends, this ought to be easy! Although to tell the truth I've never actually been to wizard school... He then nods at Mordesel's question, and awaits an answer.

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

Dane nods and states, "If it's danger I'm these rooms, allow me to get my things." If he's not stopped, Dane shortly returns armed and armored.

Tiadora shrugs at Mordesel's question.
"You are free to return to the upper levels of the manor whenever you wish whether before the test begins or during it. But the pendant is in the basement, not in your bed chambers so I would recommend haste. I will warn you -- our master takes failure … poorly.”

She barely acknowledges Dane's departure and continues on her way with the others. Tiadora leads you to a set of stairs.
“Below you will find the Nine Lessons.”
She leaves without any further explanation.
You can all enter and leave the basement whenever you want. I'll have a map up a little later. (not that it's vitally important just yet)

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Once Tiadora is gone Mordesel turns to the others, I do not believe that I will need anything from my pack, buy it is nice to know that if we need it, we can come back. As soon as Dane returns from his rooms Mordesel motions, suggesting he is ready to enter.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

"Taidora is right, Master Thorn has a horrible temper. It would be in all of our best interests to get that talisman. I have some spell power at add to our cause."

Although a map isn't really needed just yet, I've put one up to allow you guys to get a feel for your surroundings and give Durova a chance to sign up before an encounter occurs. So... Rolld20 map link.

With the departure of Tiadora you descend down the set of stone stairs , through an archway and into an unfurnished chamber beyond. Passing under the arch you see two doors, one in the north and the other in the south wall, each bearing a plaque above it.

The plaque above the north door appears to be made of bronze. It reads:
"This is the door that leads to safety. Unless it is the other one."
The plaque above the south door appears to be made of silver. It reads:
"This door leads to certain death."

Directly in front of you on the eastern wall is a a message engraved into the wall. It reads:
"A true servant of Asmodeus is a master of both truth and lies. Train thyself to separate the two or fail and be consumed by the unseen foe of ignorance."

The doors are made of solid wood and look identical. They are closed and unlocked (indeed, they can't be locked).

What do you do?

Edit: Tiny edit of one of the plaques.

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

Dane looks at each door and paraphrases each sign out loud. "This door is safe, unless it's the one that's not. Or, this door is not safe. Since the plaque is silver, same as these amulets, and it makes no promises, I'm inclined to believe the 'This door leads to certain death.' door. Thoughts?"

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

Ive been through the first room or two, so I'm going to take a passive role for those. DM, I'll try to get signed up for roll20 tomorrow, when I'm in my office. Most of the time, I'm on a mobile device, so I won't be able to access it, though.

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

"Certain death." Sion looks at each message. "It is a trap. I say thr southern door."

Male Human Sorcerer(Sanguine/Umbral) 1|HP 18/18| AC 12(T12/FF10)|CMB +2; CMD 14| Saves Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0| Initiative +2, Perception +1 (darkvision 60'), Sense motive +1
Spells 5/5, Blood-Drinking 7/7

Donovan hurries into the room, having gather a few pieces of equipment from his chambers. Everything listed under Misc.

Devious. However, I'd have to side with Sion. As can be clearly seen 'Asmodeus is the master of both truth and lies. If we are to believe the silver plaque is true, then the other plaque would read true as well. This leaves us with only truth, half of the equation. However, if the silver plaque contains a lie and is actually the path to safety, then the other plaque still reads true, 'This is the door that leads to safety. Unless it is the other one.' Truth and lies! Therefor, I would heartily suggest that we take the door with the silver plaque. It's quite simple really.

Despite the seeming confidence behind his words, Donovan makes no motion towards the door.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

"Your logic makes sense, Donovan. Does anyone care to put that logic to the test?"

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

Just for out of character clarification, which door are you suggesting? Sounded like you were going with "This is the door that leads to safety. Unless it is the other one." but then you said the one with the silver plaque, which is "This door leads to certain death." Your explanation got me on board for "This is the door that leads to safety. Unless it is the other one." But just making sure I'm reading it right.

Male Human Sorcerer(Sanguine/Umbral) 1|HP 18/18| AC 12(T12/FF10)|CMB +2; CMD 14| Saves Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0| Initiative +2, Perception +1 (darkvision 60'), Sense motive +1
Spells 5/5, Blood-Drinking 7/7

I say we open the door that 'leads to certain death.' If that plaque is true then both are true, but if that plaque is false then one is truth and one is a lie, meaning that certain death is a lie. Meaning that's the door I think we should take. My apologies for the confusing language of the initial explanation.

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

It's all good, so it sounds like Dane, Sion, and Donovan are all on the same page then?

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Morrdesel approaches the message engraved on the wall, inspecting it for further clues. After that he approaches each door to inspect them as well.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Male human Dirge Bard 4 | HP 19/19 {effects: none} | AC 20 (T15 FF15) DR 2 (silver&magic)| F -1, R +9, W +3 | Init +5 | darkvision 60', Perception +10, Sense Motive +8
Bardic Performance 14/14r, Spells: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 2/2

This will be mostly a summary post to catch me up to the rest...

On first arriving at the manor house...

Anton recognizes the lady from his visit, and gives her a short, yet respectful, bow at her comment. "Ahh, my dear Tiadora, please forgive our tardiness. There were a few guards that did not seem interested in our greater purpose. They were shown the errors of their ways, of course."

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

He allows the slaves to lead him off to his new quarters, allowing himself to be served in the manner he had become accustomed, smiling at the delicious food spread out before him. After the bath, he pulls one of the female slaves into his bed, I've been in prison, after all... it's expected.

Once sated, Anton examines the clothing left for him. They know me well, it seems. The silken white shirt black velveteen pants, fit perfectly, the royal blue vest and accompanying jacket with silver trim even had stitching on the interior presenting the Vitruvian coat of arms, the same symbol presented, much more subtly, in the silver designs on the exterior of the coat. "I expect the complementary jewelry to arrive soon," he says matter-of-factly to the nearby slave.

Courtier's outfit & 50 gp from total for the jewels.

On meeting the master of the house...

Antons eyes alight with the mention of returning the noble families back to their rightful place of power. Yes! The House Vitruvian will rise again!

With the offer of the Bite, Anton nods "The House Vitruvian has long since mingled it's bloodline with that of the more vampiric persuasion. It is time, once again, for the House to reinfuse itself with this power. I accept your pact."

He leaves back to his chambers once he has been dismissed, placing his order of goods from their monetary gift and from his share of the treasure with his slave.

The next visit with the Master...

Anton is noticeably drained, more sickly seeming than before, if that were possible, but there is a new light in his eyes that shines darkly. He follows the others to the first test and looks around, listening to the others speak their thoughts first.

"Indeed, the mixture of truth and lies on these plaques are intriguing. I agree that the likely door is that of certain death. Death is always a certainty, it just doesn't necessarily have to happen 'right now'. Unless there is a third, hidden, way, that is the door."

Mordesel carefully inspects the engraving in the wall. The words have been chiseled with a steady hand but is otherwise unremarkable.

The doors appear to be, as previously mentioned, virtually identical. They are neither trapped nor locked and do not appear to have been touched in some time. You hear nothing but silence behind them.

The room contains no hidden doors.

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Mordesel shakes his head, There is no secret door, nor any secrets hidden in the path. Then the door to certain death it is.

Mordesel walks over to the door to the south.

Male human Dirge Bard 4 | HP 19/19 {effects: none} | AC 20 (T15 FF15) DR 2 (silver&magic)| F -1, R +9, W +3 | Init +5 | darkvision 60', Perception +10, Sense Motive +8
Bardic Performance 14/14r, Spells: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 2/2

Anton steps back through the arch as Mordesel steps towards the southern door, watching the proceedings from a distance and hopefully relative safety. It's certainly the correct door, but it doesn't hurt to be prudent...

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

Dane makes to gain distance from the door as well. "You may want to open that door so that you're not in the doorway in case we're wrong."

Mordesel cautiously opens the door...
To his relief, it opens easily and safely. Behind it lies a short corridor and another archway. Engraved on the arch are the words "Thou hast recognized the lie for what it is and it has served you well."

The corridor ends at another door.

Good deduction work there.

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

"Seems easy so far." Sion walks through to the next door.

Male Human Sorcerer(Sanguine/Umbral) 1|HP 18/18| AC 12(T12/FF10)|CMB +2; CMD 14| Saves Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0| Initiative +2, Perception +1 (darkvision 60'), Sense motive +1
Spells 5/5, Blood-Drinking 7/7

Donovan let's out a sigh of relief, and follows Sion to the next room.

If he really wanted to test us he should have laid traps at both doors. Hmph. Let's see what the next room brings...

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