Tale-Spinner Eben |

A cooling breeze whispers the dying of the summer heat through the tall trees, and as the creaking wagon crests a hill, you get your first sweeping view of the lands of Southern Varisia… what you've heard called the Lost Coast.
Small woodlands grace the region, their tangled depths redolent of nettles and pepperwood and pine sap, and, your gaze sweeping inland, you can see river valleys lined by majestic redwoods wind between ragged tors and limestone escarpments.
As the first evening of the trip comes to a close, you can see fog billowing forth from a moor, and Paezh spends some time choosing a campsite far enough from the road to gain some seclusion. As camp is set, you catch him wander back from a stand of trees, look up at the evening sky, shake his head and call out to Kord, "Better seal up and tie down… some rain coming."
The evening passes uneventfully, the food is warm, occasional laughter rolls from the group, and as the night sky darkens, Nadya takes up an easy Varisian tune which, in combination with a bottle of wine provided by Kord, lull the group to quiet.
As your eyes begin to drift shut, the powerful form of Paehz sitting guard under a near tree catches your eye. "Thought it was s'posed to rain.." you hear Kord whisper.
"Well," the tall half-elf looks skyward, "just don't sleep with your mouth open."

Tale-Spinner Eben |

The second day breaks chilly, windy, and wet. Paezh's weather-prediction proved to be dead-on, and the weather set in for good… lasting all day.
Winding through tree stands, over rocky hills, and even over misty moors, the day is a tiring march, broken up intermittently by the crack of far-off lightning.
Lunch is trail rations, eaten during a quick break to rest the horses, then on the road again, rotating walking and riding.
When asked when they will arrive in Sandpoint, Kord looks skyward and responds, "Well, I'd hoped to get there tomorrow noon, but with this weather, it's gonna be the following morning."
Feel free to do any roleplay on the road… more to come as you near Sandpoint. I'm gonna try to make it this evening, but it may be tomorrow morning before that's up.

Priyya |

Priyya walks alongside the wagon, thankful that her pack is in the wagon and not on her back. It's a luxury she has rarely had in the last two years. She checks to make sure her backpack hasn't fallen over since she left her crossbow and quarrels sitting loosely on top of it... just in case. While Kord politely offered her a chance to ride in the wagon, next to the mysteriously unconscious dwarf, Priyya politely declined. Perhaps there was some magic mishap during his studies that rendered him insensible. Despite the chilly weather, Priyya is happy to be on her way. One step closer to uncovering the evil that has driven her this far North.

Tale-Spinner Eben |

Have a lot of baby stuff to do this evening in our not-yet-born son's room... may have time for another post.. may not. I'll do my best, though.

Anneke |

Seeing room for only one other person in the wagon, Anneke motions to Priyya and herself and says, "Nadya, you take seat, we should be on feet in case trouble."
She then unceremoniously tosses her back in the back of the wagon not particularly caring if Gilbere is any worse for it.

Anneke |

The second day breaks chilly, windy, and wet. Paezh's weather-prediction proved to be dead-on, and the weather set in for good… lasting all day.
Looking skyward, Anneke gives a loud laugh, "Ha! Walk all this way and Torag think Anneke miss good Ulfen weather!"

Nadya Tsura |

Nadya leans over to Kord, "I can spell you on the driving, if you'd like to stretch your legs."

Nadya Tsura |

Nadya takes over, expertly keeping the team in line. She sings a song to the horses while driving, keeping their spirits high.
Afraid I'm out as well. I won't be able to post a ton at work, but folks will tell me when I'm needed via chat. Glad to be on the road!

Priyya |

No problems. Jump in when you have time. We'll make sure Eben doesn't let us kill any baddies without you guys.
Priyya smiles to herself. Everyone seems to be getting along well which is a good sign. It keeps the road pleasant. Now if only I can crack the nut that is Paehz. She looks at the breathtaking Nadya, somewhat envious of her happy personality and facility with men - a road Priyya never took. She wonders what that would be like - to so easily hold the attention of men. She might be a little too much for opening up Paehz - he didn't even like my attention and I'm... well... not built like THAT.

Nadya Tsura |

Nadya startles awake on the wagon seat. She realizes she'd better do something to entertain herself -- she's nodding off at the horses. She starts to sing to herself,
"My mother was the cold North wind,
My daddy was the son, of a travelin' man from west of hell,
Where the trails don't even run.
Never heard the call of a lonesome dove,
Or the singing of the far East sea,
No I, never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin' after all"
The song makes her laugh, waking her up fully. She gestures to Kord to take the horses. As he takes over, she jumps down from the wagon & starts dancing. She reaches down & pulls off her bell-quieting scarves with a graceful motion, using them as streamers in her dance. She's fully enjoying herself, spinning & laughing, easily keeping up with the wagon as her song continues,
"They say the trail's just one big road,
And it goes from here to there,
And they say you carry a heavy load,
When you're trekking down the line somewhere
Never seen the dance of the mule-drawn boats,
As they go trudgin' by,
Never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin' after all
Never did no wanderin'...high!
Never did no wanderin'...low!
Now a sailor's life is the life for him,
But it never was for me,
And I've never soared where the hawk may soar,
Or seen what the hawk might see,
Never hiked to heaven on a mountain trail,
Never rode on a river's rage
Never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin'
Never did no wanderin' after all"
In case you haven't seen the movie, heh: Never Did No Wanderin'. Hey, they can't ALL be originals. And yeah, I took some liberties with the words, but the song DOES make me giggle in real life. :)

Nadya Tsura |

Nadya jumps onto the back of the wagon & digs around for breakfast. Grabbing some bread & cheese, she offers some to each member of the group. Getting some for herself, she jumps back down, mud splattering her legs as she hits the ground. She starts to wipe the mud off, but she's bound to get more. She giggles at herself & stomps in the next puddle as she walks by. She starts happily munching on the bread, grateful that it isn't too stale yet.
She dances over to Priyya & Anneke, "How are you two holding up? The rain getting to you yet?"

Tale-Spinner Eben |

The second full day of marching is, sadly enough, much like the first. Through the day, however, you begin to notice sparse signs of civilization. A lazy column of chimney in the distance, a rain-drenched field of wheat, a way-post shrine to Desna by the roadside… all of these things add up to one thing. The journey was nearing it's end.
When the group makes camp once more under the guidance of Paezh, the rain begins to slacken, and everyone can just see a field of stars coyly winking from behind their blanket of clouds.
The chilly evening air once again is filled with the sounds of quiet conversation and Varisian music. Kord makes a circuit as everything winds down and gives a warning, "We're up early tomorrow, folks, if we want to make Sandpoint in time." When asked what that means, he just shakes his head, smiles, and says, "You'll just have to trust me that it'll be worth it."
Sorry for putting words in your mouth, Kord, but you're the best plot-progressor I have here. :)

Tale-Spinner Eben |

The following morning breaks bright, with a clean crispness that invigorates the traveling group. The clouds that have dominated the sky are just a strip of white on the sunny horizon, and spirits are high as the group takes to the road once more.
Quickly the path on which you've been traveling, which was little more than some game trail, joins a more-traveled road, and your eyes are cast out over the green blue waters of the Varisian Gulf, the rich deep color broken rarely by a fishing boat.
By midmorning, Paezh squints into the distance and calls out, pointing a finger to the north, "Not long now."
Following his hand, you can see the smoke from many chimneys rising above a large upthrust of rocky limestone pavements that Kord informs you are called "the Devil's Platter". As the group rounds the final bend, however, you finally see the small town of Sandpoint spread out before you. The town has an air of energy and warmth to it, as if welcoming you home after you dreary travels. As you cross the wooden bridge which serves as the only entrance you can see into the city, you spy a mirror and a sign hanging from a nail which read, "Welcome to Sandpoint! Please stop to see yourself as we see you!"

Tale-Spinner Eben |

You are greeted in Sandpoint by a festival in full swing.
Looking around, you can see that all the businesses appear to have put their duties on hold, and everyone is in the town square. As you near the square, the sounds of music, conversation, and laughter mix with the smells of food preparation in an intoxicating fashion, and you soon see the reason.
Rows of tables are being filled with delicious-looking food in great proportion, apparently all the taverns in the area prepare a meal for the whole town, offering a chance at self-promotion as well as a chance to indulge in some merry-making at the same time. It soon becomes apparent that the darling of the lunch is one Ameiko Kaijitsu, owner and proprietor of the Rusty Dragon, whose remarkable curry-spiced salmon and early winterdrop mead easily overshadow the other offerings, such as the Hagfish's lobster chowder or the White Deer's peppercorn venison.

Nadya Tsura |

Nadya gasps, grabbing Kord's arm in joy, "Oh thank you for pushing us to get here!! What fun!"
She rushes into the crowd, eager to meet folks and get a feel for the town. And grab some of that delicious smelling salmon!

Kord mel'Vakki |

"Now I do want ya'll to have fun - this is a party after all - but ye should still be a bit careful. Keep yer eyes on yer money bags, don't leave anythin' sittin' around unattended, and most of all, be careful if ye ain't used t' spicy food!"
While the party is free to go enjoy the festivities, Kord steers the wagon to an appropriate place where he can partake a bit while keeping an eye on the catatonic dwarf.

Tale-Spinner Eben |

Nadya Tsura |

Nadya dances back to the party with some salmon for everyone. "Is anyone in our group looking for anyone in the town in particular? I can keep my ears open for particular folks. Otherwise I'll just mingle & see if I can't earn something. This is really wonderful luck!"

Kord mel'Vakki |

Diplomacy 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
"I think that Gilbere is looking for someone, but I don't know who exactly. I believe I've found who I need t' see - just have a good time fer now. If you do see your uncle, I'd like t' meet 'im!"
Kord smiles to himself, obviously happy to see that Nadya is enjoying the festivities. Reassuring himself that the dwarf is fine, Kord makes his way gradually over to Ameiko, hoping to get a word with her.

Tale-Spinner Eben |

A quick search around the square is all it takes to locate Ameiko, who is sitting near her spread animatedly chatting with Sheriff Hemlock, a towering dark-skinned man of obvious Shaonti blood. The young woman's warm beauty contrasts with the tall man's austere mannerisms. As Kord approaches, two pairs of eyes turn to regard him, one smiling, the other somber.
"I recognize you," the beautiful tavern-keeper offers while sticking out a hand in greeting, "you're Kord, right? I've seen you around town a time or two. Are you enjoying lunch?" The sheriff merely nods his head in a cordial manner.
Anyone who wants to be in this conversation, feel free.

Priyya |

Despite the weather, Priyya has enjoyed the trip immensely; The buoyant antics of the Varisian lass have often served to pull her out of her more sober periods. It is almost with regret that she sees the chimneys of Sandpoint, knowing that this group may disband shortly. For a woman accustomed to traveling alone, as Priyya is, it is an odd feeling.
She nods at Kord's warning about cutpurses, and shoulders her pack just in case the wagon is pilfered. Priyya leans against one of the wagon's wheel, legs crossed, eating the salmon with her hands while scanning the crowd, her peculiar almond-shaped eyes looking for anything interesting.
Perception Check 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
She listens to the wind for clues from Sarenrae where next to go. Receiving no answer, and not really expecting any, she follows the only clue she has - Kord.
Before she follows him off into the crowd, Priyya leans over to Anneke, "I don't expect trouble here, but keep an eye on Nadya. Pretty girl like that? Someone may try to get too friendly with our sword-sister. You scruff them like a dog, if they do. I'll keep an eye out, too, but I've got to see what Kord is about."

Nadya Tsura |

Seeing Kord speaking with someone, Nadya saunters over. She's always up for meeting someone!

Anneke |

Nadya dances back to the party with some salmon for everyone.
Anneke nods in appreciation to Nadya and without even pausing takes a huge bite of the salmon.
About 3 seconds pass before Anneke begins shouting and fanning her mouth with her hands, "Eftir því sem eldar í Helvíti! Hvaða galdra er þetta? Ég er á eldi!"
After downing two horns full of winterdrop meade, Anneke just glares at Priyya who had practically doubled over onto the ground laughing her ass off. "First time trying curry, Anneke?" she had teased.
Grumbling something fierce, she finds the venison more to her liking (after first brushing away most of the peppercorns that is).

![]() |

Sorry for my absence I have been at REAPERCON 2010 thurs - sun WAY fun back now
Gilbere wakes up with a fart and a snort bolting up right cursing! "Torag's beard! Where the hell am I?" Seeing he is in a strange town, feeling his throbbing head, pulsing through his eyes, he attempts to gather his bearings. Recognizing Kord walking towards the center of town, Gilbere checks that he still has his possessions and scoots, on his butt out of the back of the wagon, unceremoniously.
"A mess I be." inspecting his clothes with a moan. Recalling his Prestidigitation spell he quickly cleans himself magically removing the grime and dust. Attempting to ignore the pounding behind his temples, leaning heavily on his staff for balance, Gilbere joins Kord.

Priyya |

"I recognize you," the beautiful tavern-keeper offers while sticking out a hand in greeting, "you're Kord, right? I've seen you around town a time or two. Are you enjoying lunch?" The sheriff merely nods his head in a cordial manner.
Priyya would prefer to listen to the conversation unobtrusively, but she knows it is impossible. This is a small town and she is probably the only Keleshite woman in 500 leagues dressed in desert clothing. Having no recourse, she enters the conversation without preamble standing close to Kord, "Good day, all. I am Priyya, Priestess of Sarenrae, may the Dawnflower's light shine upon you. This is a lovely celebration. What is its cause?"
Diplomacy Check (Jes' bein' friendly, officer) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Kord mel'Vakki |

Kord takes Ameiko's hand and offers her a slight bow.
"Yes, m'lady, I am Kord. Pleasure to officially make yer acquaintance."
Kord greets the sheriff in flawless Shaonti, and then turns back to Ameiko.
"I am enjoying m'self, thanks. Sandpoint is always good fer a party, but I think that maybe ye outdid yerselves a bit this time."
Seeing some of his companions approaching, Kord beckons them over.
"May I introduce Nadya and Priyya? This is lady Ameiko, and Sheriff Hemlock."

Priyya |

** spoiler omitted ** Gilbere wakes up with a fart and a snort bolting up right cursing! "Torag's beard! Where the hell am I?"
Priyya guffaws at the confused and flatulent dwarf. "If your ass hurts too, it's because Anneke poked it with her halberd!"
For 'Gnome-Throttling', talk to Anneke. She'd be really good at it. :)

Nadya Tsura |

Dropping a curtsy, Nadya gushes, "It's so nice to meet you, Ameiko! You certainly have a lovely table! And delicious food!! The salmon was perfect! Sheriff, it's definitely a pleasure to meet you. You have a beautiful town."
Nadya sees a dwarf in robes walking up. She's not positive it's Gilbere until Kord mentions him, but how many dwarves are there that wear robes, anyway? And so clean!! She definitely needs to get to know him.
"Why hello, master dwarf! I'm so glad you finally awakened! We were quite worried about you! I'm Nadya, I joined the party after you... fell asleep." Nadya gives him a special smile, trying to welcome him to the party with a look.

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Gilbere wrote:** spoiler omitted ** Gilbere wakes up with a fart and a snort bolting up right cursing! "Torag's beard! Where the hell am I?"Priyya guffaws at the confused and flatulent dwarf. "If your ass hurts too, it's because Anneke poked it with her halberd!"
For 'Gnome-Throttling', talk to Anneke. She'd be really good at it. :)
Eying the epically tall arian woman with a wince rubbing his left butt cheek.

![]() |

Dropping a curtsy, Nadya gushes, "It's so nice to meet you, Ameiko! You certainly have a lovely table! And delicious food!! The salmon was perfect! Sheriff, it's definitely a pleasure to meet you. You have a beautiful town."
Nadya sees a dwarf in robes walking up. She's not positive it's Gilbere until Kord mentions him, but how many dwarves are there that wear robes, anyway? And so clean!! She definitely needs to get to know him.
"Why hello, master dwarf! I'm so glad you finally awakened! We were quite worried about you! I'm Nadya, I joined the party after you... fell asleep." Nadya gives him a special smile, trying to welcome him to the party with a look.
Bowing slowly, shallowly, wincing from his headache. Attempting his best to hide that he is hung over from the potion (this first hangover of his life). "Pleasure, be mine lass"
1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

Tale-Spinner Eben |

Ameiko greets each of you eagerly and earnestly and blushes slightly at Nadya's compliment. The sheriff looks pleased to be addressed in his native fashion.
"This," Ameiko sweeps her hand across the square, "is the Sandpoint Swallowtail Festival. In true Varisian style, Sandpoint traditionally celebrates the blessings of Desna with a festival on the first day of every Autumn. Everyone always comes. It's tradition. Plus, this year they've finally opened the new temple… they should be doing a dedication later today. Stick around another couple minutes, the real show should just about be here." She eyes the dwarf with a welcoming grin and personally pulls together a plate for him, "You look like you could use a bite to eat."

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Ameiko greets each of you eagerly and earnestly and blushes slightly at Nadya's compliment. The sheriff looks pleased to be addressed in his native fashion.
"This," Ameiko sweeps her hand across the square, "is the Sandpoint Swallowtail Festival. In true Varisian style, Sandpoint traditionally celebrates the blessings of Desna with a festival on the first day of every Autumn. Everyone always comes. It's tradition. Plus, this year they've finally opened the new temple… they should be doing a dedication later today. Stick around another couple minutes, the real show should just about be here." She eyes the dwarf with a welcoming grin and personally pulls together a plate for him, "You look like you could use a bite to eat."
Blushing and grateful Gilbere eats and feels much better to have something in his stomach. "Very kind of ye."