Dungeon world Exiles (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

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Silver Crusade

GCPDBlue, like DM Volsung said, please move over to the Discussion thread so people do not think we still have active Recruitment for the game.
Thank you.

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Recruitment / Witcher-ish (that is to say dark fantasy) settlement / caravan DW game All Messageboards

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Current Characters

Weird Butler
Cylus Windwhistle

Halfling Bard 2 | Chaotic | HP 15/15 | XP 0/9 | Armor 1 | d6 | STR -1, DEX 0, CON 0, INT +1, WIS +1, CHA +2 | Armor 1

played by GCPDblue (11 posts)
DM Volsung

played by Elsine (1,586 posts)
Akron Erix
Silver Crusade Gorn Steelbreaker

Init:+3 | Perc: +5| Insp = | +5/d8+3|Shillelagh| Berries: | Shape: 2/2|W:+6 D:+4 C:+4 Druid 3 {Circle of the M00n}| AC 16 | HP 27/27 | 1st: 3/4 2nd: 2/2

played by Atlas2112 (709 posts)
Aron Kir
Liberty's Edge Jimmy, the Survivor

played by Atlas2112 (10 posts)
Kezra Tern

played by gyrfalcon (74 posts)
Silvia Mellow

Changeling Beguiler | Lvl 2 | XP: 0 | HP: 13/18 | Armor 0 | 1d6 | STR -1 | DEX +2 | CON 0 | INT 0 | WIS +1 | CHA +2-1

played by Spwack (37 posts)
Tera Tchizzeck

2.7 (Cleric 1.0 (-1)) Sky Dancer | 17/19 | d8 | Def Hold 3 | AC 2 | Str 0 | Dex 2 | Con 1 | Int -1 | Wis 2 | Cha 0 | Spells: Light, Sanctify, Guidance, Cure Light, Bless | Good Omens: ●●○○○

played by MCKhaos (130 posts)
Warden Rogard Hammerfell

Lantern 2 (15/16 hp, 1 armor, d6 damage, 4/9 xp) (Str +1, Dex +0-1, Con +0, Int +2, Wis -1, Cha +2) (Happy Thoughts ●●○○○)

played by Sbodd (86 posts)
Varis Silverspear

Wizard 2 (1/9 XP) | HP 17/17 | S+0, D+1, C+1, I+2, W+0, C-1 | -1 ongoing (cast a spell)

played by hiiamtom (142 posts)