Empire of Night: Way of the Wicked (Vampire Campaign)

Game Master Neil Mansell

In the noble land of Talingarde, the righteous deity Mitra has purged the land of evil cults and undead predators, yet the darkness is set to rise once more. a band of evil outcasts plot the destruction of the people who imprisoned them and a way to attain power for themselves, even if it costs them their humanity.
Power at any price.

Full map of Talingarde

Branderscar Prison - Full Map.

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Actually, we're in Round 3 now.

(N.B. Dane not included since he can't see)
Round 1: Anton talks about the black gem. Donovan casts Detect Magic. Sion and Mordesel enter the chamber and ready attacks.
Creature appears and attacks Sion
Durova attacks (misses)
Round 2: Anton Inspires Courage. Sion attacks and backs off. Mordesel moves in and attacks. Donovan focuses Detect Magic.
Creature attacks Mordesel
Durova attacks (misses)
Round 3: Mordesel throws Alchemist Fire (hits). Donovan tries to Mage Hand gem (fails).

Hmm, this is getting a bit confusing. I think I broke the flow with my post about how the creature took dmg from the fire.
Even so, I'm pretty sure Anton and Sion can act. (Dane too if he wants)
After that, it's the creature then Durova. Then Round 4.

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

Inspired Power Attack: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 7 - 1 = 22
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (6, 6) + 10 = 22

Sion steps forward again and swings mightily at the creature, scoring a deep cut, but still continues to bleed. "I need healing!"

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Sorry, guess I got confused too.

Going to move on...
The misty creature hisses in pain at Sion's attack. Still, something about its composition makes it difficult to hurt. (It has some DR)
Wounded and enraged, it spins around at Sion, seeking revenge but also noticing that the drow was an easier target than the monk.
It lashes out at Sion.
Touch attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Con damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3
self healing: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Bleed dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 3
More blood is drawn from Sion, healing the monster slightly. Sion suffers greatly as a result.
(ooc: Bleed overlaps, so Sion is only still bleeding 3 hp a round)

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

Durova moves up behind Sion and uses his CLW wand to heal as much as possible.

CLW wand 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Used first charge from wand. 49 charges left.

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

That should stop the bleed damage too, right? Also you know the creature will take another d6 damage from the alchemists fire unless he takes a full round action to put it out?

Alchemist's Fire wrote:
On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage. If desired, the target can use a full-round action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage. Extinguishing the flames requires a DC 15 Reflex save.

Yes, the bleeding has now stopped. Hmm, I was under the impression that the dmg from fire would occur in Mordesel's turn, not the creature's. Not that it matters much, I'll roll dmg now.
alchemist fire: 1d6 ⇒ 4
The fire finally burns itself out, but not before partially melting the monster. It gurgles and hisses in pain.
It takes 6 dmg.

Round 4 begins!

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

Total con damage = 5

Inspired power attack: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 - 1 = 14

Sion swings and takes a step back. "Curse this creature!"

HIT! roll damage Sion.
Meh, actually don't bother. It only has 4 hp left so you can't fail to kill it.

With a final swing of his sword, Sion cuts the agile creature down. the mist turns to droplets of blood and rain down upon the floor.
Battle over
With the creature destroyed you inspect the room.
The globe on the pedestal is of volcanic glass and can be easily shattered (hardness 2; 5 hp). Alternatively, you could just hold onto it. If covered over or put into a backpack, the darkness would be suppressed.
(Unfortunately, it will function for only 24 hours and then return to being a non-magical lump of obsidian)
Intact it is worth 20 gp.

The rest of the chamber is uninteresting. Holes in the floor are meaningless and the doors are easily de-barred.

Where to now?

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

"Well, it's going to be North or East, anyone have a favorite direction?" Dane comments sarcastically "In reality though, we should probably try to figure out which one's trapped. I suspect one of these is meant to further hurt or delay us."

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Mordesel puts the obsidian sphere in his pouch. As the room lights up, he says, This could come in useful. After Dane asks about a direction, Mordesel pauses for a moment. He begins to inspect the doors, I don't know about that. There has always been a hint about impending danger. I think that one of them may contain help in our quest.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

If he finds no traps or clues:
I think we should open both of them and read the clue at the end of the connecting hallway to decide where to go next--assuming there is a clue behind each.

Mordesel finds nothing else in this chamber. The doors are safe, unlocked and untrapped.
It is safe to check out the north and east corridors, so I'll assume you all do so.
The north corridor is a short one, heading only 20ft before terminating at another door.
Unsurprisingly, the door is inscribed with yet another platitude:
“Cruelty is a tool not a pastime. Be ruthless to thy enemy but reward those who serve thee well.”
Content with this information, you head back to the previous chamber and try the door to the east.
The corridor immediately swings north for 40ft before ending at a door in the east wall. Upon the door is an inscription:
“The chosen are revealed by their might. The weak deserve no sympathy.”

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

Sion sheaths his sword and takes a breath. "Well that test was a little more fun." He stops for a moment to take a breath while everyone decides which way to go.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

Durova waits quietly behind the others. He wasn't up to taking the lead, and we was content to follow the others to whichever door they chose. We are making a good pace...hopefully we can keep it up!

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Mordesel examines the doors and their clues. Hmm . . . If I am interpreting these right, it seems that this one, he points to the east, sounds like it will test whether we are mighty or weak. The one over here, he points to the north, seems to be suggesting that there is either an enemy, or servant behind there. He pauses for a moment longer. It seems to me that the door to the north has a better chance of being useful. Mordesel stops, waiting to see if the others agree.

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

"Fair enough." Dane has little to say about things, and follows along quietly.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

"You sound like a man with a plan, Mordesel. The Master appreciates thought like that. I will make sure he knows of your decision making...if the choice ends up being correct!"

Northern chamber it is then.
The door opens to a plain chamber with no other doors.

In the middle of the room is a torturer’s rack. This cruel implement appears functional and ready for use but currently empty. The chamber is lit by an oil lantern that hangs from the center of the room.

It appears otherwise empty.

Male human Dirge Bard 4 | HP 19/19 {effects: none} | AC 20 (T15 FF15) DR 2 (silver&magic)| F -1, R +9, W +3 | Init +5 | darkvision 60', Perception +10, Sense Motive +8
Bardic Performance 14/14r, Spells: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 2/2

Anton looks around. "I see where that we could torture our enemy and thus be 'ruthless'... And perhaps the reward to those who serve would to not be subject to the rack here...," he says. "We do, however, seem to lack a suitable enemy slash servant..."

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Mordesel, stops, staring. Well, it was a guess. No one else had an idea. I just can't believe that's it. Can any of you make sense of this room? he asks as he begins to examine the torturers rack, followed by the walls.

Rack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
East: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
North: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
West: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
South: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
I wasn't sure if you wanted a check for each wall and the rack, so I just threw them in.

Edit: Of course the best roll is for the wall we're coming from. The least likely to have anything.

One perception check is all you need. Not that it matters though, all of your dice rolls would have succeeded.
In the west wall Mordesel finds a secret door. Although fairly well concealed, it looks easy enough to open.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

With your ear to the wall you hear the sound of someone whimpering and sobbing.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

"Perhaps there might be someone or something in the room we didn't take that we might need to use this equipment on?"

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

As Mordesel reaches the west wall, he motions for the rest of the group to be quiet. He walks quickly over to them, whispering There is a secret door over there, he points to where he was, and someone is crying inside. He smiles coldly. I believe we've found someone to help us.

He walks over to the door again, and tugs it open.

Within is a small, dark room, barely 10ft in width and length.

A small figure cowers from the rush of light, his eyes wide in terror. It is a very young human man, barely out of adolescence. He wears a dirty chainshirt and a ragged blue tabard but is otherwise unarmed. His disheveled clothing has upon it the Mitran starburst, a standard crest for the Knights of Alerion. (See Campaign Tab for general info on the order)

Knowledge(Nobility) DC 12:
After looking at the tabard, you notice that the starburst is shrunken compared to that of traditional heraldry on uniforms. This marks him as a lowly squire.

He stammers fearfully,
"Who... Who are you? Have you come to save us from this terrible place?"

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Mordesel smiles. He reaches out a hand to the cowering young man. Yes, of course we are. But we need your help. Am I correct in thinking that you know something of this place? Tell us everything you know.

Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
There isn't a LOL big enough for that sense motive check.
The young man quickly perks up, convinced that rescue is at hand.
"Yes! Yes of course! I heard, umm... Something about metal, no mithral, cobras in the other room. I think they're construct guardians or something."
He pauses, searching his memory.
"I overheard them talking about the Shrieker, whatever that is, that screams if there's any nearby light. Some kind of alarm system I guess... Oh, and that four drowned men rise when they hear the screaming."
He shudders.
"Undead? Sounds like it I guess."
He hesitates, finally calming down enough to inspect your group. His enthusiasm dies down a bit and he becomes a little more nervous. This was not the rescue party he had been hoping for.
"I don't know of any other dangers are in this place, that's all I overheard about monsters and traps. So ummm... Are we going to go look for Sir Balin now?"
Is anyone openly displaying their unholy symbols? It's a fair question for future reference too.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

Unless we are trying to blend in for some reason, it's safe to assume that Durova openly sports his symbol.

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

Dane, not being a follower of Asmodeus, wears his as a token of respect for his new boss, and little else. Assume that unless participating in a ritual or something that allegiance to Asmodeus is expected and encouraged, that Dane will keep his hidden.

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Lol! Mordesel is used to secrecy and hiding. He will keep his hidden unless he needs to display it for something.

Yes, of course. Is he down here with you? How did you get down here?

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

Wearing mine oppenly.

Sion raises 1 eyebrow at the talk of constructs and undead.

The boy is about to speak when he notices Sion's ethnicity, and pauses. As he glances around he sees that the symbol of Asmodeus is prominently displayed and he grits his teeth.
"Foul devil worshipers! You... You have come to torment me! I am a loyal follower of Mitra, and I will not falter! Begone!"
Despite his bold words the boy is obviously petrified.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

"Is there anything else of value that you have not told us, boy? We have this nice torture rack in the next room, clearly fit for so keen about your size. Tell us everything and we might not need it tonight. For instance, who is Sir Balin?

He hesitates. Mentioning the rack has worried him. Still, he continues his arrogant tirade.
"Sir Balin is my mentor! He is a great knight of Alerion. When he finds you, he will smite you all!"

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

"Ah, I can fear in your eyes. Here's let's be proper...there's nothing to be afraid of. Just take off that ugly Mitran gear, and we can find you something more fitting. Mitra is a false god...throw him down and accept Asmodeous. There's always room at the true god's table if you are interested."

Diplomacy 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Mordesel clicks his tongue. I would hate to get you to help us through torture. We really can save you if you'll convert. It's not so bad as you think. We're better at keeping our words than some of your Mitran friends. I think you could fit well within our ranks.

Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Not on those diplomacy checks.
He swallows his fear, draws himself up to full height, looks Mordesel straight in the eyes and announces proudly.
"I will not abandon the Shining Lord. Do your worst! I will tell you no more."
Clearly, he is not yet broken.

Male human Dirge Bard 4 | HP 19/19 {effects: none} | AC 20 (T15 FF15) DR 2 (silver&magic)| F -1, R +9, W +3 | Init +5 | darkvision 60', Perception +10, Sense Motive +8
Bardic Performance 14/14r, Spells: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 2/2

Anton sighs inwardly. Followers of the Lord of Deception that don't know how to deceive... Giving the others a look, he steps forward to look at the young man, a smile on his face. "Well done, lad. Mitra's light truly shines within your heart. I would say that you have passed. Don't be fooled by our disguises. You know where we are. We have had to keep a low profile here, in this little den of iniquity. If we had come in initially as a strike force, we ran the risk of losing you and Sir Balin to their foul blades. As it happens, we have made it this far without drawing their suspicion. If we can get both of you, we will be able to move together and smite the fiends that have captured you."

Bluff or Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

The boy looks about nervously, but after a moment's contemplation breathes a sigh of relief.
"Thank the heavens, I am in your debt sir. My name is Timeon and I am Sir Balin's squire. We were traveling to Balentyne from Daveryn when we were waylaid by a beautiful, platinum-haired woman who had powerful magic. My master killed a few of her underlings, but we were still captured and brought here. I awoke upstairs and was tormented by a bald man wearing dark robes. He was terrifying. I managed to escape down some stairs, through some open doors and strange passages and hid in here."
Timeon gulps as the memories return.
"Barely a moment after I hid, I heard the bald man enter the room. He was talking to someone else, I think it was the scary woman. I heard them talking about how Sir Balin was in another chamber down here, and other things. I remember them saying a secret door is across from the stairs that hides the way out."
He sighs grimly.
"I don't know exactly where Sir Balin is but we need to find him and escape this mad house! We need to get to Balentyne and report these events to Lord Havelyn!"

Regarding Sir Balin:

Knowledge(local) or (nobility) DC 15:
Sir Balin is a knight of the Alerion Knightly order and is personally famous for hunting followers of Asmodeus.

AC 17/11/16; HP 27/27; DR 2/silver and magic F+4,R+3,W+9; Init.+1, Perc.+12, Sense Motive +11; Darkvision 60'; XP 9400

Know. Religion 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Mordesel's smile grows. You will stay with us as we search for sir Balin, yes? Just in case we need your help. He looks to the others to ensure their agreement, then asks, Any other questions before we move on to the . . . he pauses, looking to Timeon mithril cobras was it? If not then let is go prepare before entering the room.

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

Dane smirks but keeps out of the conversation, Looks like we've got a new Dale already.

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

Sion smirks as he leads the way to the next door. Only the Mighty... He opens the door and walks through, weapon ready.

Timeon hides at the back of the party as you move on.

As Sion opens the door, you see two cobras, apparently made from mithral, in side the chamber. Aside from a single door in the south wall and a lit oil lamp in the middle of the room, there is nothing else here.
The constructs open their mouths in a silent hiss and prepare to lunge at you.
Dane: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Sion: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Durova: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Anton: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Mordesel: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Donovan: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Mithral Cobras: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Round 1:
First: Dane, Mordesel, Sion and Anton
Then: Mithral Cobras
Lastly: Durova and Donovan

Rolld20 map is up (LINK here).

Male Human Male Human|Fighter|HP 24/24|AC 24(T 12/FF 19)|CMB +8;CMD 20|DR 2/Silver&Magic Fort+2 Ref +3 Wil +1| Initiative +4, Perception +4, Darkvision 60' Sense Motive +2

Round 1

Dane, well prepared for the constructs bursts into the room, and swings his Rhomphaia with a strong, full bodied swing.

Power Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Damage: 2d4 + 10 ⇒ (1, 2) + 10 = 13

Male human Dirge Bard 4 | HP 19/19 {effects: none} | AC 20 (T15 FF15) DR 2 (silver&magic)| F -1, R +9, W +3 | Init +5 | darkvision 60', Perception +10, Sense Motive +8
Bardic Performance 14/14r, Spells: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 2/2

Round 1

Anton urges his companions into greater feats of courage.

Inspire courage: allies gain +1 comp on Attack & Damage rolls

Male Drow Anti Paladin 4 | HP 32/32 | AC 19(T10/FF19) | CMB +8 CMD 18 | Saves Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +12 | Initiative +0, Perception +5, Sense motive +9 | ACP: 5

Delay until Anton Inspires

Sion waits till he can feel the bard's inspiration run through him then he charges at the construct on the left.

Round 1
Inspired Charging Power Attack: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 2 + 1 - 1 = 20
Damage: 2d6 + 6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (6, 6) + 6 + 3 + 1 = 22 max damage nice!

lol. That's the second time you've maxed out damage Sion.
Round 1
With a mighty swing of his greatsword, Sion cleaves the head from the body of the metallic snake. It drops and goes motionless.

Mordesel's turn, then snake

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

Round 1

Mordesel steps into the room, moving towards the rear of the snake, motioning for Dane to move a little so that they can soon surround it. Once there, he strikes out with his quarterstaff.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Mordesel's strike hits home, but does no noticeable damage to the construct.
It lunges at the monk.
Bite: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 221d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
The snake's metallic teeth scratch Mordesel's arm. A flesh wound, although Mordesel notices that the construct has injected a strange liquid into the wound.
Fort save needed. DC 11 or take...Poison: 1d2 ⇒ 1 point of Dex damage.

Male Human Map of Balentyne
Redirection 4/4; Ki Pool 6/6
Monk (Flowing Monk) 4 |HP 19/19| AC 22(T20/FF17) | DR 2/Silver, Magic |CMB +6 (+8 trip); CMD 25 (27 vs. Trip)| Saves Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +8 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Initiative +5, Perception +15 (Darkvision 60'), Sense motive +10

damage reduction. I was afraid of that. Afraid I won't be much help guys.

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Mordesel shakes off the poison.

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